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Loucheiz Purifoy -CB- Highlights

Legend of Luck

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I wonder if there are highlights from the cops dashboard video............

Just kidding

1)He looks faster than 4.6

2) I like the way he stood up RBs in the open field

3) He looks to always attempt to strip the football

Great video......

The kid looks like he can play...... Let's hope that he gets straight quick

If the Colts would have taken him in the 5th round, the draft graders (and chicken littles) would have said

What a great draft!

I wonder if they will be changing their irrelevant grade now?

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He got smoked regularly last season when facing some of the guys who were drafted. 


Besides his off field issues, which rival Josh Gordon, he's not a disciplined player. 


Long way to go just to make the team.   #2 Corner?  Seriously?

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He got smoked regularly last season when facing some of the guys who were drafted. 


Besides his off field issues, which rival Josh Gordon, he's not a disciplined player. 


Long way to go just to make the team.   #2 Corner?  Seriously?


If we can get him to play to his full potential and avoid any more legal troubles than yes, he could probably be better than Greg Toler...

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If we can get him to play to his full potential and avoid any more legal troubles than yes, he could probably be better than Greg Toler...


I always have a problem when there's a lot of "Ifs and probably's" associated with a guys potential.  I'm not against him and I hope he does help the team.  But I'm not getting excited about him right now.


Check out his LSU game. 

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Right now I project our corners as follows......


1. Davis

2. Toler

3. Butler

4. Gordy

5. Price

6. Purifoy

7. All the other CB's we signed yesterday.


Purifoy is likely headed for the PS to start the season.    Once Toler gets hurt, or someone else gets dinged, then maybe Purifoy becomes our 5th corner.     As for moving over to safety....   perhaps not the worst idea...    but he'll likely need a year of the PS to make the conversion.   Those are different positions....

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Right now I project our corners as follows......

1. Davis

2. Toler

3. Butler

4. Gordy

5. Price

6. Purifoy

7. All the other CB's we signed yesterday.

Purifoy is likely headed for the PS to start the season. Once Toler gets hurt, or someone else gets dinged, then maybe Purifoy becomes our 5th corner. As for moving over to safety.... perhaps not the worst idea... but he'll likely need a year of the PS to make the conversion. Those are different positions....

I wouldn't put Sheldon Price over anybody, that guy is a terrible CB
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Ignoring the glaring character issues that make it highly unlikely this guy will even make the practice squad, much less ever see the field in a real game, even in the highlights I don't see a guy with the cover skills necessary to be even a backup corner.  When a corner is consistently getting beat on his highlight tape, it's a pretty safe bet he gets beat regularly I think.  On the positive side, if he does get his head screwed on straight he looks like a spectacular special teams gunner and I could see him developing into a serviceable safety.  If he's ever our #2 corner though I hope Andrew's ready for lots of shootouts.

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He got smoked regularly last season when facing some of the guys who were drafted. 


Besides his off field issues, which rival Josh Gordon, he's not a disciplined player. 


Long way to go just to make the team.   #2 Corner?  Seriously?

but be for real if this kid can come in and perform he butt off he differently is gettin a roster spot  if he works on hes cons ....wow a couple of offseason issue can be easly fixed look at Alfonzo dennerd he has gotten alot of opportunities oh how about janoris Jenkins he a beast this kid can play i expect him to be a starter!! telling on tape hes a play maker....hes can proble out beat  toler who is injury prone but very good when healthy if toler can stay healthy 

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Text conversation between me and my Wife (Life-Long, Die-Hard Gators fan):


Me: "Colts signed Florida CB Loucheiz Purifoy"


Her: "Purifoy will get cut or used. Not that good. But ok."


Me: "Ahhh ok. I didn't know who he was."


Her: "Yeah I've watched him for a few years. He's just ok."



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Right now I project our corners as follows......


1. Davis

2. Toler

3. Butler

4. Gordy

5. Price

6. Purifoy

7. All the other CB's we signed yesterday.


Purifoy is likely headed for the PS to start the season.    Once Toler gets hurt, or someone else gets dinged, then maybe Purifoy becomes our 5th corner.     As for moving over to safety....   perhaps not the worst idea...    but he'll likely need a year of the PS to make the conversion.   Those are different positions....







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Yeah lets not jump the gun here. He went undrafted for a reason. I don't think there have ever been a more overrated duo than Roberson and Purifoy. Not only was the tape really bad, but they were also really slow at their pro day and had character concerns. They only got hype because they went to Joe Hayden's Alma Mater. It'll be a long shot if he makes the 53.


It's a good signing but let's not put too much stock in it until there's something to go on.

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I like how aggressive he is tackling the ball carrier and on special teams, but #2 corner might be going a little too far... Has a shot to be the #5-6 corner and a great special teams player, but he may be a year or two away from having a chance to start at corner.

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Much better list. I really like qua cox and hope he makes the roster.


Much better list. I really like qua cox and hope he makes the roster.

yea i like his man to man play ability which will be important versus teams like the broncos.

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This dude should not be in camp. He gets caught with narcotics. We are talking oxy's vicodine heroin something pretty good. He is going to turn to save his butt, make controlled buys basically set people up by asking them to get him dope. That really should be entrapment not a way for a person to get away for being stupid enough to use get caught whatever your take is.


He already has weed charges. Weed is one thing and I believe in second chances. I also believe in taking responsibility for your actions not turning informant to save your butt you do the crime you do the time not someone I would want anything to do with.


I really don't think we need someone like this on the Colts I hope he is gone first cut. I do like the fact that they printed for all the world to see that he turned informant that should help his street cred. LOSER



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I would rather lose than win with this guy the informant thing rubs me the wrong way. What a chump. I worked for Department of Corrections in the state of Ak for 3 miserable years. This dude was going to pretend to want to buy drugs from small time dudes probably his friends get them arrested so he gets off. He is a punk in every sense of the word and he isn't very good at football I question this move more than anything Grigs has done. I want to win but it can't be at all cost.


Sound like someone you would want to count on to have your back? Someone that would make a good teammate? He'd throw you under the bus. I can't tell you how many nickel and dime dudes I seen get locked up for selling a pill or a bag to a "friend" because they called and asked them to. This is way off topic sorry I am done. Don't like this kid.

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Right now I project our corners as follows......


1. Davis

2. Toler

3. Butler

4. Gordy

5. Price

6. Purifoy

7. All the other CB's we signed yesterday.


Purifoy is likely headed for the PS to start the season.    Once Toler gets hurt, or someone else gets dinged, then maybe Purifoy becomes our 5th corner.     As for moving over to safety....   perhaps not the worst idea...    but he'll likely need a year of the PS to make the conversion.   Those are different positions....


I bet he is on the active roster to open up the season against Denver. Last year we dressed every available DB for that game and it was huge in helping the colts shut down #18. He looks better than Cassius so I would have no problem if he made the starting roster for the Denver game.  

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He got beat a lot on that video but the ball wasn't thrown well. I think he would be really good at safety with his game speed and very good tackling and striping ability. He could make the team with special teams plays alone.


Funny, I was thinking the same thing: he looks more like a safety than a CB from that first video. He was going more after the man that the ball, but I'm out of my depths here, so don't pay attention to me. :goodluck:

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1. Davis

2. Toler

3. Butler

4. Lyn

5. Purifoy

6. Gordy/Cox

That's size, speed and playmaking ability from your top 5. I think Gordy may stay around just because of prior experience. Purifoy has big school recognition going for him but I am drooling over Keon Lyn's potential.

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I like what I see, but he'll definitely have to get more disciplined. He was totally molesting receivers when the ball was in the air, not even turning his head to look at the ball, and that won't fly in today's NFL. I gotta he was drafted to be used primarily as a special teams guy.

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I like what I see, but he'll definitely have to get more disciplined. He was totally molesting receivers when the ball was in the air, not even turning his head to look at the ball, and that won't fly in today's NFL. I gotta he was drafted to be used primarily as a special teams guy.

He was not drafted.

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