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Some things Reggie Wayne said about Colts WRs


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Here is something I found from yesterday when when was interviewed.


  1. Derek Schultz @Schultz1260 19h
  2. Reggie on Da'Rick Rogers: "He has all the talent in the world, and you're probably going to see more of that from this point on."
  3. Retweeted by Tom James
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  1. 2:42 PM - 3 Dec 13 · Details
  1. Reggie on DHB: "We talked. He knows he messed that up pretty bad, and admitting it is half the battle. But, mentally, he's fire..."


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He didn't say anything like that.


Reggie on DHB: "We talked. He knows he messed that up pretty bad, and admitting it is half the battle. But, mentally, he's fire..."


When I read that, I don't really think Reggie is saying, okay you're fine go get 'em next time bud! I'm sure Reggie is talking with the coaches and hopefully less playing time for DHB.

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I hope they still talk after the season.

5 years in and he still is not a hands catcher.

3 years in and he isn`t a good route runner.


This is a Grigson issue. Avery was productive at least. BUILDING is ongoing.



Wasn't the guy we signed Darrius Heyward - Bey ? We got him on the cheap and he turned out to be the guy we signed... Darrius Heyward - Bey.


It was not all the different QB's and OCs in Oakland , it was him... he's not good. He's a big fast guy that runs bad routes , can't play the ball in the air and has bad hands. No huge surprise here. Grigson took a high leverage gamble and it didn't pay off . Win some and lose some. Time to move on.

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Wasn't the guy we signed Darrius Heyward - Bey ? We got him on the cheap and he turned out to be the guy we signed... Darrius Heyward - Bey.


It was not all the different QB's and OCs in Oakland , it was him... he's not good. He's a big fast guy that runs bad routes , can't play the ball in the air and has bad hands. No huge surprise here. Grigson took a high leverage gamble and it didn't pay off . Win some and lose some. Time to move on.


Yip. Gotta say I don`t understand Grigson being the tape watcher he says he is and chosing to bring the Hands of Stone and Senseless Satele here on a 3yr deal.  Very damaging, and NO WAY to treat Andrew IMO.

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Yip. Gotta say I don`t understand Grigson being the tape watcher he says he is and chosing to bring the Hands of Stone and Senseless Satele here on a 3yr deal.  Very damaging, and NO WAY to treat Andrew IMO.



Just have to get another WR and a top interior O lineman this off season. Even if it means paying Mack 7 mill per... 


It was really a bad year for Grigson .Two bad trades , a draft that already has three players already cut and jury still out on the remaining players .. plus no great shakes (probably get's a shaky OK here)  spending Irsays 100 mill. I'll give him a pass on both Satale and DHB as the 2013 WR market was lousy and Satale  looked to be worth the money.


But what's really strange is the fact that you have a bunch of *s on the board (  me included ) and pretty much everything we were screaming about was correct. Now management is implementing the changes this board was screaming for weeks later Crazy...and not a real great endorsement for Irsay's guys.

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Just have to get another WR and a top interior O lineman this off season. Even if it means paying Mack 7 mill per... 


It was really a bad year for Grigson .Two bad trades , a draft that already has three players already cut and jury still out on the remaining players .. plus no great shakes (probably get's a shaky OK here)  spending Irsays 100 mill. I'll give him a pass on both Satale and DHB as the 2013 WR market was lousy and Satale  looked to be worth the money.


But what's really strange is the fact that you have a bunch of *s on the board (  me included ) and pretty much everything we were screaming about was correct. Now management is implementing the changes this board was screaming for weeks later Crazy...and not a real great endorsement for Irsay's guys.


i disagree.  Overall I think he had another very good year.  Cherilus, RJF, Walden, Toler (minus the injuries), Landry, Thomas (again minus the injuries) were all great pickups imo.  DHB was simply an experiment in taking a chance on someone with a ton of talent that just hasn't gotten it together yet.  So he gave DHB a one year contract to give DHB a chance to prove himself.  DHB hasn't done that and likely won't be back but no skin off our backs really and WR wasn't exactly the highest priority in FA and the draft considering we had Wayne coming back, Hilton and Brazill continuing to develop plus Allen and Fleener.  Had Grigson known ahead of time that Wayne and Allen would miss significant time to injury then I'm sure he would have spent a little more cash on a WR that was much more proven.

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Just have to get another WR and a top interior O lineman this off season. Even if it means paying Mack 7 mill per... 


It was really a bad year for Grigson .Two bad trades , a draft that already has three players already cut and jury still out on the remaining players .. plus no great shakes (probably get's a shaky OK here)  spending Irsays 100 mill. I'll give him a pass on both Satale and DHB as the 2013 WR market was lousy and Satale  looked to be worth the money.


But what's really strange is the fact that you have a bunch of *s on the board (  me included ) and pretty much everything we were screaming about was correct. Now management is implementing the changes this board was screaming for weeks later Crazy...and not a real great endorsement for Irsay's guys.


 Hard to believe Satele looked better on tape over 60+ starts than what we see, but ok. DHB as a field stretcher and Reggie there, again I guess.

 Your word is your bond. I suspect Grigson & Pagano over commited verbally to their recruited Vets.

 Part of Irsay going public to demand more, providing cover in the lockerroom for changes. Part of it.


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Avery made many many great plays and game winning TD in Detroit.


DHB has done nothing.


That's true but that was also on a short crossing route.  This is the type of route that DHB has had no problems with so I'm fairly confident in saying that DHB would have been able to make that play as well.

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That's true but that was also on a short crossing route.  This is the type of route that DHB has had no problems with so I'm fairly confident in saying that DHB would have been able to make that play as well.


Let's not assume DHB could do this. He couldn't even catch a ball wide open away from defenders. It doesn't take much skill if you want to call it that, to catch that ball.

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 Hard to believe Satele looked better on tape over 60+ starts than what we see, but ok. DHB as a field stretcher and Reggie there, again I guess.

 Your word is your bond. I suspect Grigson & Pagano over commited verbally to their recruited Vets.

 Part of Irsay going public to demand more, providing cover in the lockerroom for changes. Part of it.



Well, Colts' best WR is a Polian pick (on IR) and best pass rusher is also a Polian pick, go figure. Andrew Luck pick was a no-brainer.


If you have invested in offensive draft picks the previous year, why wouldn't you tune your offensive system to be a tweak of Arian's system with shorter passes and get O-linemen that could build on that experience? We may have had money to spend but implementing the Stanford Cardinals' scheme like the 49ers did wasn't going to be the same since


a) we didn't have such OL in free agency that fit it to a tee, like the 49ers had with their high first round draft picks


b) money does not buy scheme fit or versatility, OL is a combo of talent and continuity. we messed with some continuity that had built with Reitz and Castanzo on the left side, and I didn't feel it was necessary to blow up every single position other than LT

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Let's not assume DHB could do this. He couldn't even catch a ball wide open away from defenders. It doesn't take much skill if you want to call it that, to catch that ball.


Sure there's always a chance DHB would drop a pass on a 5 yard crossing pattern...but the odds of him dropping it and Avery dropping it aren't really all that far apart.  DHB has caught several passes like that this year without a problem.  It's pretty much anything over 10 yards from the LOS that he has problems with.  I do agree that any WR worth a damn should have been able to catch that wide open pass in the Titans game but that's still a different catch and different circumstance than the Avery catch from the Lions game last year.

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i disagree.  Overall I think he had another very good year.  Cherilus, RJF, Walden, Toler (minus the injuries), Landry, Thomas (again minus the injuries) were all great pickups imo.  DHB was simply an experiment in taking a chance on someone with a ton of talent that just hasn't gotten it together yet.  So he gave DHB a one year contract to give DHB a chance to prove himself.  DHB hasn't done that and likely won't be back but no skin off our backs really and WR wasn't exactly the highest priority in FA and the draft considering we had Wayne coming back, Hilton and Brazill continuing to develop plus Allen and Fleener.  Had Grigson known ahead of time that Wayne and Allen would miss significant time to injury then I'm sure he would have spent a little more cash on a WR that was much more proven.



I think I said about the same thing on DHB. " I'll give him a pass on both Satale and DHB as the 2013 WR market was lousy and Satale  looked to be worth the money. In an earlier post , I mentioned that he was a low risk high reward gamble that just didn't pay off.


The rest is just what makes the world go around. You don't mention the J. Hughes , (maybe Shipley too) or Richardson trades. Nor the 3 draft choices already cut and no sure fire good picks that came out of this draft. Maybe Werner , Thornton and the rest can turn out fine , but jury still out on them both. 


The free agents we differ on a bit also. IMO.. Cherlius is way overpaid as he's just a fair to average run blocker. Landrfy is always banged up and can't cover. RJF is OK but is no bargain at that base salary. I think Tolar will ned up to be a good signing and have no problem with Waldron. 


I do realize you can't blame Grigson for the injuries and Bradshaw would have been a steal if he wasn't so injury prone. But I guess he was and it finally caught up with him. Where I really fault him is that he did not fix the O line. He had a guard making 3.5 mill per year go down and that's not enough of an excuse to have this plie of poop that can't run block or protect. 


But I respect your opinion and just happen to not agree with a lot of it.


On another positive note , maybe Rogers , Adongo or McNary could be great additions ?

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I think I said about the same thing on DHB. " I'll give him a pass on both Satale and DHB as the 2013 WR market was lousy and Satale  looked to be worth the money. In an earlier post , I mentioned that he was a low risk high reward gamble that just didn't pay off.


The rest is just what makes the world go around. You don't mention the J. Hughes , (maybe Shipley too) or Richardson trades. Nor the 3 draft choices already cut and no sure fire good picks that came out of this draft. Maybe Werner , Thornton and the rest can turn out fine , but jury still out on them both. 


The free agents we differ on a bit also. IMO.. Cherlius is way overpaid as he's just a fair to average run blocker. Landrfy is always banged up and can't cover. RJF is OK but is no bargain at that base salary. I think Tolar will ned up to be a good signing and have no problem with Waldron. 


I do realize you can't blame Grigson for the injuries and Bradshaw would have been a steal if he wasn't so injury prone. But I guess he was and it finally caught up with him. Where I really fault him is that he did not fix the O line. He had a guard making 3.5 mill per year go down and that's not enough of an excuse to have this plie of poop that can't run block or protect. 


But I respect your opinion and just happen to not agree with a lot of it.


On another positive note , maybe Rogers , Adongo or McNary could be great additions ?


I never really had a problem with the Hughes for Sheppard trade.  I was actually for it because, going into the season I was not at all sold on our ILB core, and am still not really.  Plus you have to figure in the fact that Sheppard is on, what, his 3rd different defense in 3 seasons I think?  Vontae didn't play all that great starting out last year but kept improving over the season and for the most part has played really well this season.  I'm not ruling out the possibility that the same may happen with Sheppard.  


As for the Shipley trade...I wouldn't have traded away any offensive linemen at the time due to all the uncertainty with our own line but for some reason they felt he was expendable.  So yeah I would have kept him if for nothing else as an insurance policy but at the same time I don't think it was by any means a make or break trade for the team.


Richardson...I was and still am excited to have him on the team but I'm not a fan of giving up the first round pick.  This move I still kind of go back and forth on but I definitely lean towards wishing we hadn't made the trade. However if there was a chance that the Colts would be looking for a RB in the first round next year then getting Richardson is not a problem.  I personally wouldn't draft a RB in the first round and would rather have had it for another impact defensive player or a stud offensive lineman.  


I do definitely disagree on RJF.  He didn't light it up at the start of the season but he's continuously gotten better and if he keeps playing at the level he is now and can even continue to improve then I think he's worth every penny.


Cherilus...I still have a gut feeling that Irsay had a hand in his contract.  The way Grigson wheels and deals and the way the other contracts were setup being front-loaded and easy to get out of etc etc don't really click with the Cherilus contract.  And it was Irsay bragging on Twitter about making Cherilus the highest paid RT in the league just like he used to talk about how he was going to make Freeny the highest paid DE, Manning the highest paid QB etc.  


As for the draft pics...yeah the jury is still out on them, but the jury is supposed to still be out on them 12 games into their rookie years.  I think too many people, not necessarily you but a lot of people, got spoiled last year by the way that Luck, Allen, Fleener, Hilton and Ballard were all able to step in and contribute from day one.  That kind of draft, however, is by far the aberration.  Now we have a much more typical draft with players that are going to take a little bit of time to develop and people are quick to call them busts for not being starter-caliber right away.


But yeah, we all have different opinions and that's what makes these things fun.  It's nice to be able to debate points like this though with someone who can offer a reply other than "well you obviously know nothing about football" etc :)

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Reggie on DHB: "We talked. He knows he messed that up pretty bad, and admitting it is half the battle. But, mentally, he's fire..."


When I read that, I don't really think Reggie is saying, okay you're fine go get 'em next time bud! I'm sure Reggie is talking with the coaches and hopefully less playing time for DHB.

It's very possible that might be happening but he gave no hints that's what's happening

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I never really had a problem with the Hughes for Sheppard trade.  I was actually for it because, going into the season I was not at all sold on our ILB core, and am still not really.  Plus you have to figure in the fact that Sheppard is on, what, his 3rd different defense in 3 seasons I think?  Vontae didn't play all that great starting out last year but kept improving over the season and for the most part has played really well this season.  I'm not ruling out the possibility that the same may happen with Sheppard.  


As for the Shipley trade...I wouldn't have traded away any offensive linemen at the time due to all the uncertainty with our own line but for some reason they felt he was expendable.  So yeah I would have kept him if for nothing else as an insurance policy but at the same time I don't think it was by any means a make or break trade for the team.


Richardson...I was and still am excited to have him on the team but I'm not a fan of giving up the first round pick.  This move I still kind of go back and forth on but I definitely lean towards wishing we hadn't made the trade. However if there was a chance that the Colts would be looking for a RB in the first round next year then getting Richardson is not a problem.  I personally wouldn't draft a RB in the first round and would rather have had it for another impact defensive player or a stud offensive lineman.  


I do definitely disagree on RJF.  He didn't light it up at the start of the season but he's continuously gotten better and if he keeps playing at the level he is now and can even continue to improve then I think he's worth every penny.


Cherilus...I still have a gut feeling that Irsay had a hand in his contract.  The way Grigson wheels and deals and the way the other contracts were setup being front-loaded and easy to get out of etc etc don't really click with the Cherilus contract.  And it was Irsay bragging on Twitter about making Cherilus the highest paid RT in the league just like he used to talk about how he was going to make Freeny the highest paid DE, Manning the highest paid QB etc.  


As for the draft pics...yeah the jury is still out on them, but the jury is supposed to still be out on them 12 games into their rookie years.  I think too many people, not necessarily you but a lot of people, got spoiled last year by the way that Luck, Allen, Fleener, Hilton and Ballard were all able to step in and contribute from day one.  That kind of draft, however, is by far the aberration.  Now we have a much more typical draft with players that are going to take a little bit of time to develop and people are quick to call them busts for not being starter-caliber right away.


But yeah, we all have different opinions and that's what makes these things fun.  It's nice to be able to debate points like this though with someone who can offer a reply other than "well you obviously know nothing about football" etc :)



As it turned out , we could have used J Hughes as a pass rusher , but I wan't exactly throwing up when we threw the towel in on him.


The good thing about this free agent class is we can walk away from most of those players without cap implications . Other than Cherius and Landry , there will never be any dead money from a cut. 


As far rating Grigson , it's easy to look back and slam him. The guy takes chances and you can't win them all. I for one liked the trade for TR as I figured it would be a low 1st and Cleveland already paid half his salary going forward. 

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 Hard to believe Satele looked better on tape over 60+ starts than what we see, but ok. DHB as a field stretcher and Reggie there, again I guess.

 Your word is your bond. I suspect Grigson & Pagano over commited verbally to their recruited Vets.

 Part of Irsay going public to demand more, providing cover in the lockerroom for changes. Part of it.


Not sure about Grigson, but Pagano sure seems to want to play every vet above all others.

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DHB, he's fire... Meaning he's extremely fast, unpredictable, and it's painful to watch (helplessly) as he destroys something you love.

lmao Brilliant


I'm surprised with the JUGS comment.  He spends all that time with the machines, but still has tons of drops.  I guess in his case, catching is something you either have or don't have...and he doesn't have it.  I'm sure he's a very hard working guy, but we just aren't seeing any progress

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lmao Brilliant

I'm surprised with the JUGS comment. He spends all that time with the machines, but still has tons of drops. I guess in his case, catching is something you either have or don't have...and he doesn't have it. I'm sure he's a very hard working guy, but we just aren't seeing any progress

He's probably caught with his body for last 5 years. So when out in game action he probably goes back that without even thinking. Comes natural to him. Which totally sucks! It's hard to retrain yourself, especially from years of bad habits.

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Reggie on Trent..




Now demoted to the Colts' second-string tailback, Trent Richardson admits he never got comfortable in Indy's running scheme and never fully grasped the offense.

T-Rich's tackle-breaking ability and open-field burst are still there, but he has been running without confidence and seemingly without instincts ever since arriving in Indianapolis. "He came to me, he wasn't pouting or anything," Reggie Wayne explained. "This was the next day after he found out he was demoted and he said, 'Now I can sit back and actually watch the way it's supposed to be done.' He kind of feels that he was maybe forced into it early without actually learning it." Wayne's advice to Richardson was "Do better. Practice harder. Study longer."
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