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My observation of Colts problems.


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I normally am not critical of the Colts other than our OL but I am now starting to put a whole lot of the blame on our offensive scheme. Any good coach tends to go with the hand their dealt and in our case it is  not what I see us doing. they need to put the players in the best position to win.




1. We are not a power running team. Our OL would possible be more effective in a zone blocking , finesse scheme. The defense is shooting gaps and is in the backfield almost as fast as we can hand the ball to a RB.

2. None of our receiver other than Reggie seem to get much separation. We are worse than any other team in the league in this regard in my estimation. Is this totally on the receivers or partially on the scheme?

3. In blitz situations we don't seem to have a hot receiver to go to. Is this on Luck or partially on scheme?

4.We seem very predictable. Not able to fool the defenses at all.

5. Should Luck roll out of the pocket more than he does? It would seem to provide more time for the receiver to get open deep.


I don't proclaim to have the answers, just the questions. I do believe that Pep is in over his head and I don't think we have another good offensive mind on the staff to help him.

As for DHB, I truly feel sorry for the guy. According to his teammates and the coaches he works his butt off. He has however lost all confidence. In his defense the Offensive PI on him was total nonsense and the announcers said the same. The reverse was blown up as badly as it could have been before he even got the ball. His drop was, well, inexcusable. He is very effective in some patterns and not in others. Again I think it is the responsibility of the coaching staff to put the players in the best position to win and I do not feel they are at this time.

Just my opinion as I am not paid to coach. Love the Colts but we need more than new personnel to get to the "PROMISED LAND".


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Satele and DHB are 65% of the problems offensively, Pep 25% and Luck 10%.  Defensively, Angerer and Bethea are 60% of the problem and Manusky 40%.


You forgot McGlynn as 70% of the offensive problem. Also, you forgot the bust Werner being 78% of the defensive problem.

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I normally am not critical of the Colts other than our OL but I am now starting to put a whole lot of the blame on our offensive scheme. Any good coach tends to go with the hand their dealt and in our case it is  not what I see us doing. they need to put the players in the best position to win.




1. We are not a power running team. Our OL would possible be more effective in a zone blocking , finesse scheme. The defense is shooting gaps and is in the backfield almost as fast as we can hand the ball to a RB.

2. None of our receiver other than Reggie seem to get much separation. We are worse than any other team in the league in this regard in my estimation. Is this totally on the receivers or partially on the scheme?

3. In blitz situations we don't seem to have a hot receiver to go to. Is this on Luck or partially on scheme?

4.We seem very predictable. Not able to fool the defenses at all.

5. Should Luck roll out of the pocket more than he does? It would seem to provide more time for the receiver to get open deep.


I don't proclaim to have the answers, just the questions. I do believe that Pep is in over his head and I don't think we have another good offensive mind on the staff to help him.

As for DHB, I truly feel sorry for the guy. According to his teammates and the coaches he works his butt off. He has however lost all confidence. In his defense the Offensive PI on him was total nonsense and the announcers said the same. The reverse was blown up as badly as it could have been before he even got the ball. His drop was, well, inexcusable. He is very effective in some patterns and not in others. Again I think it is the responsibility of the coaching staff to put the players in the best position to win and I do not feel they are at this time.

Just my opinion as I am not paid to coach. Love the Colts but we need more than new personnel to get to the "PROMISED LAND".

Wished I had some answers for you, good post. My replys are more with additional questions. For those offensive line posters, can a man schemed oline be changed to a zone blocking scheme over a week? Is it that adaptable?

As for separation, we have seen Luck miss wide open guys while throwing to his first second read guy who is blanketed, probably out of need so as not to get killed by the onslaught of defensive rushers coming at him.

The hot read thing is nother odd thing, has to be scheme but it could be recognition on Luck and/or receiver but I do recall 1 hot read yesterday thrown to Fleener but Fleener never turned around until it was past him.

I keep saying all the time, we have to be tipping off a run vs a pass coming, teams can't guess right that much can they? Very frustrating.

Luck should most definitely get rolled out more, that pocket is always collapsing on him and he is just getting frustrated and making bad choices too much lately. That is scheme and all on Pep. Pep needs a mentor to help him get quicker acclimated to the NFL IMO.

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Take lessons from the Eagles OLine.

See how their OLine was terrible last year and look at them this year.

A good OLine can open lanes in the running game, protect our franchise QB, the passing game, the play action game, and give our defense some rest increasing their production.  The team starts with an offensive line.  

In other words, Spend a lot of money on an OLine during the off season! A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!! A LOT!!!!!!!!!


Just look how good the Texans are offensively and defensively B/C they have a good OLine.  

Even though their record is bad, their team is good. 

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I didn't see the game and by that point of the game I was out of range to listen to it on the radio.

Was it a reverse or end around? Why should it not have been called in that

We were in the best field position we had all game after int. We could have gotten a touchdown on that drive since we were in field goal range at start. Then they call the that reverse and we lost 11 yards on play and barely got back to field goal range to take one point lead.

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I didn't see the game and by that point of the game I was out of range to listen to it on the radio.


Was it a reverse or end around?  Why should it not have been called in that situation?

As Steve Tasker said on TV you were already in field goal range especially the way Adam was kicking. Running the ball with DHB has potential to be blown up for a 10 yard loss taking you out of field goal range. The better play was to run the ball, improve the field position, or if the box becomes stacked check to a safe pass.

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This isn't an overly-talented team, especially following the injuries.  I still have no idea how they won 11 games in 2012, and with the injuries in 2013, I'm sure I will look back on this season in the same way.  It's just been two years of pulling game after game out in the 4th quarter.  So many of these games could easily have gone the other way.  That said, I've seen enough of Luck to know that if you do protect him and give him a few options to throw to, he will win.  In 2013, there simply isn't enough to work with, but a division title is a division title. 

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The problem is a reverse should not have been called in that situation.


yup! If you're gonna get fancy, run gadget plays earlier in the game.  Oh, and you're correct it was a reverse because I think Luck handed off to RB going left and he handed off to WR going  the reverse direction.  If Luck would have handed directly to WR, it would have been an end around.

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Satele and DHB are 65% of the problems offensively, Pep 25% and Luck 10%.  Defensively, Angerer and Bethea are 60% of the problem and Manusky 40%.

Hmmmm, maybe we can save the 'Luck 10%' by playing Hasselbeck for the last 4 games......not.

I wonder what our record would be if Hasselbeck had played ALL the games.

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Take lessons from the Eagles OLine.

See how their OLine was terrible last year and look at them this year.

A good OLine can open lanes in the running game, protect our franchise QB, the passing game, the play action game, and give our defense some rest increasing their production.  The team starts with an offensive line.  

In other words, Spend a lot of money on an OLine during the off season! A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!! A LOT!!!!!!!!!


Just look how good the Texans are offensively and defensively B/C they have a good OLine.  

Even though their record is bad, their team is good. 

yes but with the coaching change going to chip. chip kelly runs a super high speed offense and i think that helps out there o-line tremensly. personally i think the colts should look into that kinda offense.

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I normally am not critical of the Colts other than our OL but I am now starting to put a whole lot of the blame on our offensive scheme. Any good coach tends to go with the hand their dealt and in our case it is  not what I see us doing. they need to put the players in the best position to win.




1. We are not a power running team. Our OL would possible be more effective in a zone blocking , finesse scheme. The defense is shooting gaps and is in the backfield almost as fast as we can hand the ball to a RB.

2. None of our receiver other than Reggie seem to get much separation. We are worse than any other team in the league in this regard in my estimation. Is this totally on the receivers or partially on the scheme?

3. In blitz situations we don't seem to have a hot receiver to go to. Is this on Luck or partially on scheme?

4.We seem very predictable. Not able to fool the defenses at all.

5. Should Luck roll out of the pocket more than he does? It would seem to provide more time for the receiver to get open deep.


I don't proclaim to have the answers, just the questions. I do believe that Pep is in over his head and I don't think we have another good offensive mind on the staff to help him.

As for DHB, I truly feel sorry for the guy. According to his teammates and the coaches he works his butt off. He has however lost all confidence. In his defense the Offensive PI on him was total nonsense and the announcers said the same. The reverse was blown up as badly as it could have been before he even got the ball. His drop was, well, inexcusable. He is very effective in some patterns and not in others. Again I think it is the responsibility of the coaching staff to put the players in the best position to win and I do not feel they are at this time.

Just my opinion as I am not paid to coach. Love the Colts but we need more than new personnel to get to the "PROMISED LAND".

Very good post.  I would love to see what clyde chrystensen can do if he was given the chance for the rest of the season.  I would love to see Pep gone at the end of the season.  OR NOW

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Very good post.  I would love to see what clyde chrystensen can do if he was given the chance for the rest of the season.  I would love to see Pep gone at the end of the season.  OR NOW


Personally, I'd like to see an good reputable coordinator. Clyde was terrible at Tampa Bay and Dungy never gave him another chance here. I think Clyde is a good QB coach but no more inexperienced coordinators for me.

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Very good post.  I would love to see what clyde chrystensen can do if he was given the chance for the rest of the season.  I would love to see Pep gone at the end of the season.  OR NOW




We seen what CC had 2 yrs. ago. It was pathetically terrible. CC should never be an OC ever again. Granted Pep hasn't shown anything either, but he isn't going anywhere till after the end of the season...at the very earliest. 

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Our OL is a major problem, therefore we need to find a way to compensate for that.  I don't believe the power running game is the answer--run the ball at times yes, but not as plan A, but plan B.  We also lost a great deal in offence when Reggie went down--WR that get separation are not exactly falling from trees.  Fleener was probably our best receiver against the Titans--he has speed, height, and great hands--can't underestimate the loss of Dwayne Allen either.

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I didn't see the game and by that point of the game I was out of range to listen to it on the radio.

Was it a reverse or end around? Why should it not have been called in that

We were in the best field position we had all game after int. We could have gotten a touchdown on that drive since we were in field goal range at start. Then they call the that reverse and we lost 11 yards on play and barely got back to field goal range to take one point lead.



As Steve Tasker said on TV you were already in field goal range especially the way Adam was kicking. Running the ball with DHB has potential to be blown up for a 10 yard loss taking you out of field goal range. The better play was to run the ball, improve the field position, or if the box becomes stacked check to a safe pass.

Thanks guys for the explanation.  I looked it on the play-by-play on nfl.com.  I agree with both of you not the best time.  The only part that makes it understandable is that it was first down, after a TO and that is when you want to go for the kill shot.  But you have to call the play based on how the D is playing and from the part I listened to, it sounded like the Titans were getting pretty consistent penetration and the end around (or reverse) is not a good play against penetration, it's a play to call against pursuit.

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You forgot McGlynn as 70% of the offensive problem. Also, you forgot the bust Werner being 78% of the defensive problem.

It's to early to call Werner a bust, it usually takes defensive players a year or two to adjust. He has also been a little banged up. I wouldn't give up on him just yet.

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Personally, I'd like to see an good reputable coordinator. Clyde was terrible at Tampa Bay and Dungy never gave him another chance here. I think Clyde is a good QB coach but no more inexperienced coordinators for me.

Don't get me wrong I DO NOT CC as an OC,  I just would like to see him coach the rest of the season and compare what he does to what Pep is doing, but that will never happen.  But hey, it worked for Baltimore last year.

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1.Agree...Although I think they would be marginally better and still bad


2.I agree...its on both, we have poor route runners right now out there.....The biggest key besides knowing what the route is for receiver is for that receiver to be deceptive about the route he is running...Thats how to get open, not just pure speed but knowing how to use it


3.Its on Luck and wr's not recognizing potential blitzes...Bothe the QB and the wr need to recognize if a team is going to blitz


4.I think we could do alot more but there are teams that are more predictable then us that doing just as good or better then we are record wise, Thats not an excuse for Pep, I think he needs to improve on some of his play calls and change up some route concepts


5.Short answer......Hell yes




DHB....well, His time as a Colt is coming to an end

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yup! If you're gonna get fancy, run gadget plays earlier in the game.  Oh, and you're correct it was a reverse because I think Luck handed off to RB going left and he handed off to WR going  the reverse direction.  If Luck would have handed directly to WR, it would have been an end around.

We ran this play earlier in the game, but faked the hand off to DHB. When we ran it and faked it to DHB, DHB had open field as far as the eye could see......should have given it to him then. Unfortunately, Pep must not have realized that Tennessee's coaching staff saw this too and I am sure made their defense fully aware that the Colts would come back to this play. Pffffttttt.......fart noise.


There is a good article on Matt Millen in this week's SI. In one paragraph, it talks about Jim Colletto as the Lions OC. It basically states that that it takes NFL defensive coaches about 3 weeks to figure out an offensive scheme of another team and that Colletto never adjusted......this is basically Pep in a nutshell. Pep seems to make good halftime adjustments, but philosophy adjustments just aren't in the cards. He is attempting to commit to a philosophy in regards to his scheme.........a philosophy that he doesn't have to personnel to execute successfully.

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Personally, I'd like to see an good reputable coordinator. Clyde was terrible at Tampa Bay and Dungy never gave him another chance here. I think Clyde is a good QB coach but no more inexperienced coordinators for me.

the reason Dungy didn't give him a chance here was Tom Moore was already here and he wasn't hired to change the offense because it was already working.
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the reason Dungy didn't give him a chance here was Tom Moore was already here and he wasn't hired to change the offense because it was already working.


Clyde was a big reason for Dungy getting shown the door in Tampa. I was there at the time and their offense was plain offensive!

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