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Should Rogers, Holmes be given shot?


Do they deserve a shot?  

106 members have voted

  1. 1. Do Rogers, Holmes, or both deserve a shot?

    • Da'Rick deserves a shot
    • Khaled Holmes deserves a shot
    • Both of them do
    • Neither of them do, roll with what we got/look at other options

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At this point with how bad Satele has been and the poor depth at Wr it would be beneficial to start playing them. If they turn out to be an upgrade it would be extremely beneficial heading into the playoffs by giving them time to gel with the rest of the offense.

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yea but we have seen Reed and Satele play, so we should know, they can't do any worse

They probably could which could be why they aren't playing.  I have more hope for Rogers than Holmes at this point but even then I have limited hope for Rogers.  Honestly at this point if he doesn't come in and play like a Hall of Famer people are going to be disappointed with him as much as he has been hyped and I don't think he's going to play at that level.

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How could Rogers do any worse than Brazill/Reed? Seriously, those 2 literally don't do anything

Brazil had some catches today.  I've said for weeks I would rather see Rogers than Reed.  That's why I said I would have more faith in Rogers.  With that said, just because the other guys stink doesn't automatically mean Rogers will be better.  There is a reason he's not playing to this point and I am not buying it's because Pagano just doesn't like him.  I can promise you he hates losing more than he does any player on the roster so if he thought Rogers could help them win he would be in there.  With that said, I am all for giving him a shot over Reed.  Still people talk about Rogers like he's going to make us say Reggie who?  I don't think that's going to happen either.  He might help some I just don't think he's the answer to our prayers some feel he is.  I would love to be wrong though.

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The fans would like to see some change so we aren't getting behind by 3 TD's or pulling a win out of our butts. Under Pagano and Pep, we will not see anything new at this rate. We will continue to run the same scheme hoping that something will change. I will truely be shocked if Da'Rick plays this season, as well as Holmes.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I don't even care if Homes and/or Rogers are actual upgrades.  Someone needs to be held accountable and get benched.  If no one loses their jobs after continued poor play, then what motivation do they have to play better?

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Brazil had some catches today.  I've said for weeks I would rather see Rogers than Reed.  That's why I said I would have more faith in Rogers.  With that said, just because the other guys stink doesn't automatically mean Rogers will be better.  There is a reason he's not playing to this point and I am not buying it's because Pagano just doesn't like him.  I can promise you he hates losing more than he does any player on the roster so if he thought Rogers could help them win he would be in there.  With that said, I am all for giving him a shot over Reed.  Still people talk about Rogers like he's going to make us say Reggie who?  I don't think that's going to happen either.  He might help some I just don't think he's the answer to our prayers some feel he is.  I would love to be wrong though.



Our Coach is Loyal to a Fault. And there are many examples of this on our Roster.

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I don't see how trying Rogers is in anyway going to hurt anything. DHB is utter garbage and worthless, so Rogers couldn't be any worse. even if he does suck....who cares? At least they would have tried something else and like I said, it wouldn't be any different than having DHB playing. I would rather them move McGlynn back to center and either Reitz or Link at RG. Once again, it's about impossible to have any worse results than they do with Satele at C and McGlynn at RG. I can not understand the loyalty to Satele, he is without doubt the absolute worst starting center in the NFL and he is the weakest 300 lb Samoan I have ever seen.

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The fact rogers isn't playing is mind boggling to me. I mean we had reed out trying to play receiver 4 and that just didn't work. They might as well have had me out there. I could produce the same production as reed in the receiving game lol. As for holmes he should have been in atleast in the 4th quarter of the rams and Arizona blowout losses. Then we could get an idea of how much he needs to improve. If we stick with the same lineup against the titans we will probably lose.

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I'm not gonna pretend to know, I'll leave it to others to pontificate upon. 


What I do know is that I can barely tolerate watching this team anymore because there is some serious dysfunction at work here. It was easier to watch our 2011 squad, because I knew they were terrible. Low expectations and all that jazz...


Even with the injury, I've seen this 2013 team play very well, and it goes on and off like a malfunctioning light switch. 

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I would dare say they can which could be why they aren't playing.  Again just because we don't like someone doesn't automatically make someone behind them better.




Oh come on! Even if Rogers sucks, what is the difference with DHB playing? They have to be willing to give a guy a chance before they say, he isn't ready yet. Practice isn't going to tell them much especially with the NFL's new practicing rules. Like I said, he may suck but so does DHB, so there essentially won't be any differfence. We already know that McGlynn is 10 times better at center than Satele and Link or Reitz have already proven they can handle the guard spot. There is only one reason why they keep trotting Satele out there every week...STUBBORNESS!!!

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Oh come on! Even if Rogers sucks, what is the difference with DHB playing? They have to be willing to give a guy a chance before they say, he isn't ready yet. Practice isn't going to tell them much especially with the NFL's new practicing rules. Like I said, he may suck but so does DHB, so there essentially won't be any differfence. We already know that McGlynn is 10 times better at center than Satele and Link or Reitz have already proven they can handle the guard spot. There is only one reason why they keep trotting Satele out there every week...STUBBORNESS!!!

Well DHB has at least caught 26 catches and a TD this season.  If Rogers can't match that I would rather have DHB and there is no promise he will.  Would I rather see him get a shot over a guy like Reed?  Sure because Reed has never been known as a WR in the NFL and I don't think that's going to magically start now.  So I think there is room for both.  Like it or not but at the moment DHB is our second best WR on the team.  I am not ready to just cut him and go with an undrafted free agent who has never played in the NFL.  That move could very well make our weak WR core even weaker.  If they want to give him Reed or even Brazil's reps and let him prove himself sure I am for it.  If he proves then that he should get a look at DHB's spot then yes go for it.  He's a ways away from that right now though.  Like I said before the fact that he's not even being made active over Reed is a bit alarming because it tells us what the coaches think about him.  It's not shocking to me though because if he was the answer to our prayers that some are making him out to be he wouldn't have been on our practice squad as long as he was someone would have picked him up and he wouldn't have gone undrafted either.  Someone would have taken a chance on him off the field issues or not. 


Moving McGlynn over to play Center is something I could get behind.  I'd much rather give him a shot then putting a guy who hasn't even been able to be active on game days this season in at center.  That could be a disaster and yes he could play worse than Satele has.  Let me be clear that does NOT mean Satele has played well.  McGlynn on the other hand I would be all for giving a shot at it and trying something else at guard.  With that said, the fact we are calling for McGlynn to play Center tells me he's not as awful of a lineman as some make him out to be.  I think Satele is more of the issue.  I also think Thornton has struggled at guard as well he just doesn't get the light shown on him like we do on McGlynn and Satele.  The whole middle part of our line needs work.  Getting Thomas back this off-season will be big as will Thornton just getting more experienced but they need to do something at center this off-season.  There I will agree.  Maybe Holmes is the long term answer but I don't think he's the short term answer. 


He could be better than Satele sure but I am just doubting the idea that many seem to have here that if they don't like someone no one else can possibly be worse.  I think the truth is no matter how bad we think someone is someone else who is behind them could be worse.  Odds are they are the back up for the reason and I doubt that reason is because Pagano just doesn't want to play them. 

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Well DHB has at least caught 26 catches and a TD this season.  If Rogers can't match that I would rather have DHB and there is no promise he will.  Would I rather see him get a shot over a guy like Reed?  Sure because Reed has never been known as a WR in the NFL and I don't think that's going to magically start now.  So I think there is room for both.  Like it or not but at the moment DHB is our second best WR on the team.  I am not ready to just cut him and go with an undrafted free agent who has never played in the NFL.  That move could very well make our weak WR core even weaker.  If they want to give him Reed or even Brazil's reps and let him prove himself sure I am for it.  If he proves then that he should get a look at DHB's spot then yes go for it.  He's a ways away from that right now though.  Like I said before the fact that he's not even being made active over Reed is a bit alarming because it tells us what the coaches think about him.  It's not shocking to me though because if he was the answer to our prayers that some are making him out to be he wouldn't have been on our practice squad as long as he was someone would have picked him up and he wouldn't have gone undrafted either.  Someone would have taken a chance on him off the field issues or not. 


Moving McGlynn over to play Center is something I could get behind.  I'd much rather give him a shot then putting a guy who hasn't even been able to be active on game days this season in at center.  That could be a disaster and yes he could play worse than Satele has.  Let me be clear that does NOT mean Satele has played well.  McGlynn on the other hand I would be all for giving a shot at it and trying something else at guard.  With that said, the fact we are calling for McGlynn to play Center tells me he's not as awful of a lineman as some make him out to be.  I think Satele is more of the issue.  I also think Thornton has struggled at guard as well he just doesn't get the light shown on him like we do on McGlynn and Satele.  The whole middle part of our line needs work.  Getting Thomas back this off-season will be big as will Thornton just getting more experienced but they need to do something at center this off-season.  There I will agree.  Maybe Holmes is the long term answer but I don't think he's the short term answer. 


He could be better than Satele sure but I am just doubting the idea that many seem to have here that if they don't like someone no one else can possibly be worse.  I think the truth is no matter how bad we think someone is someone else who is behind them could be worse.  Odds are they are the back up for the reason and I doubt that reason is because Pagano just doesn't want to play them. 




I get what you're saying but my point is we already know that McGlynn is better at center than guard and he's way better than Satele. This is what I don't understand about this coaching staff, they desperately need to shake the O-line up and try something else and yet, they refuse to make a change. It's baffling and somewhat concerning to me, that they can't see something so obvious or even if they do, they don't do anything about it. Makes you wonder if they just don't want to ruffle a veterans feathers by benching them. As for Rogers, yes they need to try him...whether it be in place of DHB or Reed, I really don't care because neither one has done much of anything(especially Reed). 

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I get what you're saying but my point is we already know that McGlynn is better at center than guard and he's way better than Satele. This is what I don't understand about this coaching staff, they desperately need to shake the O-line up and try something else and yet, they refuse to make a change. It's baffling and somewhat concerning to me, that they can't see something so obvious or even if they do, they don't do anything about it. Makes you wonder if they just don't want to ruffle a veterans feathers by benching them. As for Rogers, yes they need to try him...whether it be in place of DHB or Reed, I really don't care because neither one has done much of anything(especially Reed). 

Like I said I am all for giving McGlynn the Center job.  I am just not sure if I am on board with giving Holmes the job.  Could he be better than Satele?  Sure but it's not a sure thing he COULD be worse.  That's all I am objecting to the idea that a completely unproven player MUST be better.  With that said McGlynn isn't unproven and I would be fine if the Colts aid he was going to start.  However, the thought to this thread is should Rogers and Holmes be given shots.  I am a little more against giving Holmes a shot not because I think Satele is so awesome but I am just not sure I buy the idea that Holmes is ready.  Granted I don't really have a way to tell other than he hasn't been active yet this season (or if he has it's been for like a game). 


With Rogers, again I don't mind finding a way to get him on the field and letting him prove himself.  I just don't think DHB is the guy you take off the field to let him proven himself yet.  I think Reed or Brazil is that guy.  If he out preforms them and shows you enough that he should start getting DHB's reps so be it.  However, again I think there is a step he can take there before he is just handed the starting job. 

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