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I don't think us Colts fans don't know how to deal with losses...


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I guess that's what 13 years of success (not including 2011) does to a fan base. We learned to accept what this team was without Peyton and made us think he was gonna come back that season to turn things around. Then Luck came...

But yea we all panicked after the Rams game. And our immediate thoughts were free agency.. Then the first drive against the Titans we went 3 and out and our immediate reaction was...


But I realized in the end, this is what this team is about...the horseshoe on our helmet resembles the same as the quarterbacks last name. We will have our panics and heart attacks throughout the game but in the end when we wake up at the hospital bed, the Colts have won..

Being a fan should come with some kind of disclaimer that the Colts organization is not responsible for your health problems.

The only teams we have blown out in Lucks 2 seasons is the Jags and the 49ers.lol.

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So you do think they do know how to deal with losses? Is that what you're saying?

Or you don't think they do.

Or you think they don't.

Or you don't they think they do don't.

Sorry I wasn't specific..."Most of us"

Its not a bad thing.. Just saying

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So you do think they do know how to deal with losses? Is that what you're saying?

Or you don't think they do.


Or you think they don't.


Or you don't they think they do don't.


Or maybe us Colt fans don't have a clue how to win or lose.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I don't panic.

After loss:

1. Be upset with teams performance.

2. Pick out the Good/find silver lining

3. Pick out and analyze the bad.

4. Think of possible adjustments.

5. Expect better next week and drop it.

Good list...

Here's mine


1. Have a few beers to take away the sting.

2. ...hmmm you know what? I can't seem to remember much after that. haha weird.

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Fans of teams that are perennial winners like the Colts and Patriots are not used to losing. It's a shock to the system when it happens. More so for Colts' fans this year as your team is beating teams they're not supposed to (49ers, Seahawks, Broncos) but also losing to teams they're not supposed to (Dolphins, Rams). The good news (for Colts' fans) is that it bodes well for the playoffs.

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Fans of teams that are perennial winners like the Colts and Patriots are not used to losing. It's a shock to the system when it happens. More so for Colts' fans this year as your team is beating teams they're not supposed to (49ers, Seahawks, Broncos) but also losing to teams they're not supposed to (Dolphins, Rams). The good news (for Colts' fans) is that it bodes well for the playoffs.


My sentiment exactly. Not often i agree with the Pats fans on here that use a Pats logo as their avi(literally every one that I DO agree with use a random avi n you wouldn't even know they were Pats fans if you didn't follow the board haha) so feel special my man.

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Maybe we should consult Browns or Jaguars fans on how to handle losses. I'd bet they're conditioned excellently.

now there's an idea.

I'm sure Bills fans could help too. Except they get to look forward to that nice outdoor stadium.

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Thanks, this is making my "All Time Great Threads Titles" list.


Every fan base I have ever seen overacts to losses on the internet.



Key difference is that.



In the end it's just a game either way. You have no control over it whatsoever so don't let it get to you that bad.


I don't know man. I have true belief that Jim Irsay looks a lot to these threads for ideas. I know it sounds crazy...


I don't think most organizations listen to their fans.

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I don't know man. I have true belief that Jim Irsay looks a lot to these threads for ideas. I know it sounds crazy...


I don't think most organizations listen to their fans.



I doubt it. He's got enough Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen albums to keep him busy for hours on end.


or at least that is what I would do in my spare time with his money. And post the lyrics all over twitter when I'm drunk.

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I guess that's what 13 years of success (not including 2011) does to a fan base. We learned to accept what this team was without Peyton and made us think he was gonna come back that season to turn things around. Then Luck came...

But yea we all panicked after the Rams game. And our immediate thoughts were free agency.. Then the first drive against the Titans we went 3 and out and our immediate reaction was...


But I realized in the end, this is what this team is about...the horseshoe on our helmet resembles the same as the quarterbacks last name. We will have our panics and heart attacks throughout the game but in the end when we wake up at the hospital bed, the Colts have won..

Being a fan should come with some kind of disclaimer that the Colts organization is not responsible for your health problems.

The only teams we have blown out in Lucks 2 seasons is the Jags and the 49ers.lol.

we lived through the 2-14 season....


I think every body is mostly happy with this year...

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I guess that's what 13 years of success (not including 2011) does to a fan base. We learned to accept what this team was without Peyton and made us think he was gonna come back that season to turn things around. Then Luck came...

But yea we all panicked after the Rams game. And our immediate thoughts were free agency.. Then the first drive against the Titans we went 3 and out and our immediate reaction was...


But I realized in the end, this is what this team is about...the horseshoe on our helmet resembles the same as the quarterbacks last name. We will have our panics and heart attacks throughout the game but in the end when we wake up at the hospital bed, the Colts have won..

Being a fan should come with some kind of disclaimer that the Colts organization is not responsible for your health problems.

The only teams we have blown out in Lucks 2 seasons is the Jags and the 49ers.lol.


I don't know if you are saying that Colts fans can or cannot deal with the Colts losing. 


I do believe you are putting a blanket statement for all Colts fans, and that is not cool man. Let's be sure in the future to understand all fans are different in many ways. ;)


There used to be an old saying years ago on the Indy Star board; someone had it in his/her signature, and it read, "When you have 2 Colts fans, you are sure to have 3 different opinions". I loved that signature, but I cannot remember who used it. It might have been coffeedrinker back when he used his tsxxxxx moniker. That is just a guess. Anyway the point is that we all see things differently, and sometimes we even have fans who see things two different ways, as though in an argument with one-self. 


Personally, I cherish every win, because I know what the dark days were like. 8 of our first 15 seasons in Indianapolis were losing seasons, 2 seasons we went 8-8, and we won 9 games 5 times. We did not have a double digit winning season until year 16 in Indianapolis (Peyton's second season). In my first 15 years as a Colts fan, I watched the Colts have 4 wins or less 6 times.

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Being a wee bit older, I can take the bad loses in my stride. But at first it was hard, then I learned about cooking a nice meal after to take away the pain. I started with Cat Pie, then Hamster Stew. I knocked up a good Dog Goulash after the Billy Volek loss, and a brilliant Goldfish Stroganoff when we blew the Jets game. Yep, cooking is the answer......now where has that parrot gone....

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I don't know man. I have true belief that Jim Irsay looks a lot to these threads for ideas. I know it sounds crazy...


I don't think most organizations listen to their fans.

I wouldn't doubt that Irsay looks at the forum every now and then. Nor the players. They all know how important social media is to their product.

I do doubt that it make a lick of difference when it comes to personnel. I'm certain he's smart enough to listen to his GM, scouts, and coaches more than anything anyone says here.

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Colt fans are like someone who has hired a contractor to build a dream house and on the second week they are saying where's my house? All I see is some stupid foundation. I'm calling my architect (Ryan Grigson) right now to find out what in the Sam Hill is going on!

BTM :) let's take our time we don't want to end up with a Frankenstein.

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