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Walden should be cut for that.


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I question the intelligence of a player who confronts a player who just ripped your helmet off when he still has his on. Darwinism at work in this case.

The Titans are and always will be a dirty team and altogether a loser franchise. At least Walden showed some fight. I'd seen zero up to that point. In two weeks, I hope Walden destroys Walkers face.

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I guess the only good thing here is that Walden recognizes how wrong he was to go after Walker...

"It was a selfish act," Walden said, per ESPN.com. "It could have cost my team bigger than I did. I lost my composure. It's something that can't happen. It wasn't really something he did, it was ticky-tack. I can't allow myself to take it that far."

source: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000281835/article/walker-erik-walden-head-butt-was-bush-league

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Yes it was bone head lol ,suspension from Colts get real people,The guy was in his face rightfully so ,You don't like the way the Colts handle things ? Find another Team  :hmm: Lol   Manning1887 you said it right they need to calm down,and so do some people in this forum  :thmsup:

Jay, I'm just curious if you'd feel the same if a Titans player had done this to DHB, or Ty, or Coby or  Reggie if he'd been playing...???

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Jay, I'm just curious if you'd feel the same if a Titans player had done this to DHB, or Ty, or Reggie...???

First of all don't think any of the mentioned woudlve stayed in someones face saying who knows what,that being said im not agreeing with the head butt butt do you think cutting hims the answer ? I don't that's ludicrous.This is football tempers flare its not like hes a dirty player such as some trying to blow peoples knees and end the career just saying.I did not like it but some are way over reacting here.

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First of all don't think any of the mentioned woudlve stayed in someones face saying who knows what,that being said im not agreeing with the head butt butt do you think cutting hims the answer ? I don't that's ludicrous.This is football tempers flare its not like hes a dirty player such as some trying to blow peoples knees and end the career just saying.I did not like it but some are way over reacting here.

I never said he should be cut,  I do however agree that a Fine and at least a one game suspension is in order.


And I also stand by what I said about feeling that no-one would have liked it if that happened to one of our players and you can bet your behind,  Colts fans would be yelling for suspension if one of our guys had been head butted like that.

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:agree:   I was shocked when I saw it happen, and even moreso when I  watched the replays  a few times..   I was really surprised that he was not ejected from the game,  It was clearly an intent to injure.


 I think it's a given that he will be fined, and I expect at least one game suspension from the League.     I am curious how the Colts Organization will handle this.   It was a bad reflection on a team that is otherwise not known for such behavior.


I know no-one ever wants to see one of their own players penalized, suspended, or ejected.   But I can't help thinking if it was reversed and a Titans player that did this to a Colts player,  the reactions here would have been a lot more Heated  :ticked:  :bomb:  :flaming:

We did:


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I never said he should be cut,  I do however agree that a Fine and at least a one game suspension is in order.


And I also stand by what I said about feeling that no-one would have liked it if that happened to one of our players and you can bet your behind,  Colts fans would be yelling for suspension if one of our guys had been head butted like that.

Very possibly so ,and wouldn't have a problem with a game suspension,but this thread is calling for him to be cut.Thats what is ludicrous.

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Exactly, the point I was making...  It's viewed differently depending on which side of the assault you happen to be on.


I suppose we'll know in a day or two what the league thought of last nights incident.

I think it would be a travesty if he were suspended in light of this...but god knows what the NFL will do.  When it comes to fines and suspensions, they're all over the place. 

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I must apologize for my insistence yesterday. Based on one of the replays I had on the dvr, I was convinced that Walden did not hit Walker in the head. I thought the gif on page one was the same replay, and so I simply referred to it as my evidence. However, it was not the same replay. As some of you have pointed out, it does indeed appear from that replay that Walden hit Walker in the face.

I have no problem admitting when I am wrong, and I am sorry to have been so defensive. I was very upset about the game and very upset about (what I had perceived to be) an unfair judgment of Walden.

I don't want the Colts to cut him, but he does need a "good talking to" and I'm sure he'll be fined.

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Any idea when we will know the league punishment coming down?


The refs didn't see it otherwise they would have ejected him.  But he's gonna get at the very least a big fine and I can't argue against a suspension here.  


Sucks, I hate to lose him out there, but he lost it big time and deserves to pay the price.

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Football is an emotional game.  Guys are going at each other every play and half the stuff you don't event see.  Walden didn't liked being blocked by Walker on that play, probably because of something happened several plays earlier and in either frustration or anger he grabbed Walker's face mask and pulled.  I think he was actually a little surprised that it came off.  When Walker got in his face Walden's was seething.  He could have hit Walker a lot harder than he did.  That was a very "controlled" head butt.  I'm not saying it's right and I think a 1-game suspension with fine is a just penalty, but c'mon with the cutting nonsense.  Walden doesn't have a history of this. 


It's an emotional game.

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Good grief calm down. He headbutted the guy, and very weakly at that. Had it been a violent headbut dude would have went down. You don't know what was said or anything. So get off of your high horses and realize it's a game between men and there is a lot of adrenaline and testosterone. It was classless and stupid, but you are out of your mind if you think he should be cut. Finnegan, Haynesworth, Johnson etc... didn't get cut.

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Adam Shefter just said on Sportscenter a little while ago that a previous head butt incident drew a $50,000 fine, I would expect something very similar to that for Walden, especially since he has no previous history of this kind of behavior.  Also, while it was a deplorable act, let's not act like he took Walker to the ground with such a thunderous shot to his face.  The contact could have been much worse than what it was.  For those of you clamoring for a suspension you'll probably be upset....because I seriously seriously doubt it happens.

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Exactly, the point I was making... It's viewed differently depending on which side of the assault you happen to be on.

I suppose we'll know in a day or two what the league thought of last nights incident.

Apples and oranges, people. And not because I'm a Colts fan. No way did Walden have intent to injure. As he said himself, he let himself get out of control, and it was a stupid, ticky-tack thing to do, but he was not trying to take Walker out of the game or injure him.
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I question the intelligence of a player who confronts a player who just ripped your helmet off when he still has his on. Darwinism at work in this case.

The Titans are and always will be a dirty team and altogether a loser franchise. At least Walden showed some fight. I'd seen zero up to that point. In two weeks, I hope Walden destroys Walkers face.

Brian Cushing, sans helmet, headbutted an opposing player.

Ultimate meathead

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Glad to see common sense prevail and to you who have it thanks for the points you made,especialy no intent of injury,was it stupid yes ,heat of the moment yes,worthy of cutting a player Hell no.Futhermore if a player doesn't have some fight in him I don't want him.It was a wake up call to this team as well as Pagano in the locker room   :funny: They came out and played

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Look at the gif posted on page one. He BARELY makes contact and it's not with Walker's head but chest. A fine? Sure. Suspension... no way. Not deserving of it at all. (But wouldn't be surprised if Goodell does anyway because of how he is)

That's not true at all, he headed butted Walker's nose.  It was a dirty thing to do and he should have been tossed and he should be suspended for a game.  Pagano should have pulled him from the game at least for a few plays and let him know that was unacceptable.


** Sorry, Colts Solljah, I did not read your follow up post until after I posted this.**

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Dusty how does it feel to be perfect? Teach the rest of us...

Has nothing to do with being "perfect." I understand being frustrated, but being frustrated doesn't excuse that.

If it was Ndamakong suh who did it, everyone would be calling for his head.

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IMO the only thing worse in this thread than the people saying he should be cut (you don't cut a guy for one instance) are the people who are trying to justify it with statements like, who knows what Walker was saying, or Walker was in his face.  Also to the people that say if they ejected Walden they would have ejected Walker that is a completely baseless suggestion.  Since they did not eject Walden, then obviously it is somewhat of a judgement call, they could have easily ejected Walden and not done anything to Walker... Just like they did with the penalty.

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Glad to see common sense prevail and to you who have it thanks for the points you made,especialy no intent of injury,was it stupid yes ,heat of the moment yes,worthy of cutting a player Hell no.Futhermore if a player doesn't have some fight in him I don't want him.It was a wake up call to this team as well as Pagano in the locker room :funny: They came out and played


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