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Mark Schlereth and Jerome Bettis feel we might be better served with ZBS


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On NFL live, Mark Schelereth and Jerome Bettis were showing instances of how we are not holding up mano mano on the OL.


They felt that there might be more room for error with a zone blocking scheme for us since chances are, the entire OL generally is trending the same way that one can pick up the slack of a missed assignment better than in a man blocking scheme.



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I think it would be dumb to switch now and I'm not sure any of our O-lineman have the athletic ability to play a ZBS.


Our tackles do, Joe Reitz and Linkenbach do, IMO. Just not sure about Satele or McGlynn. Reitz and Linkenbach have been swing tackles for a while that they would fit a ZBS better than Satele or McGlynn, IMO.

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All of our O Linemen are much more mobile then they are able to maul anyone, ZBS still involves plenty of technique, I like using alot of angle blocking myself, I'd personally like to see alot more trap blocking ...even doing all that there simply is not a scheme on this planet that can make up for the lack of talent at Center and RG.

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Our tackles do, Joe Reitz and Linkenbach do, IMO. Just not sure about Satele or McGlynn. Reitz and Linkenbach have been swing tackles for a while that they would fit a ZBS better than Satele or McGlynn, IMO.




The problem with that is that our coaches refuse to take McGlynn and Satele out of the game. One day I hope to get a job that I absolutely suck at and have my bosses think I'm great.

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I'm fine with Pep Hamilton's vision. We just don't have the main pieces yet. It's a marathon, not a sprint

Last season, we made Greg Manusky wait a season till he got some new toys cause we laid the foundation on offense. He got new toys (Laron Landry, Greg Toler, Etc Etc) and he's used them well

Now we need to get Pep Hamilton some new toys this off-season. Starting with the trenches

This vision may be a little blurry at the moment but it'll be beauty when it's done :thmup:


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I can't help but think the coaches are playing the guys they feel gives us the best chance to win. They see these guys ever day and they feel they give the team the best chance to win. Even though I would get an argument from many here, I have to believe they know more than most people on this forum.

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I can't help but think the coaches are playing the guys they feel gives us the best chance to win. They see these guys ever day and they feel they give the team the best chance to win. Even though I would get an argument from many here, I have to believe they know more than most people on this forum.

I agree.  But this can also point to our problem.  Humans - and that includes coaches - can suffer from various cognitive biases.  One particular cognitive bias that is a real bummer is called the Dunning-Kruger Effect.




Hope not.

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I agree.  But this can also point to our problem.  Humans - and that includes coaches - can suffer from various cognitive biases.  One particular cognitive bias that is a real bummer is called the Dunning-Kruger Effect.




Hope not.

Interesting. But in the NFL results matter. If a coach isn't playing the better player, for whatever reason, and the team suffers, it's a direct reflection on that coach. His job is on the line.

Back to Chads post - Whatever happened to that claim that was made by our O line coach that we were going to run all schemes? I was skeptical then. Rightfully so.

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All of our O Linemen are much more mobile then they are able to maul anyone, ZBS still involves plenty of technique, I like using alot of angle blocking myself, I'd personally like to see alot more trap blocking ...even doing all that there simply is not a scheme on this planet that can make up for the lack of talent at Center and RG.

I like trap blocking too but a lot of teams are now using the TE's to do what a G used to traditionally do. "wham" blocking has become a trend. Thornton looks the part of a good trap blocker

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I'm fine with Pep Hamilton's vision. We just don't have the main pieces yet. It's a marathon, not a sprint

Last season, we made Greg Manusky wait a season till he got some new toys cause we laid the foundation on offense. He got new toys (Laron Landry, Greg Toler, Etc Etc) and he's used them well

Now we need to get Pep Hamilton some new toys this off-season. Starting with the trenches

This vision may be a little blurry at the moment but it'll be beauty when it's done :thmup:


Lets just hope our main toy (Luck) survives till that day

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Anyone just see that segment done by LT showing a couple of Richardsons runs?, 1 of the runs he showed was his fumble he lost, LT said he isn't trusting his O Linemen yet and thats why he missed 2 holes that were open on that play

i saw that


i also like that they said edge was mentoring him

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Anyone just see that segment done by LT showing a couple of Richardsons runs?, 1 of the runs he showed was his fumble he lost, LT said he isn't trusting his O Linemen yet and thats why he missed 2 holes that were open on that play

You know where I can find that segment?

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