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McGlynn has broken thumb.


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Kevin Bowen ‏@KBowenColts 3h

Chuck Pagano said Mike McGlynn has a fracture in the thumb. Cast it up and he's day-to-day

Colts RG Mike McGlynn sustained a fracture in his thumb during Sunday's Week 10 loss to St. Louis.

Coach Chuck Pagano said McGlynn will get the digit casted up and then be listed as day to day. We've seen interior linemen play with clubs consistently, but the Colts are on a short week as they'll face the Titans on Thursday night. Consider the struggling McGlynn questionable

Kevin Bowen ‏@KBowenColts 3h

Pagano on OL group: "We will continue to look at every area of our football team and address things that need to be addressed."

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It is his right thumb, so if Satele hurts his knee again......is it Holmes?  Austin off of the practice squad?


I still say move Thornton to the RG position and play Reitz at the LG...Link backs up guards and RT...Reitz backs up Castanzo if he goes down.


Sometimes it takes an injury to make things click....AQ did pretty well last year when the mighty Samson went down....OOOPS!  Did I just go there?  :funny:

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It is his right thumb, so if Satele hurts his knee again......is it Holmes? Austin off of the practice squad?

I still say move Thornton to the RG position and play Reitz at the LG...Link backs up guards and RT...Reitz backs up Castanzo if he goes down.

Sometimes it takes an injury to make things click....AQ did pretty well last year when the mighty Samson went down....OOOPS! Did I just go there? :funny:

Man, we as fans deserve to go there. 2nd straight year Satele has been upstaged when he went down. We DOMINATED the 49ers with McGlynn at C.

And people can say "oh, 49ers NT was hurt". That's excuses. They still had the Smith's, Bowman, Whitner, etc etc

We downright punished them

Something needs to be done soon or Andrew Luck won't make it to year 5

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Too bad it wasn't Satele. I usually never wish injury on any player, but that seems to be the only way they don't start Satele. Somebody needs to break his leg in practice. Ready or not we need to start Holmes at center and Reitz at RG. This line needs a shake up and players need to learn if they can't do the job they were brought here to do, then they'll be riding the bench. Heck, I'm all for bringing Austin up from the PS if need be. Satele needs to be gone for good, he is simply terrible.

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Too bad it wasn't Satele. I usually never wish injury on any player, but that seems to be the only way they don't start Satele. Somebody needs to break his leg in practice. Ready or not we need to start Holmes at center and Reitz at RG. This line needs a shake up and players need to learn if they can't do the job they were brought here to do, then they'll be riding the bench. Heck, I'm all for bringing Austin up from the PS if need be. Satele needs to be gone for good, he is simply terrible.


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we wont find the answer to our O Line problems this year, so just pick an O linemans name on the team...any O Lineman thats not already a starter and/or healthy enough to play.....none are the answer this year so just put someone in and go with what we got or release any one of these guys below and sign any one of these O Linemen


Release(1 of these players)

Jalil Brown

Ricardo Matthews

Mario Harvey

Larry Asante

David Reed


Signing(one of these O Linemen)

Kasey Studdard

Leonard Davis




If healthy of course and can afford it

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Too bad it wasn't Satele. I usually never wish injury on any player, but that seems to be the only way they don't start Satele. Somebody needs to break his leg in practice. Ready or not we need to start Holmes at center and Reitz at RG. This line needs a shake up and players need to learn if they can't do the job they were brought here to do, then they'll be riding the bench. Heck, I'm all for bringing Austin up from the PS if need be. Satele needs to be gone for good, he is simply terrible.

Yeah, that's not going too far at all...
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Too bad it wasn't Satele. I usually never wish injury on any player, but that seems to be the only way they don't start Satele. Somebody needs to break his leg in practice. Ready or not we need to start Holmes at center and Reitz at RG. This line needs a shake up and players need to learn if they can't do the job they were brought here to do, then they'll be riding the bench. Heck, I'm all for bringing Austin up from the PS if need be. Satele needs to be gone for good, he is simply terrible.

It isn't even worth the effort into ranting on why this is A) Stupid and B) Pathetic 

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Yeah, that's not going too far at all...



I know, it was in jest, but my point still stands. The only way he don't start is if he's injured. I can not for the life of me figure out why he keeps starting. There is no way Holmes or Austin could be any worse than Satele and if they are, they shouldn't be here. Satele gets completely manhandled play after play or he simply doesn't block anybody at all. Something has to change and quite frankly, everytime Satele walks on the field, I lose a little confidence in the coaches and Grigson...and thats coming from a guy that has supported just about everything they have done(Richardson trade being an exception).

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I know, it was in jest, but my point still stands. The only way he don't start is if he's injured. I can not for the life of me figure out why he keeps starting. There is no way Holmes or Austin could be any worse than Satele and if they are, they shouldn't be here. Satele gets completely manhandled play after play or he simply doesn't block anybody at all. Something has to change and quite frankly, everytime Satele walks on the field, I lose a little confidence in the coaches and Grigson...and thats coming from a guy that has supported just about everything they have done(Richardson trade being an exception).


I know it was, just, this thread seems a little classless, to be honest. We're one step away from being like the Texans fans who cheered when Schaub got hurt.


I know no one likes Satele and McGlynn, and honestly, that's with very good reason. They are the weak link of our team. But we're getting dangerously close to that bush league area that no fan base wants to be associated with.

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I know, it was in jest, but my point still stands. The only way he don't start is if he's injured. I can not for the life of me figure out why he keeps starting. There is no way Holmes or Austin could be any worse than Satele and if they are, they shouldn't be here. Satele gets completely manhandled play after play or he simply doesn't block anybody at all. Something has to change and quite frankly, everytime Satele walks on the field, I lose a little confidence in the coaches and Grigson...and thats coming from a guy that has supported just about everything they have done(Richardson trade being an exception).

I'm pretty sure most if not all of us agree on that. They didn't activate him yesterday, so maybe they did it for precaution (injury). Satele definitely has fallen off since his days in Oakland, but for whatever reason the staff sees something in him and McGlynn that we don't. What that is nobody knows...



Get over it, it was a joke. At some point, people need to use a little common sense here.

Cause it's hilarious when someone jokes about someone getting injured so they can't do their job. It's knee slapping hilarious.
Maybe use a little common sense and realize it's not even really a joke. It's just someone making a stupid statement.
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I know it was, just, this thread seems a little classless, to be honest. We're one step away from being like the Texans fans who cheered when Schaub got hurt.


I know no one likes Satele and McGlynn, and honestly, that's with very good reason. They are the weak link of our team. But we're getting dangerously close to that bush league area that no fan base wants to be associated with.




I don't like having the feeling that I would actually, in the back of my mind rejoice a little if Satele went down, but at this point I can't help it. Like I said, i never usually wish injury upon anybody, but Satele is just awful.

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I know it was, just, this thread seems a little classless, to be honest. We're one step away from being like the Texans fans who cheered when Schaub got hurt.

I know no one likes Satele and McGlynn, and honestly, that's with very good reason. They are the weak link of our team. But we're getting dangerously close to that bush league area that no fan base wants to be associated with.

Texans fans cheering Matt Schuab's injury got them Case Keenum who's playing well. So if we have to cheer Satele & Mcglynn injuries to get Logan Mankins then I'm all for it

It's really getting old watching Andrew Luck get smacked more than RB & WR who're supposed to be hit more than he is. At first I blamed Bruce Arians offense but now even with a dink & dunk offense it's still the same results

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It is his right thumb, so if Satele hurts his knee again......is it Holmes?  Austin off of the practice squad?


I still say move Thornton to the RG position and play Reitz at the LG...Link backs up guards and RT...Reitz backs up Castanzo if he goes down.


Sometimes it takes an injury to make things click....AQ did pretty well last year when the mighty Samson went down....OOOPS!  Did I just go there?  :funny:

Totally agree. Reitz is athletic so let him pull. I'm tired of seeing mcglynn not make it past the center.

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I'm pretty sure most if not all of us agree on that. They didn't activate him yesterday, so maybe they did it for precaution (injury). Satele definitely has fallen off since his days in Oakland, but for whatever reason the staff sees something in him and McGlynn that we don't. What that is nobody knows...


Cause it's hilarious when someone jokes about someone getting injured so they can't do their job. It's knee slapping hilarious.
Maybe use a little common sense and realize it's not even really a joke. It's just someone making a stupid statement.





I'm not asking you or anybody else to laugh about it and really I don't care if you or anybody else finds it funny. It's not like a joke will somehow magically make an injury happen to him. I don't have mystical powers to make it happen. I think you're getting a little butthurt over nothing, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

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Texans fans cheering Matt Schuab's injury got them Case Keenum who's playing well. So if we have to cheer Satele & Mcglynn injuries to get Logan Mankins then I'm all for it

It's really getting old watching Andrew Luck get smacked more than RB & WR who're supposed to be hit more than he is. At first I blamed Bruce Arians offense but now even with a dink & dunk offense it's still the same results

If Luck has to get smacked around, I'd like to see more than 8 points too. But Arians scheme put up 3 in New Jersey last season.

These kind of games happen. 

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If Luck has to get smacked around, I'd like to see more than 8 points too. But Arians scheme put up 3 in New Jersey last season.

These kind of games happen.

But that Jets game was ours. Luck overthrew Fleener on that one redzone attempt. And then Tebow with the fake punt. We beat ourselves that game like we did this year with the Chargers

What happened yesterday was similar to last year vs the Patriots except we were never in the game

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Texans fans cheering Matt Schuab's injury got them Case Keenum who's playing well. So if we have to cheer Satele & Mcglynn injuries to get Logan Mankins then I'm all for it

It's really getting old watching Andrew Luck get smacked more than RB & WR who're supposed to be hit more than he is. At first I blamed Bruce Arians offense but now even with a dink & dunk offense it's still the same results


Two things:


1) Texans fans cheering when Schaub got injured had little impact on what happened afterward. The coaching staff went with Keenum because he was performing better, not because the fans didn't like Schaub.


2) The Colts don't run a dink and dunk offense. That's kind of the problem right now. They need to shorten up the passing concepts and get them established earlier on.

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Two things:

1) Texans fans cheering when Schaub got injured had little impact on what happened afterward. The coaching staff went with Keenum because he was performing better, not because the fans didn't like Schaub.

2) The Colts don't run a dink and dunk offense. That's kind of the problem right now. They need to shorten up the passing concepts and get them established earlier on.

Well the games I've seen (49ers, Chargers, Broncos & Texans) we've run short routes with a few deep shots. But we need more short passes. Offensive line is horrible, can't take 5 step or 7 step drops these days with our offensive line

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Texans fans cheering Matt Schuab's injury got them Case Keenum who's playing well. So if we have to cheer Satele & Mcglynn injuries to get Logan Mankins then I'm all for it

I hope you're kidding here, yes? I'm sure you know that it was Schaub's ankle twisting in a completely unnatural direction that got Keenum the start and not fans behaving like jerks that made that happen. I'm sure Schaub's pick-sixes also played a role in his non-return as well.

Perhaps some schmoe with extra dough would be willing to try an experiment: create an NFL team and let the fans run it. I wonder if a team would make it by majority rule.

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But that Jets game was ours. Luck overthrew Fleener on that one redzone attempt. And then Tebow with the fake punt. We beat ourselves that game like we did this year with the Chargers

What happened yesterday was similar to last year vs the Patriots except we were never in the game

You are looking back with rose colored glasses. The jets dominated the Colts on birth sides of the line.

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I'm not asking you or anybody else to laugh about it and really I don't care if you or anybody else finds it funny. It's not like a joke will somehow magically make an injury happen to him. I don't have mystical powers to make it happen. I think you're getting a little butthurt over nothing, but hey, whatever floats your boat.



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Mcgylnn and satele suck i say bench them both , and play holmes and Reitz shuffle the line, cherilus to lt, castonzo to rt , or lg and reitz to rt thorton to rg holmes in a center u have to try something new keep jogging the same 5 out thier and keeo getting the same results u have to try some thing , and it dont matter cause it cant be worst than the product this oline has bin all season

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