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My issue with all these comeback wins


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Simply put why are we so often in a position that we have to come back to win a game?  I am very happy that we have the ability to comeback don't get me wrong, I would just prefer as most fans not to have to do it so often. 


I think we are a good enough team to get a lead and keep it.  Just a point of conversation how do the rest of you feel?

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Simply put why are we so often in a position that we have to come back to win a game?  I am very happy that we have the ability to comeback don't get me wrong, I would just prefer as most fans not to have to do it so often. 


I think we are a good enough team to get a lead and keep it.  Just a point of conversation how do the rest of you feel?

I agree if the colts could start fast and finish that way they wouldn't be in that position at all and they need to start being consistent catching the football too luck is throwing very good passes and they are just not doing their job and coming down with them.

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OH and I almost forgot the Defense needs to be more consistent they play a awesome game one week then you look the next and your saying is this the same defense that shutdown the last team we faced and you say no the defense I saw last week sucked compare that to the defense we all saw against Denver even though they still gave up 33 points but you will give up a bunch of points to Peyton Manning but they need to shape up the whole team cause playing like they  did for three quarters last week was the same thing I saw that lost them the chargers game not making plays that they have made all season and just mental mistakes beating themselves.

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Simply put why are we so often in a position that we have to come back to win a game? ...I would just prefer as most fans not to have to do it so often. 



After reading your comment, I went back studied some video of those comeback games, did some research on the tactics used by those other teams, and made a startling discovery. Those other teams were actually using PAID PROFESSIONALS against us! They've been hiring what amount to mercenaries, and telling them to go out there and keep our guys from scoring. And some of them are even being paid outlandish amounts of money to do it! The league needs to look into this practice and put a stop to it at once!

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After reading your comment, I went back studied some video of those comeback games, did some research on the tactics used by those other teams, and made a startling discovery. Those other teams were actually using PAID PROFESSIONALS against us! They've been hiring what amount to mercenaries, and telling them to go out there and keep our guys from scoring. And some of them are even being paid outlandish amounts of money to do it! The league needs to look into this practice and put a stop to it at once!


Best. Post. Ever. I wish I could like this state two times!

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After reading your comment, I went back studied some video of those comeback games, did some research on the tactics used by those other teams, and made a startling discovery. Those other teams were actually using PAID PROFESSIONALS against us! They've been hiring what amount to mercenaries, and telling them to go out there and keep our guys from scoring. And some of them are even being paid outlandish amounts of money to do it! The league needs to look into this practice and put a stop to it at once!

Dang, it's a conspiracy! But we should start out strong, dominate the game (because it's our birth rite) and then we can send the second team in at the end of the game.

The other teams just aren't cooperating, because they're pros too? Now I get it.

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Simply put why are we so often in a position that we have to come back to win a game?  I am very happy that we have the ability to comeback don't get me wrong, I would just prefer as most fans not to have to do it so often. 


I think we are a good enough team to get a lead and keep it.  Just a point of conversation how do the rest of you feel?


Theres 2 ways to look at everything IMO a half full half empty thing .


Some game plans just don't work out as expected & at the half the coachs are able to adapt IMO good coaching has turned things around ..


All in all nothing or no one is perfect but the ability to overcome adversity is what has made our Colts so special the last 2 years & after 18 left Indy there were many who questioned the move but a year and a half later I personally don't question the results & I feel  very good about the direction the Colts are heading in  .


A young team with lots of new pieces performing pretty well beating top teams has been fun to watch best thing is they are gonna get better IMO ..

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Indy Star had an article on this yesterday:


Jaworski believes Luck is exceptional, as are his handlers, offensive coordinator Pep Hamilton and quarterbacks coach Clyde Christensen, at gathering information throughout the game and being prepared for how and whom they’re going to attack when the game is on the line.

Luck confirmed that.

“I think we practice so many late-game situations that it’s drilled into us as a football team,” Luck said. “You go out there and focus on your technique. You realize you don’t want to do anything different, anything over the top in a sense.

“When we’re winning, in the huddle he wants more, he wants more,” Colts tackle Gosder Cherilus said. “When we’re losing, he’s going to fight. He asks all of us to fight for our lives.”


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After reading your comment, I went back studied some video of those comeback games, did some research on the tactics used by those other teams, and made a startling discovery. Those other teams were actually using PAID PROFESSIONALS against us! They've been hiring what amount to mercenaries, and telling them to go out there and keep our guys from scoring. And some of them are even being paid outlandish amounts of money to do it! The league needs to look into this practice and put a stop to it at once!


So no team will ever score a point or win a game because they're all paid to stop their opponents from doing so?



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We definitely better get our act together before the playoffs. Denver or New England aren't gonna let us get back in the game if we fall behind to them early in those games

But this is a young team so a rollercoaster season is much to be expected.


you seem to forget we already came back on Denver
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this isn't a great team that can dominate opponents yet and may never be. those teams may never happen again with the salary cap the way it is. have a little patience and be happy the colts are winning. we are lucky to have a qb that can perform in the clutch and pull games out that other teams would lose.

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UPDATE!  After a call to the Commissioner (I have his secret cell number on speed dial) I have learned that the NFL will soon be implementing a new policy of Redistribution of Wins.  It seems that there are a lot of teams out there that don't have very many wins, and even a couple that don't have any wins at all.  This situation of inequality has lead to a lot of the players on those teams suffering from severe damage to their self-esteem, and their fans experiencing some acute psychological issues such as severe depression.


Under the new NFL rules, all games will still be played as usual, but at the end of the season all the wins will be divided equally among the 32 teams, giving each a respectable 8-8 record. Playoff games and the Super Bowl, naturally, will have to be cancelled, since they have been a contributing factor to dividing the league into "winners" and "losers"  Instead, each team will now be given a miniature Lombardi Trophy to be carried in their victory parades and displayed at team headquarters. Every player will receive a Participation Ring at the end of the season.  Naturally, these awards will have to be made from recycled water bottles to help keep costs in line.

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The NFL is the ultimate federation in word sport at providing a level playing field for all teams. Every win in this league is at a premium. You take what you get, and you be thankful you are not a fan of one of the many organizations who haven't had a winning season in years.

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I agree if the colts could start fast and finish that way they wouldn't be in that position at all and they need to start being consistent catching the football too luck is throwing very good passes and they are just not doing their job and coming down with them.


 Of course Andrew isn`t throwing enough good passes, accuracy is still a big issue, and is not finding his wide open receivers.

 He is very solid in fundamentals, an amazing Leader, and is not turning the balll over, those are his current strengths.

 Well, and that sweet long ball when given time.

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Simply put why are we so often in a position that we have to come back to win a game?  I am very happy that we have the ability to comeback don't get me wrong, I would just prefer as most fans not to have to do it so often. 


I think we are a good enough team to get a lead and keep it.  Just a point of conversation how do the rest of you feel?

I see what you mean about our comebacks being the neccessary product of falling behind.

We stole the Houston game...They outplayed us..

..But the true gold of the new Colts is that we have the guy who can salvage games we should have lost...

My watching of the NFL shows me that even the best team cant be the best team every week and they need the guy who can turn it around clean up the mess..

..when we won the Super Bowl, we should have lost the AFC title game but we had the guy who turn the game and clean it up..

///But there will always be the need for comebacks in championship season.....

That's why I wish would forget balance and try to blow teams up early....

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 Of course Andrew isn`t throwing enough good passes, accuracy is still a big issue, and is not finding his wide open receivers.

 He is very solid in fundamentals, an amazing Leader, and is not turning the balll over, those are his current strengths.

 Well, and that sweet long ball when given time.

What I said is most of his passes are perfect and his WR are not making the catch.

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As a fan I kinda hate having to wait until the last drive (or play) of a game to find out if we will win. As a former player who played on some really good teams that were always favored and sometimes got behind I can saying that those kinds of wins strengthen and relaxed my play. When you string those comeback wins together you are never out of a game. I always knew we were going to make a run and that when we did that other team would panic and collapse. As a player I loved those wins as they reinforced my confidence more than ever. When Colt players say in interview after interview that there is no panic at the half or even the 4th quarter I know that's how I felt. When you play on a bad team you're never confident even when you have a lead.

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The NFL is the ultimate federation in word sport at providing a level playing field for all teams. Every win in this league is at a premium. You take what you get, and you be thankful you are not a fan of one of the many organizations who haven't had a winning season in years.

This. Man you have no idea how mad I get when I watch my Argentina league soccer and have to watch Boca, or river win everything. They get like 90% of the TV coverage and funding. Same goes for barca or big euro teams. Hell I think bayern have just won 38 straight or something like that.

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This. Man you have no idea how mad I get when I watch my Argentina league soccer and have to watch Boca, or river win everything. They get like 90% of the TV coverage and funding. Same goes for barca or big euro teams. Hell I think bayern have just won 38 straight or something like that.


Yeah, soccer is the perfect example. In La Liga, every team gets to compete independently for TV rights, meaning Barcelona and Real Madrid dominate the market, this is a huge advantage and means the smaller teams can never compete.


The English Premier League isn't as bad and spread the money out a lot more, but still no where near the level keel in the NFL.


Also, in non-American sports, salary caps don't exist, drafts don't exist... it is really a capitalist environment

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Yeah, soccer is the perfect example. In La Liga, every team gets to compete independently for TV rights, meaning Barcelona and Real Madrid dominate the market, this is a huge advantage and means the smaller teams can never compete.

The English Premier League isn't as bad and spread the money out a lot more, but still no where near the level keel in the NFL.

Also, in non-American sports, salary caps don't exist, drafts don't exist... it is really a capitalist environment

Yeh, you hit the nail on the head with that last paragraph. I find it quite ironic that the US is somewhat synonymous with capitalism, yet its sports seem to have completely opposing values.

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Yeah, soccer is the perfect example. In La Liga, every team gets to compete independently for TV rights, meaning Barcelona and Real Madrid dominate the market, this is a huge advantage and means the smaller teams can never compete.

The English Premier League isn't as bad and spread the money out a lot more, but still no where near the level keel in the NFL.

Also, in non-American sports, salary caps don't exist, drafts don't exist... it is really a capitalist environment

Funny how were. "Capitalist" but our sports aren't. You know What, I'm 100% okay with it.

Anton you're from England right? Who do you cheer for on the pitch? I've always had a soft spot for Aston Villa

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I agree if the colts could start fast and finish that way they wouldn't be in that position at all and they need to start being consistent catching the football too luck is throwing very good passes and they are just not doing their job and coming down with them.

Cliche quote coming: It's not about how you start, it's about how you finish.

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I agree if the colts could start fast and finish that way they wouldn't be in that position at all and they need to start being consistent catching the football too luck is throwing very good passes and they are just not doing their job and coming down with them.

no im not lost even you know the whole team was pathetic today its a proven fact and the rams are not even good so where is the colt team from early in the season.

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Simply put why are we so often in a position that we have to come back to win a game?  I am very happy that we have the ability to comeback don't get me wrong, I would just prefer as most fans not to have to do it so often. 


I think we are a good enough team to get a lead and keep it.  Just a point of conversation how do the rest of you feel?

I think a lot of it comes down to the play-calling. It's just not congruent with the personnel we have, particularly as it concerns the run game.

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