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The Issues of Trent Richardson are Not his Fault...


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..... at least,  that's my opinion....    and here's why I think that....



He's got no where to run.


When he carries the ball,  not only are there no holes to run through,  our OL is getting blown-up by the DL.   


What that tells me is that when Trent is in,  we are entirely predictable, based on....


-- Personnel groupings

-- Down and Distance

-- Formation

-- Tendencies



Sorry,  but it feels like we are well scouted by every opponent and that Trent simply has no where to run.   I chalk his fumbling up to his great frustration that he's not able to do much for us and he's trying to fight for every yard he can, and things back-fire.   I'm not worried he's a fumbler at all.


I'm much, much more worried that we're not using him properly and don't have any idea of how to get the most out of him.


That's a Pep issue.....   I hope the coaches re-think their approach for Trent.....


Just my two cents......

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The talent is undeniable...A change in approach as far as pass to run instead of run to pass, and the power formations never work...The defense seems to know every time when we are gonna run..The few times he gets single back looks out of the spead formation he looks really good...I wish we would use the stretch play with him like we did with James and Addai...

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Great players find holes.Even Donald Brown finds holes. Trent was great when he worked behind a dominant Alabama line but he needs a cavern to run through. Our GM has done a good job but even he can make a terrible decision like trading a Number #1 for this stiff who obviously has terrible vision.

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He's a huge, strong scat back and the quicker Pep realizes this the more success he'll have.


Not saying he's not capable of running between the tackles, but at this point it seems like we're trying to do the same thing that New Orleans tried to do with Reggie Bush for years. And that's essentially who Trent is. He's a bigger, stronger, more powerful, albeit slower version of Reggie Bush. We're using him in a capacity that I don' think works for him or at least doesn't work for him yet. There should be more plays designed to the outside, or from the shotgun for him.

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Yeah, Trent can't help it if he is just an average running back.

Forgive us if we have more faith in Grigson than you. You should change you're screen name to doom and gloom. Have you gone back too every thread where you proclaimed we were gonna get creamed last night?

Is life in Canada that miserable? Do you ever have anything positive to say?

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I don't think we're a good team for him.

Despite good rushing numbers as a team, we don't have a truly powerful line to run behind.

And though it's true of many (most even?) RB's out of college, Trent benefited greatly then from playing behind one of, if not the best offensive lines in the country.

I wish we would throw it to him in space out of the backfield though.

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He's a huge, strong scat back and the quicker Pep realizes this the more success he'll have.


Not saying he's not capable of running between the tackles, but at this point it seems like we're trying to do the same thing that New Orleans tried to do with Reggie Bush for years. And that's essentially who Trent is. He's a bigger, stronger, more powerful, albeit slower version of Reggie Bush. We're using him in a capacity that I don' think works for him. 

You know I haven't thought of it like that but I see what you mean....I think he can still be successful inside when we get better guard play, but he is so big it's hard for him to fit through the small creases and he can't bust through them cause a fb is in his way or satele or mcglynn are getting knocked 3 yards in the backfield....I like the Bush comparison, not as quick , but once he gets a head of steam he has 4.4 speed and he is very shifty sise to side like Bush...That's why the stretch would be perfect for him to get him on the edge with a head of steam...

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Sorry dont believe that in the least...at least now......We have been running Richardson out of 3 wide sets now, have given him pitch outs, thrown to him, At some point some of you just have to admit he has got a lot of work to do to become a better running back, he lacks vision and is to quick to the hole plenty of times giving himself little to no chance to make a move if another hole opens, Backs do NOT make there money running straight through a hole thats designed to be open, they make there money knowing who there best run blockers(clearly Castonzo) are in front of them and going that way if the designed run does not end up with a hole to run through, ........I question that he knows that Castonzo is our most consistent run blocker, because if he did his ypc would show that

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Great players find holes.Even Donald Brown finds holes. 

DB has been in the league for what, 5 or 6 years? 


He wasn't finding these holes until recently. 


Richardson has played under a different system on an average of every 7.5 games played. He needs coached. A solid year with this TREMENDOUS Colts coaching staff, and we'll have a bunch of folks here eating crow. 


TRich has vast potential, and it is my prediction that 5 years from now we'll look back and truly realize that his trade was a key to our Super Bowl victories. 


BTW, he's only fumbled 4 times in his career, about 1 every 100 carries. Last night was the first fumble he lost. 

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The fumble wasn't even his fault. That was over 900lbs grabbed on him. All those bodies you don't know who's on your side and who's a defender. Trent had his head down chopping his feet in place. Refs should've blew the whistle but once our offensive line decided they finally wanted to do something they came trying to knock him forward and instead hurt us by doing that cause Trent was done at that point.

Still won the game so it is what it is. Even the greats fumble from time to time

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I honestly haven't seen the production in a year and a half..

But we need him the next 3 months.

Its him and Donald Brown...there isn't anybody else. I think he's average.

But I do agree with you about how we use him.

We can tell where he's running by the formation.

can we pitch out or use a little misdirection?.

Pep believes we can line up and run over people because we really, really want to.

It doesn't work that way in the NFL.

We need to be pass-first and then the run will be there.

But Chuck and Pep just don't think that way.

Not yet, anyway

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I think Richardson's skill set is not going to be consistently good, or reliable, at the NFL level.  It is unfortunate that Grigs gave a 1st round pick for him.  Call a spade a spade. 


His vision after the handoff is below average.  His horizonatal movement once he gets to the line of scrimmage is below average to poor, as his two basic moves to get left or right is to A. jump up with both feet in the air, or B. to spin in the direction he wants to go.  Lastly, his explosion thru the hole is average and his toughness is above average.  It is really the first two things that doom him as a reliable runner.


Great backs have vision right after the handoff of where the hole WILL be, and they then use their feet to shift left or right effortlessly, without having to hop with both feet in the air, or spin.


I think Richardson needs the following if he is going to be successful:


A.  He needs to line up about 1 yard deeper (further back), and get the ball alittle further back then he normally would so he can have an extra step forward while using the marginal vision he has.


B.  I think he needs some finely tuned cone drills, that get his feet moving better then they do now.  He has terrible feet right now, always jumping up instead of shifting and cutting.  His feet don't look like a natural running back at this point. 


The talk of formations, schemes, etc. is complete hog wash.  They have tried him as a 1st and 2nd down back, they have tried him as a 3rd down back.  He has been in on 1st and 10, and 3rd and 1, and he is not showing any ability to succed in any situation right now as a runner.


I am not talking about his blocking ability or catching ability as that isn't the glaring issue right now.  

I hate to go negative like this, but I am just calling a spade a spade. 


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Guest TeamLoloJones

Just remember... Adrian Peterson didn't come into the league killing it immediately either. It took him a year or so to start being the beast he is now.

He had 296 yds in one game his rookie year.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

And? One game doesn't mean anything.

He had 1300+ yds and 12 tds with a 5.6 ypc average in 14 games...is that good enough for you?

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The fumble wasn't even his fault. That was over 900lbs grabbed on him. All those bodies you don't know who's on your side and who's a defender. Trent had his head down chopping his feet in place. Refs should've blew the whistle but once our offensive line decided they finally wanted to do something they came trying to knock him forward and instead hurt us by doing that cause Trent was done at that point.

Still won the game so it is what it is. Even the greats fumble from time to time

a fumble that isn't the running backs fault after he secured the handoff? never heard of that one, David Wilson can use a fan like you
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Trent Richardson ended the game with a -2.2 grade, which you might expect for a player who could only muster 37 rushing yards from 14 carries, but in truth almost all of that came because of his fumble – a play where he was being gang tackled and the ball was stripped from his grasp as half of Denver rode him to the ground. Otherwise he was dealt the blocking equivalent of the Dead Man’s Hand, meeting players in the backfield on seemingly every carry, and barely getting an opportunity all day to run the ball without having to make a cut in the backfield as the play had been blown to hell. Richardson forced five missed tackles, and gained 25 of his 37 yards after contact. That means that on 14 carries his blocking generated him just 12 yards before he was hit. The same ran true for Brown, who gained 12 of his 23 yards after contact. Richardson may be killing some fantasy teams, but the fault lies not at his door, at least not entirely.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Trent Richardson ended the game with a -2.2 grade, which you might expect for a player who could only muster 37 rushing yards from 14 carries, but in truth almost all of that came because of his fumble – a play where he was being gang tackled and the ball was stripped from his grasp as half of Denver rode him to the ground. Otherwise he was dealt the blocking equivalent of the Dead Man’s Hand, meeting players in the backfield on seemingly every carry, and barely getting an opportunity all day to run the ball without having to make a cut in the backfield as the play had been blown to heck. Richardson forced five missed tackles, and gained 25 of his 37 yards after contact. That means that on 14 carries his blocking generated him just 12 yards before he was hit. The same ran true for Brown, who gained 12 of his 23 yards after contact. Richardson may be killing some fantasy teams, but the fault lies not at his door, at least not entirely.

I've been saying it all along.  We need better interior line play.  Trent is a great blocker, and will help keep Andrew alive.  That alone makes him a value to this team.

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..... at least,  that's my opinion....    and here's why I think that....



He's got no where to run.


When he carries the ball,  not only are there no holes to run through,  our OL is getting blown-up by the DL.   


What that tells me is that when Trent is in,  we are entirely predictable, based on....


-- Personnel groupings

-- Down and Distance

-- Formation

-- Tendencies



Sorry,  but it feels like we are well scouted by every opponent and that Trent simply has no where to run.   I chalk his fumbling up to his great frustration that he's not able to do much for us and he's trying to fight for every yard he can, and things back-fire.   I'm not worried he's a fumbler at all.


I'm much, much more worried that we're not using him properly and don't have any idea of how to get the most out of him.


That's a Pep issue.....   I hope the coaches re-think their approach for Trent.....


Just my two cents......

I agree with some of what you are saying, but I think there's more to it. You have to ask yourself, "what makes one running back better than others?"


You cannot deny Trent Richardson's physical gifts-- he's fast and strong and able to make guys miss. That's what he has going for him.


Where I see he is lacking is his vision, which is very important for a running back. We cannot simply say that the O-line is not blocking for him. If that's the case, then we can plug any RB in there and let him gain the yards that our O-line can afford him. It's also not the play calling. We saw Richardson used in various ways last night, and still did not get the results we were looking for.


When Brown has been in recently, I've noticed that if the play is to the left, he starts going left and notices immediately if there is no hole. He is able to find the hole to the right side of the line and gain positive yards, sometimes large gains. Richardson on the other hand, on similar plays he continues towards the pile-up to the left of the line and gains minimal yards. This is where it will appear to be the O-line's fault (and to a certain extent, it may be), but we expect a 1st round RB to have great vision and find the holes, whether an intended hole or not.

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a fumble that isn't the running backs fault after he secured the handoff? never heard of that one, David Wilson can use a fan like you

Majority of the backs in the NFL would've fumbled on that play. Guys like Ryan Matthew's would've even gotten injured on that play with all those bodies. Like I said, could careless about the fumble cause we won amd that was the 1st Trent Richardson fumble I've seen since he came here

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Look, I'll say this once. Colts draft highly rated Lydell Mitchell. Steelers draft Franco. Franco goes crazy and Lydell not so much. When everyone has conceded that Lydell is an un talented bust, along comes Uncle Ted 1.0 and  puts Lydell in an offense where they throw it to him and run it with him and just get him the ball in space and Lydell is the running game for 3 years of division championships and playoffs. The situation with Trent does not look good but there's a mismatch ocurring right now and I  would not conclude that the Colts will or will not solve it but.......sometimes you are only in the position to play the cards you have in your hand and I'm just gonna root for the Colts to find a way to play what they have well. Go Trent, Go Colts!

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It's been a month and nothing has changed i loved the trade at first now im skeptical. 


he has shown next to nothing he goes down almost always at the first bit of contact, his vision is not the best when trying to find a hole. 


i really want to like him but gee he is making it hard for me. 

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Are you sure you're watching the right games? Trent can be accused of a lot of things, but going down easy aint one of 'em.

lol...yep. I'd say if anything, he needs to be coached to go down quicker. His legs are freakin' tree trunks, and such strength allows him to stay upright under the even most ridiculous weight of defenders. 


His place on this team will become apparent as the year slogs forth. 

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Hated the trade when it happened and have seen nothing to change my mind. Ballard and Bradshaw are both better runners than Richardson and they cost next to nothing. It's the only move Grigson has made that i dislike. Still hoping Richardson proves me wrong though.

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Are you sure you're watching the right games? Trent can be accused of a lot of things, but going down easy aint one of 'em.

He doesn't go down easy, but other than a couple plays, he doesn't seem to get much forward yardage after significant contact.

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I didn't literally spell it out in my original post,  so I'll spell it out here....


I think the issues are Pep and the staff,  not Trent's....


I think we are way, way too predictable when Trent is in the game.    We fool no one, and our OL,  while very much improved,  is not good enough to over-power teams when we're this predictable.


I hope we completely re-think our approach to Trent during this bye week.....

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I think Trent has some "Mental" hurdles he needs to overcome. I am mainly referring to his confidence level. This can make all the difference in the world. I'm not really sure how to describe it, but I haven't been a fan of his body language since day one. He almost seems reserved or shy or something.....can't really figure out how to describe it.......it is almost a Ricky Williams type thing.

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He doesn't go down easy, but other than a couple plays, he doesn't seem to get much forward yardage after significant contact.


Whenever he's not getting gang-tackled he gets pretty good YAC, but it seems like there are at least 6 guys on him by the time he hits the LOS. Hard to get much going when that happens repeatedly. 

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