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Was it as difficult to watch for you?


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I found myself watching very quietly ....

..To see Peyton get hit and then Andrew get hit....

Every injury was a little painful...Champ and Reggie...made me sad

The crowd was load and great and respectful but all the '18' signs...there was some sad ness there, too

The opening ceremony was simple and touching

I was happy the Colts won,., they needed the victory to take control in the division...

Denver could afford to lose and the Colts outplayed them..

But I couldnt root against Peyton in Indianapolis and I couldn't root against the Colts and Andrew.

I didn't know how I'd feel......but I watched very quietly...

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Once the honoring was done before the game.  Peyton became the enemy.  I will always love him for what he did for the team.  But hes not here anymore.  I enjoyed seeing everyone cheer for him.  But once kick off started.  Thats the end of the honoring.  And I loved seeing Mathis hit him.  And Im sure he enjoyed it too after all those years of not being able too.

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For the first time in a head-to-head with Peyton (or last time depending on how u look at it), I felt that Luck gave EVERY Colts fan, Peyton's fans included, a reason to move on from the previous Colts chapter with his play on the field. I felt fortunate and LUCKY, pun intended :)

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I felt bad for Peyton. Watching his interview before the game with Bob Costas you could tell how much he hated being released from the Colts. He said that he has been criticized for not saying "Colts" more often and he said that was because it was always "we" and he never thought that would change. He always assumed he would play his whole career for one team and then he got injured. I think during the game you could tell he was tired and he said as much after the game.

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Luck is such fun to watch. He's the total package and the best arm in the league.

Was anyone really surprises that Peyton choked in another great moment? I wasn't.

Where did he choke? I saw a secondary shut down his receivers and a great pass rush. Plus Andrew and the boys balled out. Peyton didn't lose it. The colts won it
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Not sure that was the last time we'll play Peyton and the Broncos.


I rooted for the Colts the entire time of course but it was a little bitter sweet at the end when the camera focused on sad Peyton. Just looked as if he was thinking 'Man, I wish I was still in Indy and winning this game tonight'.

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I felt bad for Peyton. Watching his interview before the game with Bob Costas you could tell how much he hated being released from the Colts. He said that he has been criticized for not saying "Colts" more often and he said that was because it was always "we" and he never thought that would change. He always assumed he would play his whole career for one team and then he got injured. I think during the game you could tell he was tired and he said as much after the game.

Very true, am....I watched that interview, too.....

To hear him say what I already knew...that he never, ever wanted to leave...

I could not cheer agianst him...he didn't do anything wrong..

I thought he was affected by the situation....and why wouldn't he be...

Glad the Colts won...big game..they've topped the Big-3

..but it was hard to see Reggie go down like that....he knows he's done...and see the look on Marvin's face....

......Colts defense was great ....but it was a sad night in a lot of ways...

I'm sorry...I just cant root against Peyton...in front of his fans in Indy

Sitting here..hundreds of miles away....I just wasn't as excited as I usually am...

maybe I'm just getting old...

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Not sure that was the last time we'll play Peyton and the Broncos.


I rooted for the Colts the entire time of course but it was a little bitter sweet at the end when the camera focused on sad Peyton. Just looked as if he was thinking 'Man, I wish I was still in Indy and winning this game tonight'.

EB..I hope its the last time they meet..I really do

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Well, I have to say I shed a small tear over the beginning of that game, to see Peytons face and the standing ovation that he received. It was heart warming and breaking at the same time. However ~ it closed a chapter not only for the Colts but Peyton as well. Peyton Manning always a Colt? Of course. I hope he wins the Superbowl this year ~ HOWEVER ~ If he has to go thru the Colts to do it I say its all out war! Support your team! We are going back to the SuperBowl ~ One Way or another!

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I know what you mean uncle mark.  I have avoided watching Peyton because seeing him in a broncos uni makes my head hurt


And at times during last nights game......I had quarterback confusion.


But we got to see what it's like to be on the receiving end of Peyton manning and almost victim to a patented Peyton Manning comeback


It was good to see him at home again and I did find myself feeling bad for him.


But after all the media hubub this week.........overall it was good to remember how much colts fans love him and to let him know that


Great game.......great player

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For the first time in a head-to-head with Peyton (or last time depending on how u look at it), I felt that Luck gave EVERY Colts fan, Peyton's fans included, a reason to move on from the previous Colts chapter with his play on the field. I felt fortunate and LUCKY, pun intended :)

I understand how most here feel....I get it

...but it not about Andrew to me..not a bit... .......I'm afraid there's no moving on when Peyton's still playing

...and the '18' jerseys... I didn't expect so many... and to see Peyton shaking hands with trainers and security guards and stadium workers afterwards...

.....I sure hope there's no Denver-Indy game in Indy again until Peyton retires. It was uncomfortable to watch

Just have to be honest...

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I know what you mean uncle mark.  I have avoided watching Peyton because seeing him in a broncos uni makes my head hurt


And at times during last nights game......I had quarterback confusion.


But we got to see what it's like to be on the receiving end of Peyton manning and almost victim to a patented Peyton Manning comeback


It was good to see him at home again and I did find myself feeling bad for him.


But after all the media hubub this week.........overall it was good to remember how much colts fans love him and to let him know that


Great game.......great player

Nadine..he said in the pre-game interview that its hard for him to say 'Colts'

because for 14 years he always said 'we'

He apologized for not being able to say Colts..because he's not used to the Colts being someone else...

That got me.

When he was rallying the Broncos, I had to remind myself that if he gets them to 40 points 'WE' lose.

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The only thing is that I was a little bit more concerned about him getting hurt then I normally would be for another opposing QB.  


It's not like I'm praying for opposing QB's to get hurt, I just don't think about it too much.  In this game I felt like no matter what happened I didn't want to see Peyton get hurt.


Of course Reggie's injury could be the worst one yet.  

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Take a pay cut. You want to finish here? Take a pay cut. He wouldn't. Maybe he could just factor in the 25 million he stole, not make it look so bad?

Water under the bridge. Glad it's over. That team has issues, and now other teams have the blueprint.

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The only thing is that I was a little bit more concerned about him getting hurt then I normally would be for another opposing QB.  


It's not like I'm praying for opposing QB's to get hurt, I just don't think about it too much.  In this game I felt like no matter what happened I didn't want to see Peyton get hurt.


Of course Reggie's injury could be the worst one yet.

I know exactly what you mean....

I like Tom Brady...but I want the Colts to level him as often as possible..

When Peyton got hit, I was holding my breath...

..and I was glasd to see him rall them at the end./..just as long as he didnt rally them all the way

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Take a pay cut. You want to finish here? Take a pay cut. He wouldn't. Maybe he could just factor in the 25 million he stole, not make it look so bad?

Water under the bridge. Glad it's over. That team has issues, and now other teams have the blueprint.

clearly you don't know what you're talking about

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It wasn't difficult at all to watch the game.  The tribute was moving but after it was over it was time to battle!  Some people were saying that they wanted Peyton to have a great game but wanted the Colts to win.  Don't see how that's possible because if Peyton has a great game the Denver most likely wins. 


I wouldn't say that Peyton choked because he played a really good game, but watching Peyton play in this game gave me flashbacks of most of his playoff losses. 

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I enjoyed EVERY second of the "Great 18's return."  I enjoyed his mastery once again at the Line of scrimmage, (Other than a delay of game :)) The attempt of another comeback in his storied career...and some of the pin point throws with Colts in his 'grill.'


I thoroughly enjoyed the Colts play, and for the haters of some of the players who made fantastic plays in this one....give them a 'standing ovation.' (We know who you hate on...show em some love in this huge victory.)


The only time I got emotional in this one was when T-Rich fumbled.....I thought Peyton would do it....then after the game he was walking around like a little boy....obviously disappointed in the loss...but still being the classiest individual I have witnessed in sports. We witnessed an instant classic....and more than likely the most watched football game in the regular season....ever.   :colts:  :colts:  :colts:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet: !!!!!!!!

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He lost another big game for him. Are you stocking me?

I think the word you're struggling for is "Stalking".

Also he didn't lose it, the broncos lost. They scored 33 points, it just wasnt enough. Brady had a bigger game yesterday than Peyton did. Division games are much bigger than out of division conference games. Did Tom choke?

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He lost another big game for him. Are you stocking me?

Manning didn't lose the game any more than Luck won the game.  It's a team effort on both sides.  Manning didn't lose the games when he was here either, one man cannot do it alone.


The Colts defense played brilliantly for most of the night, and the Bronco's defense is the worst in the league.  To pin the loss on Manning is silly, just as blaming him for the playoff losses here in Indy is.  

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I thought the game was the best thing since sliced bread until all the injuries in the 4th quarter opened up Manning's passing game. We would have been talking about the colts blowing out the Broncos had those injuries not occurred, DT's TD pass came on the single play that Vontae sat out. and big completions to Welker when Butler went out.

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I found myself watching very quietly ....

..To see Peyton get hit and then Andrew get hit....

Every injury was a little painful...Champ and Reggie...made me sad

The crowd was load and great and respectful but all the '18' signs...there was some sad ness there, too

The opening ceremony was simple and touching

I was happy the Colts won,., they needed the victory to take control in the division...

Denver could afford to lose and the Colts outplayed them..

But I couldnt root against Peyton in Indianapolis and I couldn't root against the Colts and Andrew.

I didn't know how I'd feel......but I watched very quietly...


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Wasn't difficult at all for me until the Reggie injury.  Love Peyton and all he did for the franchise but I'm a Colts fan, not just simply a Peyton fan.  Seeing one of the best, most hard working, and classiest WRs I've ever seen go down like that with an injury that could very well end his brilliant career was brutal.  Made what should have been a happy night very bittersweet.

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It was the most horrific game I have ever seen. I'm a Peyton fan. Always will be, always have been. 


For anyone to make a comment that he choked, you should be taken out back and shown how to show some respect. He did not choke. 


I hated ever single minute of that game, I hate today, the day after, and so on. I saw the hurt in his eyes, he was visibly upset before, during and after the game. He tried not to look around, but couldnt help it. 


I teared up at the tribute to him and the look his face had. 


I hope to never have to see them play again. But if they do.. let it be in Denver to even out the playing field.

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