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Dear Jim Irsay.............


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  I figure you read this forum so I'm creating this thread because it is about time someone sticks up for what YOU'VE done for this organization.  Which, incidently, is much more than even Peyton has done for it..

I've got your back.

  Your style is so refreshing for the league.  Sure sometimes you tweet or say things without fully thinking them through, but you always speak from your heart.  And that BIG heart of yours is in the right place.

  People seem to forget how this organization was on the up before Peyton ever got here.  Remember 1995 and 1996?  Jimmy Harbaugh did a pretty nice job.  Peyton certainly had the weapons on offense to "win the big one".  More offensive weapons than the teams that beat us.  Plus, last year's exit in the first game to Baltimore looked ALOT like the majority of our playoff games under him.  Kinda embarrasing the "experts" didn't notice that.  Also, I remember a certain game in NE that we only posted 3 lousy points in.  Who are we gonna blame that on?  Too many interceptions in the playoffs too.

  What you said recently hit the nail on the head, its just a shame nobody has the guts to acknowledge Peyton has faults.  While I really don't think you were directng the comments toward him, he HAS to take some of the blame.

  Now, I'd like to clarify that I LOVE Peyton and what he did for the organization.  He was my favorite Colt since Bert Jones really.  I respect his game and him as a man.  But he's just a man, not a god.

  My loyalty is to the Colts, not one player.  While I still watch and record every game Peyton still plays, I want "my" Colts to take him to the "woodshed" this week.  Its not personal, its football.


  To sum it up, it is very clear how much you love this team and how hard you have worked (and PAID) to bring talented players, coaches, and staff in here to win a Super Bowl.  IT WORKED!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!  The 2006 season has given me memories that money (at least my money) couldn't buy.

You've brought honor to "the Shoe" and I'm very sure your dad is very proud.

Keep up the good work, and please don't change for others.

After all, it is YOUR TEAM.

Keep your head up dude, you've earned it.


Thanks again,

The WoolMagnet

(a proud and happy Colt fan in Pennsylvania)

Edited by Nadine
personal shot
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Jim Irsay rocks. Most accessible, regular, fan friendly owner there it. Compare him to say, stuffy Dan Snyder for example. Irsay routinely gives away dozens of tickets for each home game to trivia answering Twitter followers. How refreshing and engaging is that? Appreciate Irsay and give him some credit for making it fun. It's not fashionable to take sides with a billionare owner - I get it. I just hope Irsay does as we'll and just keeps on being his honest self.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, October 20, 2013 - calling out moderation
Hidden by Nadine, October 20, 2013 - calling out moderation

What the heck?

Can Nadine or someone else tell me why my post was edited?(no words or spelling were changed that I can see)

And what the heck does "personal shot" mean?

Ther was nothing PERSONAL about that.

Nothing wrong was said.

I don't get it but I do expect an explanation.

I'm confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(and a little ticked off)

If i did something wrong the least I could get is an explanation.

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Your post acts are just the same as the media and fox's thoughts. I stand by irsay also but his recent comment is just a simple we faulted as a team while Peyton was here and we failed to put a complete team on the field . It wasnt just Peyton who lost them games just as it wasn't just Peyton when we won it . Everybody has faults as you and I also have faults. But Irsay noticed his fault by allowing the colts to become one sided and looks to avoid that twice .I aslo watch Peyton every week and this will be the first time in his nfl career I will be rooting against him

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, October 20, 2013 - replying to removed post
Hidden by Nadine, October 20, 2013 - replying to removed post

What the heck?

Can Nadine or someone else tell me why my post was edited?(no words or spelling were changed that I can see)

And what the heck does "personal shot" mean?

Ther was nothing PERSONAL about that.

Nothing wrong was said.

I don't get it but I do expect an explanation.

I'm confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(and a little ticked off)

If i did something wrong the least I could get is an explanation.

 it's a personal shot at everyone who takes shots at Irsay lol

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"what you said recently really hit the nail on the head, it's just a shame nobody has the guts to acknowledge Peyton had faults. While I don't really think you were directing the comments towards him, he HAS to take some of the blame ."

This statement kind of contradicts itself . Apparently, he hit the nail on the head about Peyton's blame in not winning more Super Bowls , but it wasn't really directed at him. This kind of thinking is why most ,outside of the Indy . are totally confused about what this owner is talking about.

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This is what stinks about this medium and texting.  It is hard to give context to views/ideas, especially with limited words.

The "what you said recently" and "Peyton's faults" were actually two different, seperate ideas.  I guess I should have put a period instead of a comma.


  I guess my point was that I believe Irsay was correct in his statements and that they weren't drected as being Peyton's fault.

I was merely pointing out (seperate topic and thought) that the media and especially Fox (stirring the pot and causing friction) are acting like we wouldn't have won without Peyton when I was merely pointing out (thinking aloud) that Peyton lost games for us too especially in playoffs. I don't know how that can be argued.  I still believe Peyton is the best ever and best right now (my opinion).

However, he was a very different player in the regular season than in the playoffs. Whether it was nerves, the fact that we were playing better teams in playoffs, or something else I'm not sure.  After all, the 2006 playoffs weren't all Manning but had alot of help from the defense(which was surprising) and Vinatieri.

The contradiction was a seperate topic, not a contradiction.  One doesn't have to be related to the other.(my wording was confusing).

Irsay's statement seemed obvious to me.... basically what good are big stats if you can't control the game.  ie, running game, defense, special teams etc.   The media just seems to want to twist words for ratings which is what they do best.

In my point of view, Irsay has shown nothing but love and respect for Manning, let alone making him a VERY wealthy man.

  This isn't a "bash Manning" thread, rather a "non-bash" Irsay thread.

  It seems a no-brainer we would have done much better than losing 7 of 11 in 1st round if Manning had a more rounded team around him.  This seems like common sense, I didn't feel the need to state the obvious.  On the flip-side, how the heck could we put a well-rounded team around him with what we were paying him?  Its a double edged sword kinda.

Of course, it seems EVERY post gets twisted around in this forum, much like Irsay's comments.


Edited by Nadine
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I actually read your post twice . See your views differently the second time. At first read It sounded like slamming Peyton topic . But I see your views and they are some good thoughts .


Thank you.

Trust me, if you knew me, you would know how I feel about Manning....still.  LOVE the guy for sooooo many reasons.

But, he (like the rest of us) was/is far from perfect....especially in the playoffs.  lol.

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If Irsay wanted to sit down during the offseason and dissect what went wrong during Peyton's time here and discuss the reason for letting Peyton go and change the identity of his team I think he has every right to do so. I think people would sit down and discuss it....the merits of the conversation and make their own conclusions. Other than sounding a little spoiled and ungrateful there wasn't necessarily anything wrong with having the discussion about Peytons time here. What is 100% undeniable and just tasteless is the fact that you would bring it up the week we are suppose to honor, reflect, and celebrate the success Peyton and others brought to this organization and city. You never mentioned the fact that Peyton played through that neck injury, knee injury, and all he did to to bring this Colts organization into a winning/championship contending one. You don't mention the fact that he worked tirelessly at his trade and demanded excellence of not only himself and his teammates but the staff, trainers, and everyone inside the organization. PEYTON brought that....YOU Irsay...did not. One man transformed this organization into one that expected excellence....from everyone inside it....and that man's name was not Jim Irsay. Jim you reaped the benefits of having such a great leader..and to point out the failures (and drawing direct comparisons to Tom) and pointing out how even your successes with the stats (star wars numbers) only netted you ONE measly ring....well you certainly made your point. Of course pointing it out THE VERY WEEK he is coming to be honored....well that is just perfect timing...and very tasteful. You wonder why the organization had so many issues before Peyton came.....maybe it was because of the LEADERSHIP we had. Peyton showed you what leading looks like...what winning looks like...and what running a first class organization looks like. You want to know why things transitioned so well......because of the little things left behind by Peyton.....the ball boys, trainers, film men...on and on...they learned how to prepare for success and they didn't learn that from Jimmy. Peyton expected it from all around him...so when he left he left behind the formula for success. Not every organization runs that way...but this one was ready for the successor. Thank God we got Andrew....I mean seriously...the only reason Jim has even a hint at sustained success after Peyton is because of the great fortune of landing Andrew. 


We have all discussed the issue what could have given us more success....what could have been done differently...but none of us would dare do it in the papers the very week we are suppose to honor the very man we publicly call out and try to minimize what he brought to us. What does every player coming into the league say they are playing for.....that ring right?? They don't say I want to win 5 rings. I just want to win one....because they know how difficult it is. Just one. Now no one stops after that...they want to taste it again....but every single one that suits up realizes how very very difficult it is to even win one. Ask Tom how hard it is. He has 3 but if it was easy he could just as easily have 5. Its those that don't suit up...go through the battles..that sit on the couches that want to make that arguement should have won more. Easy for us to say...easy for a spoiled Irsay to say....not easy according to all those that strive for it on the field.


I appreciate having a team in Indy...I appreciate Irsay spending his money....but I don't appreciate his ill-timed comments on this subject. Perhaps in 10 years if he never wins another...he just may appreciate that 1 that he has....I bet Polian appreciates his and I'm sure Peyton does too...but to cheapen what they've accomplished through blood, sweat, and hard work....thats not appreciated. Just my simple opinion.. IF Irsay happen to read...which since this is more than 100 characters....is probably beyond him.

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Just stop..Manning has flaws...but this was not the week to detail team to USA Today.

He tarnished the horseshos, his family legacy You know it and I know it.

Irsay was the team that failed....that was his team...its failures are on the owner more than anyone else

He cant dish out blame..it was his idea

..and it was a great team. It is not better to MISS the playoff than it is to lose in the first round.

That's crazy fan talk

What he didnt say is that Irsay's move to Indy validated by Peyton Manning .....

the franchise would not still be here without the Manning, Jsmes, Harrison...Wayne, Mathis, Freeney era..

Remember.. they moved to GET HERE...

and a .500 team would not have been profitable enough to build the new stadium.

THIS WEEK: That's what he should have said..and he knows that now.

Never forget. Its always hard for super rich, enttiled bosses to admit THEY make mistakes.

He should just apologize

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If Irsay wanted to sit down during the offseason and dissect what went wrong during Peyton's time here and discuss the reason for letting Peyton go and change the identity of his team I think he has every right to do so. I think people would sit down and discuss it....the merits of the conversation and make their own conclusions. Other than sounding a little spoiled and ungrateful there wasn't necessarily anything wrong with having the discussion about Peytons time here. What is 100% undeniable and just tasteless is the fact that you would bring it up the week we are suppose to honor, reflect, and celebrate the success Peyton and others brought to this organization and city. You never mentioned the fact that Peyton played through that neck injury, knee injury, and all he did to to bring this Colts organization into a winning/championship contending one. You don't mention the fact that he worked tirelessly at his trade and demanded excellence of not only himself and his teammates but the staff, trainers, and everyone inside the organization. PEYTON brought that....YOU Irsay...did not. One man transformed this organization into one that expected excellence....from everyone inside it....and that man's name was not Jim Irsay. Jim you reaped the benefits of having such a great leader..and to point out the failures (and drawing direct comparisons to Tom) and pointing out how even your successes with the stats (star wars numbers) only netted you ONE measly ring....well you certainly made your point. Of course pointing it out THE VERY WEEK he is coming to be honored....well that is just perfect timing...and very tasteful. You wonder why the organization had so many issues before Peyton came.....maybe it was because of the LEADERSHIP we had. Peyton showed you what leading looks like...what winning looks like...and what running a first class organization looks like. You want to know why things transitioned so well......because of the little things left behind by Peyton.....the ball boys, trainers, film men...on and on...they learned how to prepare for success and they didn't learn that from Jimmy. Peyton expected it from all around him...so when he left he left behind the formula for success. Not every organization runs that way...but this one was ready for the successor. Thank God we got Andrew....I mean seriously...the only reason Jim has even a hint at sustained success after Peyton is because of the great fortune of landing Andrew.

We have all discussed the issue what could have given us more success....what could have been done differently...but none of us would dare do it in the papers the very week we are suppose to honor the very man we publicly call out and try to minimize what he brought to us. What does every player coming into the league say they are playing for.....that ring right?? They don't say I want to win 5 rings. I just want to win one....because they know how difficult it is. Just one. Now no one stops after that...they want to taste it again....but every single one that suits up realizes how very very difficult it is to even win one. Ask Tom how hard it is. He has 3 but if it was easy he could just as easily have 5. Its those that don't suit up...go through the battles..that sit on the couches that want to make that arguement should have won more. Easy for us to say...easy for a spoiled Irsay to say....not easy according to all those that strive for it on the field.

I appreciate having a team in Indy...I appreciate Irsay spending his money....but I don't appreciate his ill-timed comments on this subject. Perhaps in 10 years if he never wins another...he just may appreciate that 1 that he has....I bet Polian appreciates his and I'm sure Peyton does too...but to cheapen what they've accomplished through blood, sweat, and hard work....thats not appreciated. Just my simple opinion.. IF Irsay happen to read...which since this is more than 100 characters....is probably beyond him.

Excellent comments and dead on. You've stated well what most fair minded people outside the orbit think. You are right there with Dungy, Polian, Archie Manning, and others. As a Colt fan, you see that while it is alright to assess the situation, the timing is terrible. Good post.

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The media & those slamming Jim Irsay .


Got it wrong period .


Irsay is just saying what all fans have said for years we should have more Lombardi's .  This was'nt a slam on Peyton Manning IMO it was a slam against Bill Polian whose defenses failed year after year no matter how many points 18 put on the score board  .


We won a Lombardi with the leagues worst regular season defense . Who just happened to turn it on too win it all .


Now our GM R Grigson is doing what Polian did'nt . 


18  now is on a team that has a good defense & gives him the best chance for another Lombardi . Something that Bill Polian could not do in the regular season .


Jim Irsay has alot of love for 18 & everything he did as a Colt he was not slamming Peyton Manning he was just pointing out what he learned thru that experience as all us Colts fans realize " Defense Wins Games "  Offense Draws Crowds "  given a better defense Peyton Manning would have as many rings as his brother maybe the same as Brady .


The media has blown this out of proportion watching them run with this is disgusting & that any one would actually believe it is unfortunate & inaccurate IMO .


GO COLTS knock the snot outta the Broncos .. :colts: 

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The media & those slamming Jim Irsay .

Got it wrong period .

Irsay is just saying what all fans have said for years we should have more Lombardi's . This was'nt a slam on Peyton Manning IMO it was a slam against Bill Polian whose defenses failed year after year no matter how many points 18 put on the score board .

We won a Lombardi with the leagues worst regular season defense . Who just happened to turn it on too win it all .

Now our GM R Grigson is doing what Polian did'nt .

18 now is on a team that has a good defense & gives him the best chance for another Lombardi . Something that Bill Polian could not do in the regular season .

Jim Irsay has alot of love for 18 & everything he did as a Colt he was not slamming Peyton Manning he was just pointing out what he learned thru that experience as all us Colts fans realize " Defense Wins Games " Offense Draws Crowds " given a better defense Peyton Manning would have as many rings as his brother maybe the same as Brady .

The media has blown this out of proportion watching them run with this is disgusting & that any one would actually believe it is unfortunate & inaccurate IMO .

GO COLTS knock the snot outta the Broncos .. :colts:

2 things, first off it was the offense and not the defense that didn't show up in the playoffs like they did the regular season. The Colts best defense of the era was the 05 team, who was clearly the best team in football that year but against the Steelers in the playoffs the Oline fell apart .The offense didnt do anything against New England in inclement weather a couple of times. The fact is the offense was just as responsible for a lot of these failures as the defense because they couldn't run the ball effectively enough to win in the playoffs. People don't want to hear this or really take a hard look at the playoff failures of the Colts in several seasons where they lit it up the regular season. Teams that run the ball at will and stop the run generally will prevail in the playoffs. Secondly Manning does not have all that great a defense in Denver either, and I certainly don't think they are a shoo in for anything. Bottomline is the playoffs and regular season are two different animals and the Colts style of pass pass pass, play cover 2 off the receiver , run right pass the RB on defense simply was not a recipe for success when it counted. We were lucky to get to those 2 Super Bowls. The one they won was because they started playing playoff caliber defense when Bob Sanders returned in 06. The Colts as currently constructed are far more likely in my opinion to be more successful in the playoffs with Luck than they used to be The Colts were not a team capable of controlling the line of scrimmage in the 18 years on either side of the ball , that is certainly not his fault and the fact they made the playoffs every year was a testament to his greatness. But in the playoffs you are facing much better well rounded teams..
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Malarkey. I like how people write Jim Irsay off as a super rich, entitled kid. He is a grown man. I'm happy to have an owner who is not afraid to speak his mind. Granted the source of his comments (twitter) leaves a little to be desired. The stadium we came to know and love as the RCA Dome was a perfectly good... unlike Market Square Arena which had a few problems. If they hadn't built the new one would we have gotten a Super Bowl? Probably not. This team would have been ok.

You can't let your hatred for this man cloud your judgment. Mr. Jim Irsay is trying to build a more well rounded team. That is something we should be thankful for as well as our past, but the future is burning much brighter.

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Malarkey. I like how people write Jim Irsay off as a super rich, entitled kid. He is a grown man. I'm happy to have an owner who is not afraid to speak his mind. Granted the source of his comments (twitter) leaves a little to be desired. The stadium we came to know and love as the RCA Dome was a perfectly good... unlike Market Square Arena which had a few problems. If they hadn't built the new one would we have gotten a Super Bowl? Probably not. This team would have been ok.

You can't let your hatred for this man cloud your judgment. Mr. Jim Irsay is trying to build a more well rounded team. That is something we should be thankful for as well as our past, but the future is burning much brighter.

The only mistake Mr. Irsay made was saying anything. If he would have said Peyton was the greatest player in the history of the world he would have been trashed for not saying the universe. Can't win, these media types make up drama and the fans eat it up.
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Operationally, Irsay is as good as any owner in the league. He endeavored quite bravely upon a series of decisions that, frankly, most owners don't have the stones to commit to. 


The result was taking that 2011 2-14 train-wreck of a team to 11-5, hired a rookie GM that became the GM of the year, an assistant coach that became the Coach of the Year, Chuck Pagano and a host of other great choices. 


Good on you, Jim!

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I dont think there is any blame to lay around. Bill Polian, Peyton Manning, and Jim Irsay all did the best that they could for the Colts. Jim Irsay is now doing the best that he can for the Colts.


I think the blame falls squarely on Polian and Irsay.  I blame Manning for nothing.  I think Manning could have voiced his concerns a little more but maybe he did behind the scenes.  He is not going to complain to the media.  Irsay gave complete control to Polian an let him run the team the way he wanted to.  If Irsay wasn't happy with how things were going, he should have intervened years ago.  Polian overpaid a lot of players and Irsay stood back and signed those checks.  I think just a few tweaks here and there on Polian's part could have gone a long way in winning a more championships.  Polian was stubborn and wanted to do things his way even if his way didn't produce championships.  If it were not for Bob Sanders coming back and inspiring our pitiful defense in 2006, then we wouldn't even have that one ring.  Polian was past his prime and Irsay allowed him to bring his son in to run things which was really stupid in my opinion.  Promoting Caldwell to head coach was also stupid. 


I like Irsay even though he's quirky.  I'm glad he's taken back control of his team.  It was long overdue.  I don't think his comments were aimed at Peyton at all and they probably weren't even aimed at Dungy or Polian for that matter.  He was just voicing his disappointment with having all of those regular season wins and then getting bounced in the first round of the playoffs year after year.  His timing in making those statements was really bad. 


I've been an Atlanta Braves fan for over 30 years and I understand how frustrating it can be to win the regular season year after year and get bounced out in the first round.  Braves won the division 14 consecutive years, went to the World Series 4 times, and only have one championship to show for it.  They also got bounced in the first round most of the time.  They haven't changed anything in management so the getting bounced out in the first round continues.  They just got bounced again a couple of weeks ago.  I'm glad that Irsay is changing the structure of the team. 

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Just stop..Manning has flaws...but this was not the week to detail team to USA Today.

He tarnished the horseshos, his family legacy You know it and I know it.

Irsay was the team that failed....that was his team...its failures are on the owner more than anyone else

He cant dish out blame..it was his idea

..and it was a great team. It is not better to MISS the playoff than it is to lose in the first round.

That's crazy fan talk

What he didnt say is that Irsay's move to Indy validated by Peyton Manning .....

the franchise would not still be here without the Manning, Jsmes, Harrison...Wayne, Mathis, Freeney era..

Remember.. they moved to GET HERE...

and a .500 team would not have been profitable enough to build the new stadium.

THIS WEEK: That's what he should have said..and he knows that now.

Never forget. Its always hard for super rich, enttiled bosses to admit THEY make mistakes.

He should just apologize

Okay first of all you have no more to tell people to just stop sticking up for the owner than they do to tell you stop asking Irsay to apologize.  Not everyone hates Irsay and not everyone feels he was in the wrong this week.  Several here feel like this is the media twisting his words so they could get a story. 


Second, Kravitz, Phil B., and Chap have shown that this interview took place two weeks ago so it's not like Irsay woke up one day this week and said hey I think I'll call USA Today and throw Peyton under the bus today like it's being spun that he did.  USA Today sat on this interview till the perfect time to run it which is smart on their part.  Also, it's been proven Irsay said almost the exact samething in an interview six months ago and no one said a word about it, further more if you go back and listen to Irsay after he fried Polian and before he made the decision to cut Peyton he was saying almost the exact samething, was he throwing Peyton under the bus then or was he explaining why he elected to move on from Polian?  Keep in mind this is the same media that on Wednesday tried to take Reggie Wayne saying "It's just another game" and spin that into Reggie has no respect for Peyton at all even though that's what almost every single player says before a game like this including Manning this week. 


It's been well documented that while Polian was here Irsay kept his noise out of the football side of things.  Yes he owned the team but he wasn't making the day-to-day decisions on the roster and had even less to do with what was going on on the field.  If he was in charge of all those things there wouldn't be GMs and coaches in the NFL, owners would just run everything.  Irsay hired Bill Polian to do a job and got out of the way and let him do it till it became clear what Polian was doing was no longer moving then he went out and got someone else to do the job.  Polian would be the first one to tell you that it was his plan that the Colts were using when he got here too and would probably be very insulted if you tried to give Irsay credit for it.


I am not going to argue with the idea that the Colts wouldn't be here without Manning.  I don't think the city would have stepped up to build LOS if the Colts weren't bringing in so much money to down town Indianapolis.  The voters who had to agree to the tax hikes to help build the stadium wouldn't have supported it if they weren't Colts fans and didn't want to leave.  If they were un attached to the Colts they would have say let them move and save my money on taxes.  That's part of why I think there should be a statue for Manning, something again Irsay said they could look into doing this week, because he saved football in Indianapolis, well more than saved it took it from a brief love affair introduced by Jim Harbaugh's run in 1995 and turned it into a full blown romance. 


I will say this, too often in football we like to give one single person all the credit or all the blame when things go well or go bad.  It's the ultimate team sport, very rarely does anything good or bad happen in football because of just one single person.  Make no mistake Peyton was a huge part, probably the biggest part of turning Indianapolis into a football city but Polian also played a major role and so did Irsay and Dungy.  It was truly the perfect storm.  If Bob Irsay still owns the team no way would he have ever hired someone like Bill Polian to run the team.  Someone else as a GM might have drafted Peyton Manning but I highly doubt that another GM would have found ALL the other key players around Manning during those key years and without all those other good players around Manning it's doubtful he would have been as successful as he was.  Even with all those parts still something was missing and that's where Dungy came in.  That's why it was a truly golden era of Colts football, Hall of Fame GM, Hall of Coach, and Hall of Fame QB.  I highly doubt we will see something like that again even if Luck lives up to all the hype.  I am not shocked Polian holds a grudge at Irsay for firing him it fits Polian to a T.  Hopefully they can get over it so Irsay can put him in the Ring of Honor one day where he belongs no matter how it ended. 


Given the little I remember of Bill Irsay and what I have read about him I don't think it take much to figure out this team is in much better hands of his son than him.  Jim Irsay has proven himself to be a good, all be it eccentric, owner.  I am not going to let one week of the media twisting his words to get a story change my opinion on that. 

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In one interview, Jim Irsay set this franchise back 5 years.  In other words, there won't be a chance that we get by Denver now in the coming years and he has assured us of that.  Well done.  From the date of the interview/article, the misery continues.  Manning will one day make sure he coaches in the AFC just to assure that Irsay will not win against him or in any super bowl.

Now, all of this can go away with a heartfelt apology with Jeremy Schaap and much contrition.  Anything less is hollow and just a trial balloon

Having said that, keep in mind, even with the Jeremy Schaap interview (which I am suggesting take place), it still may not mend all the fences and in all likelihood, it will not. 

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Agree... I love Jim as an owner and think he should just fall back a little bit so he won't get caught up in all the media nonsense. I'm torn on the whole Peyton issue although I too believe like some it was more about HOW the team was built instead of taking a dig at Manning. I think Peyton will go down as one of the greatest qbs of all time but I also think his play in the BIG games from hs to the pros leaves one to wonder. For years Peyton was dubbed a chocker (big numbers low playoff % wins) by the media. Tee Martin and the Vols won it all the next year AFTER Peyton left college with a less talented team. Polian did him no justice with the Colts by putting one-sided teams together and hiring conservative yes men coaches who played it close to the vest once the playoffs started by taking what the opposing defenses gave instead of being in attack mode and exploiting weaknesses. Peyton CARRIED the team for years despite the stubborn "my way" front office and "meek" coaching staff (see 2-14 season without him) who were all EXPOSED once the goat went down. For all Peyton gave to the city and team I will always be proud of him as a Colt fan but make no mistake about it he wears different colors now. The Broncos were the team to beat last year and bowed out after one game with homefield throughout. (sound familiar?) Yes the db gave up the long pass at the end of regulation but the offense didn't have one of its best games which allowed the Ravens to stay close and steal one. Remember the Broncos also scored on a punt AND kickoff return in that game and It was Peyton who threw the pick in ot. I know football is a team sport and supposedly that Bronco team was better on ALL sides of the ball than any he had been on with the Colts yet the results yielded another one game heartbreak. Just saying... Go Colts!!!!

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In one interview, Jim Irsay set this franchise back 5 years. 


Nobody has been more vocal about Jim speaking out of place over the last week or two than I. However, toward your statement above, Jim ain't no fool. He knows darn well that a win tonight propels our club ahead several years, in terms of reputation and prominence. 

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Nobody has been more vocal about Jim speaking out of place over the last week or two than I. However, toward your statement above, Jim ain't no fool. He knows darn well that a win tonight propels our club ahead several years, in terms of reputation and prominence. 

I don't disagree IF we were to win.  No doubt it would bury some of this stuff.  I just can't see us winning even under the best of circumstances (being able to run the ball, good special teams, Luck being great). I mean, it can happen, but the chances are just not there I'm afraid.  Will I be rooting for a win, you betcha!!!!!

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I don't disagree IF we were to win.  No doubt it would bury some of this stuff.  I just can't see us winning even under the best of circumstances (being able to run the ball, good special teams, Luck being great). I mean, it can happen, but the chances are just not there I'm afraid.  Will I be rooting for a win, you betcha!!!!!

Early in the week, I had us losing 28-20.


After getting Freeman and Landry back and taking a long hard look at match-ups, as well as other factors, I see us winning this one. 31-24 Colts. 


I'm calling for multiple INT's for Manning, at least 2. 

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Early in the week, I had us losing 28-20.


After getting Freeman and Landry back and taking a long hard look at match-ups, as well as other factors, I see us winning this one. 31-24 Colts. 


I'm calling for multiple INT's for Manning, at least 2. 

wow, i have faith in your analysis, maybe manning will have a couple of those moments where he throws the pick, un-does his chin-strap and wobbles his head back in forth in disgust/dismay.  That would spell good things for us.

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Okay first of all you have no more to tell people to just stop sticking up for the owner than they do to tell you stop asking Irsay to apologize. Not everyone hates Irsay and not everyone feels he was in the wrong this week. Several here feel like this is the media twisting his words so they could get a story.

Second, Kravitz, Phil B., and Chap have shown that this interview took place two weeks ago so it's not like Irsay woke up one day this week and said hey I think I'll call USA Today and throw Peyton under the bus today like it's being spun that he did. USA Today sat on this interview till the perfect time to run it which is smart on their part. Also, it's been proven Irsay said almost the exact samething in an interview six months ago and no one said a word about it, further more if you go back and listen to Irsay after he fried Polian and before he made the decision to cut Peyton he was saying almost the exact samething, was he throwing Peyton under the bus then or was he explaining why he elected to move on from Polian? Keep in mind this is the same media that on Wednesday tried to take Reggie Wayne saying "It's just another game" and spin that into Reggie has no respect for Peyton at all even though that's what almost every single player says before a game like this including Manning this week.

It's been well documented that while Polian was here Irsay kept his noise out of the football side of things. Yes he owned the team but he wasn't making the day-to-day decisions on the roster and had even less to do with what was going on on the field. If he was in charge of all those things there wouldn't be GMs and coaches in the NFL, owners would just run everything. Irsay hired Bill Polian to do a job and got out of the way and let him do it till it became clear what Polian was doing was no longer moving then he went out and got someone else to do the job. Polian would be the first one to tell you that it was his plan that the Colts were using when he got here too and would probably be very insulted if you tried to give Irsay credit for it.

I am not going to argue with the idea that the Colts wouldn't be here without Manning. I don't think the city would have stepped up to build LOS if the Colts weren't bringing in so much money to down town Indianapolis. The voters who had to agree to the tax hikes to help build the stadium wouldn't have supported it if they weren't Colts fans and didn't want to leave. If they were un attached to the Colts they would have say let them move and save my money on taxes. That's part of why I think there should be a statue for Manning, something again Irsay said they could look into doing this week, because he saved football in Indianapolis, well more than saved it took it from a brief love affair introduced by Jim Harbaugh's run in 1995 and turned it into a full blown romance.

I will say this, too often in football we like to give one single person all the credit or all the blame when things go well or go bad. It's the ultimate team sport, very rarely does anything good or bad happen in football because of just one single person. Make no mistake Peyton was a huge part, probably the biggest part of turning Indianapolis into a football city but Polian also played a major role and so did Irsay and Dungy. It was truly the perfect storm. If Bob Irsay still owns the team no way would he have ever hired someone like Bill Polian to run the team. Someone else as a GM might have drafted Peyton Manning but I highly doubt that another GM would have found ALL the other key players around Manning during those key years and without all those other good players around Manning it's doubtful he would have been as successful as he was. Even with all those parts still something was missing and that's where Dungy came in. That's why it was a truly golden era of Colts football, Hall of Fame GM, Hall of Coach, and Hall of Fame QB. I highly doubt we will see something like that again even if Luck lives up to all the hype. I am not shocked Polian holds a grudge at Irsay for firing him it fits Polian to a T. Hopefully they can get over it so Irsay can put him in the Ring of Honor one day where he belongs no matter how it ended.

Given the little I remember of Bill Irsay and what I have read about him I don't think it take much to figure out this team is in much better hands of his son than him. Jim Irsay has proven himself to be a good, all be it eccentric, owner. I am not going to let one week of the media twisting his words to get a story change my opinion on that.

I disagree , I would be surprised if Luck does not have a better playoff run than the Polian Colts.
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In one interview, Jim Irsay set this franchise back 5 years. In other words, there won't be a chance that we get by Denver now in the coming years and he has assured us of that. Well done. From the date of the interview/article, the misery continues. Manning will one day make sure he coaches in the AFC just to assure that Irsay will not win against him or in any super bowl.

Now, all of this can go away with a heartfelt apology with Jeremy Schaap and much contrition. Anything less is hollow and just a trial balloon

Having said that, keep in mind, even with the Jeremy Schaap interview (which I am suggesting take place), it still may not mend all the fences and in all likelihood, it will not.


again :facepalm:

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2 things, first off it was the offense and not the defense that didn't show up in the playoffs like they did the regular season. The Colts best defense of the era was the 05 team, who was clearly the best team in football that year but against the Steelers in the playoffs the Oline fell apart .The offense didnt do anything against New England in inclement weather a couple of times. The fact is the offense was just as responsible for a lot of these failures as the defense because they couldn't run the ball effectively enough to win in the playoffs. People don't want to hear this or really take a hard look at the playoff failures of the Colts in several seasons where they lit it up the regular season. Teams that run the ball at will and stop the run generally will prevail in the playoffs. Secondly Manning does not have all that great a defense in Denver either, and I certainly don't think they are a shoo in for anything. Bottomline is the playoffs and regular season are two different animals and the Colts style of pass pass pass, play cover 2 off the receiver , run right pass the RB on defense simply was not a recipe for success when it counted. We were lucky to get to those 2 Super Bowls. The one they won was because they started playing playoff caliber defense when Bob Sanders returned in 06. The Colts as currently constructed are far more likely in my opinion to be more successful in the playoffs with Luck than they used to be The Colts were not a team capable of controlling the line of scrimmage in the 18 years on either side of the ball , that is certainly not his fault and the fact they made the playoffs every year was a testament to his greatness. But in the playoffs you are facing much better well rounded teams..

Very well put and worth bumping.

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All Jim Irsay did was state what was on a lot of Colt fans mind. We should have had more than one trophy we all know that. Should he have articulated it more clearly? Yes, but the truth is what it is. Do I think this whole thing was blown out of proportion most certainly, I have know doubt Jim loves Peyton. Jim I think you are the best Owner in the NFL.


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  I figure you read this forum so I'm creating this thread because it is about time someone sticks up for what YOU'VE done for this organization.  Which, incidently, is much more than even Peyton has done for it..

I've got your back.

  Your style is so refreshing for the league.  Sure sometimes you tweet or say things without fully thinking them through, but you always speak from your heart.  And that BIG heart of yours is in the right place.

  People seem to forget how this organization was on the up before Peyton ever got here.  Remember 1995 and 1996?  Jimmy Harbaugh did a pretty nice job.  Peyton certainly had the weapons on offense to "win the big one".  More offensive weapons than the teams that beat us.  Plus, last year's exit in the first game to Baltimore looked ALOT like the majority of our playoff games under him.  Kinda embarrasing the "experts" didn't notice that.  Also, I remember a certain game in NE that we only posted 3 lousy points in.  Who are we gonna blame that on?  Too many interceptions in the playoffs too.

  What you said recently hit the nail on the head, its just a shame nobody has the guts to acknowledge Peyton has faults.  While I really don't think you were directng the comments toward him, he HAS to take some of the blame.

  Now, I'd like to clarify that I LOVE Peyton and what he did for the organization.  He was my favorite Colt since Bert Jones really.  I respect his game and him as a man.  But he's just a man, not a god.

  My loyalty is to the Colts, not one player.  While I still watch and record every game Peyton still plays, I want "my" Colts to take him to the "woodshed" this week.  Its not personal, its football.


  To sum it up, it is very clear how much you love this team and how hard you have worked (and PAID) to bring talented players, coaches, and staff in here to win a Super Bowl.  IT WORKED!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!  The 2006 season has given me memories that money (at least my money) couldn't buy.

You've brought honor to "the Shoe" and I'm very sure your dad is very proud.

Keep up the good work, and please don't change for others.

After all, it is YOUR TEAM.

Keep your head up dude, you've earned it.


Thanks again,

The WoolMagnet

(a proud and happy Colt fan in Pennsylvania)

Just to address a few things,   it takes a team to win a SB, not one player.  As far as the game last year with Denver and Baltimore, it did look like all the other Peyton 1 and dones.  But NOT because of Peyton.  The D stunk, they couldnt stop Baltimore at all, just like the D stunk in Indy.  Also I take exception to your thinking that Indy was on its way back before Peyton.  They get lucky in 96 and only because of Peyton did they have any chance at being a great team.  Without him the Colts would have never been in the thick of it year after year.    He built that stadium you guy's sit in as far as Im concerned and he deserves nothing but respect by the people in Indy.  I do think that Irsay did the right thing because the Colts D schemes never worked and the team needed a new approach.  Colts arnt ready to win a SB yet so Im glad Peyton is in a position to win multible SB's.  He deserves it because he's the GOAT.  It was the right move to get Luck and fire Pollian.  I love the balance that they are striving for.   Ive been a Colt fan since before many of you were born and after Unitis and maybe Bert Jones, the Colts had no one.  Harbaugh was no where near these two and was no PM.  I lived being a fan of one of the worst franchises in the NFL until Manning.  he brought football back to me.  Thanks Peyton, and go get a coupl more SB's

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Very well put and worth bumping.

Steeler game, Dungy pulled players out early 3 prior games before the playoffs that year I believe.  They were rusty , that was coaching error.   10 SB, lets see, dropped pass by Garcon and D couldnt stop NO.  You cant put those playoffs on Peyton, maybe the NE game in the snow but none of the others. 

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  I figure you read this forum so I'm creating this thread because it is about time someone sticks up for what YOU'VE done for this organization.  Which, incidently, is much more than even Peyton has done for it..

I've got your back.

  Your style is so refreshing for the league.  Sure sometimes you tweet or say things without fully thinking them through, but you always speak from your heart.  And that BIG heart of yours is in the right place.

  People seem to forget how this organization was on the up before Peyton ever got here.  Remember 1995 and 1996?  Jimmy Harbaugh did a pretty nice job.  Peyton certainly had the weapons on offense to "win the big one".  More offensive weapons than the teams that beat us.  Plus, last year's exit in the first game to Baltimore looked ALOT like the majority of our playoff games under him.  Kinda embarrasing the "experts" didn't notice that.  Also, I remember a certain game in NE that we only posted 3 lousy points in.  Who are we gonna blame that on?  Too many interceptions in the playoffs too.

  What you said recently hit the nail on the head, its just a shame nobody has the guts to acknowledge Peyton has faults.  While I really don't think you were directng the comments toward him, he HAS to take some of the blame.

  Now, I'd like to clarify that I LOVE Peyton and what he did for the organization.  He was my favorite Colt since Bert Jones really.  I respect his game and him as a man.  But he's just a man, not a god.

  My loyalty is to the Colts, not one player.  While I still watch and record every game Peyton still plays, I want "my" Colts to take him to the "woodshed" this week.  Its not personal, its football.


  To sum it up, it is very clear how much you love this team and how hard you have worked (and PAID) to bring talented players, coaches, and staff in here to win a Super Bowl.  IT WORKED!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!  The 2006 season has given me memories that money (at least my money) couldn't buy.

You've brought honor to "the Shoe" and I'm very sure your dad is very proud.

Keep up the good work, and please don't change for others.

After all, it is YOUR TEAM.

Keep your head up dude, you've earned it.


Thanks again,

The WoolMagnet

(a proud and happy Colt fan in Pennsylvania)

Many fans here have little memory for how horrible (and hopeless) being a Colts fan was with Robert Irsay as the owner both in Baltimore and Indy especially those of us that Remember Carroll Rosenbloom and the way he conducted business. Jim is not so bad.

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Steeler game, Dungy pulled players out early 3 prior games before the playoffs that year I believe.  They were rusty , that was coaching error.   10 SB, lets see, dropped pass by Garcon and D couldnt stop NO.  You cant put those playoffs on Peyton, maybe the NE game in the snow but none of the others. 

Who said putting it on PM? I believe the quote I was bumping talked about the responsibilities of the Colts offense, not specifically PM.

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Dear Jim,


Please take a backseat like other owners.  You don't need to try to be a media darling.  Let Jerry Jones and Daniel Snyder do all that.  Most fans do not know owners of teams other than their own (except for those few loudmouths)...and that's the way it should be.


You said you were "taking back your team" a couple of years ago and that was great.  However, the team is not the Jim Irsay Colts. We are the Indianapolis Colts!  Do you insist on trying to be the face of the organization?  It seems you do by all the tweets, interviews and attempts at notoriety you have done.  And that's not just this year only as you did this a lot during Manning's injury season too.


I say step back and let the face of the organization fall into where it belongs..with the city of Indianapolis and Andrew Luck!

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    • The criteria is the Colts want to keep you but you’re a fringe player. It all comes down to how much the Colts like your nephew. He could surprise and if he does they may not want to put him on the PS out of fear of losing him to another team. The good thing is the Colts love their oline players, and will keep lower level draft picks/UDFA lineman over other positions. There’s quite a few later round guys the colts have kept on that have shown to be pretty good level guys with bright futures.    there’s not really any criteria for being signed to the PS other than they want to see how much better a guy can get over there.    most of the time, an older guy is either ineligible for the PS because of how many games he’s started, or it’s not worth it because you see what the guy is over what he can become (as he’s been in the league a while).   odds are the younger guy gets signed to the ps over the older guy. 
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