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Dungy says Luck could be as talented as Manning


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Dungy was answering a fan on twitter who asked:  Do you think Andrew Luck could end up being as talented as Peyton Manning?  and Dungy answered:  Yes I do.  He has everything you need!


I know several here have speculated that they think Luck could end up as good as Manning but I found it interesting that the guy who coached Manning for a big chunk of his career also thinks that.  With that said this seemed like a question about talent and one could argue if we are talking talent alone Luck is already more talented than Manning because he has an ability to run.  That is NOT a slam on Manning either. 

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A lot of guys have more raw talent than Manning, but the position is more mental and about intangibles than anything else.

very true, though many have said Luck's mental and intangibles are right up there too. I think once he learns to read defenses, it'll be lights out

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A lot of guys have more raw talent than Manning, but the position is more mental and about intangibles than anything else.

Depends on your definition of talent. If you count running ability or arm strength, then you need to count mental acumen, durability and defense reading ability.

Not disagreeing, just a bit puzzled how we define QB raw talent.

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Depends on your definition of talent. If you count running ability or arm strength, then you need to count mental acumen, durability and defense reading ability.

Not disagreeing, just a bit puzzled how we define QB raw talent.


I think it is self explanatory... its the ability to play the Quarterback position. Manning is arguably the best ever at the position, for Luck to turn out as good would be an incredible feat.

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A lot of guys have more raw talent than Manning, but the position is more mental and about intangibles than anything else.

Right, no question Manning's willingness to work and his brain have made him into the special player he is.  I just know how literal some like to take things on this forum and I am just saying from a raw talent stand point you could say Luck is already more talented than Peyton.  With that said I think the guy who asked the question and Dungy were getting at the idea that Luck could be as good of a QB as Manning is which requires reading into what was said a little bit.  I agree with that and I think Irsay did too, he doesn't cut Peyton Manning if Sam Bradford or Cam Newton is the top QB in the draft in 2012. 


Either way I know I've seen people ask the question here if Luck could be as good as Manning was here and I figured seeing what Manning's ex Coach had to say about it was interesting.

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If I was a fan of another team. Especially one in our division I wouldn't like us to much. How great was it to be able to go from Manning to Luck? Coincidence, fate, luck? Awesome, ether way!

You mean if you were like a Texans fan and a QB away from being truly being special, a Jags fan who picks in the top 10 more years than not and has come up with Gabbert and Leftwhich at QB, or the Titans who had Young and Locker with top 10 picks?  Yeah I can't think of why the rest of the AFC South would hate us... :)

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When you factor in age if I was starting a franchise and had to pick between those two I probably would too.  It's not like the drop from Manning to Rodgers is that great. 


Age was not a factor in the context that was being discussed.  They were talking about a single season.  Rodney Harrison was clearly in disbelief and asked for clarification, if I recall.

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Depends on your definition of talent. If you count running ability or arm strength, then you need to count mental acumen, durability and defense reading ability.

Not disagreeing, just a bit puzzled how we define QB raw talent.

Good point. I would automatically think of arm strength and pure athletic ability when it comes raw talent, but the intangibles that top quarterbacks possess can't really be taught either.

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Age was not a factor in the context that was being discussed.  They were talking about a single season.  Rodney Harrison was clearly in disbelief and asked for clarification, if I recall.

When was he asked last year?  If it was at the start of the year Rodgers was coming off being the League MVP and an amazing season.  Again the drop off between Manning and Rodgers is not that great.  It's like picking between Ice Cream and Cookies you can't really go wrong with either. 

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When was he asked last year? If it was at the start of the year Rodgers was coming off being the League MVP and an amazing season. Again the drop off between Manning and Rodgers is not that great. It's like picking between Ice Cream and Cookies you can't really go wrong with either.

Fresh baked chocolate chip? That eddys is pretty darn good also. Thx, now I'm hungry!! Lol

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When was he asked last year?  If it was at the start of the year Rodgers was coming off being the League MVP and an amazing season.  Again the drop off between Manning and Rodgers is not that great.  It's like picking between Ice Cream and Cookies you can't really go wrong with either. 


I don't remember when he was asked, but it was based on the premise of a healthy Manning.


Dungy also said that he'd take RGIII over Luck, prior to the 2012 draft, and that Jim Caldwell would remain head coach.


He's a great guy and I love the man, but he's completely loopy.  


With that said, if there is anyone that can be as good or better than Manning, Luck is the guy to do it.

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I don't remember when he was asked, but it was based on the premise of a healthy Manning.


Dungy also said that he'd take RGIII over Luck, prior to the 2012 draft, and that Jim Caldwell would remain head coach.


He's a great guy and I love the man, but he's completely loopy.  


With that said, if there is anyone that can be as good or better than Manning, Luck is the guy to do it.

He's not loopy he's just a member of the media.  He's since come around and admitted he was wrong on RG3 over Luck.  He did that a couple of weeks ago.


Dungy is a friend of Caldwell not shocking that he was going to stick up for his guy and he didn't want to see him lose his job.  Also there was a very real chance Caldwell was going to keep his job, I remember fans freaking out on here over it and if you believe reports he came very close to keeping his job. 


I think I remember the Rodgers/Manning thing it was like during the half-time of the Broncos/Steelers game last year which was week one.  Questions about Manning's health were very real and Rodgers was fresh off his MVP season and looked like the best QB in football.  Lots of people would have said Rodgers then.  Some probably still would.  Like I keep saying the drop off between Manning and Rodgers is not that much.  It's not like he said he would go with Blaine Gabbert over Peyton Manning. 

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I don't remember when he was asked, but it was based on the premise of a healthy Manning.


Dungy also said that he'd take RGIII over Luck, prior to the 2012 draft, and that Jim Caldwell would remain head coach.


He's a great guy and I love the man, but he's completely loopy.  


With that said, if there is anyone that can be as good or better than Manning, Luck is the guy to do it.

I love when Rodney Harrison chides Dungy a bit on Sunday Night Footnall.

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A lot of guys have more raw talent than Manning, but the position is more mental and about intangibles than anything else.



well said



but this staff is building a balanced team and that means more championships sooner rather than later, they saw Polians mistake and Irsay made sure the staff understood what this team needs , thankfully luck isnt relatively high priced like peyton was for his time as a rookie contract and we can build that balanced team with proper draft and off season moves as needed  and has been seen already

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I think it is self explanatory... its the ability to play the Quarterback position. Manning is arguably the best ever at the position, for Luck to turn out as good would be an incredible feat.

Good for you. Others seem to differ. Arguably, with Luck performing better at the same stages in their respective careers, it would not be such a miraculous outcome.

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Dungy is a friend of Caldwell not shocking that he was going to stick up for his guy and he didn't want to see him lose his job.  Also there was a very real chance Caldwell was going to keep his job, I remember fans freaking out on here over it and if you believe reports he came very close to keeping his job.

I was one of them. If I remember correctly Irsay and Grigs both hinted that Caldwell was most likely going to stay HC. Then after the meeting with Caldwell he was out the door. I have always wondered what he did/did not say or do that got him canned.Sure would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in that meeting.

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He's not loopy he's just a member of the media.  He's since come around and admitted he was wrong on RG3 over Luck.  He did that a couple of weeks ago.


Dungy is a friend of Caldwell not shocking that he was going to stick up for his guy and he didn't want to see him lose his job.  Also there was a very real chance Caldwell was going to keep his job, I remember fans freaking out on here over it and if you believe reports he came very close to keeping his job. 


I think I remember the Rodgers/Manning thing it was like during the half-time of the Broncos/Steelers game last year which was week one.  Questions about Manning's health were very real and Rodgers was fresh off his MVP season and looked like the best QB in football.  Lots of people would have said Rodgers then.  Some probably still would.  Like I keep saying the drop off between Manning and Rodgers is not that much.  It's not like he said he would go with Blaine Gabbert over Peyton Manning. 

I disagree. While Rodgers is better at limiting mistakes and mobility manning is much better at reading defenses and comebacks.

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I was one of them. If I remember correctly Irsay and Grigs both hinted that Caldwell was most likely going to stay HC. Then after the meeting with Caldwell he was out the door. I have always wondered what he did/did not say or do that got him canned.Sure would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in that meeting.

He was in on a DC interview the day before was fired with Steve Spagnuolo.  A lot of people felt when Spags told them no thanks that did Caldwell in.  Had Spags said yes Jim Caldwell might have very well remained HC. 

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I disagree. While Rodgers is better at limiting mistakes and mobility manning is much better at reading defenses and comebacks.

You disagree with what Stephen?  That there aren't people out there that would take Rodgers over Manning?  Go ask some Packers fans if you don't believe me. 


Either way that wasn't my main point my main point was simply that the drop off between Manning and Rodgers is not that great and when you look at when Dungy made that comment last year there was a heck of an argument for Rodgers and Manning's case was not as strong as it is today. 


If it's your own personal opinion that's fine there are several people, myself included, that would've taken Manning over Rodgers but I am not naïve enough to think there aren't people out there that would have taken Rodgers.   

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He was in on a DC interview the day before was fired with Steve Spagnuolo. A lot of people felt when Spags told them no thanks that did Caldwell in. Had Spags said yes Jim Caldwell might have very well remained HC.

This. Caldwell was there during the spags interview so atthat time cCaldwell was still head coach. If spags had taken the job Caldwell would still be here. It was after that interview that Caldwell was fired.

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A lot of guys have more raw talent than Manning, but the position is more mental and about intangibles than anything else.

I think you would have a hard time finding someone with more raw talent at the QB position than Manning.  Raw talent= good QB.  Raw talent + work ethic = great QB.  Raw talent+work ethic+high football intelligence=Peyton Manning.


Since a QB does not have to run to be successful you can throw out 40 times in the raw talent category.  It's not all cerebral because if it was then the NFL would get their QBs from the Ivy League schools, the ability to throw the ball accurately is as much as talent as it is timing, there may be some that have a stronger arm (although the people that try and claim Manning did not or does not have a strong arm have never seen him throw that 15 yard out on the far side of the field on a rope) but that is just one "talent" out of many.  The ability to read a defense is a trait than can be improved upon but there needs to be some raw talent there of which to work.


The nice thing for the Colts and Colts' fans is that Luck seems to have that raw talent + work ethic + high football intelligence.

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If I was a fan of another team. Especially one in our division I wouldn't like us to much. How great was it to be able to go from Manning to Luck? Coincidence, fate, luck? Awesome, ether way!

Apparently Skip Bayless thinks it's stupidity that led us from Manning to Luck haha.

Nah, I think it's great. Probabaly the best situation you could hope for.

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Manning doesn't do himself any favors with his choppy steps, wobbly passes and average QB speed. It automatically makes you think he has no athletic ability at all. However, I liken him to a legendary pitcher who may have a gut and is 40 years old but he can still dominate a baseball game with his know how and ability to put the ball exactly where he wants to. This can not be over emphasized because it's obvious a lot of NFL QBs can't put the ball on the numbers where the receiver is supposed to be. Sometimes he puts it where the receivers is going to be even if it's not where he is supposed to be. I do think Luck will be there one day.

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Good for you. Others seem to differ. Arguably, with Luck performing better at the same stages in their respective careers, it would not be such a miraculous outcome.


What is good for me?


It doesn't matter what tangible or intangible qualities you list, when it comes down to it, they will all add up to your ability to play the position. Luck and Manning are not clones, it isn't possible to say Luck can replicate Manning. All we have to go by is Manning's body of work, which, when he finishes, will be unmatched.


Luck has an abundance of potential but let us not forget just how good Manning has been before we act as if anything less than equalling Manning's ability is a failure.

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but this staff is building a balanced team and that means more championships sooner rather than later, they saw Polians mistake and Irsay made sure the staff understood what this team needs , thankfully luck isnt relatively high priced like peyton was for his time as a rookie contract and we can build that balanced team with proper draft and off season moves as needed  and has been seen already

The way I understand the rookie contracts they can only be for a certain amount (cap/union agreement) and when Peyton signed that wasn't the case.  So Peyton can't be blamed for that one my friend. :)  If the union agreement hadn't put that in place I'm sure Luck would have gotten more just like Peyton. ;)

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Manning doesn't do himself any favors with his choppy steps, wobbly passes and average QB speed. It automatically makes you think he has no athletic ability at all. However, I liken him to a legendary pitcher who may have a gut and is 40 years old but he can still dominate a baseball game with his know how and ability to put the ball exactly where he wants to. This can not be over emphasized because it's obvious a lot of NFL QBs can't put the ball on the numbers where the receiver is supposed to be. Sometimes he puts it where the receivers is going to be even if it's not where he is supposed to be. I do think Luck will be there one day.


I was listening to a radio show early last week and the hosts were talking about Peyton's bootleg into the endzone vs. Dallas.  They likened him to a "wounded giraffe."  I have to say I hadn't laughed that hard in a while.  He's still the man, tho.

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I agree Luck has all the tools to be better....but we are talking about Peyton Manning here. Someone that when is all said and done will likely hold every significant career passing record there is. Will probably have played close to 20 years won a SB...been to another (can't give him anything more yet) has a winning percentage probably around 75% and will have at least 4 to 5 MVPs. Luck I believe will be great....can he have that same longevity....that is a HUGE mountain he would have to climb to get up there on the MT. Rushmore of qbs with Brady, Peyton, Montana, Marino, and Unitas. I will be happy to take the ride and find out.

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