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Seahawks fans aren't even talking about us


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I've spent a few hours on their boards, and they don't take us seriously. Andrew Luck is overrated, they havn't seen a D like seattle, yada yada. But, San fran and jax both scored more points against them in SEATTLE 


I can't wait to kick their butts....


But we've only given up 10 pts......in both games

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I've spent a few hours on their boards, and they don't take us seriously. Andrew Luck is overrated, they havn't seen a D like seattle, yada yada. But, San fran and jax both scored more points against them in SEATTLE 


I can't wait to kick their butts....

Dont get ahead of yourself. On paper Seattle and Indy are identical this season so far. Itll be a good test for both teams and will likely be a nail biter. Don't be surprised if it takes some Luck heroics in the end to pull it out. 


Then again that may prove your point to Seattle fans better :P

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I can't see the colts losing. We're much better coached, and have good talent. Seattle is about to get a reality check.

I... have no idea how you can say that. It's not a knock against Pags and the Indy coaching staff, which is phenomenal, it's just props to Pete Carroll and the great job he does. The Colts are a great coached team, but to suggest the Seahawks aren't is foolish at best, blind homerism at worst.

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I... have no idea how you can say that. It's not a knock against Pags and the Indy coaching staff, which is phenomenal, it's just props to Pete Carroll and the great job he does. The Colts are a great coached team, but to suggest the Seahawks aren't is foolish at best, blind homerism at worst.


Well the fact that he says he can't see the Colts losing at all is all you need to know. Apparently they're playing the Jags again.

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If you're talking about on*
You're correct that there isnt much talk of the Colts.
But its not because we are over confident and over looking them.
It has more to do with being extremely excited about our own team.  So alot of the topics are just about our own injuries/getting people back like Bruce.
There is talk of Colts scattered in. For the most part we know these are very evenly matched teams. So we're mostly focusing on whats going on with our own team for the moment.
Also randomly added in, I live in Knoxville aka Peytonville. And everyone used to be a "Diehard" Colts fan around here...they are magically all "diehard" Bronco fans now...So its nice to get to talk to some actual Colts fans for a change.

Edited by Nadine
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If you're talking about on *

You're correct that there isnt much talk of the Colts.

But its not because we are over confident and over looking them.

It has more to do with being extremely excited about our own team.  So alot of the topics are just about our own injuries/getting people back like Bruce.

There is talk of Colts scattered in. For the most part we know these are very evenly matched teams. So we're mostly focusing on whats going on with our own team for the moment.

Also randomly added in, I live in Knoxville aka Peytonville. And everyone used to be a "Diehard" Colts fan around here...they are magically all "diehard" Bronco fans now...So its nice to get to talk to some actual Colts fans for a change.

True. I live in the surrounding Memphis area. One guy I work with always had a University of Tenenesee sticker and Colts sticker on his truck. He took the Colts sticker off and put a Broncos sticker. They all jumped bandwagons here.

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I can't see the colts losing. We're much better coached, and have good talent. Seattle is about to get a reality check.

I can easily see the Colts losing this game but then again I can also see them winning it too. We are at home, have had some nice success in past few games and confidence is high I'm sure in the locker room but we have some significant injuries that could cause us difficulties. I'm not making an excuse because of injuries because both teams have important position injuries but they are present. To say there is no way we could lose is ridiculous because wins and losses are done on any given day for every team.
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I've spent a few hours on their boards, and they don't take us seriously. Andrew Luck is overrated, they havn't seen a D like seattle, yada yada. But, San fran and jax both scored more points against them in SEATTLE

I can't wait to kick their butts....

But we've only given up 10 pts......in both games

They aren't talking about us because:

1. We only play once every 4 years.

2. The media has not make a big deal out of the Colts, yet have crowned the Seahawks the NFC Champions.

3. Colts fans are not nearly as abrasive (We have won a recent Super Bowl).

If (when) we beat them they will be as shocked as the 49ers fans were.

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Ill bet the Seahawks team is taking this game seriously.

I wouldnt think that the Hawks fans would be taking us too seriously, the media has already crowned them the NFC champs and superbowl contenders.

Yep. There is a thread on their board how it is one of the teams goals to go undefeated. No team has that as a goal, but when a person has been a fan of a team for a long time and had only a few good seasons, that person probably doesn't know any better.

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I've spent a few hours on their boards, and they don't take us seriously. Andrew Luck is overrated, they havn't seen a D like seattle, yada yada. But, San fran and jax both scored more points against them in SEATTLE 


I can't wait to kick their butts....


But we've only given up 10 pts......in both games


Wow, that forum sounds like it's full of a bunch of idjuts.


Now let's get back to our forum... When are we firing Pep?  Getting rid of AV?  Replacing DHB because he can't catch?  Doubting Pagano can coach?  Making Da'Rick a starter?...

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I've spent a few hours on their boards, and they don't take us seriously. Andrew Luck is overrated, they havn't seen a D like seattle, yada yada. But, San fran and jax both scored more points against them in SEATTLE 


I can't wait to kick their butts....


But we've only given up 10 pts......in both games

I don't take it personally..

Life is rough in Seattle and there aren't many good days for SeaHawk fans

Its like getting mad at the crazy puppy in the cage at the pet store

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Sounds no different then any other team message board before a game. What did you expect when you went over there?  Expect them to be saying oh we have no chance because the mighty and invincible Andrew Luck will be playing.  We might as well not watch!   :rollseyes:


We have plenty of people discounting guys like Wilson and Sherman on here too.  Welcome to the world of fandom where fans say stupid thing because they are fans.

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This just isn't being given the 'big game' treatment...

When was the last time Seattle played at Indianapolis....

...This is a low profile game nationally... 1 p.m,. eastern

To us...its big..

To most of the country...well, hey,..its nice but its not "America's game of the Week'!!!!

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Sounds no different then any other team message board before a game. What did you expect when you went over there? Expect them to be saying oh we have no chance because the mighty and invincible Andrew Luck will be playing. We might as well not watch! :rollseyes:

We have plenty of people discounting guys like Wilson and Sherman on here too. Welcome to the world of fandom where fans say stupid thing because they are fans.

See post below. Lol

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Sounds no different then any other team message board before a game. What did you expect when you went over there? Expect them to be saying oh we have no chance because the mighty and invincible Andrew Luck will be playing. We might as well not watch! :rollseyes:

We have plenty of people discounting guys like Wilson and Sherman on here too. Welcome to the world of fandom where fans say stupid thing because they are fans.

I don't think that is a post that is being sought after. I was on their boards and I've seen a lot of what he's talking about. I've seen a few good posts too. But mainly post saying our D isn't good, and luck is over rated and they should blow us out. And yeah, if you haven't watched the colts then its kind of a disrespectful feeling you get...

We aren't asking for them to saying they have no chance. But at least respect our team. We are after all 3-1. Could easily be 4-0 just like them so yeah...

I also see what our fellow Seahawks fan friend is saying. I didn't read through everything just the colts vs Seahawks thread. And not many good things are said about us in that section.

(Sorry for the double post)

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Wow, that forum sounds like it's full of a bunch of idjuts.


Now let's get back to our forum... When are we firing Pep?  Getting rid of AV?  Replacing DHB because he can't catch?  Doubting Pagano can coach?  Making Da'Rick a starter?...


My vote for "post of the day"

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I don't think that is a post that is being sought after. I was on their boards and I've seen a lot of what he's talking about. I've seen a few good posts too. But mainly post saying our D isn't good, and luck is over rated and they should blow us out. And yeah, if you haven't watched the colts then its kind of a disrespectful feeling you get...

We aren't asking for them to saying they have no chance. But at least respect our team. We are after all 3-1. Could easily be 4-0 just like them so yeah...

I also see what our fellow Seahawks fan friend is saying. I didn't read through everything just the colts vs Seahawks thread. And not many good things are said about us in that section.

(Sorry for the double post)


Again you are talking about opposing fans.  Fans in general tend to be irrational people.  If you were on this board during the hey day of Manning we had fans that did the same exact thing about almost every team that came to play Peyton and company.  They scoffed at playing the Jags and Texans.  Heck, we have a thread on here that says this is the Super Bowl preview even though are team has played inconsistent and no where near the level of the Broncos.


You are just expecting to much from your average fan.

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Wow, that forum sounds like it's full of a bunch of idjuts.

Now let's get back to our forum... When are we firing Pep? Getting rid of AV? Replacing DHB because he can't catch? Doubting Pagano can coach? Making Da'Rick a starter?...

I wish I could say I haven't seen those posts, but we both have. It does get a little looney here at times. I try my best to ignore those types of posts.
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I wish I could say I haven't seen those posts, but we both have. It does get a little looney here at times. I try my best to ignore those types of posts.


I think we all have some crazy thoughts that we immediately realize they're illogical or maybe even offensive.  Most of us learn to filter what we say depending on the audience.  Or we realize how foolish we'll sound if we actually say it.


The great thing about this forum is that some people have no filter.  I kind of enjoy reading those knee jerk types of posts.  They're usually so outrageous I can't help but laugh.

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I can't see the colts losing. We're much better coached, and have good talent. Seattle is about to get a reality check.


Dear God...


Seattle is a really good team, as are the Colts I think.  You can't see how the Colts would possibly lose a game to a really good team?  It is the freaking NFL - anything can happen.  What's more is I find it hysterical is that the blind homerism you laugh at Seahawks fans for you are guilty of the same thing.

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Well the fact that he says he can't see the Colts losing at all is all you need to know. Apparently they're playing the Jags again.


I think you took a wrong turn on the interwebs, this'll keep you away from all these "Corny holier than thou fans with a good guy complex". Just follow this link n never look back:http://boards.houstontexans.com/. Or just do us all a favor n jump off a bridge.

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The Seahawks have a larger sample of well played games behind a team that wasn't completely overhauled. Give it time. Rome wasn't built in a day and the media won't crown us as legitimate until we do the same.

Grigs has done something in TWO years that you just don't see done in the NFL. We know it; soon everyone else will.

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I don't think that is a post that is being sought after. I was on their boards and I've seen a lot of what he's talking about. I've seen a few good posts too. But mainly post saying our D isn't good, and luck is over rated and they should blow us out. And yeah, if you haven't watched the colts then its kind of a disrespectful feeling you get...

We aren't asking for them to saying they have no chance. But at least respect our team. We are after all 3-1. Could easily be 4-0 just like them so yeah...

I also see what our fellow Seahawks fan friend is saying. I didn't read through everything just the colts vs Seahawks thread. And not many good things are said about us in that section.

(Sorry for the double post)

So what did you expect by going to the Seahawks forum? I see a lot of negative comments right here in the Colts forum about them so why should theirs be any different? 

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Many of the talking heads are picking the Colts in this one, so it's not like the Colts are going into this "un-noticed"...

but hopefully Seahawk players are taking a page from the fans and discrediting the Colts as well...

two back to back road games is not an easy feat in the NFL, so while I like the Colts chances at home, the Colts are getting off a long two game road schedule as well...

Still like the Blue Shoe's chances!!!!

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I just thought it was interesting that Seahawks WR Doug Baldwin said Luck can be the greatest QB of all time.


Russell Wilson might not be too happy with his WR right about now.

I don't think Russell gives a hoot, that's what makes him Russell Wilson.

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The Seahawks have a larger sample of well played games behind a team that wasn't completely overhauled. Give it time. Rome wasn't built in a day and the media won't crown us as legitimate until we do the same.

Grigs has done something in TWO years that you just don't see done in the NFL. We know it; soon everyone else will.

There's actually another team that did something similar in terms of largely gutting a team and turning it over quickly - you will be facing it on Sunday - The teams are actually really similar in a lot of ways/

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There's actually another team that did something similar in terms of largely gutting a team and turning it over quickly - you will be facing it on Sunday - The teams are actually really similar in a lot of ways/

Looking at stats, opponent strength, and accomplishments so far this year, as well as personelle, this is basically a mirror match. The spread of 1.5 agrees
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