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We did it! The Colts did it!


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Great team win!!!!!!! This was a statement game where we played with near perfection. Pep Hamilton's offense was run exactly the way he visualized it before the season. The defense shut down the Niners in the second half and even special teams played great. I'm so proud of this team.

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Shocked the heck out of me...aint gonna lie. Colts brought the hammer on both sides of the ball. Friggin went into San Fran and punched the Niners in the mouth. I love it!

Agreed. I wasnt betting against either team, I figured it'd come down to Luck on the final drive to win it or lose it, was not expecting this type of play out of the Colts. And my hat is off and a huge pat on the back for McGlynn, I'm still not a fan in him, but after hurting his knee in the 2nd, to keep playing, you could see him grimacing every step. Way to tough it out. I think he's better at C than G thats for sure.

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Ask Flacco for some cash for a new keyboard. Welcome to the forums.

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Very impressive win today. Everything just fell into place. I have to admit that I was worried at first; thought that SF would give the Colts a tough time. This is one game that I don't mind getting wrong in my prediction. This is as close to perfection as things can get.

have to agree with you. figured we would have alot of trouble with the niners. they lost last week and being back home they would play us like we were step children.this is the best that I can remember that we hit on all phases of the game 

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Easily the best PERFORMANCE we have had of the Pagano/Luck era surpasses the Colts Texans game from last year for that title IMO.

This is true. This is the exact type of team the colts want to have in terms of overal game ability. This type of game wins playoff games. Running an defense.

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This is true. This is the exact type of team the colts want to have in terms of overal game ability. This type of game wins playoff games. Running an defense.

I hate to say this because I know we don't like this team but it reminded me a lot of a team up in New England when they were winning Super Bowls.  Good running game that can control the clock, a defense that doesn't have big names but is nasty and a super star QB who can fling it when you need him too with very good special teams.

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