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This might be my favorite regular season ever


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i am not sure if a fan base and its football team have ever been so much in love. even during the peyton era there were always legitimate things to gripe about. there is just nothing but love for this team from top to bottom


Agree, so much love....


And we have the QB and coach combo I feel could dominate the AFC for many years. Maybe not this year but eventually.

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It has passed 95 for me.  It's magical just like 95 was however, when you think of everything the Colts over came to get here I think this season takes the cake for me.  Unlike with all the years with Peyton where we expected to win this one was not and that's what makes it magical.  I am so proud of this team regardless of what happens in the playoffs.  Without a doubt Irsay has proven he was a man with a plan and I think that plan dated back right after when Peyton was announced as having the neck surgery last year and Irsay sent out the tweet about buckle up that is would be a crazy 18 months or something to that effect.  We are very lucky to have Irsay as an owner because he's the one who had the guts to release Peyton Manning and put people like Grigson, Pagano, and Luck in place.  Yes he didn't make all those calls by himself but without him none of them happen. 

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It's definitely ONE of my favorites. It's been an up and down roller coaster ride... I'm just so proud of all the players, coaches, and especially Coach Pagano. Let's not just be glad we made the playoffs, let's go in there and try to win!

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One of the best years I've enjoyed since they moved here. Going to stock up on shades and SPF, cause future looks bright!! Like no ozone layer bright ;)

Give me a glass of Blue koolaid....not wait......give me a liter of Blue koolaid.....heck with it.....hook me up to a koolaid drip!

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Give me a glass of Blue koolaid....not wait......give me a liter of Blue koolaid.....heck with it.....hook me up to a koolaid drip!

I hope you're not trying to imply I'm drinking the cuts koolaid. Cause if so, that would be just flat out ridiculous and I'll leave it at that

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I hope you're not trying to imply I'm drinking the cuts koolaid. Cause if so, that would be just flat out ridiculous and I'll leave it at that

No, I was talking about myself. I am drinking it. Guzzling it with it slavering down my chin.



intr.v. slav·ered, slav·er·ing, slav·ers

1. To slobber; drool.

2. To behave in an obsequious manner; fawn.

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I believed back when only a few of us believed, to have it come true makes it 1 of my favorite seasons ever. 2nd after 2006 SB run.

My father in law was one of those fans that jumped ship to Denver when manning left. I told him to eat it, don't come crawling back when they realize how good luck is and how all the moves made we're the right ones. Been riding high all year long! Love it

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I believed back when only a few of us believed, to have it come true makes it 1 of my favorite seasons ever. 2nd after 2006 SB run.


If we won the SB this year, would it be number 1?


It already s my favorite. Every week I was in awe of how this team won. Magical...... just magical!

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This has been my favorite season so far. That and the 2004 season where Peyton was throwing the ball all over the place.



Wow, yeah that was up there. I wonder if Luck will break that record. Take it back from Brady and bring it back to Indy where it belongs. We ALL know PM coulda bro.........nah I wont start that one again!

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Nothing is ever given to you in the NFL, but it certainly gives you a different perspective when you're spoiled by a legend like Peyton Manning. This season we just fought so hard against so many odds that went against us, so many pundits saying we were destined for a losing season. We lost our head coach for most of the season while he suffers a deadly illness, we see our team and fans come together and win a memorable comeback against Green Bay. We then fight on through the rest of the season clinch a playoff spot just in time for our head coach to return and lead his team to stellar win against our toughest division rivals. It just doesn't get much better than this. I'm so proud and lucky to be a Colts fan.


Oh by the way, remember this?: http://espn.go.com/nfl/team/rankings/_/name/ind/indianapolis-colts


So Jules, I think I might have to agree.

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Wow, yeah that was up there. I wonder if Luck will break that record. Take it back from Brady and bring it back to Indy where it belongs. We ALL know PM coulda bro.........nah I wont start that one again!


I honestly wouldn't care if Luck broke the record. As long as he keeps winning games and limits mistakes, I will be happy.

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This ride has been incredible.


Mine too!     Glad you said it.


In another thread I was saying just how wrong I've been about this team all season long.    All season.    Nothing about this season makes any sense.    And I couldn't be happier about that!!


I'm dining on crow and humble pie and loving the taste!!


What a year!    And I don't think it's over!      :thmup:

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I am so proud of this team from owner to the newfound friends I've found here on this forum.

I've been a Colts fan longer than most of you have been alive & have rooted for & supported this team through the good times & the bad times. I've sported my Colts gear every year win or lose. I've noticed that this year my Colts jacket & my Colts hats have gotten more outside attention than ever before. Usually someone saying how good that new kid #12 looks. I smile & say yeah, he was a good pickup.

I don't remember ever being this optimistic about the very near future as I am today.


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