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Is There Any Way To Beat The Texans In Week 1?


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It's all doom and gloom from things I hear. Man, it used to be the opposite. I mean, we all knew the Texans would eventually have a winner, but didn't know it would be when Peyton still had all his weapons (or most). At least that's what were hearing everywhere. So, if Peyton plays, can we win?

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It's all doom and gloom from things I hear. Man, it used to be the opposite. I mean, we all knew the Texans would eventually have a winner, but didn't know it would be when Peyton still had all his weapons (or most). At least that's what were hearing everywhere. So, if Peyton plays, can we win?

Time shakes everything out of the tree.......finally the lurker Texas fan revealed. You'll find fans of other teams are generally welcomed here and a few even have decent input, but this Tokyo Rose type mind seeding from a foe source who we've dominated doesn't flush. Come back and talk Texas rise when they go 2-0 against us and take the division. My money says that ain't happenin' in 2011.

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When Peyton plays...yes we will have a good chance of beating the Texans in week one. I think all this "doom and gloom" is due to the fact that other teams have their starters warming up in the preseason and we haven't seen Manning or Collie yet. Manning's of the PUP list so he should start warming up. Probably won't see him Thursday against Cincinnati, but our season opener is still 12 days away. I think he will play, and I believe we can win. Like Malakai said, Houston finds ways to lose to us. They have only beat us twice since the AFC south was put together in 2002. That's 2 out of 18 regular season games. It takes a lot to keep Manning of the field. If healthy this team should be better than the team that went 10-6 last year.

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Guest BlueShoe

It's all doom and gloom from things I hear. Man, it used to be the opposite. I mean, we all knew the Texans would eventually have a winner, but didn't know it would be when Peyton still had all his weapons (or most). At least that's what were hearing everywhere. So, if Peyton plays, can we win?

Our defense is going to surprise your Texans and you might want to look out for our running game too. If Peyton is back and he should be then it might get ugly for you all.

But I get it. We used to get dogged by the Bills like we have dogged you guys for 9 years now.

I think most Colts fans feel the same as me when I say that I respect the Texans, but that doesn't mean I think they are better than we are. You have to beat the king of the mountain before you can roar. ;)

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Winning in the NFL is so simple, you just have to score more point than your opponent :)

But to quote Bill Parcells: No matter how much you've won, no matter how many games, no matter how many championships, no matter how many Super Bowls, you're not winning now, so you stink.

The Colts are not winning now, so they stink until they prove otherwise :)


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We are going to beat the texans the old fashioned way, by scoring more points than they do. Seriously, i think the texans are a good team but we have the edge, if Peyton is back the offense will be potent and the D has also shown lmprovement. I think it will be a close game, coming down to the last few plays.

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Our D needs to show up and give the Texans no more than 20 points and get some turnovers to generate favorable field position. Recognize boot legs on pass D, be prepared for cut blocks on run D, and be stout in the middle for run D without giving huge cutback lanes. The LBs and safeties should show a lot of gap discipline.

THEN, we stand a chance with the likelihood that Peyton will be rusty.

How about that for a realistic chance? :)

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Last year the Colts made the PO's with 20+ injured starters through out the entire year. The texans did not make the playoffs at all... Peyton did almost all of it by himself. To me the just goes to show me that Peyton is an amazing player. Our starters are back, and we have only added more talent to this team, and vs GB, it looks like it has improved us greatly on the lines...

Window closing? no. We still have 5 years before that can be a discussion ;)

In response to the OP... Peyton will be rusty. If we can run the ball, we will win. And I think a fitting win would be to run the ball on them like they did on us with Arien Foster last year. I'd like to see that!

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You know they will probably get us week one with Manning probably not playing or not being a full strength, but in the long run I am not worried about the Texans.

This is the same team that after beating us week one went 5-10 the rest of the season. This team is still coached by Kubiak and under his helm the team has routinely struggled to beat teams that they should beat. They have routinely underperformed and choke when push comes to shove.

They probably will give us a push for our money because they got Wade Phillips as DC, but I still fully expect them to drop some games that they shouldn't.

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I know the exact way to beat the Texans: stop the run. I know this is much more easier said than done, but with the additions of Tommy Harris and Jamaal Anderson, we have at least improved our chances. Even if Manning doesn't play, I think that we can beat the Texans if we can stop Foster.

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They added Wade Phillips but with the same defensive players. The have the preseason hoopla, a talented team but till they do it I still see the Colts winning the South.

Also keep in mind the Texans surprised the Colts with their running game in last years 1st meeting. Foster had 231 yards and 3 scores but in game two he had a respectful 102 yard. The Colts were prepared the second time. This years first meeting Foster will get some yards but only about 90 or so. The Colts will have a good running game and win 28-24.

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Last year, the Texans surprised us. Plain and simple. Manning pretty much kept it close all by himself. After week 1, the experts predicted our doom, but were fooled.

Now, there's no surprise, because we know their plan. Every pundit is already predicting a Texans victory, and a division crown. Maybe they will get us week 1, but it won't be because of their new defense (as it will take a while to develop); regardless, it will be the Indianapolis Peyton Mannings flying yet another AFC South Champions banner at season's end.

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hasn't this been the story at the beginning of every year? this is the texans year to win the division, this is their year to finally make the playoffs? they added this person, or solidified a certain position... then what happens, they choke every time? they have talent no doubt, but it comes down to execution.

furthermore, they are installing a 3-4 defense this year which takes time to transition to. took GB a few years to get everything clicking.

from what I hear mario williams will be playing OLB? he will be in pass coverage and rushing? going to be interesting to say the least.

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Of course we can beat them. Would could also lose. These match-ups seem to always be close. I'm just hoping Peyton doesn't show too much rust. I think we are preparing for that by moving Diem to G to help our running game. I am really excited to see what our defense can do. I feel that if we can run the ball and stop the run then we have a good chance of winning.

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Unless we're armed to the teeth with automatic weapons?



Well if Peyton is healthy and can play like Peyton, then I'd consider that a pretty good automatic weapon. With a side arms of Reggie, Garcon, Collie, and Addai.. I call that armed to the teeth. But Peyton is the firing pin for the entire weapon, so if no Peyton, no BOOM.

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It's all doom and gloom from things I hear. Man, it used to be the opposite. I mean, we all knew the Texans would eventually have a winner, but didn't know it would be when Peyton still had all his weapons (or most). At least that's what were hearing everywhere. So, if Peyton plays, can we win?

I think the texans are gonna be dominated, the texans cant just take their 4-3 and automatically change it into a 3-4 you can bet that D will be exposed come game time combined with the improved D of the colts, good win for the colts there.

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Use the game plan the Packers used in the SB to beat the Steelers. Run a whole bunch of 4 or even 5 wide-out sets. Especially with the Texans lack of depth at the CB position. That is the key to beating a blitz happy 3-4 defense. Which is what Wade Phillips runs.

Go watch some tape, it never fails to move the chains.

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I kinda like being the underdog going in... Should help relax the fans expectations of our Colts this year haha. With that being said I think its funny how Texan fans think their defense has suddenly turned into something it has never been, which is being good. I realize its a cliche but it is only the preseason... watching that Jets game they seriously blitzed every play from multiple angles, which is what I expect we will see. If they do that to us they could be in some big time trouble we have dealt with this defense for a long time and Peyton / Colts have plays designed to take advantage of it. Factor that in with the Texans 4-3 personnel playing 3-4 and I like our chances.

Cant wait till the regular season! Go Colts

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How about we just throw in the direction of Mario Williams? He is now a LB that can't cover, or hasn't proven he can cover anything. It's obvious he will be rushing the LOS 99% of the time. I say we test that side of the field. Spread them out and force Williams to cover.

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It's all doom and gloom from things I hear. Man, it used to be the opposite. I mean, we all knew the Texans would eventually have a winner, but didn't know it would be when Peyton still had all his weapons (or most). At least that's what were hearing everywhere. So, if Peyton plays, can we win?

Why wouldnt we be able to win

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How about we just throw in the direction of Mario Williams? He is now a LB that can't cover, or hasn't proven he can cover anything. It's obvious he will be rushing the LOS 99% of the time. I say we test that side of the field. Spread them out and force Williams to cover.

Not sure if they will be using Mario Williams for all downs. They have 2 other OLBs in Brooks Reed and Braman that they really love. If Peyton is doing that, they will bring those 2 in for more playing time. Like I said, their pass rush is better than their secondary. So, the key is picking up the blitzes and the rushers. If we do that, we can put them in trouble.

Plus, it would be nice if we can get some catches deep from Garcon because that will slow down their safeties and if Garcon can catch at least 3 out of 5 balls thrown his way consistently, that would help. With our division rivals, it mostly comes down to stop the run and run the ball to control tempo.

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Nah theres no way were gonna win this game. Peyton isnt gonna play and Kerry is gonna be knocked out 1st play and put into the retirement home. Painter then proceeds to throw a new NFL record 8 picks all returned by Mario Williams; Texans new OLB for touchdowns. Pat Mcaffe is the highlight of the loss with his kickoffs going into the gulf. He later jumps in after the game with no shirt in a attempt to retrieve his balls.


Colts- -4 - cuz AV misses a FG so they take away lol

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If we score can score more points than they do, we have a pretty good shot at winning.

[pregame announcer]

we are going to need manning to find his open receivers down the field. and the oline is going to need to open up some running lanes so we don't regularly end up in 3rd & longs

defensively we need to keep the ground game in check & get after the quarterback

[/pregame announcer]

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How about we just throw in the direction of Mario Williams? He is now a LB that can't cover, or hasn't proven he can cover anything. It's obvious he will be rushing the LOS 99% of the time. I say we test that side of the field. Spread them out and force Williams to cover.

Seems like a good base to me.

The thing is, though, we can't be letting Manning take a bunch of hits, and get knocked down and stuff like that. If he plays, lets be honest: He's not going to be 100%. It's hard to say he'll be close, but from going no practice at all to 100% fully fit in under 2 weeks seems unlikely. If he's getting hit and knocked down it could re-injure him, and we don't need that.

I expect us to have a more aggressive gameplan than usual, especially offensively. Get a big lead built up ASAP so we can take Peyton out and stop risking re-injuring him. Then put Collins in because he can safely manage a game and not make stupid decisions which will result in turnovers.

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No, no, no.

Its all about how the team looks on paper!


It's the Texans-they always have the potential to implode. With that the colts without Peyton is a mediocre team at best.

Why we even have back up QBs is silly.

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I actually think it is funny. Why are people down on the Colts? I thought last year they would be stronger then the Super Bowl team. The injuries killed us. I think this team is potentially the best of the last 4 years. I see the Texans going down. The Colts will win the Super Bowl this year.

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
    • I'm very interested in Carlie's as well.  I'm just not sold on our starting LB core.
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