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Hard Knocks/Vontae Davis (merge)


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Did anyone see Vontaes reaction on hard knocks when they told him he was getting traded?? Idk if it was just me, but he looked kinda ticked. Vontae asked what they traded him for and when Ireland said "a couple draft picks", Vontae didnt say much after that.

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Just watched this weeks episode when the coach tells him he was traded to the Colts. First the guy looked almost like he wanted to cry and then in the middle of the meeting with the coach he says he has to call his grandma--and then starts to make the call.

Ok I understand the need to let people know but I sure hope he is sharper on the field than he appears to be in this show because between his facial reactions and his attitude he really wasn't very impressive.

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My thoughts of Vontae Davis is he is a young talented kid that wanted to talk to his grandma when he got the news.He looked a bit sad n a bit shocked. I dont think he thought he would be traded . This was a wake up call for him n i think he has a good heart. Im glad hes a colt n he will do well. God bless Vontae....

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Did anyone see Vontaes reaction on hard knocks when they told him he was getting traded?? Idk if it was just me, but he looked kinda ticked. Vontae asked what they traded him for and when Ireland said "a couple draft picks", Vontae didnt say much after that.

I think he was more upset about being trading than where he was traded too although who wouldn't want to go play for a team that was 2-14 last year!
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I've never watched Hard Knocks, but I suppose stuff like this is part of the very nature of the show.

However, to give someone news like this when the cameras are rolling just seems really cold to me.

No cold is what the Bengals did a few years ago when they woke someone up early in the morning to tell him he was cut with the camera's rolling...that's COLD lol.
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Just watched this weeks episode when the coach tells him he was traded to the Colts. First the guy looked almost like he wanted to cry and then in the middle of the meeting with the coach he says he has to call his grandma--and then starts to make the call.

Ok I understand the need to let people know but I sure hope he is sharper on the field than he appears to be in this show because between his facial reactions and his attitude he really wasn't very impressive.

Questioning his intelligence seems easy but you probably shouldn't - he may come across a bit dim but he was praised for being clever in college and scored a 33 on the Wonderlic.

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Take what you see on Hard Knocks with a grain of salt. It is still reality TV and the editors can edit what they tape to make people look a certain way so it can fit their narrative that they are trying to show on TV.

With that said Davis has a lot of question marks about him and he has a lot of growing up to do here in Indy. Grigson's trade is definitely a high reward/high risk type of trade.

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Take what you see on Hard Knocks with a grain of salt. It is still reality TV and the editors can edit what they tape to make people look a certain way so it can fit their narrative that they are trying to show on TV.

With that said Davis has a lot of question marks about him and he has a lot of growing up to do here in Indy. Grigson's trade is definitely a high reward/high risk type of trade.

Completely agree although, edited or not, what I saw last night certainly gives me cause for concern that the guy will ever get it.

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People react differently when they know the cameras are on. Don't know his real feelings but the reaction may well have been different without cameras. And, no way to accurately speculate about how he MIGHT have reacted.

Agreed but the first reaction before the meeting is over is call Granny? I can't put my finger on why that was troubling to me, but for whatever the reason it was.

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I'm strange as a disclaimer...but you know what I liked?? I liked how I could hear Grigs volume on that phone when he was punking Ireland into a losing trade.....because they lost...the Phins need talent and they didnt get any. But back to topic, Vontae was visibly hurt....he was raised by grandma and naturally needed comfort, I mean the rest of the convo was useless in his mind....he's off the team, he goin to another one...and scene.

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I saw the show for the 1st time last night and only caught the end where he was traded. Why did they start off with showing Davis on the practice field saying something to the effect of "Davis is going to play football this year but not sure for what team". How did they know that before the trade? What lead up to that?

Davis aside that new Miami coach seems to be lacking in mental decisiveness or even having an idea what he wants his team to look like, because when he asked the GM what he wanted to do the coach put his head down and spoke like a little kid.

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I'm gonna leave room for the new environment....coaching/organization/team mates....to help straighten out whatever bumps Davis has hit in his young career.

His brother Vernon had similar issues in San Francisco under a strikingly similar and dysfunctional 49ers situation prior to Jim Harbaugh being brought in. Like the Dolphins...there was considerable turmoil there on a yearly basis at every level of the team. Thats not an excuse for two players very gifted at their positions, but it doesn't help a young player at all.

Chuck Pagano being very familiar with DBs can only help....and for much as the Colts have overhauled from top to bottom, the franchise still has a reputation for a relative lack of drama and pretty good overall stability, which is a word no one can associate with any version of the Dolphins organization in recent memory.

Hopefully Vernon Davis' model in SF is an indicator of how a better team atmosphere can bring out the best in Vontae.

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I think Vontae will get it in gear with the Colts, he's still young and maybe the Miami lifestyle wasn't good for him

Vontae reeks of natural talent. If the Colts could instill in him the work ethic, drive, and sense of character that Luck, Harnish and Freeney posess, (among several others) I think we have the potential for the best cornerback in the leauge.
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Vontae reeks of natural talent. If the Colts could instill in him the work ethic, drive, and sense of character that Luck, Harnish and Freeney posess, (among several others) I think we have the potential for the best cornerback in the leauge.

That's the thing that's more up to the player than the team. They can't teach someone to work hard. They can encourage it and try to get it out of them but they can't make them. That's what people used to say about Ugoh if he would have worked as hard as Charlie Johnson he would have been a great player but he didn't. Some guys have it and some don't. Hopefully Davis can find it within himself.
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Agreed but the first reaction before the meeting is over is call Granny? I can't put my finger on why that was troubling to me, but for whatever the reason it was.

Perhaps he moved his Grandma to Miami and helps take care of her, when he was traded, he had to let her know ASAP because he had to leave the state for awhile.

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Perhaps he moved his Grandma to Miami and helps take care of her, when he was traded, he had to let her know ASAP because he had to leave the state for awhile.

Not sure if that is sarcasm or not.

If so, my apologies. If that is what you really think, would that rush call to Granny really make a difference if it happened at 2:15 that afternoon or 2:16.

The whole thing just struck me as odd. Not saying that it will have an impact on how he plays for Indy, but just that it showed a strange way to handle the news.

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Okay to those that say his behavior is odd let me ask you a couple things I would like to point out:

1. How would you feel if you were sitting in your coaches office or wherever (haven't seen the show) and that happens with the cameras rolling, it will be intimidating to say the least, not to mention embarrassing that you just got traded on tv.

2. You all do realize that this is reality t.v. right? and as much as we wanna believe its not scripted, it is. Not to mention the fact that it does get edited. (I guarantee there was more that was cut out of the conversation than what was shown)

3. Just because the Miami Dolphins wanted to do Hard Knocks, doesn't mean all the players wanted them to be there.

4. When something dramatic happens in your life you want to be consoled or at least talk to someone.

5. Hard Knocks has a vested interested in creating drama, captivating t.v. so they are gonna do things to spice it up.

6. Who cares what happened in Miami its in the past, in is interview he said its in the past, cant us as fans let it go and take the guy at face value? I know for a fact if your in a place working and hate your job or the people you work for/with your not gonna be happy. In his interview he seemed genuinely happy and excited.

Lets not look for faults, coaches saw something in him and they knew about his past. Lets not dissect a 5 min excerpt from Hard Knocks and label him as someone who isn't gonna amount to much.

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this is what I like about Hard Knocks. Whether you like the way the trade was handled or not, that segment showed the value of the "Hard Knocks" series. That kind of inside look at a team's process is a great addition to the knowledge base of every hardcore football fan. not too many people actually knew how a trade process really was and how GMs talk and players initial reactions and all that good stuff

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Not sure if that is sarcasm or not.

If so, my apologies. If that is what you really think, would that rush call to Granny really make a difference if it happened at 2:15 that afternoon or 2:16.

The whole thing just struck me as odd. Not saying that it will have an impact on how he plays for Indy, but just that it showed a strange way to handle the news.

Well I'm sure he was shocked and it was a nervous reaction. Maybe his grandmother is his support, someone he can turn to when troubled. He's been fine since he's been here, I think he just needed to calm down and take a deep breath.

Yeah he's a bit of a man child, so was I at that age.

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Well I'm sure he was shocked and it was a nervous reaction. Maybe his grandmother is his support, someone he can turn to when troubled. He's been fine since he's been here, I think he just needed to calm down and take a deep breath.

Yeah he's a bit of a man child, so was I at that age.

Sorry but the highlighted is funny. He has been a model citizen for all of 72 hours.

Again, I have no idea if he pans out for the Colts. His talent is undeniable but so apparently is his level of maturity. The circumstances in that meeting with Ireland did not paint him in a positive light. I hope he gets it. I really do. Just that with what we already know about him and what I saw last night, it makes me wonder.

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Sorry but the highlighted is funny. He has been a model citizen for all of 72 hours.

Again, I have no idea if he pans out for the Colts. His talent is undeniable but so apparently is his level of maturity. The circumstances in that meeting with Ireland did not paint him in a positive light. I hope he gets it. I really do. Just that with what we already know about him and what I saw last night, it makes me wonder.

Lol true 72 hours isnt long, just hope it's a good start and trend for him. I understand your concerned that he's a man-child but does anyone here know if he's ever been in any serious trouble with the law or was a nussence in college?

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I don't see the big deal. He wanted to talk to his grandma, so what? We all don't know the background of it. Maybe she is ill, maybe they have just a strong relationship... A guy that cares about his grandma can't be that bad. I trust Pagano and we have to give him at least a chance...

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I think I speak for a lot of people, when I get hurt in an emotional way, my first response is to want someone to talk to; mom, sister, grandma, friend, etc. In his case it was his grandmother. I don't see anything wrong with his initial reaction being a desire to talk to the woman that raised him. He's a grown man, I would have been more concerned if he broke down in blubbering tears. Honestly I don't know how you're supposed to respond to being told you have to leave town right now and find a new home 1,000 miles away.

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