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Notice there are no Luck commercials? There's a reason....


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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - personal Shot
Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - personal Shot

What's wrong with being in a friggin' commercial? And apparently you're so high and mighty if you aren't in one. This place smells...

Then Fug off.

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You now have to "earn" a short of your own name?? I mean, really, it's not like he's got a name like Smooth G3 or RG III Rings or anything like that. I think this is a bit over the tiop criticism, in my opinion.

i don't see too much wrong with the endorsements of athletes just out of college. Sports companies will want projected superstars to sign contracts early in hopes they will return dividends sooner rather than later (and will hopefully be less expensive in the long term).

As for A Lu...whoops, he hasn't earned that yet...Andrew Luck, I think his attitude is refreshing and it shows what makes him somewhat unique. Not better, just somewhat unique, i think.


haha Smooth G3.....epic nickname.

Personally, I really like Griffin. He seems a million times more humble than Newton. Just because he's gotten a couple spots in commercials doesn't make him less humble. I'd bet my life savings of $200 or so that he'll be pretty good in this league. Newton is kind of an egotistical *mod edit*......I self-censored my opinion on him. Yeah, sure he scored a lot of fantasy points, and Carolina had a super-amazing record of 6-10.....I feel Cam's going to have a hard crash back down to earth this year.

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haha Smooth G3.....epic nickname.

Personally, I really like Griffin. He seems a million times more humble than Newton. Just because he's gotten a couple spots in commercials doesn't make him less humble. I'd bet my life savings of $200 or so that he'll be pretty good in this league. Newton is kind of an egotistical *mod edit*......I self-censored my opinion on him. Yeah, sure he scored a lot of fantasy points, and Carolina had a super-amazing record of 6-10.....I feel Cam's going to have a hard crash back down to earth this year.

Bob is more humble than cam think he than man newton
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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - admits to skirting the profanity filter
Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - admits to skirting the profanity filter

Tell him again ,where trying to get rid of last years stench from Caldwell and polian if u don't like it bounce

I had to edit it after it censored the word I wanted to use. I don't get why someone who doesn't even support the team would spend so much time on here, and then complain about us.

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Personally, I like both Luck and RG3. If either man gets an endorsement deal by a corporate food, drink, or shoe company, I am cool with it. If I were in their shoes, I'd want to cut my teeth and prove myself first amongst the locker room and fan base first, but that's just me.

Both of these men will excel in the NFL and they know how to multitask several activities at once without missing a beat. I can't fault anyone for earning money, getting a piece of capitalist pie, and striking well the advertising iron is smoldering hot either.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - discussing another member
Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - discussing another member

I had to edit it after it censored the word I wanted to use. I don't get why someone who doesn't even support the team would spend so much time on here, and then complain about us.

Yeah an for him the question colts fans passion
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I dont see why it has to be Luck vs RGIII or Luck or Peyton Manning. I like them all. they are all exciting in one way or the other and in some cases in similar ways, I say just enjoy there careers until there final curtain call and enjoy the game for what it is

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - response to edited post
Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - response to edited post

I'm not sure that its "hate".

RG3 just has an arrogant style about him that I think rubs some the wrong way. (deserved or not)

He kinda has that "thug" air about him similar to Vick and hopefully he doesn't run with a "pack" (pun intended) similar to Vick's.

I actually hope RG3 does well, thats just better for our football viewing pleasure and the league.

HOWEVER, when it comes to choosing a QB....Luck or RG3, in my mind anyway, there is no decision to be made. Its Luck 100%.

RG3 I feel is a fine young man. Good athlete, smart kid, etc.

I just think Luck fits the Indy Colts mold while RG3 doesn't. Plus, I don't want a scrambling type QB, I want a pure passer type.

Just my opinion.

What is "thuggish" about RG3...there's nothing about him that signifies thug....I'm assuming this is being said because he's black....how short sighted.

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When did Griffin's school year end? I doubt that either QB has been filming commercials during training camp - part of it is he just may have had more time. He also may have a more experienced agent. He's also playing in a much larger media market that's been starved for something to crow about. He also - frankly - hasn't been in the limelight all that long, and kind of came out of no-where. He may be trying to "get it while he can" whereas Luck may be more confident that he will be around for awhile (and thinks he can be more selective about what he advertises). He also may appeal to a wider or more juvenile audience that the advertisers are eager to reach. As others have mentioned, Andrew is comparatively nerdy.

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Have been to Colt's Camp a few times already this season. Andrew Luck is definitely not one who is in love with the press like a lot of professional athletes. I believe if it wasn't for the fact that he is a rookie and kind of under pressure from the organization, he would not even be doing post practice interviews. If you go to camp and witness the the throngs of people trying to get his autograph (myself included), you will see that he is not thrilled to go to the sidelines and sign. I am in no way suggesting that he is not fan friendly, but after 2 hours on the field, 100's of plays to memorize, 100's of hours of video to watch, 100's of fans trying to get close to him and 100's of news outlets trying to get their 15 second highlight for the evening newscast, Andrew Luck is a tired man! The 1st couple of years that Peyton Manning was with the Colts, he would spend at least an hour after each practice signing autographs. After the Colts started winning and Manning proved himself to Indianapolis and the NFL, that ceased. In the last 2 or 3 years of his time with the Colts, he almost never came to the sidelines to greet the fans. Out of approximately 3 weeks of camp in Anderson last year, Peyton came to the sidelines 3 times. Yes, he was injured, but 1000's of fans came out to every practice just trying to get a glimpse of him. Peyton came out to both of the night time practices and worked the line for 15-20 minutes prior to whistle time. And the last day of camp, he came out to the road that was blocked off for traffic, pulled to a stop in his SUV, got out and autographed for about 20 minutes. It was a total surprise for myself who was walking back to the car and about 100 people who were as well. Even then he wasn't overly thrilled about it, but I believe he knew at that time it would be his last training camp as a Colt. I hope Andrew Luck continues to be the humble young man he appears to be. And I also hope he remembers that it's the fans that make the Colts an Indianapolis team.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - response to edited post
Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - response to edited post

What is "thuggish" about RG3...there's nothing about him that signifies thug....I'm assuming this is being said because he's black....how short sighted.

Yeah, apparently having dark skin, dreadlocks, and being able to run very fast, while also having a lot of confidence makes one a thug nowadays.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - discussing another member
Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - discussing another member

I had to edit it after it censored the word I wanted to use. I don't get why someone who doesn't even support the team would spend so much time on here, and then complain about us.

He's not the only one complaining about all the unwarranted Griffin hate. He's just the only one who seems to have got your attention. I spend a lot of time here as well, and I like to speak my mind just as much as the next person, no matter what team I go for.

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That's a good point because that was an issue in negotiations, allegedly

There was an article in the Star after the signing that said there was language concerning it in the contract, but not restricting it. So it would be interesting to know what exactly is in there.


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There was an article in the Star after the signing that said there was language concerning it in the contract, but not restricting it. So it would be interesting to know what exactly is in there.


Probably something along the lines of.......

If you want to make a commercial that's fine, just make sure it's not stupid as crap like 'Cam's Night Out'.

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It's strange, Manning's commercials never bothered me, but I do like that Luck is consciously not doing many endorsements at the beginning of his career.

Maybe that's just fan colored glasses, but ultimately I don't think it's a big deal one way or the other.

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We aint worrying about "Bob" griffin lll, I won't call him rg3 till he prove it and earn that name

Real original there, Osi.

I don't even get why someone would have to earn a nickname that is essentially just their initials. Umenyiora absolutely had a point about Griffin still needing to make a name for himself... but he made that point in a profoundly stupid way.

When did Griffin's school year end? I doubt that either QB has been filming commercials during training camp - part of it is he just may have had more time. He also may have a more experienced agent. He's also playing in a much larger media market that's been starved for something to crow about. He also - frankly - hasn't been in the limelight all that long, and kind of came out of no-where. He may be trying to "get it while he can" whereas Luck may be more confident that he will be around for awhile (and thinks he can be more selective about what he advertises). He also may appeal to a wider or more juvenile audience that the advertisers are eager to reach. As others have mentioned, Andrew is comparatively nerdy.

Griffin was basically done before the draft. He had to completed all of his classes prior to the draft and only needed to present a thesis paper or film to finish his Master's degree, so he actually had plenty of time to knock out some endorsements and attend OTAs while Luck was finishing the year at Stanford. The commercials may be all over the airwaves now but he hasn't been doing them when team activities have been afoot. They also didn't prevent him from doing his own individual workouts, studying the playbook, and getting together with his wide receivers in Waco between OTAs and training camp.

Some great points in that post, by the way.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - profanity and discussing another member
Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - profanity and discussing another member

He's not the only one complaining about all the unwarranted Griffin hate. He's just the only one who seems to have got your attention. I spend a lot of time here as well, and I like to speak my mind just as much as the next person, no matter what team I go for.

If a Colts fan wants to complain about it, fine (well not really because there have been more people complaining about Griffin hate than there have been actually hating on Griffin, everyone is gathering to argue against ghosts) but if he's going to complain about "the smell" of this place then he can f' off to the Texans board. He has no obligation or real reason to be here so rather than complain about it, just go away. I'd expect to be treated with hostility if I went onto the Texans board ticking and moaning about them.

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Haven't written here yet...

Some of you guys think that commercials are bad and only "spotlight huggers" well that's at least the impression I'm getting.

Don't think doing commercials is bad. A few commercials never hurt any player. heck, look at the greatest player in Colts history and arguably of all time Peyton Manning, the guy was on every 2nd commecial, and that never slowed down his game.

If he were in commercials, don't think it would hurt him.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - response to edited post
Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - response to edited post

Nope, has a mildly acidic tone to it. Almost like one you'd smell in a crowd of fanboys. It also smells a little shameful.

It's must not be too bad... you're still here.

As to the commercials... there's thousands of actors in commercials that have never played football. So if a football player wants to do a commercial before he's an accomplished football player, so what.

If a football player decides he wants to do well at football before he does any commercials, so what?

To go off on a slight tangent, why are people so easily brainwashed to think that it's better for a talented person to act like they are not talented (aka being humble) vs a talented person acting like he's talented? If a person is talented there is nothing wrong with being confident in that talent.

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Real original there, Osi.

I don't even get why someone would have to earn a nickname that is essentially just their initials. Umenyiora absolutely had a point about Griffin still needing to make a name for himself... but he made that point in a profoundly stupid way.

Griffin was basically done before the draft. He had to completed all of his classes prior to the draft and only needed to present a thesis paper or film to finish his Master's degree, so he actually had plenty of time to knock out some endorsements and attend OTAs while Luck was finishing the year at Stanford. The commercials may be all over the airwaves now but he hasn't been doing them when team activities have been afoot. They also didn't prevent him from doing his own individual workouts, studying the playbook, and getting together with his wide receivers in Waco between OTAs and training camp.

Some great points in that post, by the way.

See that your pic is bobby lee griffin I expect u to make excuse for him when April 28th 2013 rolls around and the redskins wondering if they should trade the Barkley pick or draft a qb ....pls return
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See that your pic is bobby lee griffin I expect u to make excuse for him when April 28th 2013 rolls around and the redskins wondering if they should trade the Barkley pick or draft a qb ....pls return

I thought the Rams were getting the #1 pick? Or is it a group session next draft?

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I dont see why it has to be Luck vs RGIII or Luck or Peyton Manning. I like them all. they are all exciting in one way or the other and in some cases in similar ways, I say just enjoy there careers until there final curtain call and enjoy the game for what it is

That is what fanboys have to do in anything. It does not matter if is Luck and RG3 or PS3 and Xbox360. They have to put down the other thing to make them feel better about what they have. In this case it is bash RG3 for something Peyton did all the time to make them feel better about Luck.

It is funny to hear people get on RG3 about commercials considering Peyton was the king of commercials.

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See that your pic is bobby lee griffin I expect u to make excuse for him when April 28th 2013 rolls around and the redskins wondering if they should trade the Barkley pick or draft a qb ....pls return

...really? Now you're just trying to spark a conflict...

Anywho, I don't see anything wrong with RGIII capitalizing on his now celebrity status and doing a few commercials. As others said, he wa done shooting these long before camp and stuff started.

While I DO think Luck is better, and I like him more...it's not cuz he doesn't do commercials

Here's to RGIII and Luck competing for OROY this year

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - response to edited post
Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - response to edited post

Nope, has a mildly acidic tone to it. Almost like one you'd smell in a crowd of fanboys. It also smells a little shameful.

My bad, wrong animal altogether. It wasn't steer manure it's troll dung you're catching a whiff of. Why else would a Texans fan be on the Colts Fan Forum unless he was out for a little (s)troll?

P.S. It's cute you had your secondary account Qwizboy like your comment.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, August 15, 2012 - personal argument

My bad, wrong animal altogether. It wasn't steer manure it's troll dung you're catching a whiff of. Why else would a Texans fan be on the Colts Fan Forum unless he was out for a little (s)troll?

P.S. It's cute you had your secondary account Qwizboy like your comment.

I am an individual person, as is Vance, thank you very much. You, sir, are the one resembling a big, blue troll here. I catch a scent of insecurity about you. Otherwise, you wouldn't feel so threatened about two different fanbases interacting on, well, you know, a forum. Your username says it all, anyone different and you'll just pounce.

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See that your pic is bobby lee griffin I expect u to make excuse for him when April 28th 2013 rolls around and the redskins wondering if they should trade the Barkley pick or draft a qb ....pls return

Why would they be considering trading for another quarterback if their current one takes them to the playoffs this year? Barkley goes to the Browns next year, probably. And his name is Robert...not Bobby...commonly known as RG3, before the draft, heck, probably before even his college career. I didn't know you had to earn a nickname that you've been tagged with for years.

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I agree with the comment that rookie quarterbacks who haven't proven anything (like RG3) doing commercials rub people the wrong way. its rubbed me the wrong way and the more i see RG3 talk I'm real glad the Colts didn't draft him. I'm sorry if some people like him but I don't want someone on this team that is going to open his dumb mouth and say stuff like "Practice is harder than games" seriously you've played one preseason game and you don't get game planning for that just wait till you get destroyed in a game because you have that attitude. end rant...

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I agree with the comment that rookie quarterbacks who haven't proven anything (like RG3) doing commercials rub people the wrong way. its rubbed me the wrong way and the more i see RG3 talk I'm real glad the Colts didn't draft him. I'm sorry if some people like him but I don't want someone on this team that is going to open his dumb mouth and say stuff like "Practice is harder than games" seriously you've played one preseason game and you don't get game planning for that just wait till you get destroyed in a game because you have that attitude. end rant...

He's not on the Patriots, so the guy should be allowed to speak his mind. Yes, it was only one preseason game, but what if he really believes that practice is harder than games? I've heard athletes say things ten times worse than this innocent comment. Griffin has taken the time to start on his playbook early, practice with teammates in his college city, and has just as much work ethic as 12. He's the next big thing; He's flashy, he's a great player, similar to Michael Phelps, when the people are interested in someone, it doesn't hurt to put a few commercials out there. It's not like he's neglecting his quarterback duties to do so, so there should be no problem with it.

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