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Oh dear Harbaugh and Luck meeting with Irsay


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18 hours ago, DougDew said:

Well, this oughta be fun.......

i actually don't really think Saturday was brought in as a coach. We don't know what occurred between Irsay and Saturday but i think Saturday was brought in to evaluate the team from head to toe. I would love Harbaugh, as he would be my 1st choice. I really doubt Luck comes back as I just think he is very happy and there is no way he is playing behind this Oline, as he will get killed for the 2nd time. If he does come back, I would bet my wife, kids, the dogs that their 1st pick would be LT  even if it meant trading the farm lol. I was listening to a GM and he said that Frank is a tough coach which many feel he isn't. He said he could tell by watching them and the style they played that they were tough. He felt Frank lost some toughness when he fired Gug and that it is mentally draining to have a tough team as it will wear out. It will be interesting to watch the Titans

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23 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

i actually don't really think Saturday was brought in as a coach. We don't know what occurred between Irsay and Saturday but i think Saturday was brought in to evaluate the team from head to toe. I would love Harbaugh, as he would be my 1st choice. I really doubt Luck comes back as I just think he is very happy and there is no way he is playing behind this Oline, as he will get killed for the 2nd time. If he does come back, I would bet my wife, kids, the dogs that their 1st pick would be LT  even if it meant trading the farm lol. I was listening to a GM and he said that Frank is a tough coach which many feel he isn't. He said he could tell by watching them and the style they played that they were tough. He felt Frank lost some toughness when he fired Gug and that it is mentally draining to have a tough team as it will wear out. It will be interesting to watch the Titans

Remember some of the first practices in 2018? All the players were commenting on how fast and intensive mentally and physically the practices were. 

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

Oh man….   None of the things you listed make him the least bit qualified to be a GM. 

They might make him qualified to be the Vice President of the NFLPA. 

:facepalm:...So reading comprehension isn't your strength. ...I asked you to enlighten me regarding Lynches GM qualifications. If that's too much to ask then...my bad.

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3 hours ago, buccolts said:

Yeah, "if not MORE" is a stretch. 

Maybe Jeff's extensive knowledge, and working relationship (consultant) with the same franchise is the theory?

Saturday negotiated on behalf of the NFLPA thus avoiding a lockout...has been a consultant for the Colts and now will have been an NFL coach. What did Lynch do to get his GM position. NCF cant answer a simple question. 

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21 hours ago, Smonroe said:

As a Buckeye if you would have told me two years ago that the Colts were going to hire Harbaugh I’d be yelling Nooo!  Keep him with TTUN so we can continue beating them.  

But now I’d say Please hire him!  
(Although I’d rather have Vrabel.)

I’m a buckeye fan and I agree 100 percent.  I doubt it happens but wouldn’t hate it


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8 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

Just because your opinion of Ballard is low does not mean his reputation as a GM in the league is low. I am quite sure there would be a few candidates for the head coaching job that would like to work with Ballard. This narrative that Ballard is thought of as a bad GM is ludicrous.   

K.....I will raise u 10 that when Ballard gets canned, he doesn't get another GM job.

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11 hours ago, John Hammonds said:

I did, actually.  Harbaugh may also want GM responsibilities along with the HC title.  And if Irsay already knows that Ballard is on his way out, and if he wants to hire Harbaugh, he may be doing this on purpose.


Of course, this all conjecture compounded upon conjecture.  And we won't really know until January.  Or later.

If a guy like Harbaugh leaves to go to an NFL job, he is getting full control.  He will be the coach and the GM. 

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4 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

You are one of the best posters in here and I respect you a lot but why do you hate Jim so much. His coaching record is good, I even met the guy in person and he was very nice to me and my mom. Weird that you hate the guy. I say hate because you always say something negative about him in every post you make.

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7 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

You are one of the best posters in here and I respect you a lot but why do you hate Jim so much. His coaching record is good, I even met the guy in person and he was very nice to me and my mom. Weird that you hate the guy. I say hate because you always say something negative about him in every post you make.

What you call hate I call facing reality. Jim has a personality that scratches a blackboard. It is common knowledge he don't play well with others.  You are certainly entitled to your own opinion just as I am mine. 

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15 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I would hire Harbaugh in a second. That would be the easiest decision I could ever make. 


I agree. 


Not sure about the personality mix with Jim, Jim, and Ballard but Harbaugh isn't impossible to work with. Plus, it's not like this Colts team is set up to go on a great decade long run. They don't have to be thinking of hiring someone for the next 10 years. (most don't last nearly that long anyways) If the Colts were to land Harbaugh I think they would maximize whatever roster they have each year he is the coach. I can't say I believe that for a lot of other coaches.


Some of those 49er teams Harbaugh coached were loaded talent wise but they stunk before he arrived. He did good work with both Alex Smith and Colin Kaepernick too. Indeed it would be an easy decision to hire Harbaugh, IMO.


As for the specific rumor...Irsay might be meeting behind the scenes with Harbaugh or his representation this week. However, I don't buy Luck being involved. That part doesn't make sense to me. Plus, i'm pretty sure Tony D has thrown out some other "rumors" in the past that were proven false.

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10 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

What you call hate I call facing reality. Jim has a personality that scratches a blackboard. It is common knowledge he don't play well with others.  You are certainly entitled to your own opinion just as I am mine. 

Fair enough and you are a great poster but I think Jim would do great here. JMO

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4 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

He might? If he is hired I will support him just as I would anyone hired as our head coach. I'm not afraid of being wrong if he proves me wrong. 

I am wrong a lot so don't feel bad. I thought we would be great with Matt Ryan as in going to the AFC Title Game, that ended up like this Season 4 Falling GIF by The Simpsons- at least I didn't pick us to win the SB.

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Ask yourself honestly... 


Why would Jim Harbaugh want the Indy HC job?

For the record, I like Jim, and would hire him... but... 


  • He is a god at Michigan right now... 
  • He's making 6.4M+, likely 10ish with external deals. Frank was #6ish in the NFL, making 9M. In short, top college HCs make more... And Jim will likely even more if he wins the NC.
  • Jim is a quirky dude, and is rumored to be unhappy with the NFL. He likes control. And doesn't like playing "politics"
  • More on the control... He almost left UM due to the BOT/Admin. And the boosters were rumored to have strong armed the BOT/Admin, and Jim got his way. And after his win over OSU again this year, his power/popularity continues to grow. They will build statues of him if he wins the NC... 
  • Jim played QB for Indy. But not really "pull" to Indy. What would be motivation? Highest paid NFL coach? Doubt it (Irsay willingness). GM/HC role (Irsay willingness)? Doubt it. 


In short, more money and more control at Michigan. And he's a god there right now. And he's simply likely a better fit at the college level. 

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20 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

Because coaches like that don’t work very well in the pros.  These are multimillionaire men in a lot of cases.  If you scream and yell at them they just don’t listen to you because they don’t respect you.  Even Arians who could be very blunt rarely screamed and yelled at players because that will lose the locker room faster than anything.  The last coach the Colts had that came anywhere close to that was Mora and guess what by the time he was fired he was seen as a joke who the players didn’t listen to anymore.  

I’m not saying scream but get on them when they not performing and hold them accountable. Not that everyone is great and needs a hug type of stuff we have been seeing. 

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30 minutes ago, EastStreet said:


Ask yourself honestly... 


Why would Jim Harbaugh want the Indy HC job?

For the record, I like Jim, and would hire him... but... 


  • He is a god at Michigan right now... 
  • He's making 6.4M+, likely 10ish with external deals. Frank was #6ish in the NFL, making 9M. In short, top college HCs make more... And Jim will likely even more if he wins the NC.
  • Jim is a quirky dude, and is rumored to be unhappy with the NFL. He likes control. And doesn't like playing "politics"
  • More on the control... He almost left UM due to the BOT/Admin. And the boosters were rumored to have strong armed the BOT/Admin, and Jim got his way. And after his win over OSU again this year, his power/popularity continues to grow. They will build statues of him if he wins the NC... 
  • Jim played QB for Indy. But not really "pull" to Indy. What would be motivation? Highest paid NFL coach? Doubt it (Irsay willingness). GM/HC role (Irsay willingness)? Doubt it. 


In short, more money and more control at Michigan. And he's a god there right now. And he's simply likely a better fit at the college level. 

I think Jim would open up the checkook.


I dont know if he would give him full control.


That rarely works. Few guys can pull that off.

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1 hour ago, Moosejawcolt said:

K.....I will raise u 10 that when Ballard gets canned, he doesn't get another GM job.

I'll take that bet. Might not be the first year, but he'll get a GM job. And not sure he'll be canned... 


So what will you do if Ballard isn't fired? Or if he is fired, but gets another GM job?

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1 minute ago, Goatface Killah said:

I think Jim would open up the checkook.


I dont know if he would give him full control.


That rarely works. Few guys can pull that off.


I doubt Irsay would make Jim H the highest NFL coach.. McVay is way up there... Or even the #2 (Bill B)... Indy is too small market to spend that type of cash IMO.. 


And IMO, control would be more important for Jim H, than $. Jim would want control over the draft, and roster. 



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