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Tom Brady hires divorce lawyer


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Saw a headline or post somewhere, that said, "Brady about to lose 1 of his rings."



Given Gisele's comments through the year, definitely seems that his decision to unretire was a driving force in this direction at least help contribute.



Who knows though? Sucks for him.


Anyone see Antonio Brown's post in regards to this?



Ehhhh, would not of had that guy living at my house, like Tom did. 

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Tom's true love is football IMO. It is like that with some people. Giselle doesn't understand that. JMO's but being around her probably drove him nuts, I can picture her being on his butt 24/7 to do this and that and being an everyday dad is tough. I have read some stories about her about being snobby toward the average person. He is the type of person that would protect his kids and provide for them finance wise but football lets him get away from everyday life. 

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aw I feel so bad for him. 


"I think I'll say I'm retiring long after I've done all there is to do in a career...and focus on my family.....


Then change my mind, screw them, it's all about me. And hang with one of the most warped POSs in the NFL. What a great family man I am."


lol at the GCOAT (Greatest Cheater of All Time) 

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13 minutes ago, jonjon said:

aw I feel so bad for him. 


"I think I'll say I'm retiring long after I've done all there is to do in a career...and focus on my family.....


Then change my mind, screw them, it's all about me. And hang with one of the most warped POSs in the NFL. What a great family man I am."


lol at the GCOAT (Greatest Cheater of All Time) 

He didn't cheat when the Bucs won it all, = fact. After he won that SB, I have my doubts he cheated at all, I guess deflategate?? I am the biggest Colts fan anyone will find and bleed blue but Tom is the GOAT. Peyton should've been the GOAT but we didn't win enough SB's. I have Peyton 3rd behind Tom and Montana, but ahead of Bradshaw and Aikman mainly because those 2 QB's had MEH stats and loaded teams. Regarding Tom's personal life, he is probably better off that this is happening by the stuff I have read. She will still want half of what he is got and she makes more money than he does lmao . One thing I love about my mom was, when her and my father got a divorce she wanted nothing and didn't even make him pay child support, how many people can say that about their mother. She got a job at Allisons making 50,000 a year back in 1977 which was huge money back then, gave me everything. My mom took care of business on her own and worked at Allisons and made 150,000 a year from 2000 to the time she retired in 2014. That is a great woman.

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16 minutes ago, chad72 said:

For their family's sake, I still hope Tom and Gisele can work things out when it is all said and done. Life is bigger than football.

True statement.

Life is bigger than football.  


I just don't see them getting past this.  I have to believe there were other deep rooted issues and it finally came to a head. :dunno:


It's unfortunate for the family that it is playing out with constant media attention and scrutiny.



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The way he retired and then unretired is what doesn't sit well with me. I get that being a parent is hard, and kids are not easy to raise. But when you become a parent you are making a commitment to another person, whether you like it or not. Not going to lie, if I was in the kids' shoes, I'd be pretty disappointed that my father would be choosing to miss yet another year of my life including holidays, family get-togethers, celebrations and so on. 


I guess people don't always realize the full ramifications of having children and what that truly entails. 

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4 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

The way he retired and then unretired is what doesn't sit well with me. I get that being a parent is hard, and kids are not easy to raise. But when you become a parent you are making a commitment to another person, whether you like it or not. Not going to lie, if I was in the kids' shoes, I'd be pretty disappointed that my father would be choosing to miss yet another year of my life including holidays, family get-togethers, celebrations and so on. 


I guess people don't always realize the full ramifications of having children and what that truly entails. 

Yeah one thing my father did do was always give me a good Christmas, I would go over to his house the day after and a good birthday which I would visit him that week sometime + we used to watch football on Sunday's when I would visit him once a month. My parents got a divorce when I was 7, mom made a lot of money but I did have a caring father. He always made sure that was taken care of and nobody would harm me.

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On 10/6/2022 at 9:12 AM, chad72 said:

Life is bigger than football.

Tom would seem to disagree.


Really this doesn't surprise me at all; I talked about his unretirement with some people at the time it happened and we all agreed, this cannot sit well with the wife to say the least. He's done all there is to do, he's well into his 40s, he has more money than God...but still changes his mind at the last minute and keeps playing? I would not have been surprised if his wife went Lorena Bobbitt on him. 

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I hear she earns more than him, so her choosing her profession still is okay, but Brady can not keep playing football as long as he wants? (or is it that she once earned more than him at the peak of her career, and people just still repeat that till this day?) 


He's earned enough, but he clearly wants to play because it's something that's close to his heart and football is how he want to live as long as he is going to be physically able to. 


I think it takes a great privilege for a wife to complain that his husband wants to work full time. (that's only 6-8 months a year, with time-offs) 


It's understandable if she wants him to take the retirement and spend most of the time at home, but he's now only a year or two at max from doing exactly that. So why make it such a big issue at this point so as to derail the marriage if that problem would disappear soon?


As someone said above, there must be other deep rooted issues. She may probably wanna live life alone, or the way she would like to going forward. Anyway, I feel sorry for them, but if one of them doesn't want to fix, then I'd take my concerns back :D because it's going to take its due course. 

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Nobody knows what the deal is. I’m guessing that only the two of them and a select few. Everyone can keep on guessing about it I guess.


hope they end up working it out so long as it’s good for the two of them. Don’t work it out for just the sake of the kids. Unless you can have it good for all involved that’s the only way it works.

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17 hours ago, Happy2BeHere said:

Nobody knows what the deal is. I’m guessing that only the two of them and a select few. Everyone can keep on guessing about it I guess.


hope they end up working it out so long as it’s good for the two of them. Don’t work it out for just the sake of the kids. Unless you can have it good for all involved that’s the only way it works.

Didn’t he dump his first wife for her and now she seems to be dumping him. 

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On 10/9/2022 at 5:51 PM, Chrisaaron1023 said:



3rd down incompletion holding against the defense a few plays before this bulljive





That's ridiculous.


Was that Grady Jarrett who hit him? Whenever I think of Grady Jarrett, I think of @Dustin. He was pounding on the forum for Grigson to draft Jarrett. He was such a big fan of his. Dustin was right.

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15 hours ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:



3rd down incompletion holding against the defense a few plays before this bulljive




The preferential treatment has been going on for so many years that  I've come to expect it....


It's frustrating, especially when it makes a difference in what could have been a different outcome of the game. 

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21 hours ago, csmopar said:

It’s between him and his wife. The media and everyone else should butt out

Yup. But what should happen and what happens in real life are totally different, as we know. 

And for the record, neither the media nor anyone else truly knows what is driving their separation. What most are seeing and speculating upon is more than likely the tip of the iceberg. 

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On 10/10/2022 at 3:21 AM, Chrisaaron1023 said:



3rd down incompletion holding against the defense a few plays before this bulljive





If NFL referees are the judges, 


Gisele and her defense lawyer would be called, reprimanded and fined for


Withholding incriminating information :nono:


making illegal contact with the classified evidence :nono:


neutral zone infraction in the judiciary process :nono:


Roughing Brady's bench while passing by :nono:


Delay of the trial :nono:


Encroachment on the Jury :nono:


Interference during the motion :nono:


Too many Men in her phone's contacts :nono:


Disorderly Conduct in the Court after the discourse :nono:


on the third down incompletion of the trial, awarding Brady what he wants. 

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