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Rodgers wants out


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On 6/3/2021 at 8:01 PM, DougDew said:

It just strikes me as a classic case of someone who thinks he is the smartest person in the room, so he should be making the important decisions.  He's an elite QB on the field, but now he and certain supporters seem think he's an expert on culture, coaching, player selection, etc.  just because he has a high QBR.


Retire and become a HC.  That's where you make coaching decisions.  Be a good HC and get picked to be GM.  That's when you get to make personnel decisions. 


The only culture that's bad here is the culture that says that because somebody excels at one thing, he must know what he's talking about with anything else that comes into his universe.

I include fan-boy culture as part of the overall bad look of this sh!tshow.

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10 hours ago, JoeThornburg said:

I told you this. If he holds out from mandatory drills, then it's a story I would report. And I would say nothing more that he didn't show up for mini camp and is being fined. That's my job as a journalist. To report the facts. If I am presenting something as an opinion piece, then I need to frame it as such, or have my articles posted in the opinion section of whatever publication that wants to run them as such. There is plenty of room here for both worlds to exist, but when you present yourself as an insider and state something as fact to get your name on TV, you better be right about it.


Also, why did that story divide the fan base? Did they give us a poll that they took? Did they open this up to public opinion and say well here is what our fans are saying an here are the numbers? No. If so guess what it is... opinion. They can't even produce that much. It's all debate.


Again if the dude doesn't show, I won't be surprised in the slightest but I have other things that skew my opinion in that direction that don't fit into the narrative that it all revolves around Gutekunst. If that's the case hey why not just run Green Bay like Jerry World? Anything he doesn't like gets blown downhill and we all have to eat it.


Also, I know a lot of Colts fans were completely gutted, and I used that term purposefully, when Luck decided to retire at the 11th hour. My entire point is, again, it's all still speculation. We are spending more time here discussing an outcome that has not happened yet than we are discussing something that has actually happened on the football field. If that is what this has all become, I'm not sure how much money or time I want to spend on it anymore man.


We don't know why Rodgers skipped OTAs. We know that he did skip OTAs. It is a fact that he did skip OTAs. There is a very distinct difference between the two things.

Joe?    I’m a journalist.  I’m retired now, but I spent 30 years in that world, I know how it works.   Please don’t tell me how to do my job.    Don’t try to explain to me how the journalism world works.  

You couldn’t be more wrong. 

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10 hours ago, JoeThornburg said:

I told you this. If he holds out from mandatory drills, then it's a story I would report. And I would say nothing more that he didn't show up for mini camp and is being fined. That's my job as a journalist. To report the facts. If I am presenting something as an opinion piece, then I need to frame it as such, or have my articles posted in the opinion section of whatever publication that wants to run them as such. There is plenty of room here for both worlds to exist, but when you present yourself as an insider and state something as fact to get your name on TV, you better be right about it.


Also, why did that story divide the fan base? Did they give us a poll that they took? Did they open this up to public opinion and say well here is what our fans are saying an here are the numbers? No. If so guess what it is... opinion. They can't even produce that much. It's all debate.


Again if the dude doesn't show, I won't be surprised in the slightest but I have other things that skew my opinion in that direction that don't fit into the narrative that it all revolves around Gutekunst. If that's the case hey why not just run Green Bay like Jerry World? Anything he doesn't like gets blown downhill and we all have to eat it.


Also, I know a lot of Colts fans were completely gutted, and I used that term purposefully, when Luck decided to retire at the 11th hour. My entire point is, again, it's all still speculation. We are spending more time here discussing an outcome that has not happened yet than we are discussing something that has actually happened on the football field. If that is what this has all become, I'm not sure how much money or time I want to spend on it anymore man.


We don't know why Rodgers skipped OTAs. We know that he did skip OTAs. It is a fact that he did skip OTAs. There is a very distinct difference between the two things.

The issue with the media is that they prey on the more dramatic aspects of the viewers personality.  I dare to say more primitive and tribal.  Stuff they have a hard time looking away from.


Divisiveness sells.  Because it gets high ratings, and people want more material, that doesn't mean it necessarily news.  Once upon a time, news professionals made that distinction before things hit the air or newspapers.


It happens a lot in corporate America.  McDonalds preys off of customers high desire for the taste of animal fat, salt, and refined sugar.  Can customers stop, I mean, McDs is giving them food and a product they desire...how could you criticize it? Cigarette companies preyed off of others addictive personalities.  I'm sure tech companies have found a way for people to want more information or stimulus.....make more clicks.  Hooters restaurants gives customers what they want.


In the end, companies justify it by saying the the customers get what they want.


Is that all there is to it?


Its fair debate to judge whether or not sports media companies should be spreading rumor.  High ratings and reader interest isn't really the criteria to justify it, IMO.  You can sell people just about anything to generate that.





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2 hours ago, DougDew said:

The issue with the media is that they prey on the more dramatic aspects of the viewers personality.  I dare to say more primitive and tribal.  Stuff they have a hard time looking away from.


Divisiveness sells.  Because it gets high ratings, and people want more material, that doesn't mean it necessarily news.  Once upon a time, news professionals made that distinction before things hit the air or newspapers.


It happens a lot in corporate America.  McDonalds preys off of customers high desire for the taste of animal fat, salt, and refined sugar.  Can customers stop, I mean, McDs is giving them food and a product they desire...how could you criticize it? Cigarette companies preyed off of others addictive personalities.  I'm sure tech companies have found a way for people to want more information or stimulus.....make more clicks.  Hooters restaurants gives customers what they want.


In the end, companies justify it by saying the the customers get what they want.


Is that all there is to it?


Its fair debate to judge whether or not sports media companies should be spreading rumor.  High ratings and reader interest isn't really the criteria to justify it, IMO.  You can sell people just about anything to generate that.






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11 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

Joe?    I’m a journalist.  I’m retired now, but I spent 30 years in that world, I know how it works.   Please don’t tell me how to do my job.    Don’t try to explain to me how the journalism world works.  

You couldn’t be more wrong. 

Bro, I'm not telling you how to do your job, or how you should have done your job. I'm pretty sure I am not harboring any illusions about how certain media outlets operate because I have also worked in the industry in the Greater Pittsburgh area before smartphones, youtube and all of the social media revolution started. I know a few "sources" myself, which are outdated and inconsequential and not anywhere at the level of what these guys are doing for the big money networks. Perhaps, reporting like this is why I only lasted a few years. Lol. I get it, but I don't have to agree with it.


I am not attacking you or your credibility in any way shape or form. I am simply saying that from the perspective I have now as a consumer of this content, I don't like the conjecture associated with some of the wording in these reports. I'm not saying Schefty and Rappaport don't have legitimate sources. They talk to people in the league every day. One thing I will say about Schefter is that he's usually spot on, but it has always grated my nerves how he reports news. It just makes him come across as a shill.


It's annoying when reporting seems to traverse the line between protecting a publicly anonymous source that may well be giving information that is absolutely 100% accurate and then feeding off the speculation surrounding their own vague comments to the tune of ratings and dollar signs, while we in turn demonize an athlete with his own personal issues for being vague because of a reporters vague comments. It's inherently a double standard. That is the part I have a particular distaste for.


None of this has answered my question about how certain people have come to the conclusion that is is about Rodgers vs Gutekunst and the whole of Green Bay, when it could just be about Rodgers vs Father Time. 


But I mean hey, kudos for selling more product.

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When it is a guy like Jerry Jones calling the shots, Mike McCarthy was probably given the ultimatum with Dom Capers, that coached for way too long in GB as DC, IMO. McCarthy had to fire Capers once Dan Quinn became available that actually fit the 4-3 they ran a year ago instead of the 3-4 Capers tried to impose on them leading to disastrous numbers. So, there is merit to Rodgers wanting McCarthy gone several years ago outside the outdated offense he ran.


Jason Garrett was HIS guy, so Jerry Jones let him last longer than he should have. Now, Capers wasn't truly his guy, so out the door he goes. It is not truly about being the right person for the job in the NFL a lot of times, it is about who you know a lot of times, and that applies in several professions as well. Similarly, it took a while for Andy Reid to let go of Bob Sutton that was holding the team back at DC, IMO.


With the Colts, Eberflus may not have been Reich's guy off the bat but he is the right guy for the job, we are finding out, after seeing years and years of Meeks and Coyer and Greg Manusky, Eberflus is like a breath of fresh air. :) 



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  • 1 month later...

I don't disagree with Rodgers wanting out but regardless of their value the company must run the teams not the players.  Green Bay treated him like **** and so he is doing the same to them. Denver should they be his choice. will have a better chance of with the Chiefs. I'm also a Bears fan so this will be good for my guys.

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wow that poor NFC conference. 


I like Aaron alot. This just seems similar to the Brett Favre drama when Aaron came to town. Sorry Packers fans 30 years of EXCELLENT QB play is probably over... thats crazy how they even fell into that situation. Colts almost did it but... yeahh.. Be Quiet Cut It Out GIF

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On 6/7/2021 at 2:50 AM, NewColtsFan said:

Reminds me of what happened to our fan base when Manning was released



"The situation we face with Aaron Rodgers has divided our fan base," Murphy wrote in his monthly column for Packers.com. "The emails and letters that I've received reflect this fact.



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On 7/20/2021 at 3:21 PM, King Colt said:

I don't disagree with Rodgers wanting out but regardless of their value the company must run the teams not the players.  Green Bay treated him like **** and so he is doing the same to them. Denver should they be his choice. will have a better chance of with the Chiefs. I'm also a Bears fan so this will be good for my guys.

The only loser in this is Rodgers IMO. He has a team that is ready to win now. The only real competition for them is Tampa and Brady will be 44. LOL.  I mean things are set up so well for him to dominate again and get back the SB possibly. He is under contract for 3 years which means GB gets to control when and where he goes so I don't see how he is really sticking it to them at all. The plan was always to go with Love and now that got accelerated by a year. It's not like the Packers were not planning for his eventual departure/retirement.

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18 minutes ago, FortheWin said:

The only loser in this is Rodgers IMO. He has a team that is ready to win now. The only real competition for them is Tampa and Brady will be 44. LOL.  I mean things are set up so well for him to dominate again and get back the SB possibly. He is under contract for 3 years which means GB gets to control when and where he goes so I don't see how he is really sticking it to them at all. The plan was always to go with Love and now that got accelerated by a year. It's not like the Packers were not planning for his eventual departure/retirement.

The only loser in this are the Packers imo. Rodgers is why the team looks like they're ready to win (they're not close otherwise, Rodgers is that good). 


I'd wager he'll be back though. It's getting too late to be making a QB swap. If he want's to quit/retire then that sucks and it's bad for the Packers, but I won't feel for Rodgers if that's the move. He's fine. 

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5 minutes ago, The Fish said:

The only loser in this are the Packers imo. Rodgers is why the team looks like they're ready to win (they're not close otherwise, Rodgers is that good). 


I'd wager he'll be back though. It's getting too late to be making a QB swap. If he want's to quit/retire then that sucks and it's bad for the Packers, but I won't feel for Rodgers if that's the move. He's fine. 

The Packers are only hurt in the short term assuming Love even struggles. They will go on and be just fine. Rodgers is about to be 38 and on a team that is ready to compete. His chance at winning again with the few years he has left will go down drastically if he leaves. 

Just now, King Colt said:

TB is bringing back everyone or nearly everyone so I believe they can beat the Pack and the AFC champ in the next SB. "Brady will be 44".........and your point is what FortheWin? He was 43 holding the Lombardi Trophy last season. :cheer2:

Better to play Brady in the NFCCG game at 44 than face Mahomes twice a year. LOL

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7 hours ago, FortheWin said:

The Packers are only hurt in the short term assuming Love even struggles. They will go on and be just fine. Rodgers is about to be 38 and on a team that is ready to compete. His chance at winning again with the few years he has left will go down drastically if he leaves. 

Better to play Brady in the NFCCG game at 44 than face Mahomes twice a year. LOL

You are wrongly assuming the Pack will make the playoffs and they must beat the Bears that rumors have it now have a QB.

Also the pack will dissolve if AR leaves and why not? I would want out also if he baddest man on the planet left town.  

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2 hours ago, King Colt said:

You are wrongly assuming the Pack will make the playoffs and they must beat the Bears that rumors have it now have a QB.

Also the pack will dissolve if AR leaves and why not? I would want out also if he baddest man on the planet left town.  

People thought the same thing when Favre left.

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17 hours ago, FortheWin said:

People thought the same thing when Favre left.

Aaron was the backup for 3 years behind Farve and then went 6-10 in his first season.  Love was backup for 1 year and I think the Pack would go something like 5-12 this season with Love as the QB.   


Aaron needs to suck it up and get back to the team.

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3 hours ago, King Colt said:

As of Tues. 7/27 NFL Network says he is back. It is now official. What was his reason or motive o declare unconditionally he will not return? I don't get him

It seems that Rodgers wanted a significant part in his future contract, and in any front office decisions. He stated at one time that he didn't want to play with the Packers, but something changed his mind. I don't know any more details. 

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27 minutes ago, Wentzszn said:

He is such a baby. 

How you figure.  Everything he said at the press conference was true.  What other team would ask a reigning MVP to be basically a transition QB while they develop Love.  Now it sounds like he has the ability to leave after the season and play where he chooses instead.  Most likely Adams will follow.  Think this speaks volumes of GB and their "culture".  Rodgers toss out a lot of names that GB should of kept but let walk. 


Glad Ballard and our front office paid a guy like Smith today instead of either low balling or letting him walk. 


Pay and develop your guys first and then sprinkle in an impact  FA or two when you really feel like you have a shot.

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29 minutes ago, polk_high_allstar said:

How you figure.  Everything he said at the press conference was true.  What other team would ask a reigning MVP to be basically a transition QB while they develop Love.  Now it sounds like he has the ability to leave after the season and play where he chooses instead.  Most likely Adams will follow.  Think this speaks volumes of GB and their "culture".  Rodgers toss out a lot of names that GB should of kept but let walk. 


Glad Ballard and our front office paid a guy like Smith today instead of either low balling or letting him walk. 


Pay and develop your guys first and then sprinkle in an impact  FA or two when you really feel like you have a shot.

Let’s not forget how Rogers got his job. They did the same thing when they drafted him.


You don’t air all this to the media. This stuff should be behind closed doors.

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9 hours ago, Wentzszn said:

Let’s not forget how Rogers got his job. They did the same thing when they drafted him.


You don’t air all this to the media. This stuff should be behind closed doors.

In principle I do agree with you that it should be handled behind closed doors. That's the old school way of doing business.


Unfortunately, in this case, the media was asking for it and they eventually got it for one reason, instead of just reporting news, the media wanted to set the narrative. So this is where I have to point out the difference between how we both feel things should have been handled and how they were handled. That is not to say the media shouldn't ask these questions, but in this case certain of them were not asking questions. They were hearing rumors and making things up, at least some of them.


Glad this is over. Let's play some ball!

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On 7/27/2021 at 12:51 PM, King Colt said:

As of Tues. 7/27 NFL Network says he is back. It is now official. What was his reason or motive o declare unconditionally he will not return? I don't get him

He caved just like he does so often on the field in playoff games.

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16 hours ago, polk_high_allstar said:

How you figure.  Everything he said at the press conference was true.  What other team would ask a reigning MVP to be basically a transition QB while they develop Love.  Now it sounds like he has the ability to leave after the season and play where he chooses instead.  Most likely Adams will follow.  Think this speaks volumes of GB and their "culture".  Rodgers toss out a lot of names that GB should of kept but let walk. 


Glad Ballard and our front office paid a guy like Smith today instead of either low balling or letting him walk. 


Pay and develop your guys first and then sprinkle in an impact  FA or two when you really feel like you have a shot.

He wasn't MVP when they drafted Love. He completely tanked the season prior with McCarthy to get him fired and then whined about LaFleur's system not giving him enough freedom at the line of scrimmage. He has been a royal pain to the FO for years and they tired of him. That is why they were more than happy to void the final year of his contract and trade him next year. I don't blame them at all. He has been a brat/drama queen this entire off-season.  No one's job is guaranteed in the NFL. Every player has to compete and earn it every year. He thought that didn't apply to him for some reason.  Every player is a lame duck in the NFL. No contracts are fully guaranteed. He acts like it is just him or somehow he should just be above the rules that apply to everyone else.

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16 hours ago, FortheWin said:

He wasn't MVP when they drafted Love. He completely tanked the season prior with McCarthy to get him fired and then whined about LaFleur's system not giving him enough freedom at the line of scrimmage. He has been a royal pain to the FO for years and they tired of him. That is why they were more than happy to void the final year of his contract and trade him next year. I don't blame them at all. He has been a brat/drama queen this entire off-season.  No one's job is guaranteed in the NFL. Every player has to compete and earn it every year. He thought that didn't apply to him for some reason.  Every player is a lame duck in the NFL. No contracts are fully guaranteed. He acts like it is just him or somehow he should just be above the rules that apply to everyone else.

Yeah he didn't look good 2 years ago, and not for nothing, I wouldn't want the #er in my locker room at this point either. Not to be redundant, but I also don't like how the media covered this drama. This is where the business side of things just takes away from our enjoyment of sport.

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IMO he is the 6th greatest QB of all-time only behind #1 Brady, #2 Montana, #3 Peyton, #4 Unitas, and #5 Elway. GB is lucky to get him back for 1 more year because without him they would've been a 5-11 team (5-12) Love lmao . Brady and Peyton both have had a lot of control over things in their career, Rodgers should too. QB's like Rodgers come around once in a pink moon lmao like a Mahomes . I think GB will win the SB this year if he and Adams stay healthy, that is my early pick but I never finalize any picks until after pre-season. They can beat the Bucs, they played them closely in the NFC Championship and just didn't capitalize at crucial times. They can beat KC as well. With Rodgers they are a top 3 team. Rodgers has won 3 League MVP's, only thing left for him to accomplish is to win multiple SB's (getting that 2nd ring). That 2nd ring puts him in a different class regarding playoff winners. Only 12 QB's have won 2 or more SB's as a starter. When Peyton got his 2nd, the media and fans looked at him in a whole different light. He already had 5 League MVP's but that 2nd ring was huge! I have seen it, not hard to miss if you follow the media and fans a lot on how they think.

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On 7/28/2021 at 5:02 PM, Wentzszn said:

Let’s not forget how Rogers got his job. They did the same thing when they drafted him.


You don’t air all this to the media. This stuff should be behind closed doors.

I've soured on Rodgers.   He has escalated this too much.   To much complaining about drafting Love when they did the same thing when he was drafted.  

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On 7/29/2021 at 7:23 AM, FortheWin said:

He wasn't MVP when they drafted Love. He completely tanked the season prior with McCarthy to get him fired and then whined about LaFleur's system not giving him enough freedom at the line of scrimmage. He has been a royal pain to the FO for years and they tired of him. That is why they were more than happy to void the final year of his contract and trade him next year. I don't blame them at all. He has been a brat/drama queen this entire off-season.  No one's job is guaranteed in the NFL. Every player has to compete and earn it every year. He thought that didn't apply to him for some reason.  Every player is a lame duck in the NFL. No contracts are fully guaranteed. He acts like it is just him or somehow he should just be above the rules that apply to everyone else.

MVP in 2011 and 2014 as well.  Farve (3)/Brady (3)/Manning (5) are the only players to win in more than twice.  Pretty elite company and a player like that should be treated a lot better then the GB front office and actually value his input.

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2 minutes ago, polk_high_allstar said:

How many MVP's did Miller and White have?

We don't know how Love will be yet.   I'm just saying that Rodgers complains about them drafting Love and not a weapon for him when they did the exact same thing when they drafted Rodgers instead of a weapon for Favre.

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