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Ryan Leaf Arrested For Drugs Again

Peyton and Eli fan

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This is why I had no sympathy for him when he was making his radio rounds last year. It is hard for people to change. Once a *, most likely always a *. I am all for people getting a 2nd chance, even sometimes a third....this dude has run his course.

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Can't help but feel bad for the guy. He gets enough heat from everyone saying he's the 2nd biggest bust in NFL history, but he just can't seem to get his life in order. Hopefully he can sort it all out and get it all back on track

I agree. Very sad & tragic. Not a comical circumstance at all. When you are a high 1998 draft prospect, everyone wants a small piece of your fame, fortune, & celebrity prestige via osmosis & close proximity rub off factor. Often, highly sought after athletes surround themselves with yes men who inflate their ego, stab them in the back, & rob them blind. Case in point, look at DE Dwight Freeney's recent financial theft of over $2 million from his bank account.

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This is sad.....you know he did have talent or he wouldn't have been the 2nd pick, When i read the story and saw he had a brain tumor removed i thought that could cause erratic behavior. I guess not. What a waste

That's the worst part too. The dude was talented and had tons of potential, he just needed someone to help him make the right decisions. If he had just one person to help him, his whole life would have been different.

Really sad. I thought I remembered him saying years ago that he was diagnosed with bi polar disorder. Maybe I'm having false memories

But addiction is difficult enough with out that.

I hope that this time he makes it

I believe I read that somewhere too, that he had bipolar disorder

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So sick of this nonsense about the disease of addiction. I was addicted to painkillers years ago and I suddenly decided not to have a disease anymore. Quite unusual, deciding to no longer have a disease. Leaf had about 60 million more reasons than I to quit, but he didn't. Weak. Pathetic.

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So sick of this nonsense about the disease of addiction. I was addicted to painkillers years ago and I suddenly decided not to have a disease anymore. Quite unusual, deciding to no longer have a disease. Leaf had about 60 million more reasons than I to quit, but he didn't. Weak. Pathetic.

We don't know what kind of situation he was in. Sure, his story seems fun on the outside; he was going to play in the NFL and make millions and live the good life. But it didn't turn out that way for a number of reasons. Addiction may not be classified as a disease, but it can sure turn your life upside down. And if you don't have the right people around you to get your life back on track, it just makes it worse. Read the link I posted, he talks about how he feels like he let down his family and how he had to put aside his pride and ask for help. In my opinion, that doesn't make him weak or pathetic. It shows he still cares about the people around him, but he just makes the wrong decisions

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We don't know what kind of situation he was in. Sure, his story seems fun on the outside; he was going to play in the NFL and make millions and live the good life. But it didn't turn out that way for a number of reasons. Addiction may not be classified as a disease, but it can sure turn your life upside down. And if you don't have the right people around you to get your life back on track, it just makes it worse. Read the link I posted, he talks about how he feels like he let down his family and how he had to put aside his pride and ask for help. In my opinion, that doesn't make him weak or pathetic. It shows he still cares about the people around him, but he just makes the wrong decisions

But then the dude can't even make book signing appearances and is blowing that opportunity. I realize that the pressures of being an NFL star QB could easily be too much for most men. But this dude can't even hold down a job or stay out of jail. He's just.....pathetic.

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But then the dude can't even make book signing appearances and is blowing that opportunity. I realize that the pressures of being an NFL star QB could easily be too much for most men. But this dude can't even hold down a job or stay out of jail. He's just.....pathetic.

I dunno, it's hard to say, in my opinion. A big question is what kind of people is he hanging around? Are they just yes-men who trying to make him happy for their own benefit or is it people who actual give him honest, helpful answers? He has made some bad decisions (such as flipping out at a news reporter), no question about it. But has anyone tried to help him?

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So sick of this nonsense about the disease of addiction. I was addicted to painkillers years ago and I suddenly decided not to have a disease anymore. Quite unusual, deciding to no longer have a disease. Leaf had about 60 million more reasons than I to quit, but he didn't. Weak. Pathetic.

I'm glad you made it. I know others that have made it through and others who have not.

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I'm glad you made it. I know others that have made it through and others who have not.

i agree it depends on the individual......Some people have already made it and can't shake the demons of addiction....please see whitney houston, jimi hendrix, janis joplin, river phoenix, john belushi.......etc all walks of life and unfortunately the list of stars with drug problems will always have new members

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I'm glad you made it. I know others that have made it through and others who have not.

One of my best friends from childhood/teens became so fiercely addicted to pills, thats all he did with his life. He never left his bedroom at his moms house. He never fell in love, got married or had kids.....just pills. Vicodin, Valium, Xanax, Loritab, Percocet, pretty much anything. He got into an argument with his mom over stealing her pills back in 2008, walked into the bedroom he spent his life in and shot himself to death. 36 years old and dead from drugs. As cruel as it sounds, when I found out I was just glad he hadn't killed anyone else while going out, because he always seemed the type to kill others either by accident or in a rage.

Myself, I got addicted to vicodin because I was always getting hurt riding bikes. I used to live on my bike, doing tricks, ramps that sorta thing. I didn't stop until both ankles had completely given out from multiple sprains. Back in the 90's doctors used to hand those vics out like candy. Admittedly, they make you feel really good. It got to the point where I was taking them everyday, and lots of them. They no longer had the same effect but I still felt the compulsion to take them, only in larger numbers, very large numbers. I felt so bad all the time. One day I got sick of the game and threw them away.

Now....if I could just kick these rancid cigarettes.....smoking.gif

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I cant help but think that this years draft had a helping hand in his relapse....Colts picking first, all the attention and the 'Well in 1998...' stuff. I bet the pressure got to him, and he looked for a familiar release.....Not to get my hippie on, but its my belief if they just legalized marijuana, alot of these pill addictions would go by the wayside. How manys peoples lives need to be ended, or ruined by a doctors prescription? I see it all the time out in the field. You'll get drug tested, and if you have weed in your system, your fired, but all these workers are just walking pharmacies. Pain killers, Muscle Relaxents, Anti-Depressents, just popping them like candy, on site, and its OK. I just dont understand it. Well I do. Its about $.

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One of my best friends from childhood/teens became so fiercely addicted to pills, thats all he did with his life. He never left his bedroom at his moms house. He never fell in love, got married or had kids.....just pills. Vicodin, Valium, Xanax, Loritab, Percocet, pretty much anything. He got into an argument with his mom over stealing her pills back in 2008, walked into the bedroom he spent his life in and shot himself to death. 36 years old and dead from drugs. As cruel as it sounds, when I found out I was just glad he hadn't killed anyone else while going out, because he always seemed the type to kill others either by accident or in a rage.

Myself, I got addicted to vicodin because I was always getting hurt riding bikes. I used to live on my bike, doing tricks, ramps that sorta thing. I didn't stop until both ankles had completely given out from multiple sprains. Back in the 90's doctors used to hand those vics out like candy. Admittedly, they make you feel really good. It got to the point where I was taking them everyday, and lots of them. They no longer had the same effect but I still felt the compulsion to take them, only in larger numbers, very large numbers. I felt so bad all the time. One day I got sick of the game and threw them away.

Now....if I could just kick these rancid cigarettes.....smoking.gif

I've got a very young relative that's been struggling with multiple drugs. She's clean now and we're all feeling like if she doesn't make it this time, she may not live long.

Listen up kids, DON"T DO DRUGS!!!!! It ruins your life and the lives of everyone around you.

I'm sorry for your friend's family. Suicide on top of all else..........that's just really hard

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Really sad. I thought I remembered him saying years ago that he was diagnosed with bi polar disorder. Maybe I'm having false memories

But addiction is difficult enough with out that.

I hope that this time he makes it

It is hard enough to get your life in order if you are bipolar, but you throw in drug abuse and you are just a ticking time bomb. The sad thing is in this country we do not take mental illness very seriously. We have come a long way, but people still scoff at the idea of people suffering from things like bipolar disorder. It just so hard to watch someone be able to go from like super happy to deeply sad in the matter of seconds or go from happy to anger in a split second. Everyone mocks him for his blow ups with the media, but when you have stress, undiagnosed mental disorder and you get what we saw.

I am not excusing what he did, but to me it is just to easy to say oh he is a * and always will be a *.

So glad Irsay and Polian made the right call on this one.

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