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Irsay Let's His Emotions Show (On Twitter)


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He isn't regretting it

he's already regretting it. If he wants fans to stop hating him, then he should spill his guts on the true strength of peytons arm and the truth about if Peyton would restructure his contract after the 28 mil wasn't paid.

He should fly out to peyton, say, "I jacked up big time." restructure and trade that freakin #1 pick

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Thanks Froggie, I learn something everyday. I did not know that at all.

No problems Meltdown. You're not the first or the last to mistake the Stanford Cardinal for a bird. Often people will ask, why isn't it the Stanford Cardinals, after all the players make it plural. Because it is the color, it remains singular....The Stanford Cardinal.

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No problems Meltdown. You're not the first or the last to mistake the Stanford Cardinal for a bird. Often people will ask, why isn't it the Stanford Cardinals, after all the players make it plural. Because it is the color, it remains singular....The Stanford Cardinal.

True, but in the '70's it was the Cardinals with the s (after dropping the Indian mascot), but it still referred to the color and not the bird. Sometime in the early '80's it became Cardinal.

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Let me ask you this,

If he wasn't the owner, would he be fired? would be be saved? If this was the Packers, he'd probably be gone too. IMO

GA.....he never thought Manning would get hurt..(neither did I, foolish huh?) and with Manning OK..we'd continue to roll...

Then he believed something could, be worked out..and Peyton would get better and come back last year....just like I did...

Then he found out the truth about the cap and the dollars...and without keeping Manning..his new GM probably told him (quite rightfully) that it makes no sense to keep the other older players ..

But I think he enjoyed the 'family' we had and he had to love the success we had....

..and like me..he does not know if heck see that again in his lifetime.

He's sad. I'm sure of it.

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You can try to defend the man all you want but his word means nothing to me anymore. If you want to listen to his continued lies then go right ahead. Everyone wants to make him out to be such the saint and it's his team then you have to hold him accountable for this cap mess like the rest. He let this happen to his franchise, the buck is suppose to stop with him so in my eye's he's no saint.

He just stuck it to the season ticket holders by holding them ransom with the March 2nd deadline knowing he was going to clean house and field a very subpar product this year with no talent. I remember the years he tried to control things, they weren't very productive thats why he brought Pollian in to run things. You can applaud his actions all you want but when a guy tells you something then goes back on it, that to me sounds disloyal to me so why should I support actions like that?

Give me a break!

It's not about the money!

Peyton will always be a Colt!

If Peyton can play he will be a Colt!

It's Peyton's choice if he wants to come back!

The 28 million $'s was never an issue!

Peyton and I have not talked, then we have talked considerable!

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2. As someone stated previously, Irsay became owner around '97. Since then he went and hired the most respected GM in the league, hired one of the best and most respected coaches (Dungy) and let them run the team, like a good owner should do. You want to bash him for the salary cap which would mean you are saying he she be one of those meddlesome owners like Snyder and Jerry Jones. How is that working out for them. He is more at the forefront now because he realized it was time to shake up the front office. As far as decision making I bet he will fade back into the background and let the people he hired do their jobs.

It's not as if he just suddenly appeared in 95, Irsay was the GM of this team from 84 until he took over as owner in 95... that's also part of his "football" record.

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When irsay was the GM? That's why Irsay isn't the GM anymore. It was Grigson that cut the other players. Irsay handled the Manning call that was it.

Irsay didn't have the final call on things when he was the GM either his dad did. His dad cared about turning a profit more than winning. Jim Irsay has proven he wants to win. That's why the first thing he did when he took over as the "owner" of the team was stop being the GM and go get Bill Tobin as a GM. Then when that team went south he fired him and got maybe the best GM in the game in Bill Polian.

I saw someone claim Irsay hasn't made other decisions since Polian came in. Just because he didn't fire anyone (well other than Mora but that seems to be forgotten along with the fact Dungy has told the story I don't know how many times it was Irsay who called him and talked him into being the head coach here not Polian.) doesn't mean Irsay didn't make decisions. I am sure he did, in fact I know he did I can again point to Dungy being brought here as head coach as an example of a time he did. He as just smart enough to listen to his GM who till recently was doing a good job and producing good results. Once Irsay felt like those results were no longer acceptable he fired him.

If Irsay had fired the Polians and not hired Girgson and said he was going to call the shots as GM again I would say the people who want to point to his track record of GM would have a point. However that isn't what is going on. Irsay hired a GM to call the shots. Irsay made one call and frankly had it been any player but Peyton Manning I doubt he would have even made that call. I think just about any owner in sports if he was in the shoes Irsay was in would say the call on Peyton Manning rests with me, I don't think Irsay over reached on that. Jim Irsay has proven he isn't a good GM but he has proven he is a good owner and yes the two are very different things.

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Folks are on Irsay right now because he's the only one left to blame....

It was Caldwell's fault and then everything was Polian's fault..

The older players always got hurt.,it was their fault

Well, everybody's gone now....You cant blame Grigson and Pagano..They just got here.

Just tell him that the hurt people feel was caused by the sudden impact of all this..

..and the longtime love those players had built up ....

Indy is more like a college town than a pro town and we're all (him included) hurt our guys are gone.

Almost everything about the Colts franchise is in doubt at this moment...and the future is very cloudy....

No one can predict anything..not even Jim Irsay

Except for the one fact that we know .......he loves his team. Its his family's team.

Some of us may no be around to see the Colts in the playoffs again...but that goes for him too.

So, yeah..give him a hug...He probably needs it more than any of us

True about there being no body left

Made me think of this song.

The cheese stands alone The cheese stands alone Hi-ho, the derry-o The cheese stands alone

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Polian was the best GM the Colts ever had; and one of the best in the entire NFL. He kept things together by restructuring, scouting, picking, and even hosting walk-ons. Without Bill, you can forget 12 straight winning seasons.

NO! Without PEYTON you can forget 12 straight winning seasons. We had one season without Peyton and still had Bill & co., and went 2-14. Bill gets credit for drafting Peyton and giving him weapons he needed to get those winning seasons. That's it!

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I know that Peyton is a hero to many and he has been and maybe will continue to be arguably the greatest QB of all time, but the level of irrational people(boarderline childishness) is unbelievable to me. Maybe all these people that are so scorned with this decision really are very young people that haven't had to deal with any kind of real adversity in their lives and thats why they are having such crazy emotional outbursts. I don't know, but its hard for me to fathom the level of anger over this considering its just a game and in the grand scheme of life really has little to no effect on us at all(at least it shouldn't). Wishing for bad things to happen to Irsay for this is just so incredibly twisted and psychotic that these people really should be locked up and evaluated for at least 72 hrs. :D Thats a joke, but honestly these people have serious problems. For the people that say that they can't trust Irsay anymore because he lied, well all I gotta say is get over it. Guess who else lies to you probably every single day, Your parents, your wife/husband, and your kids. Are you gonna hate them forever too? We all lie, we are all wired that way and if you say differently, then YOUR LYING! ;)

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He's not rushing out to resign the guys as can be backed up that no meetings have taken place with manning and there are no planned meetings and manning expects to have a new team by Wednesday now where is your proof that he is regretting it?

That's not proof, that's speculation...

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I don't think you can see outside the BOX your way to NEGATIVE I hope you can move foward if not become a JET FAN GO JIM GO COLTS (By the way Jim took over for his father in 95 and COLTS have been in playoffs 13 of 17 years Have a good night


1. Grigson was Dir. Of Player Personell with the Eagles, not the GM. He didn't make final decisions on their roster.

2. As someone stated previously, Irsay became owner around '97. Since then he went and hired the most respected GM in the league, hired one of the best and most respected coaches (Dungy) and let them run the team, like a good owner should do. You want to bash him for the salary cap which would mean you are saying he she be one of those meddlesome owners like Snyder and Jerry Jones. How is that working out for them. He is more at the forefront now because he realized it was time to shake up the front office. As far as decision making I bet he will fade back into the background and let the people he hired do their jobs.

3. He had a difficult decision with Manning and Luck. No one knows if it was the right decision. For the most part the "experts" who know the game much better than your average fan, say it is the right decision. Had he gone the other way, the risk was just as great. Bottom line is Jim has always been about doing what it takes to have a winning team. Especially for a small market team, that is what you want from your owner. Maybe you weren't a Colt fan when his father ran the team, but that was certainly not always his #1 priority.

There is no doubt in my mind that if he, Irsay, didn't own this team, he would no longer be the CEO of the colts. How can the failures exposed in 2011 not fall on his shoulders but only that of the people working beneath him?

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There is no doubt in my mind that if he, Irsay, didn't own this team, he would no longer be the CEO of the colts. How can the failures exposed in 2011 not fall on his shoulders but only that of the people working beneath him?

If you're going to blame him for the failures of 2011, then you also have to give him credit for the previous 14 years of success.

At least if you don't want to be a giant hypocrite.

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Sooo wait a minute... some of yall don't want to give Bill Polian credit for the winning over the past decade, but it seems yall want to give credit to Jim Irsay?

Gosh... haters gonna hate a Bill Polian, a hall of fame GM who should have kept his job... I would have probably demoted Chris Polian, but I definitely wouldn't have fired Bill.

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Sooo wait a minute... some of yall don't want to give Bill Polian credit for the winning over the past decade, but it seems yall want to give credit to Jim Irsay?

Gosh... haters gonna hate a Bill Polian, a hall of fame GM who should have kept his job... I would have probably demoted Chris Polian, but I definitely wouldn't have fired Bill.

we're doing the 'heroes and villans' thing...

......There were bad contracts that more than one person signed off on...

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Sooo wait a minute... some of yall don't want to give Bill Polian credit for the winning over the past decade, but it seems yall want to give credit to Jim Irsay?

Gosh... haters gonna hate a Bill Polian, a hall of fame GM who should have kept his job... I would have probably demoted Chris Polian, but I definitely wouldn't have fired Bill.

No, I give Bill Polian credit for the past 14 years. We were successful under his watch and I have no delusions that he wasn't a big part of it. I also blame him for the last couple of years which lead up to last season and eventually lead to his incredibly justified firing (IMO)

The point is, if you want to blame Jim Irsay for 2011, you have to give him credit for the prior 14 years. He's either making the decisions or he isn't. Otherwise you're just being a hypocrite and lashing out because you're mad at him.

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If you're going to blame him for the failures of 2011, then you also have to give him credit for the previous 14 years of success.

At least if you don't want to be a giant hypocrite.

then that goes for polian as well.....that would make you a giant hypocrite as well

Only the polians, caldwell, and peyton's injury are to blame for our 2011 season and our cap problems. Our CEO should be responsible too.

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then that goes for polian as well.....that would make you a giant hypocrite as well

Only the polians, caldwell, and peyton's injury are to blame for our 2011 season and our cap problems. Our CEO should be responsible too.


No, I give Bill Polian credit for the past 14 years. We were successful under his watch and I have no delusions that he wasn't a big part of it. I also blame him for the last couple of years which lead up to last season and eventually lead to his incredibly justified firing (IMO)

The point is, if you want to blame Jim Irsay for 2011, you have to give him credit for the prior 14 years. He's either making the decisions or he isn't. Otherwise you're just being a hypocrite and lashing out because you're mad at him.

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well why didn't he do something about it then? See, buck stops with him

Do you believe many of these things you trot out, venting, or just being a loose cannon? Irsay Hired Bill and Chris Polian to run the operations. Personnel, contracts, what have you.The team they set up won, early and often. If Irsay interfered before this last season played out, the whole fan base would be all over him telling him to let the football guys handle it and go back to tweeting song lyrics.

But I'm pretty sure he saw the end of the line in the near distance. Many of us did. Other fans bases and media talking heads had been predicting our window to shut. When Peyton got hurt, it not only shut, it slammed and locked. That's when the Buck Stops Here comes into play. The near distance was here and Irsay pondered how to best address it. He owns the club, he gets to make that choice. You get to dissent, but not make decisions. It's the way it works. Slowly, the F.O. continues to take back the show and Irsay will soon be tweeting song lyrics once more and trying not to play the Buck Stops Here card anytime soon (we hope).

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No, I give Bill Polian credit for the past 14 years. We were successful under his watch and I have no delusions that he wasn't a big part of it. I also blame him for the last couple of years which lead up to last season and eventually lead to his incredibly justified firing (IMO)

The point is, if you want to blame Jim Irsay for 2011, you have to give him credit for the prior 14 years. He's either making the decisions or he isn't. Otherwise you're just being a hypocrite and lashing out because you're mad at him.

Good work Jaric, maybe they won't cut you after all........is this the equivilant of a 29 second video???

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That's not proof, that's speculation...

How can you sign with someone if you aren't talking to them? You are holing on to false hope but if you wish to do so please do but don't ask others to offer up proof if you have no proof to back up your point. I at least have something that most people would call proof that you are dismissing as speculation because you dont like it. Peyton's time since leaving the colts has been documented so there have been no secret meetings to bring him back all one had to do eas watch that presser to see its over.
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then that goes for polian as well.....that would make you a giant hypocrite as well

Only the polians, caldwell, and peyton's injury are to blame for our 2011 season and our cap problems. Our CEO should be responsible too.

he's the owner how do plan to hold him responsible? You could argue polian the CEO too because he called the day to day shots and he was fired.
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How can you sign with someone if you aren't talking to them? You are holing on to false hope but if you wish to do so please do but don't ask others to offer up proof if you have no proof to back up your point. I at least have something that most people would call proof that you are dismissing as speculation because you dont like it. Peyton's time since leaving the colts has been documented so there have been no secret meetings to bring him back all one had to do eas watch that presser to see its over.

Your are still speculating on Jim Irsay's actions, you don't know what he is thinking though, that's why it's called speculating.

And why do you keep asking for proof? I haven't said that I know what he is doing or anything naive like that, I'm just saying what I think the colts should do.

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he's already regretting it. If he wants fans to stop hating him, then he should spill his guts on the true strength of peytons arm and the truth about if Peyton would restructure his contract after the 28 mil wasn't paid.

He should fly out to peyton, say, "I jacked up big time." restructure and trade that freakin #1 pick

Irsay isn't Simon Cowell. Peyton isn't Melanie Amaro. And this franchise sure as heck isn't on "The X-factor".

Irsay would look utterly incompetent if he took your advise.

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Your are still speculating on Jim Irsay's actions, you don't know what he is thinking though, that's why it's called speculating.

And why do you keep asking for proof? I haven't said that I know what he is doing or anything naive like that, I'm just saying what I think the colts should do.

No but his actions are not the actions of a man that is sitting at home going oh why did I cut Peyton let me go see if I can get him back!

You are the one asking others for proof that irsay isnt doing that then when given some you don't like you dismiss it so where is you proof irsay is doing that? Don't ask others for proof to defend their view points if you have none to defend yours.

You are just throwing a wild theory out there with nothing to back it up that's called false hope. Again to back my point up the colts and Peyton haven't meet since he was released and that can be proven because Peyton's time since leaving the colts has been documented. Without talking to each other you can't get a new contract done. That is not speculation that is a fact. Now if you want to keep pushing the idea that some how Peyton is going to come back please provide some proof things are headed that way.

Does irsay miss Peyton or wish things could have played out differently? I am sure he probably does. With that said I don't think he regrets and there is proof that I just gave you that he doesn't regret it to the point he's trying to bring him back.

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Does irsay miss Peyton or wish things could have played out differently? I am sure he probably does. With that said I don't think he regrets and there is proof that I just gave you that he doesn't regret it to the point he's trying to bring him back.

Well spoken. There is rarely all or nothing in anything.

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Sooo wait a minute... some of yall don't want to give Bill Polian credit for the winning over the past decade, but it seems yall want to give credit to Jim Irsay?

Gosh... haters gonna hate a Bill Polian, a hall of fame GM who should have kept his job... I would have probably demoted Chris Polian, but I definitely wouldn't have fired Bill.

I give BP tons of credit. No doubt. But I don't think that negates the enormous question marks about recent contract structures and cap issues, created by the Polians (presumably Chris?). Nor do I see that it eliminates any credit Irsay deserves for the teams successes either.

Unfortunately, how do you imagine Irsay could have fired Chris Polian, and kept Bill? My speculation has been that BP would have been retained, but there was no way he could justify staying while watching his son get sacked, so they both had to go.

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he's the owner how do plan to hold him responsible? You could argue polian the CEO too because he called the day to day shots and he was fired.

He's getting praise from many for "making changes". I'm pointing out the fact that he was CEO at the time during which many failures occured that resulted in the firing of many people. He was saved only because he owns the team, he should resign the CEO from his name and do like an earlier poster said. "go back to tweeting song lyrics".

Why are you praising him now for finally making changes, he should've seen this coming.

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Do you believe many of these things you trot out, venting, or just being a loose cannon? Irsay Hired Bill and Chris Polian to run the operations. Personnel, contracts, what have you.The team they set up won, early and often. If Irsay interfered before this last season played out, the whole fan base would be all over him telling him to let the football guys handle it and go back to tweeting song lyrics.

But I'm pretty sure he saw the end of the line in the near distance. Many of us did. Other fans bases and media talking heads had been predicting our window to shut. When Peyton got hurt, it not only shut, it slammed and locked. That's when the Buck Stops Here comes into play. The near distance was here and Irsay pondered how to best address it. He owns the club, he gets to make that choice. You get to dissent, but not make decisions. It's the way it works. Slowly, the F.O. continues to take back the show and Irsay will soon be tweeting song lyrics once more and trying not to play the Buck Stops Here card anytime soon (we hope).

i'm not sure how saying the CEO of an organization should be held responsible for his tenure (good and bad) is being a loose cannon or infact unreasonable at all?

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He's getting praise from many for "making changes". I'm pointing out the fact that he was CEO at the time during which many failures occured that resulted in the firing of many people. He was saved only because he owns the team, he should resign the CEO from his name and do like an earlier poster said. "go back to tweeting song lyrics".

Why are you praising him now for finally making changes, he should've seen this coming.

He's not the CEO he's the owner and no matter how much people might not like what he did he's not getting fired. He fired the guy who was the CEO of the Colts. If we are going to compare this to a work place Irsay is the board of directors or a small business owner (which is closer to what Irsay realy is) who makes the call to fire the CEO or Preisdent (which is why some NFL GMs are called Preisdent of Football Operations). At some point someone is in charge and it doesn't matter how bad of a job they do they aren't going to get fired.

With that said Irsay has not done a bad job since he took over being the guy in charge you tried that arguement yesterday and had it quickly pointed out to you that since he's been the owner of the team the Colts have been in the playoffs 13 of those 17 years and that included going to the playoffs two of the three years he owned the team without Peyton Manning. He's done a very good job as the owner of the team. He wants to win and has spent a lot of money to win. He's not running the team just to turn a profit and not caring about winning and other than really big calls like firing the Polians, Tobin, the head coach, or Peyton he's stayed out of the football side of things and let his GM's run the show. That's what you want the owner to do.

The only way you can pant Irsay as a bad owner is if you only look at the bad things that have happened (which happen to everyone at some point I don't care how good you are at something) and ignore the good things which is what you tried to do yesterday when you said "well outside of the Manning years how has he done as a owner?". Then it became trying to look at him as the GM of the team and not his owner days. That's why he stopped being the GM when he took over as owner he knew he wasn't good at it but his dad stuck with him because he was his son and he didn't the final call on things like he does as owner. Irsay is horriable GM but he's proven to be a very good owner.

Part of being a good owner of something is knowing when you have to make the hard call on something and it's time to move on. That window that people have been saying has been closing for about five to six years finally closed. Irsay saw that and realized it was time to move on no matter how much it hurts to do so. Like I heard Clayton say on the radio last week. This was coming in a couple of years even if the Colts did try to make another run with Peyton and the gang (which the cap wouldn't have alloud but that's besides the point right now) these guys were getting older and in a couple of years were going to be well past their prime and you we were going to have to rebuild then regardless. Players don't play forever. At least doing it now we have what is supposed to be a very good peace to do it around in Andrew Luck and pretty sold core on defense. Who knows if we waited a few years what we would have had to build around.

It hurts I don't like it but it's a smart business decision to do what Irsay did. Like I said I've now seen the Colts give away my favorite player four times. I've learned there is always another one. That's life as a sports fan of a team. Players change. It's a fact of life and when it happens no one likes it. That's the ugly business side of things NO ONE likes which is why it's called the ugly business side because it makes you do things you don't want to do.

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