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Does The New England Rivalry Mean The Same


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Nope. The Colts-Pats rivalry (officially) died yesterday.

Funny that the two teams were in the same division for a long time without any sort of tangible rivalry, but it wasn't until the realignment (and the emergence of Manning and then Brady) that things heated up.

Glad to see a good dose of animosity still directed at Brady and Belichick though. That means they're doing something right. :neener:

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I don't know.......everything is confusing right now. Didn't feel like a rivalry when the Pats beat us this year. We have to be competitive in order to have a rivalry.

My guess is some division team. We need to get back to ruling our division.

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No more rivalry talk for Colts for at least 2 years. The team will grab top5 picks for at least 2 seasons and only compete with Jags for the 3rd spot in the division.

It is not because Luck is not good. It is just how depleted of team talents brings to this franchise.

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I'm personally not looking forward to the next game with them now that Manning is gone, I still hate everything NE but it no longer has that special feel to it. For me even if Luck beats them 3 times in a row it still won't be as sweet as a Peyton-led colts win

Doesn't mean the same. Rivalries change over time/adapt, but it's not going to be the same anymore. It will sadly die out in the next 4-6 years when Brady retires unless somehow Brady's successor starts becoming a thorn in the colts side or vise versa. You can't replace this.


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I'm personally not looking forward to the next game with them now that Manning is gone, I still hate everything NE but it no longer has that special feel to it. For me even if Luck beats them 3 times in a row it still won't be as sweet as a Peyton-led colts win

It does to me

Brady is still Justin Beiber's wierd uncle..

..and Belichick is still a legend in his own mind and a serial cheater (alledgedly)

.....If we dont make the p,ayoffs in 2012...but we beat NE......I'll take that

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I think Polian had a lot to do with the rivarly.

Heh, you folks out there on the east REALLY don't like him.

Of course right now there's quite a few colts fans who aren't all that fond of him either (myself included)

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I don't know.......everything is confusing right now. Didn't feel like a rivalry when the Pats beat us this year. We have to be competitive in order to have a rivalry.

My guess is some division team. We need to get back to ruling our division.

That might be because Belichick toyed with that game like it was a preseason game. Letting guys get reps in various positions and such.

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their is no rivalry and hasnt been a rivalry ever since the Patriots have gotten rid of guys like Teddy Bruschi, Rodney Harrison, Ty Law, now its like the Knicks and Pacers with no Ewing and Reggie and Starks, but its business people come and go, and to not give future talent a fair chance is a disservice to the team to yourself and to the upcoming players, yes I love the old days and those will always be special but, if manning WANTED to be here he would have reworked the contract, besides ask yourself hmm what kind of guy has four surgeries and at least 2 of them BEFORE he was paid that 90 MILLION to sit out the season, if he wanted to be here he still would be, the colts relied on manning far to much over 14 years now its time to build a TEAM

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That rivalry is dead as far as the Colts are concerned. It will probably travel with Peyton though to whatever team he ends up with. If it's the Dolphins or Jets then it will be as vibrant as ever for Pats fans.

Colts will forge new rivalries during the next era. Give it some time.

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I'm personally not looking forward to the next game with them now that Manning is gone, I still hate everything NE but it no longer has that special feel to it. For me even if Luck beats them 3 times in a row it still won't be as sweet as a Peyton-led colts win

See that is the stuff I dont understand. I dont understand how just because you have turnover on your team it someone makes good wins less valuable. Just makes no sense.

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Some of us LOOOONG time fans hate the pats because they used to be in our division.

Some of you younglings only remember teh Peyton-Brady rivalry.

So, yes it will always be a rivalry to Colts fans but I doubt the Colts will even be a blip on NE's radar.

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To answer the original question, it won't be the same for a couple of years while we improve.

Beyond that, it'll depend on how much NE tried to humiliate us in the interim.

Immediately, our bigger rivals may the inter division, and the Ravens (Baltimore & Pagano).

When we become contenders again, a new rivalry will form based on a team we seem to play tough games against in the playoffs.


Oh, but don't get me wrong....beating NE would be sweet anytime.

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I don't know.......everything is confusing right now. Didn't feel like a rivalry when the Pats beat us this year. We have to be competitive in order to have a rivalry.

My guess is some division team. We need to get back to ruling our division.

Well said Maureen. Our 1st priority as a team is to reclaim our division from the Texans & get our AFC South MOJO back. Confidence always starts from within your own home locker room.

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Nope. The Colts-Pats rivalry (officially) died yesterday.

Funny that the two teams were in the same division for a long time without any sort of tangible rivalry, but it wasn't until the realignment (and the emergence of Manning and then Brady) that things heated up.

Glad to see a good dose of animosity still directed at Brady and Belichick though. That means they're doing something right. :neener:

well both teams were pretty much door mats just before Peyton arived. Unfortunatly the Pats always seemed to be able to beat us. Might have been the only two wins they had, but still...... :D

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Kubiak's problem has always been defense. He can't coach a defense worth a ****. And finally this last year, we got a proven DC in here and look what happened - best revamped defense in the league. The talent's always been there, but talent only goes so far - you need teachers.

Our offense for the last 3-4 years has been just fine, but we couldn't trust ourselves with a 20 point lead.

Which is why a lot of us were pooping ourselves when we heard Tampa offering Wade a HC job.

And PS - I'd be arrogant to suggest we will own the division for as long as you guys did. I'd settle for half, in a heartbeat.

haha a realistic man indeed, and I it looks like we agree with Wade making magic on defense how long do you think he will stay just a DC, I think with the pass happy league, teams need a defensive minded HC who can slow down a potent offense. The proof is in the last 3 SB's in 44 Colts-Saints 45 Packers-Steelers & 46 Gaints-Patriots all featured high powered offensive teams facing off with the winning team's defense making a play at a crucial point in the game. 44. Porter's INT 45. Packers D 4th down stop 46. Welker's drop/Gaint's D 3rd down stop/Hail Mary drop(gronk was close he just couldn't reach it in time). The bottom line you need a good defense&DC or defensive minded HC in the NFL now to slow down all of the high powered offense's. The saying that Defense wins championships is proven year after year yet people are blinded by the exciting offense's. With my detour done Kubiak's failures in the defensive department will continue to curse the texan's year after year...us colts fan's just witnessed the greatest qb to play the game leave our team with only ring because he had no defensive help. The 06 and 09 run happened because the defense came together yes colt's D in 09 was good just not in the SB becuz of Freeney's injury :( and Peyton didn't have to do it all on his own those years

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Oh I completely disagree. In my mind Manning had long since won the who is the greatest QB argument. Only some ESPN tools and the upper half of New England still hold to Brady. And We (Colts) had pretty much IMO gotten over any hump of inferiority. Now it is just two championship teams trading blows. Add Luck into that mix and God forbid he beats Brady the first crack at the bat, we'll all be dancing in the streets...and if he loses, we'll all default to wanting to get right back on top.

It might not be the same but I dont think it necessarily has to diminish at all.

I'll agree the greatest qb was won by Manning awhile ago with the Belichick 4th down call as proof, but for me the fact that there was still any question to Manning's superiority was disrespectful. And I enjoyed watching him make those brady supporters look stupid with his superior play in those games. That's what i'll miss the most about the games, but depending on where Peyton signs those duels could continue but it won't feel the same without a horseshoe on his helmet

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It does to me

Brady is still Justin Beiber's wierd uncle..

..and Belichick is still a legend in his own mind and a serial cheater (alledgedly)

.....If we dont make the p,ayoffs in 2012...but we beat NE......I'll take that

No I'll take a shot at Lombardi any year over a win against just one team I don't watch football just wishing the colts beat the patriots every year

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See that is the stuff I dont understand. I dont understand how just because you have turnover on your team it someone makes good wins less valuable. Just makes no sense.

Look its clear you have dealt with whatever you thought about the Manning situation but for some us we still just lost our legendary qb for the last 14 years yesterday so I don't expect you to understand why it will feel different for most of us

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How well will the Doll Fish do against the patriots twice a year?

Seems the Jets are the place for Manning.

Both of the Mannings in NYC, playing in the same stadium, BIG market coverage, Super Bowl there in two years, opposite conferences.

Wow, the media and sponsors have a field day with this for the next two seasons.

I'm just sayin'...

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Some of us LOOOONG time fans hate the pats because they used to be in our division.

Some of you younglings only remember teh Peyton-Brady rivalry.

So, yes it will always be a rivalry to Colts fans but I doubt the Colts will even be a blip on NE's radar.

I'm not sure about that... I'm 40 in a few months and have been watching the NFL since the late 70s, and can't really recall a lot of animosity toward the Baltimore/Indy Colts. For the most part, our teams were fighting for draft position! I remember one game in the late 80s I believe that was dubbed, "The Toilet Bowl" because both the Pats and Colts were coming in with only a win or two against at least 10 losses.

well both teams were pretty much door mats just before Peyton arived. Unfortunatly the Pats always seemed to be able to beat us. Might have been the only two wins they had, but still...... :D

This is more like how I remember it... nothing really got "serious" until 2001, and then when the Colts started becoming dominant on offense while the Patriots were one of the stronger defensive teams in the league.

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I'm not sure about that... I'm 40 in a few months and have been watching the NFL since the late 70s, and can't really recall a lot of animosity toward the Baltimore/Indy Colts. For the most part, our teams were fighting for draft position! I remember one game in the late 80s I believe that was dubbed, "The Toilet Bowl" because both the Pats and Colts were coming in with only a win or two against at least 10 losses.

This is more like how I remember it... nothing really got "serious" until 2001, and then when the Colts started becoming dominant on offense while the Patriots were one of the stronger defensive teams in the league.

LOL i remember the toilet bowl. I'm a tad older so I remember the rivalry in the mid 70s. They were both terrible teams in 1974 but in 1975 we went 10-4 under Marchibroda and I was at the season finale. Bert Jones beat the pats at Memorial. We split with them that year.

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This is more like how I remember it... nothing really got "serious" until 2001, and then when the Colts started becoming dominant on offense while the Patriots were one of the stronger defensive teams in the league.

You're still too early. It didnt get serious until the playoffs in 2003. In 2001, we were still in the same division and both games were a no contest...and in 2002 i dont think we even played each other. The whole thing started with the 2003 playoff game...the Colts felt cheated because of the holding of the receivers non-calls...then they came back to open the 2004 season and it came down to a missed field goal...but the Colts and Peyton went on to set records that year and the fans thought they were the best...then the 2004 playoff game which ended up being a blowout. THATS the foundation of the rivalry. The animosity held by Colts fans for those two games was enough to sustain them even until now...and along the way the script flipped and Patriots fans 'hated' the Colts as well...then it evolved into a rivalry based on quarterback legacy...and so on and so forth.

When Brady was out in '08, Colts fans didnt want to beat the Patriots any less...and when Peyton was out this year, Patriots fans didnt want to beat the Colts any less. But the 'hate' has been slowly dwindling over the years anyways, and the rivalry itself evolved to be more about the quarterback comparisons than anything else and it became more based around a mutual respect among fanbases. Now that one quarterback is out of it...the rivalry itself is 'over' but we will still enjoy beating each other up.

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