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If You Want To Blame Someone

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Why don’t you blame the person that ran this franchise into the ground. You know the guy that put this Peyton-less 2 and 14 team together. The guy that cost the owner an extra 4 mill to replace the backup QB that he supported for three years and then when it came time for him to have to start……..well he isn’t good enough. You know the guy that drafted the perennial IR players. The guy that didn’t care what the people that paid his salary thought. You know the guy called Bill Polian

Now that the owner has to put the pieces of his business back together you want to crucify him for letting Peyton go. Well if you have 28 mill burning a hole in your back pocket then be my guest. You run the Franchise and pay the bills. Do you really want Peyton to suffer through the last part of his career on a team that will be mediocre at best? If so then nothing I say here will change your mind. Otherwise you need to realize one thing. The only thing that nostalgia is good for is costing money and wasting time

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Bill was a genius till he hired his son.

Yeah, Bill himself did a lot of great things for the franchise. His son was the one that really hurt us with bad drafts and all. Bill did a great job of bringing in talent through the draft, but he shouldn't have been sticking his nose in places where it doesn't belong, like controlling what the D coordinator wants to do

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Why don’t you blame the person that ran this franchise into the ground. You know the guy that put this Peyton-less 2 and 14 team together. The guy that cost the owner an extra 4 mill to replace the backup QB that he supported for three years and then when it came time for him to have to start……..well he isn’t good enough. You know the guy that drafted the perennial IR players. The guy that didn’t care what the people that paid his salary thought. You know the guy called Bill Polian

Now that the owner has to put the pieces of his business back together you want to crucify him for letting Peyton go. Well if you have 28 mill burning a hole in your back pocket then be my guest. You run the Franchise and pay the bills. Do you really want Peyton to suffer through the last part of his career on a team that will be mediocre at best? If so then nothing I say here will change your mind. Otherwise you need to realize one thing. The only thing that nostalgia is good for is costing money and wasting time

Nah, it couldn't possibly be their fault. Irsay is the devil you know. Everything that ever went wrong with the Colts is exclusively Irsay's fault.

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For how many drafts was CP responsible?

Not really sure, accountability was lacking in the Polians last days. Couldnt tell which one was responsible for what. Probably 1 of the reasons for that decision.

I do know that Bill has had alot more success vs failure than his son.

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I blame the salary cap mess on Polian. His habit of letting clearly core players reach free agency thus making him negotiate against the leverage of the franchise tag tender resulted in bloated contracts for all our stars. As such, a decent backup QB was a luxury we couldn't afford. Just had to accept if Peyton went down it was gonna be ugly. Incidentally, I love the Eagles model on this, and hope Grigson brought it with him. And once that mess started, every single hole had to be filled with a diamond in the rough, and you can only hit on so many of those. We didn't start striking out on every player until Chris Polian took a more prominent role.

If we have to blame anything, it's the perfect storm of circumstances that came together, any one of which missing from the equation would have kept Manning on this team. Manning's injury, a contract with an incredibly weird time for a bonus, a season so bad it resulted in a housecleaning, the 1st pick in the draft in a year with the highest rated QB since at least Manning and some would say longer, and an aging, expensive roster that was going to have be pared down regardless. I say we continue to root for Peyton, clear up our cap (interesting note, I know Peyton's worth a lot, but Andrew Luck will make less in the first 5 years of his career than Manning would have made TOMORROW. That's gotta help our cap), and be ready to dominate the NFL again as Peyton rides off into the sunset

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The 52 other guys on that roster, especially those guys who went to two Super Bowls, were or are getting paid a ton, they didn't help either. You know how bad you have to be to go 2-14? I mean, that is really hard to do. And didn't the Colts lose to four rookie QBs last year too? Jags, Bengals, Panthers, and I count the Titans who played Locker some. Polian too, but you'd think someone in that lockeroom, anyone, would have done something to stop the bleeding at some point. I agree 100% with the OP - if there is anger to be had, I think it is properly placed at the feet og the Polian clan, and the players who could do nothing on the field.

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Also Bill's ego wouldn't let him admit that his flawed defensive philosophy just flat out wasn't built for the playoffs. He deserves most of the blame IMO for our playoff failures. We were a regular season wonder with good weather and a dome but get us outside maybe in nasty weather where the passing game is neutralized more and we were doomed. I saw it year after year and we would have no SB's with Manning if the defense hadn't miraculously turned around for a playoff run that year. It will be a great thing if we finally get a good defense in Indy. I can't wait.

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This is tough to accept, but i want to see Manning succeed and i dont think this team is built to succeed with or without him next season.....He covered so many flaws with his hall of fame play, i dont want to see him get slaughtered behind this thing that we call an "offensive line". So maybe thats what irsay meant when he said it was in PM best interest to leave...... i would agree with that. We will all miss 18 more than anything, and i will never accept this decision......but i can assure of one thing i will be in indy next year watching a new era of Colts football be it good or bad.

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Bill Polian idly sat by and let our o-line go to heck. When it was too late he tried to fix it via the draft and failed miserably. He did some things right, but this guy had Manning, Faulk, Harrison, etc. and only managed to get to 2 superbowls, winning one (the only one in his illustrious career). He is as much to blame as his undeserving son.

Further, this situation was caused by finishing with the worst record in football this past season. Mr. Caldwell and the current players didn't hold up their end of the bargain either....

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The one I can't help but wonder if he is to blame is DC Greg Williams... If he didn't entice / encourage his guys to take cheap shots... If Peyton didn't take that horrendous hit... If Peyton didn't have an injury that continued to get worse overtime (assuming this all started back from the Redskins hit)... If Manning didn't have to have neck surgeries... If those neck surgeries didn't keep him out for a season... If we didn't lose a whole season and get the 1st overall draft pick.... Would this have even happened today? Did a cheap shot cause Indy to lose our Franchise QB? Will the punishment that Williams get, even come close to what we lost in Manning?

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The one I can't help but wonder if he is to blame is DC Greg Williams... If he didn't entice / encourage his guys to take cheap shots... If Peyton didn't take that horrendous hit... If Peyton didn't have an injury that continued to get worse overtime (assuming this all started back from the Redskins hit)... If Manning didn't have to have neck surgeries... If those neck surgeries didn't keep him out for a season... If we didn't lose a whole season and get the 1st overall draft pick.... Would this have even happened today? Did a cheap shot cause Indy to lose our Franchise QB? Will the punishment that Williams get, even come close to what we lost in Manning?

No and Yes and No

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I totally agree with the OP! I think it has been mixed with the Elder Polian and his younger one. I will give Bill some credit, he did know his football. But I think at the end he was getting old and washed up. I blame the younger one for being so cocky and thought he was un touchable, he got promoted of doing nothing because of his dad, I think the last two draft picks was all on the younger one. But I do blame the two for all the bad draft picks in the recent years, for not protecting Manning and for wanting a puppet as an Head coach. Who gets the most blame? I don't know. I don't know what went behind the scenes. If I would have guessed I would say it was Chris. I think Irsay saw that to.

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Did anyone else wonder what Luck thought about the press con. Irsay says in 98 he had more pieces to bring someone like PM in and now its a little different because we are in a complete rebuild. Then goes on to say i hope to see PM succeed immediately, but us it may take a while lol.

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The one I can't help but wonder if he is to blame is DC Greg Williams... If he didn't entice / encourage his guys to take cheap shots... If Peyton didn't take that horrendous hit... If Peyton didn't have an injury that continued to get worse overtime (assuming this all started back from the Redskins hit)... If Manning didn't have to have neck surgeries... If those neck surgeries didn't keep him out for a season... If we didn't lose a whole season and get the 1st overall draft pick.... Would this have even happened today? Did a cheap shot cause Indy to lose our Franchise QB? Will the punishment that Williams get, even come close to what we lost in Manning?

This is why I am disgusted at talk of Manning ending up with the redskins. It was THEIR stinking player that caused the injury in the first place - they should not be able to benefit fron it.

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we will probably have a few losing season to come. We dont have really and game changers, or threats. you know, nothing a team has to prepared for except 2 defensive ends. thats its. I just dont see Luck fitting into this new Era of Colts football. I really Like RG3 more because he is a dual threat, Of course luck can run but RG3 is alot faster and I like Griffins passing game better than lucks.

Today Honestly sucked, but its for the best, for Peyton and this Franchise. Today, A hero left the Franchise and will bring wins to a new team. Which ever that Team May Be ill for sure get me a Manning Jersey for whatever team he goes to.

I started getting into football in like 96, the only thing I knew was we had a good rb named Faulk, and I even went to the kids training camp thing he did that same summer I believe. Then we got Manning and He is really the only player I grew to know in a colts uniform. I started watching football when i was 7 years old. I am now 22. 14 of my 22 years watching football were all peyton. I am a fan of his and of the colts. I just hope he gets to finish his career on a good note

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Not really sure, accountability was lacking in the Polians last days. Couldnt tell which one was responsible for what. Probably 1 of the reasons for that decision.

I do know that Bill has had alot more success vs failure than his son.

Have no proof but I feel that Chris was a puppet and Bill was pulling the strings

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Why don’t you blame the person that ran this franchise into the ground. You know the guy that put this Peyton-less 2 and 14 team together. The guy that cost the owner an extra 4 mill to replace the backup QB that he supported for three years and then when it came time for him to have to start……..well he isn’t good enough. You know the guy that drafted the perennial IR players. The guy that didn’t care what the people that paid his salary thought. You know the guy called Bill Polian

Now that the owner has to put the pieces of his business back together you want to crucify him for letting Peyton go. Well if you have 28 mill burning a hole in your back pocket then be my guest. You run the Franchise and pay the bills. Do you really want Peyton to suffer through the last part of his career on a team that will be mediocre at best? If so then nothing I say here will change your mind. Otherwise you need to realize one thing. The only thing that nostalgia is good for is costing money and wasting time

Absolutely true. As much as it hurts to see Peyton go, it is probably for the best. With the current team, he would be in a dogfight every season to win the division that he had dominated. I could easily see the team missing the playoffs even with Peyton. It is best for both the team and Peyton to move on and reinvent themselves. I'll still miss him and it will hurt for a while, but all good things must come to an end.

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No need to blame anyone. For 41 years, I've been a die-hard Colts fan. I will be one 41 years from now, GOD permitting. Today was an example of why our priorities have to be in order. I'm heartbroken, mad, questioning Jim, wondering 'what the heck?'.

This STINKS, but I wish #18 the best of luck, hope he wins every game he ever plays. Come Opening Day, I hope the Colts win, too! Thanks for building the COLTS Nation #18. You'll never be forgotten.

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Did anyone else wonder what Luck thought about the press con. Irsay says in 98 he had more pieces to bring someone like PM in and now its a little different because we are in a complete rebuild. Then goes on to say i hope to see PM succeed immediately, but us it may take a while lol.

Thats kinda what Irsay has to say to please the masses.

However I agree, blame Polian. And the hiring of Caldwell.

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Is the second stage of grief to place blame on someone else? We went from blaming Irsay to blaming Polians.

Let's blame Luck now. Irsay paid the bills, Polian(s) built the team with the most wins in a decade, and Peyton took us to 2 Superbowls. Luck gives us a repeat of the annoying voice of Austin Croshere and so far, nothing but heartache.

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Let's blame Luck now. Irsay paid the bills, Polian(s) built the team with the most wins in a decade, and Peyton took us to 2 Superbowls. Luck gives us a repeat of the annoying voice of Austin Croshere and so far, nothing but heartache.


Why not? It is all Luck's fault that PM was cut. If Luck did not do so well in college, he would not be projected so highly in the upcoming draft, such that he became such a good option as a replacement for PM.

Why not blame Jim Harbaugh? If Jim didn't coach up Luck to be so good, PM would not have been cut.

If Jim had played better in 1997, maybe the Colts would never have traded him, and draft PM.

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I think Bill took over for the most recent one, but Chris was in charge of the 2 or 3 before that. Just something I read somewhere though, not a reliable source

I thought I read the opposite that the last one was Chris' first one, where he was the one calling all of the shots. But at this point its not even worth searching for.

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Why don’t you blame the person that ran this franchise into the ground. You know the guy that put this Peyton-less 2 and 14 team together. The guy that cost the owner an extra 4 mill to replace the backup QB that he supported for three years and then when it came time for him to have to start……..well he isn’t good enough. You know the guy that drafted the perennial IR players. The guy that didn’t care what the people that paid his salary thought. You know the guy called Bill Polian

Now that the owner has to put the pieces of his business back together you want to crucify him for letting Peyton go. Well if you have 28 mill burning a hole in your back pocket then be my guest. You run the Franchise and pay the bills. Do you really want Peyton to suffer through the last part of his career on a team that will be mediocre at best? If so then nothing I say here will change your mind. Otherwise you need to realize one thing. The only thing that nostalgia is good for is costing money and wasting time

I agree to this, but I think that Irsay has probably started to get more "hands On". If he didn't demand to make Peyton the highest paid player, then we might not be in this mess

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