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Few Colts heading to Stanford University


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3 hours ago, CR91 said:



Man I would really like to know who is there.  


If I where a WR, especially if I was not solidified as the #1 or #2 guy I would want to get my butt over to where the starting QB is throwing with the receivers.  

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On 7/8/2018 at 6:38 PM, NewColtsFan said:


No they're not.   The young guys are making low to mid-6 figures.


Half of that goes to taxes and union fees and agents,  etc.


Of the WR's,  only Hilton and Grant are making bank.   Of the TE's,  it's Doyle and Ebron.    Everyone else is making close to minimum.     It's not as much as you think.

Luck is the injured one.    He's the one who forcing guys to travel near and far.    He's the one making huge money.    It's not required for him to do any of what I'm suggesting,   but I hope it doese it anyway.    I think it's the right thing.




They'll probably fly on Jim's private jet 

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39 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:


Man I would really like to know who is there.  


If I where a WR, especially if I was not solidified as the #1 or #2 guy I would want to get my butt over to where the starting QB is throwing with the receivers.  


well cain is apparently working out with randy moss and there was a video of cain, fountain, and rogers working out together at florida. I'm sure the rooks will get some time together with Luck before camp. theres still a little over two weeks til camp

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On ‎7‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 9:13 PM, NewColtsFan said:


So is $24 mill per year.   Luck’s salary.


Just saying...


I agree it would be a nice thing to do for Luck to fork the bills for some extra practice time but most young players jump at a chance to invest in there future . Getting in sync with Luck gets them paid 

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3 hours ago, B~Town said:

I agree it would be a nice thing to do for Luck to fork the bills for some extra practice time but most young players jump at a chance to invest in there future . Getting in sync with Luck gets them paid 


Fair point.


Good post.     :thmup:


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On 7/8/2018 at 3:09 PM, NewColtsFan said:

I would hope and expect Luck to be paying most of the costs for his teammates.


Air faire.    Rental car.   Hotel.


Seems only fair to me.


And I’d expect next week to be in Florida.    And the week after leads into the start of camp, I’d think Luck would work with the guys in Indy.

I'm sure Irsay pays for it all, probably hauls them there in the Gulfstream

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27 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

I'm sure Irsay pays for it all, probably hauls them there in the Gulfstream


Hope you’re right...  but if you look in this thread you’ll see a bunch of us discussed this idea.   And while it may be true, we’re not sure if it’s even legal?   It’s the off-season and what a team can do with players is severely limited.


This really isn’t a big deal to me....    I was mostly thinking out loud....


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3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Hope you’re right...  but if you look in this thread you’ll see a bunch of us discussed this idea.   And while it may be true, we’re not sure if it’s even legal?   It’s the off-season and what a team can do with players is severely limited.


This really isn’t a big deal to me....    I was mostly thinking out loud....


Oh that's right, I bet he can't help them since this is their off time.  anything they do on their own might be on their own tabs.... that could add up

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11 hours ago, chrisfarley said:

Oh that's right, I bet he can't help them since this is their off time.  anything they do on their own might be on their own tabs.... that could add up


I'm almost for certain that Irsay couldn't provide for their trip.  


Otherwise if he could they would likely just throw at the Colts facility.


But I think the rules even prevent them from being at the facility at this point.  That's why over their break these QB's usually get together with their receivers and use the facilities at another location such as their alma-mater.  

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28 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Can somebody please translate this into more simple straight forward English?




No idea. The point is that the location listed under the tweet is Stanford University


You should go spy on them and report back to us.. .videos would be welcome too... :P 

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


Can somebody please translate this into more simple straight forward English?





Bossing you. Its gonna cost them. My guess is he and Luck are putting in the work aka bossing and their gonna put the hurt on the league aka cost them. I speak millennial haha 

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2 hours ago, stitches said:

No idea. The point is that the location listed under the tweet is Stanford University


You should go spy on them and report back to us.. .videos would be welcome too... :P 

Believe me....    I’d love to be able to go spy on them!    If I could I’d do it all the time.


But I’m afraid Stanford is about an 8 hour trip north of me.   A long, not very fun drive.    Oh well.....


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22 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

Believe me....    I’d love to be able to go spy on them!    If I could I’d do it all the time.


But I’m afraid Stanford is about an 8 hour trip north of me.   A long, not very fun drive.    Oh well.....


Can't you sacrifice one for the team?:rock:

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Can somebody please translate this into more simple straight forward English?





I believe those are lyrics from a rap song.  Sorry, but my ability to translate that to English is not good.

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Can somebody please translate this into more simple straight forward English?




"They about to be Bussin' U'ies" means that they are about to be busting U-turns, or change their tune and revers course as to how the media and the league is talking about the Colts, Luck and the receiving corps.


"It's gonna Cost them"  the league has now been put on notice.

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36 minutes ago, Flash7 said:

"They about to be Bussin' U'ies" means that they are about to be busting U-turns, or change their tune and revers course as to how the media and the league is talking about the Colts, Luck and the receiving corps.


"It's gonna Cost them"  the league has now been put on notice.


Suddenlly I find myself stuck in the comedy classic “Airplane!”...   and there’s Barbara Billingsly, more famously known as the mother of Beaver Clever, and she says......


”Oh, stewardess!   I speak jive!!”


Turned into one of the funniest lines in movie history!


Hey!    Anyone know if the off-season is over yet?!?    :thmup:


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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


Suddenlly I find myself stuck in the comedy classic “Airplane!”...   and there’s Barbara Billingsly, more famously known as the mother of Beaver Clever, and she says......


”Oh, stewardess!   I speak jive!!”


Turned into one of the funniest lines in movie history!


Hey!    Anyone know if the off-season is over yet?!?    :thmup:


Love that scene! I used to quote that all the time.


”What it is Big Mama? My Mama didn’t raise no dum-e! I dug her rap!”

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3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

Believe me....    I’d love to be able to go spy on them!    If I could I’d do it all the time.


But I’m afraid Stanford is about an 8 hour trip north of me.   A long, not very fun drive.    Oh well.....


i heard that most trips in California are not very fun.  but i would think that driving the one road that runs right along the ocean (PCH) above LA area would be eye-opening.

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5 hours ago, chrisfarley said:

i heard that most trips in California are not very fun.  but i would think that driving the one road that runs right along the ocean (PCH) above LA area would be eye-opening.


It is eye opening!   One of the most beautiful in the entire world!     Seriously!    You should do it in your lifetime!    Preferrably with someone you love!     The views are amazing!     The Califoria coast is what they make postcards out of!


But that's not the 8 hour drive.    This is along the coast is highway 1.     That drive is more like 12-15 hours!    Pretty,  and dramatic,  but slooooow!


Next is highway 101,  which is roughly 5-10 miles inland from the ocean.    That drive is roughly 8-10 hours.


But the trip I take is up the middle of the state.    It's roughly 6-8 hours depending on stops.     And about 3 hours of that trip is through one of the ugly parts of the state.     Not quite desert,  but lots of dirt and tumbleweeds.   Almost no civilization.     The trade-off is.....    it's much faster.     The downside,  it's boring.     This is the one I typically take for speed and convenience.     I listen to my sirrius XM radio for entertainment all the way!.


California is an amazing place!     If you ever come West,  let me know and I'll make sure you see all the things you should see,  and avoid all the things you should probably avoid!



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5 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


It is eye opening!   One of the most beautiful in the entire world!     Seriously!    You should do it in your lifetime!    Preferrably with someone you love!     The views are amazing!     The Califoria coast is what they make postcards out of!


But that's not the 8 hour drive.    This is along the coast is highway 1.     That drive is more like 12-15 hours!    Pretty,  and dramatic,  but slooooow!


Next is highway 101,  which is roughly 5-10 miles inland from the ocean.    That drive is roughly 8-10 hours.


But the trip I take is up the middle of the state.    It's roughly 6-8 hours depending on stops.     And about 3 hours of that trip is through one of the ugly parts of the state.     Not quite desert,  but lots of dirt and tumbleweeds.   Almost no civilization.     The trade-off is.....    it's much faster.     The downside,  it's boring.     This is the one I typically take for speed and convenience.     I listen to my sirrius XM radio for entertainment all the way!.


California is an amazing place!     If you ever come West,  let me know and I'll make sure you see all the things you should see,  and avoid all the things you should probably avoid!



I once drove from LA Cal. all the way up to Olympic National Park and on through the Redwood Forest in Washington State in a Semi Truck. It took me 3 days to make that trip in a big truck. It was some of the most amazing scenery I have ever seen in America.

The only drive I made that I can say that matched it was driving from Spokane Washington to Wiseman Alaska through British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. I made quite a few trips all over Canada and seen some pretty impressive sights up there.

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12 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


It is eye opening!   One of the most beautiful in the entire world!     Seriously!    You should do it in your lifetime!    Preferrably with someone you love!     The views are amazing!     The Califoria coast is what they make postcards out of!


But that's not the 8 hour drive.    This is along the coast is highway 1.     That drive is more like 12-15 hours!    Pretty,  and dramatic,  but slooooow!


Next is highway 101,  which is roughly 5-10 miles inland from the ocean.    That drive is roughly 8-10 hours.


But the trip I take is up the middle of the state.    It's roughly 6-8 hours depending on stops.     And about 3 hours of that trip is through one of the ugly parts of the state.     Not quite desert,  but lots of dirt and tumbleweeds.   Almost no civilization.     The trade-off is.....    it's much faster.     The downside,  it's boring.     This is the one I typically take for speed and convenience.     I listen to my sirrius XM radio for entertainment all the way!.


California is an amazing place!     If you ever come West,  let me know and I'll make sure you see all the things you should see,  and avoid all the things you should probably avoid!



thanks, you can bet i will.  great insight!!

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22 hours ago, stitches said:


Chester is at Stanford already...^


He has been there for the last few days. He left today.


I hope the other receivers go, but we probably won’t find out until later. TY and Grant never post.

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16 hours ago, chrisfarley said:

i heard that most trips in California are not very fun.  but i would think that driving the one road that runs right along the ocean (PCH) above LA area would be eye-opening.

Three Years ago, I drove from Olympic National Park in Washington all the way to Santa Cruz, California mostly on the PCH. It is indeed wonderful. Not only California, but the Oregon coast is just as stunning.

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57 minutes ago, wig said:

Opened the thread hoping to see tweets, videos, etc but instead the 2nd reply was unprompted about who's paying for a rental car, causing a downward spiral. 


Sorry to have bothered you...   other people were able to move past my post... this thread is now on Page 2.


I was only offering an opinion.  


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