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Did I Just See Peyton Throwing @ Duke?

The Fish

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That's probably all the footage the kid (I bet it was a Duke student...they're smart ya know) could get in his little cutout of the fence before being noticed by someone. "Hey, you! Get over here!! Give me that phone!! (kid runs for his life)...Heavyset security guards give chase, kid throws down garbage cans to slow them, and escapes into a sorority house full of hot coeds...ok that's what I would have done....

Don't forget that after throwing down the garbage cans, he climbed up on a roof and jumped roof to roof to escape.

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New video now in!

As you can see, Manning has foregone personal hygiene and neglected any effort to shave or groom himself. This is likely due to the intense workout schedule he has been undergoing. Notice how he has smooth, fluid motion while turning his highly questioned neck. He is moving with strength and purpose through the wilderness surrounding Duke University campus.

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I was following this since the early AM to read the fun comments of Colts fans everywhere. Anyone who says the legendary number 18 is "an annoying little goofball" has never seen him play or watch how hilarious his commercials are. He can be a 'goofball' as in funny but at 6'5" and 230 he is hardly little.

There are 2 teams in Ohio...the Browns and the Bengals.......my suggestion is one person should go hang out in the Dawg Pound with the wind blowing off of Erie on a precious January Sunday.

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Don't forget that after throwing down the garbage cans, he climbed up on a roof and jumped roof to roof to escape.

Yes, and finally jumped a from a ridiculous height onto the ground, without injury, and kept running, slamming into a nerdy guy coming out of the library and books and papers fly everywhere....lol (but he still has to end up in the hot sorority house!!)

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New video now in!

As you can see, Manning has foregone personal hygiene and neglected any effort to shave or groom himself. This is likely due to the intense workout schedule he has been undergoing. Notice how he has smooth, fluid motion while turning his highly questioned neck. He is moving with strength and purpose through the wilderness surrounding Duke University campus.

Schefty just reported this ruksak...thanks for verifying....
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I was following this since the early AM to read the fun comments of Colts fans everywhere. Anyone who says the legendary number 18 is "an annoying little goofball" has never seen him play or watch how hilarious his commercials are. He can be a 'goofball' as in funny but at 6'5" and 230 he is hardly little.

There are 2 teams in Ohio...the Browns and the Bengals.......my suggestion is one person should go hang out in the Dawg Pound with the wind blowing off of Erie on a precious January Sunday.

That would assume that one hadn't already abandoned the Browns. Nothing but a Luckafile.

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Why doesn't anyone think that Irsay would just give him the bonus at this rate?

If hes throwing like that I don't see why you wouldn't pay him?


He would have to get adjusted to a totally new system at 36.

Quote me now: He will be a Colt in 2012 and when he is for sure next week I'll make the biggest callout thread to ever exist on this forum.

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I listened.....I am sure I hear Peyton's drawl in the background. The follow through is Manning.....I have to say it is hokie to be videotaping through a board in the fence. But turn up your sound....listen for Mannings voice we have heard so many times at the line of scrimmage.

Watched it late last night after work, house quiet, and volume turned down, I'll look again now that I've had some sleep.......
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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response
Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response

Calling Manning an "annoying little goofball" is not only heresy in these here parts, but also against forum rules. Your behavior has bordered strongly on the side of trollish behavior. You consistently try to get a rise out of Colts fans by stabbing your knives into Manning's back in front of us all, hoping for an illicit reaction.





What's LAME is calling me a troll.

I'm allowed to want to move forward without Manning.

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response
Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response

This was a leak by Manning's people To make Irsay look bad/worse for when he is going to cut Manning. You think this isn’t going to tick Jim Irsay off? He’s still going to do what he wants which is move on from Manning. This was designed to make him look back and very strategic.

If you want to throw for the Colts then take a close up video if you’re so healthy. Stop being so veiled. I’m going to celebrate when they cut him.

OK, they cut him nullifying the present contract but what you going to do when they re-sign him a few days later??
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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response
Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response

What's LAME is calling me a troll.

I'm allowed to want to move forward without Manning.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a troll.

There are many people here that espouse the same desire to move on, but they do so with respect and in a way that only means to convey their opinion. You, however, are being purposefully insulting to Manning and antagonizing to other members.

I'm just informing you how you're coming across to other members. What you do with that information is your choice. We get it, you hate Manning and you think he sucks.

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I am a little skeptical over this clip. One would think that in a bigger brain trust area at Duke Univ, that someone could obtain a better video than this. It is not as though the field is enclosed and they do make telescoping lenses to video with so I just can't believe with our paparazzi that there is not better and quite frankly, more video of Manning throwing. Just seems odd to me that Manning and this huge stoy in the making doesn't have more vidoe clips availble given the fact he has been throwing in an outdoor arena. Seem odd to anyone else?

I do believe this is Manning but just simply find the whole void of secret filming absent but we can get video of Bard Pitt and Angelena Jolie making out on a private beach in the middle of nowhere. lol

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response
Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response

What's LAME is calling me a troll.

I'm allowed to want to move forward without Manning.

Does that mean if Manning stays you're moving on?

(JK, I really enjoy having someone with contrary opinions. It keeps the board lively)

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response
Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response

I don't think he sucks nor have I ever said that. I don't think he should be back with Indy. That is what is best for the 'shoe. Doesn't make me a troll.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a troll.

There are many people here that espouse the same desire to move on, but they do so with respect and in a way that only means to convey their opinion. You, however, are being purposefully insulting to Manning and antagonizing to other members.

I'm just informing you how you're coming across to other members. What you do with that information is your choice. We get it, you hate Manning and you think he sucks.

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So are you suggesting that Peyton should sign for another team? And you would then support the team he signed for? Or are you suggesting that you are a Colts fan, and just want us to fail? Or something else?

I am a Peyton fan first. Then Colts. Having said that, i have no ill feeling against the Colts. However, Irsay's handling of Peyton is something Peyton doesnt deserve. Just let him go if you dont want him with out making a mockery out of it.

For that very reason, i would prefer Peyton to play for another team and of course i will support him. Would i support Colts without Peyton, i could care less.

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Looks like someone a team would throw a ton of FA money at or over-pay on a contract only to have skills diminish every month or so as age and health continue to take a toll.

If he takes them to a super bowl in the meantime I'm sure they won't mind. Manning is a special player who has relied more on the mental side of the game and pure hard work and discipline then natural physical attributes. If he gets his strength back there's no reason to believe he can't play till he's 40+ if he wants to. 4 seasons is a lifetime in the NFL.

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Lets hope its Peyton.

On another note, while he was away, did he learn to throw a tight spiral? Because those were tight, something I haven't seen from Manning in years.

Perhaps they weren't tight because of the nerve injury. Nonetheless, I have seen him throw tight spirals before.

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I am a Peyton fan first. Then Colts. Having said that, i have no ill feeling against the Colts. However, Irsay's handling of Peyton is something Peyton doesnt deserve. Just let him go if you dont want him with out making a mockery out of it.

For that very reason, i would prefer Peyton to play for another team and of course i will support him. Would i support Colts without Peyton, i could care less.

Thanks for clarifying. What exactly does Peyton 'not deserve' by the way? Is it the hundreds of millions of dollars Irsay has paid him, or something else?

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response
Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response

What's LAME is calling me a troll.

I'm allowed to want to move forward without Manning.

Oh please. The remarks made by you are not exactly 'nice' towards Manning. You got called on it, so own up.

On another note, i find it interesting more Colts players are joining Manning at Duke.. humm..

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response
Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response

I don't think he sucks nor have I ever said that. I don't think he should be back with Indy. That is what is best for the 'shoe. Doesn't make me a troll.

we finally have a good coaching staff, a new GM, and a new realization that manning was all we had. Why not stick with the guy that can win with nothing and use our draft and FA to build around him and win us a SB in the next 3 years. Manning is the sure thing. U had 2 reasons to possibly not want him. 1 is medical and that door has been basically shut. The other is money, and he may restructure. If he is healthy and willing to take less money, why on earth would we not want him to be our qb for 3-5 more years?

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Thanks for clarifying. What exactly does Peyton 'not deserve' by the way? Is it the hundreds of millions of dollars Irsay has paid him, or something else?

BraveheartColt, this is my final post of the day as there is a restriction for new members. So, if i dont respond subsequently, i am not ignoring you.

Well to explain Irsay paying millions of dollars - Peyton earned every cent of that. He generated so much money to the Colts, Indianapolis and the whole state and of course the intangibles are priceless. Every fan after the Colts win, next day have an extra spring in their steps and the morale is high. Believe it makes a huge impact. So, yes Irsay paying millions of dollars is not doing any favor to Peyton. Also, keep in mind, Colts are in the position to select Andrew Luck is purely coz of Peyton not playing. Even without playing he has contributed. I bet there are many teams who will pay 26 millions guaranteed money (money paid to Peyton ) to get Andrew Luck.

To answer "not deserve" part, how Irsay abused Peyton with the media. You dont call him a "politician" and Irsay's behaviour are leaning towards double standards. Thats just disrespectful.

Hope that clarifies. See you tomorrow bud.

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we finally have a good coaching staff, a new GM, and a new realization that manning was all we had. Why not stick with the guy that can win with nothing and use our draft and FA to build around him and win us a SB in the next 3 years. Manning is the sure thing. U had 2 reasons to possibly not want him. 1 is medical and that door has been basically shut. The other is money, and he may restructure. If he is healthy and willing to take less money, why on earth would we not want him to be our qb for 3-5 more years?

If he is healthy then Irsay should honor the contract as it was originally written. Money should not be an issue. Irsay knew the risks when he signed the contract.

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That definitely looks like him, throwing motion and everything. He's got some solid velocity on the ball. I have a feeling this workout wasn't supposed to be recorded though...

What gave it away? The camera phone through the fence slats? :P

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That definitely looks like him, throwing motion and everything. He's got some solid velocity on the ball. I have a feeling this workout wasn't supposed to be recorded though...

I'm surprised BSPN doesn't have him followed 24/7 and a spy drone recording his every movement.

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response
Hidden by shecolt, March 3, 2012 - response

I don't think he sucks nor have I ever said that. I don't think he should be back with Indy. That is what is best for the 'shoe. Doesn't make me a troll.

"Manning is an annoying little goofball. If you want to throw for the Colts then take a close up video if you’re so healthy. Stop being so veiled. I’m going to celebrate when they cut him".

So these comments convey your respect for his skills and what he's done for the Colts?

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