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Packers forced to release Aaron Rodgers?


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2 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

Interesting but there would have to be a confirmation that Rodgers was not re-injured against Carolina/

No one can prove he was but he was hit multiple times..no one can prove he wasn't.


Even if the NFL forced him to be released he would probably re-sign with Green Bay unless John Elway kidnapped him.

And Gramz is right....its a pointless rule. I want teams to do what GB did with Rodgers.

Play him if he can go (even at less than 100%) when the playoffs are on the line and shut him down when the team is out of the race if hes not 100%.

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Good, I hope the league enforces the rule and comes down firmly on the Packers. 


If teams are going to shut down every player that's not 100% as soon as they are out of playoff contention, they will not be able to field teams. Maybe you're just referring to stars like Rodgers? If so, the NFL will soon be playing to empty stadiums and season ticket sales will plummet, and deservedly so. People plunk down their hard earned money to see the best players play. Start sitting them because "we're out of playoff contention" and that money will be spent on other entertainment. 

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 People can only expect to see the best 'healthy' players

You sit injured players who are out of playoff contention.

The hope was the Rodgers was 100%. he wasn't.


The Packers did what they should do.   Most non playoff teams have shut down several injured players for the years at this point.

Who is to say how badly injured they are. They 're nonplayoff teams.  It doesn't matter



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5 hours ago, jskinnz said:

The Packers may be hit with a penalty of sorts but there is zero chance that they are forced to release him. 


I doubt they're even penalized. The spirit of the rule is that if a player has a reasonable chance to return to the lineup, you don't IR him. Teams are encouraged to reach injury settlements with players and release them so they can join another team, rather than horde players on IR when they still have a chance of playing that season. None of this applies to Rodgers.  


There's only two weeks left in the season, so the six week timeline doesn't even matter. I could see the league issuing a memo reinforcing the rule, but not taking any action against the Packers. Worst case, they lose their 53rd roster spot for a week as they're made to reactivate Rodgers, but that's a reach also. 

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I'll believe it when it happens but oddly enough it would be the best thing to happen to him if it did pass.


He can then pick where he wants to go.


There are plenty of QB starved teams that have better defenses than the Packers.

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3 hours ago, coltsva said:

Good, I hope the league enforces the rule and comes down firmly on the Packers. 


If teams are going to shut down every player that's not 100% as soon as they are out of playoff contention, they will not be able to field teams. Maybe you're just referring to stars like Rodgers? If so, the NFL will soon be playing to empty stadiums and season ticket sales will plummet, and deservedly so. People plunk down their hard earned money to see the best players play. Start sitting them because "we're out of playoff contention" and that money will be spent on other entertainment. 

I wish the league would get tough with the Packers. But they are treated special, so I doubt anything will happen.

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18 hours ago, Gramz said:

What an I D I O T I C  Rule.  But then again.... aren't most of the rules these days?


I think the rule was developed because teams would stockpile their IR list with players they didn't want to lose to other teams, yet had no room on their 53 man roster at the time.  Placing them on their own practice squad introduces the chance of them leaving and signing on to the 53 man roster of a competitor, if offered a contract.


As far as rule breaking, we don't know all of the particulars involved.  However, I heard a source has told Schefter that there was a medical doctor who was not going to clear Rodgers to play  because he was not healed 100%.  Not sure if that is true, and if so, how it affected the leagues position to stay mum on the subject, after approving the transaction.

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I understand the spirit of the rule but it seems like a stupid rule when you apply it to a franchise quarterback.  


If the NFL wants to claim the rule is violated then they shouldn't be forced to release a franchise player, instead they should simply be forced to retract him from IR.  



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On December 24, 2017 at 2:55 PM, ColtsBlueFL said:


I think the rule was developed because teams would stockpile their IR list with players they didn't want to lose to other teams, yet had no room on their 53 man roster at the time.  Placing them on their own practice squad introduces the chance of them leaving and signing on to the 53 man roster of a competitor, if offered a contract.


As far as rule breaking, we don't know all of the particulars involved.  However, I heard a source has told Schefter that there was a medical doctor who was not going to clear Rodgers to play  because he was not healed 100%.  Not sure if that is true, and if so, how it affected the leagues position to stay mum on the subject, after approving the transaction.

I heard the same thing that he wasn't fully healed but was pushing for a return and seeing another doctor then the next day he was cleared . Doubt any action is taken the Pats broke the same rule recently with no action taken by the NFL . 

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On 12/24/2017 at 2:55 PM, ColtsBlueFL said:


I think the rule was developed because teams would stockpile their IR list with players they didn't want to lose to other teams, yet had no room on their 53 man roster at the time.  Placing them on their own practice squad introduces the chance of them leaving and signing on to the 53 man roster of a competitor, if offered a contract.


I have a different question. If a player is on IR and is cleared to practice, is the team required to activate him or release him? Sam Bradford can be activated from IR now. I wonder if the Vikes will activate him or release him. It would be funny if the Eagles claimed him. If healthy, he would probably play better than Foles..


I know Bradford is a favorite of yours. What do you think will happen?

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On 12/26/2017 at 10:26 PM, NFLfan said:


I have a different question. If a player is on IR and is cleared to practice, is the team required to activate him or release him? Sam Bradford can be activated from IR now. I wonder if the Vikes will activate him or release him. It would be funny if the Eagles claimed him. If healthy, he would probably play better than Foles..



No, players on I.R. can't practice or play with the team the rest of the season... except... now days up to 2 players can be brought back after 8 weeks on IR.  They do not have to be pre-designated either.  Or any/all players can be left on IR.  And all of those after 2 have already been brought t back must remain on IR. A Team is never forced to activate a player off IR.  But I'll bet players eager to get a contract and are on IR but think they can recover and play will push for an injury settlement...




I know Bradford is a favorite of yours. What do you think will happen?


Not followed him this year.  But his injury history tells me he should either hang up the cleats, or find a way to stop stealing big time dough from teams (he is incredibly rich off contracts in his career) and play healthy for the bulk/all of a season. He's expensive, but an accurate short game West Coast offense kind of guy many Colts fans desire because Luck has been out.


Yes, I agree I think he would play better for the Eagles than Foles... if he can stay protected and healthy.  And was cut by Minn...

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On 12/24/2017 at 10:38 AM, coltsva said:

Good, I hope the league enforces the rule and comes down firmly on the Packers. 


If teams are going to shut down every player that's not 100% as soon as they are out of playoff contention, they will not be able to field teams. Maybe you're just referring to stars like Rodgers? If so, the NFL will soon be playing to empty stadiums and season ticket sales will plummet, and deservedly so. People plunk down their hard earned money to see the best players play. Start sitting them because "we're out of playoff contention" and that money will be spent on other entertainment. 

I remember many people saying the Colts should shutdown Luck before they knew If he could play or not and complaining that he played in the Jags game last year.  So here at least there is a good chunk of fans that would rather see the team be over cautious with the franchise player than expose him when they don’t have too.  My guess is just about every fanbase in the NFL feels the same about their star.  If he’s trying to gut it out for the team but there is nothing to play for those fans would rather see him sit.  

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10 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

No way he ends up released. I know it’s the rule but the NFL will find someway around it.


The league approved the IR transaction on 12/19/2017.  If there was a problem (fine, force team to release etc...) the transaction would not have been approved and remedial steps would already be in process.  It's a non issue, A A Ron is on IR, and GB will not have to cut him.



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20 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


The league approved the IR transaction on 12/19/2017.  If there was a problem (fine, force team to release etc...) the transaction would not have been approved and remedial steps would already be in process.  It's a non issue, A A Ron is on IR, and GB will not have to cut him.



Do they also have to get league approval when they take them off IR and does that approval require a doctor signing off?

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8 hours ago, Nadine said:

Do they also have to get league approval when they take them off IR



I don't believe so, if said player has been on IR for a minimum 8 weeks.


8 hours ago, Nadine said:

and does that approval require a doctor signing off?


Not to come off IR, but to play in a game, yes.  QB's, notably, will need some practice time once off IR to get in game ready condition again.  That can be done off IR but in practice before medical clearance is granted to play in a game.

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On 12/28/2017 at 12:07 AM, ColtsBlueFL said:

But his injury history tells me he should either hang up the cleats, or find a way to stop stealing big time dough from teams (he is incredibly rich off contracts in his career) and play healthy for the bulk/all of a season.


Lol. Yeah. He has made tons of money with not much to show for it. If he had Keenum's level of competitiveness and his pocket presence, Bradford would be great. 


He will practice with the team next week. He may be activated. 

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If Bradford had the health career of Eli Manning, he would have proven to be worth every cent of his mega-millions he was paid.  Injury has kept the guy form being what he hoped to be.  But as Dungy has stated, the best ability is availability.  Sam, isn't, more often than not.  But he and Shurmur are a good combo.  If Keenum gets injured, or runs into a nasty D with a good game plan stifling their O, Bradford could possibly be a good change of pace QB that tears the fabric of the other teams D game plan.  This kind of thing happens where the backup (if decent enough0 comes in and changes a game around.  Not saying Case/Vikes need that, but might be good to have in their back pocket...


In the playoffs, the QB is often a telling factor on potential winning.  Case has done great, but how do peeps feel about him against...


Drew Brees?  Matt Ryan? Cam Newton? Russell Wilson?


then... Jared Goff?  How will Nick Foles fare?   Case will be up against some tough match ups, it would seem; depending upon how things shake out.

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1 hour ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


In the playoffs, the QB is often a telling factor on potential winning.  Case has done great, but how do peeps feel about him against...


Drew Brees?  Matt Ryan? Cam Newton? Russell Wilson?


then... Jared Goff?  How will Nick Foles fare?   Case will be up against some tough match ups, it would seem; depending upon how things shake out.


If Keenum was going against those guys directly, I may be concerned. But it will be those QBs against our defense and it will be Keenum against those teams' defenses. The Vikes have beaten the Rams, the Falcons, and the Saints (with Bradford). The only one of those teams that beat the Vikes was Carolina. That was the last of 3 consecutive road games and Case did not play well; yet we almost won. I think at home we will beat Carolina.


The only team I am worried about is the Saints because they have a balanced offense and their defense is much improved. 

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On 24/12/2017 at 1:46 PM, Gramz said:

What an I D I O T I C  Rule.  But then again.... aren't most of the rules these days?

I would think it's there to prevent people from abusing it and stashing players on IR to avoid paying them but also avoid other teams from getting them.

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