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Why Quincy Wilson isn't playing


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30 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


When you're a rookie and not playing well the earning starts with practice.


Pagano is literally telling people the Wilson may be talented but he has a lot to learn about being a pro.


Pagano is doing the right thing.   He's making Wilson EARN everything he gets.



Lol what? Learning special teams is something minor they can do that during the off-season you don't bench 2nd round pick just because he hasn't learned special teams yet they already knew he had no experience at it he's just a good corner and leave him to that it will definitely improve the secondary

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8 minutes ago, VaAllDay757 said:

Lol what? Learning special teams is something minor they can do that during the off-season you don't bench 2nd round pick just because he hasn't learned special teams yet they already knew he had no experience at it he's just a good corner and leave him to that it will definitely improve the secondary


Look at the thread.    Go back and read what Superman posted.    It's the full Pagano quote.    It's not the nonsense that posters here have been stating.


This is about much more than special teams.    It's about how to be a pro day after day.    It's about earning your spot on the team.


Go read Superman's post.    It's toward the top of this thread.    You'll have a more complete understanding of what is going on....     Honestly.



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7 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Look at the thread.    Go back and read what Superman posted.    It's the full Pagano quote.    It's not the nonsense that posters here have been stating.


This is about much more than special teams.    It's about how to be a pro day after day.    It's about earning your spot on the team.


Go read Superman's post.    It's toward the top of this thread.    You'll have a more complete understanding of what is going on....     Honestly.



I know that's what chuck said I'm saying he's dumb for thinking that there's plenty of guys on the team who play special teams but he wants to bench the one player who can help the secondary and break up passes which we need but he'd rather put a bum out there like milton smh

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9 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


If Ballard had a problem with what Pagano is doing I would think he change it.   But he hasn't.    What does that tell you?   


That is a very good point. Ballard is talking more about competition and earning it that Pagano ever did. Wilson not playing is probably more in line with Ballard’s way of thinking than what Pagano would do last year.


Anyway, the kid needs game experience, and since we’re complete garbage, I would play him and make him realize that he needs to step it up and become a man, because this is the NFL. But that is just crazy me.

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12 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


They took Dorsett off of special teams.    You don't remember that?    Sure you do.


They cut the tiny free agent wide receiver after he fumbled three punts in a preseason game.    And you remember that too.


When Wildin figures out how to be a pro every day during the week as well as Sunday's THEN he'll be back in the game.


If Ballard had a problem with what Pagano is doing I would think he change it.   But he hasn't.    What does that tell you?   

They still dressed Dorsett though. And STs was the one throng he was expected to excel at his rookie year because of his speed and being raw. I don't get why they won't even dress Wilson. Perhaps he said something behind closed doors. Just grasping at straws here though.

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2 hours ago, LockeDown said:

Djoun Dmith all over again.


I disagree. 


In Smith's first action, he wasn't anywhere near his assignments at all. His receivers were running wide open.


Quincy was step-for-step with his assignments. 


I think we are witnessing more incompetence from this coaching staff. It's a surprise - I know, right?


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16 hours ago, VaAllDay757 said:

I know that's what chuck said I'm saying he's dumb for thinking that there's plenty of guys on the team who play special teams but he wants to bench the one player who can help the secondary and break up passes which we need but he'd rather put a bum out there like milton smh


Fine.    You're a Pagano-hater.


I can't fix that.    Keep shaking your head.



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On 10/23/2017 at 5:59 PM, Superman said:


I would play him. I understand their decision, but I don't agree with it. If he's healthy, he should be active and on the field, and get creative to figure out STs.


That's partly why I think it's not just the STs issue, but I do acknowledge it as a legitimate factor.



It's not real hard to make a case for playing him.


1) High draft pick that we at least think was drafted to start.

2) He showed in practice and pre season games that he could cover and MAKE PLAYS on the ball.

3) V Davis is getting old , proven to be injury prone and playing like a shadow of how he did in his good years. He looks to be a very bad candidate to resign . Even if they wanted to get another year or 2 out of him , those contracts are very difficult to negotiate. Players in this kind of situation almost always test the market to find the best deal. So IMO , you for sure are extremely thin going in to next year. Colts really need to see what they have in Wilson.

4) The pass defense is terrible with the players we have on the field. I do realize the LB's can't cover.


That all said , I guess the Colts have plenty of time to see what Wilson can do But I'm with you , I would play him unless those "other reasons" are not "minor.

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3 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:

They still dressed Dorsett though. And STs was the one throng he was expected to excel at his rookie year because of his speed and being raw. I don't get why they won't even dress Wilson. Perhaps he said something behind closed doors. Just grasping at straws here though.

the difference is dorsett is a WR. 


backup CBs are expected to play on special teams, especially on this team.  our RBs and LBers are not the special teams type except for mingo 

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To the fans here who think that Pagano and his staff are just clueless on the Quincy Wilson situation....


What about Chris Ballard?        Do you think HE'S clueless?


Do you think he's going to allow something that will hurt his rookie corner to happen and say..........   nothing?




If Chris Ballard plans to fire Pagano in early January and start over with a new HC,   then why would he let Pagano mess with his rookie corner?       Unless,  maybe he APPROVES of what Pags is doing?


Maybe the guys inside the program know just a little more about what is going on than the fans on the outside?


Ya think?


Just some food for thought.........



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3 hours ago, BlueShoe said:


I disagree. 


In Smith's first action, he wasn't anywhere near his assignments at all. His receivers were running wide open.


Quincy was step-for-step with his assignments. 


I think we are witnessing more incompetence from this coaching staff. It's a surprise - I know, right?


I wasn't talking about his play on the field.  I was talking about immaturity.  Isn't that what he is being accused of?  They treated SMith the same way and they eventually let him go.  I hope Wilson is not the same.  We know he can play.

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13 minutes ago, LockeDown said:

I wasn't talking about his play on the field.  I was talking about immaturity.  Isn't that what he is being accused of?  They treated SMith the same way and they eventually let him go.  I hope Wilson is not the same.  We know he can play.


I understand your point. 


Most of these young players are immature. I think back to my early 20s. Hell, even as a teenager, if I had to live with social media. Having every moment of your life recorded in history. That’s tough.


These coaches should be equipped with ability to handle any players maturation. They’re coaches. It’s what they are paid to do. I don’t know about Quincy’s maturity issues. I am not sure how any of us could know without being on this coaching staff. 


If we drafted someone with severe maturity issues then that’s on us. We should have done our homework before drafting a guy who can’t be coached. I don’t think that’s the issue with Quincy though. 


Everything I have seen from this coaching staff leads me to one direction. The Pagano led coaches have made Quincy a healthy scratch because of his lack of experience with special teams. It personifies this coaching staff perfectly. They continue to focus on the little things more than the bigger picture.


This coaching regime has ran its course and they have to go. Right now, they’re all auditioning for their next job. It’s not looking good for a lot of them.

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5 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:

They still dressed Dorsett though. And STs was the one throng he was expected to excel at his rookie year because of his speed and being raw. I don't get why they won't even dress Wilson. Perhaps he said something behind closed doors. Just grasping at straws here though.


Dorsett still played STs, he just didn't return kicks/punts anymore. Also, receivers play a different role on STs than DBs, so it's not a straight across comparison.

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1 hour ago, dw49 said:

It's not real hard to make a case for playing him.


1) High draft pick that we at least think was drafted to start.

2) He showed in practice and pre season games that he could cover and MAKE PLAYS on the ball.

3) V Davis is getting old , proven to be injury prone and playing like a shadow of how he did in his good years. He looks to be a very bad candidate to resign . Even if they wanted to get another year or 2 out of him , those contracts are very difficult to negotiate. Players in this kind of situation almost always test the market to find the best deal. So IMO , you for sure are extremely thin going in to next year. Colts really need to see what they have in Wilson.

4) The pass defense is terrible with the players we have on the field. I do realize the LB's can't cover.


That all said , I guess the Colts have plenty of time to see what Wilson can do But I'm with you , I would play him unless those "other reasons" are not "minor.


Yeah, agreed.


We don't know what Wilson's issues are, but we do know he hasn't been 100% since spring, with various ailments popping up. Combine that with Pagano's comments about him not being in shape and Monachino's comments about him learning to be a pro, I come away with the impression that he's not working as hard as he should off the field, in the training room, in meetings, whatever... 


And if that's true, if he's being a knucklehead, even in minor ways, I can't really argue with the coaching staff for making him fully earn his way back on the game day roster. This staff has often been accused of being soft on players, not holding them accountable, etc. In this case, they appear to be playing the 'tough love' card with a talented high draft pick, which kind of puts everyone else on notice. Can't complain about them being soft and then get mad when they toughen up (although that's modus operandi around here...)


To point #3, whether Wilson is starting corner material or not, and whether you find a way to keep Davis next year or not, I think the Colts need to sign a starting caliber corner next offseason. So I'm not panicking about Wilson being benched in his rookie year, we have him for three more, and the succession plan need to be a lot bigger than just him anyway. But yes, the more game reps he gets, the better. 


And again, if it's just the STs issue -- and I don't think it is -- they need to figure that out. Kickoff and punt coverage will be fine because Sanchez is a stud.

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1 hour ago, LockeDown said:

I wasn't talking about his play on the field.  I was talking about immaturity.  Isn't that what he is being accused of?  They treated SMith the same way and they eventually let him go.  I hope Wilson is not the same.  We know he can play.

Well smith turned out to be trash anyway

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I understand the reasoning somewhat but I think it's short sighted.  


I'd even give you that Wilson RIGHT NOW is not quite as good as Melvin.


But Wilson if he has talent which it seems he does is part of the future of this team.  And he needs reps in actual games in order to help him get better and hopefully play a bigger role in the future.  


But Pagano is trying to win now as much as he can in order to try and keep his job, even if we are 2-5 and almost certainly not going to be in the playoffs.  So uses the players that he think can help him win now.  

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22 minutes ago, VaAllDay757 said:

This is a cop out plea....if you having trouble keeping a young player in check then you might be in the wrong business 


I don't think it's a stretch to say that some of our coaches may be in the wrong business. 


Also, who cares if he isn't a beast in practice. He's shown up when he has played in games. Practice production doesn't always translate into game production (See Tolzien). 

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Seriously people?


Pagano has explained it.


Monachino has explained.


Ballard hasn't changed it.


And yet poster after poster keeps insisting that they are right and the coaches and Ballard are wrong.


Just the latest example of a passionate but ignorant fan base.


Dear God....        :facepalm:

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On 10/23/2017 at 2:05 PM, VaAllDay757 said:

This is dumb you telling me wilson can't beat melvin for the CB2 spot???? Man chuck should be fired like NOW lol melvin would better at the slot anyway let the 2ND ROUND PICK earn his job

Is that what they are doing?  Letting him earn his job rather than just handing it to him.

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29 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

Seriously people?


Pagano has explained it.


Monachino has explained.


Ballard hasn't changed it.


And yet poster after poster keeps insisting that they are right and the coaches and Ballard are wrong.


Jyst the latest example of a passionate but ignorant fan base.


Dear God....        :facepalm:

Look at where luck is....ballard said he would play this season and so did irsay....has he played yet? No so just because they give the media an answer doesn't mean it's true they just answer questions and keep moving. You see how chuck and others sugar coat their answers

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11 hours ago, LockeDown said:

Djoun Dmith all over again.


Nah, he flashed enough against Arizona for me to be certain that he's not another D'Joun. What it comes down to is that these coaches are absolute clowns. Our 1st round pick is out for the year, and these Colts won't play our 2nd round pick because he's "not mature enough?" What does that even mean? How mature do you have to be to play football? I saw Aqib Talib snatch Michael Crabtree's necklace in a game last year, and I'm supposed to buy this "Quincy needs to be more mature" crap? No way.


And I don't care about special teams, the best players need to be on the field, period. Davis doesn't play special teams, and he's been getting worked since he came back. Moncrief doesn't play special teams, and he's a shell of his former self. This is looking more and more like Pagano not playing Wilson out of pure spite towards Ballard. As petty as that sounds, none of these other reasons the coaches are spewing to the media make a shred of sense.

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2 hours ago, VaAllDay757 said:

Look at where luck is....ballard said he would play this season and so did irsay....has he played yet? No so just because they give the media an answer doesn't mean it's true they just answer questions and keep moving. You see how chuck and others sugar coat their answers


So if I understand you correctly....


You're saying they are all lying.


Pagano is.   Monachino is.    And now (and this is my favorite)  you're saying Ballard is lying about this too.


OK....     but if you're going to make that claim then you better be able answer this....




Why would they be lying?    Why would they do that?    What's the upside for doing that?    What do they gain?


Because what you're really saying is the fan base here knows better about what is going on and what to do than the coaching staff AND the front office.


I look forward to your answer....


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35 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:

This is looking more and more like Pagano not playing Wilson out of pure spite towards Ballard. As petty as that sounds, none of these other reasons the coaches are spewing to the media make a shred of sense.




Even if what the coaches are saying doesn't make sense, you just made up a reason that makes even less sense. Why would Pagano choose to pick on Quincy Wilson to spite Chris Ballard? And when did he make this decision? Is Monachino in on it?

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1 hour ago, Superman said:




Even if what the coaches are saying doesn't make sense, you just made up a reason that makes even less sense. Why would Pagano choose to pick on Quincy Wilson to spite Chris Ballard? And when did he make this decision? Is Monachino in on it?



We will see bit of Wilson this week I believe . A small bird landed on my shoulder and whispered it in my ear. Getting some first team reps in practice. This is good and I'm anxious to see how he does. Hopefully there is no big character or work ethic issue as to why he's been inactive .. cause that ain't good.

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8 hours ago, dw49 said:



It's not real hard to make a case for playing him.


1) High draft pick that we at least think was drafted to start.

2) He showed in practice and pre season games that he could cover and MAKE PLAYS on the ball.

3) V Davis is getting old , proven to be injury prone and playing like a shadow of how he did in his good years. He looks to be a very bad candidate to resign . Even if they wanted to get another year or 2 out of him , those contracts are very difficult to negotiate. Players in this kind of situation almost always test the market to find the best deal. So IMO , you for sure are extremely thin going in to next year. Colts really need to see what they have in Wilson.

4) The pass defense is terrible with the players we have on the field. I do realize the LB's can't cover.


That all said , I guess the Colts have plenty of time to see what Wilson can do But I'm with you , I would play him unless those "other reasons" are not "minor.

i would play him in this going nowhere season. melvin does not figure in our future wilson does

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5 minutes ago, OLD FAN MAN said:

i would play him in this going nowhere season. melvin does not figure in our future wilson does


Yeah and my post agreed with that. But if there are legitimate reasons that include practice , work ethic or attitude to why he is sitting ,  then you have to give the coaching staff the benefit of the doubt . 

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5 minutes ago, dw49 said:


Yeah and my post agreed with that. But if there are legitimate reasons that include practice , work ethic or attitude to why he is sitting ,  then you have to give the coaching staff the benefit of the doubt . 

i concur could be something we dont know


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