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Colts/Jags Insulting Post Game Press Conference

King Colt

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Make sure you watch Pagano and Brissett's press conference. Brissett was especially sarcastic blowing off all but one question snickering all the way. He even went so far as to say "Is there something wrong with this football team?" Pagano dodged all questions with generic, "we just got do better" type slurs. "Give credit to Jacksonville" was said and that is a chicken #### excuse. What about not concerning yourself about the other teams and concentrating strictly on your team?  These two press conferences shed light as to what is wrong with this organization from top to bottom. I counted Pagano say "ugh" and "um" twenty-five times in in his opening statement. He sounded as intelligent as he is.

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I understand your point about the "Give credit to Jacksonville" comment, but Chuck Pagano was 100% right. The Jags could have taken their paws off the gas pedal after halftime, but never thought about doing it, even after extending its lead to 27-0. Pagano should have noticed this and acted accordingly in the fourth quarter.

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6 minutes ago, JaguarsWoman said:

I understand your point about the "Give credit to Jacksonville" comment, but Chuck Pagano was 100% right. The Jags could have taken their paws off the gas pedal after halftime, but never thought about doing it, even after extending its lead to 27-0. Pagano should have noticed this and acted accordingly in the fourth quarter.


By resigning?

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9 minutes ago, NannyMcafee said:

By resigning?


By not running the ball so much and going for it on fourth down. If I am the HC, I want to avoid a shutout by kicking it if my team is in FG range. How many times could Adam Vinitieri have at least closed Jacksonville's lead? Score points if you have a chance. Don't embarrass yourself by accepting a shutout.

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7 hours ago, Nadine said:

@King Colt When you are counting 'ugh' and 'um' in a press conference, I think it might be time to step away from the computer for a bit.



Uhm... I know uhm... something Uh... about the uhm...reason people uhm... speak that uh... way. And ...uhm it's called...um......................................

You omitted any concern that he just served up a plate of 1. A shut out. 2. A loss in front of the hometown fans.3 Refused to answer with specifics any question asked. 

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In Michael Errard’s excellent book Um: verbal blunders and what they mean, he explains that we make many verbal blunders all day every day, on the order of one every 10 or 15 words. We just overlook them. We stop, restart, change words, clip words, repeat phrases, all the time. He calls these slips disfluencies.  Read a transcript of any conversation, even on TV talk shows, and you’ll see what a mess language is if you pay close attention.

However any repeated filler noise like “ummm” becomes distracting if you are the primary speaker. Other fillers include “So”, “Like”, and “Know what I mean”. Anything repeated unnecessarily can become an annoyance.

As annoying as this habit can be it’s an easy habit to fix.

How to break the habit:

Admit you have a problem. This is always the first step and it’s the hard one. You may do it an not know. Record the next talk you give and listen. If you umm more than once every 10 minutes, you may have a problem.

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2 hours ago, King Colt said:

In Michael Errard’s excellent book Um: verbal blunders and what they mean, he explains that we make many verbal blunders all day every day, on the order of one every 10 or 15 words. We just overlook them. We stop, restart, change words, clip words, repeat phrases, all the time. He calls these slips disfluencies.  Read a transcript of any conversation, even on TV talk shows, and you’ll see what a mess language is if you pay close attention.

However any repeated filler noise like “ummm” becomes distracting if you are the primary speaker. Other fillers include “So”, “Like”, and “Know what I mean”. Anything repeated unnecessarily can become an annoyance.

As annoying as this habit can be it’s an easy habit to fix.

How to break the habit:

Admit you have a problem. This is always the first step and it’s the hard one. You may do it an not know. Record the next talk you give and listen. If you umm more than once every 10 minutes, you may have a problem.

Pretty sure its frowned upon here to plagiarize an entire article without posting a link to the actual article

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1 minute ago, King Colt said:

When it is common knowledge or should be to anyone the gets out of the house once a week where is the need for a link? FLASH: smoking is bad for your health.  

 You copied and pasted an article without giving credit to the author

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What are they supposed to say without airing the team's dirty laundry?  If they do, like Hilton just did, then people will castigate them for doing that.  So they are screwed either way I guess, huh?


BTW, I know this team is in shambles right now.  I don't need the coach, players, or anybody else to tell me that.

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12 hours ago, King Colt said:

In Michael Errard’s excellent book Um: verbal blunders and what they mean, he explains...


57 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

 You copied and pasted an article without giving credit to the author


He did give credit to the author.  First sentence.

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On 10/23/2017 at 12:48 PM, JaguarsWoman said:


By not running the ball so much and going for it on fourth down. If I am the HC, I want to avoid a shutout by kicking it if my team is in FG range. How many times could Adam Vinitieri have at least closed Jacksonville's lead? Score points if you have a chance. Don't embarrass yourself by accepting a shutout.


What? The fact that they went for it instead of kicking a FG was about the only thing I respected out of that entire game.

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6 hours ago, dgambill said:

The Keystone Kops would be appropriate for anything related to your posts. I appreciate you giving your opinions but it just seems that every thread you enter devolves into nonsense.


I agree. Do you also notice that almost every thread he starts is negative? 

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16 hours ago, NFLfan said:


I agree. Do you also notice that almost every thread he starts is negative? 

Indeed. It's a cry for attention. Unfortunately most usage of social media has led to this. Don't get me wrong it can be a great tool but for the most part people just want attention..no better way then to start arguments and be a contrarian. Seems to happen here a lot. On the flip side there isn't a lot of positives happening in Colts land but this has been going on for quite some time I agree with you.

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