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Would it be the worst thing if?


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Why would anyone want us to lose? I don't feel like sitting through another non Playoff season. Also, no way we go 5-11 unless Andrew misses the whole season. If he plays the whole season the worse we will go is 8-8. That has been proven. We had the worse Defense possible last season and lost several close games and still went 8-8, both Houston games could've went either way as well. I think the people that don't care whether we do bad or not just want Chuck gone IMO. If we win the Division and go 11-5 and win a Playoff game, Chuck wont get fired and the Chuck haters will be furious. That is my take.

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3 hours ago, Boiler_Colt said:

I'm not saying they will be worse, I dont think they will, but until you see the defense play, you have no idea how much better if any they will be. We all assumed the 2013 and 2015 free agent classes would put us over the top. Some free agents and draftee's will bust, its just statistically accurate.  The O-line is also largely unchanged and already riddled with injuries so I can see why some people might be hesitant with their analysis of the team.

Difference is, those were old washed up players. Completely different to what we did this offseason. 

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3 hours ago, Major_Adobe said:

I get the talent acquisition part of this theory but there is no way I would agree. I will never ever think the Colts losing is acceptable. Great GM's don't need high draft picks to assemble stellar teams. Example - Patriots vs Browns.


I'd much rather see us get back into the tradition of winning all of the time. 

i concur

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3 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

So you really think Pagano would lose his job if Luck does miss time and injuries strap what Pagano can do as a coach?

It seems your more interested in Pagano getting fired than the Colts being successful.

If Pagano doesn't have atleast a decent season he is gone if we have that bad of a season he doesn't make it through.

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4 hours ago, Majin Vegeta said:

We won 8 games last year with the worst pass blocking o-line, and the 30th ranked defense that generated the least amount of pressure of any defense in the NFL the last FOUR years. 


How/why do you think we would do worse this year? (Assuming Luck only misses 1-2 weeks)

This. Our secondary may not be the best this year, but Davis is going to do well imo along with Quincy Wilson and Hairston (I'm really excited to see Hairston, as they make it seem like he's out-performing QW).  Not only that, but our schedule is very light on skilled QBs this year. 10-6 at worst this year and that should be enough to win the division. 


More importantly (kinda), I think I have a nickname for Malik Hooker finally. This is a fishing reference: we could call him "The Angler", as an angler is someone who fishes with a rod and line, and the line has a hook on the end of it... a hook... Malik Hooker. Not bad huh? :D


Then maybe Quincy Wilson could be called Q-ball, like a cue ball in billiards or something. Just off the top of my head. 

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30 minutes ago, jameszeigler834 said:

If Pagano doesn't have atleast a decent season he is gone if we have that bad of a season he doesn't make it through.


9 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I think he is gone if we don't win the Division and at least 1 Playoff game.

From what Irsay said the Colts record will not be the determining factor if Pagano is fired or extended.

In reality none of us really know.

IMO Irsay would have a very hard time firing any head coach that don't even have a losing record regardless of a division crown and a run into the playoffs.

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1 minute ago, crazycolt1 said:


From what Irsay said the Colts record will not be the determining factor if Pagano is fired or extended.

In reality none of us really know.

IMO Irsay would have a very hard time firing any head coach that don't even have a losing record regardless of a division crown and a run into the playoffs.

You could be right but Ballard may think differently. See my other Post above. I think some people want us to do bad so he gets fired and will be upset if we do good. I will never root for us to lose and hate missing the Playoffs. OK I rooted for us to lose 1 time when I knew we could get Andrew Luck once we started 0-8 in 2011. I think every Colts fan in the world did though on that rare occasion.

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25 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

You could be right but Ballard may think differently. See my other Post above. I think some people want us to do bad so he gets fired and will be upset if we do good. I will never root for us to lose and hate missing the Playoffs. OK I rooted for us to lose 1 time when I knew we could get Andrew Luck once we started 0-8 in 2011. I think every Colts fan in the world did though on that rare occasion.

Yes I agree. If you think about it for a fan of any team to wish and hope they do bad because they want the head coach fired IMO is a questionable fan at best. Maybe some don't look at it that way but not rooting for your team on to do the best they can do is not a sign of a true fan IMO.

As far a Ballard is concerned I don't think he would have a problem with Pagano as long as Chuck done a fine job of coaching. We just don't know till this all works out.

There will always be those who will be watching and criticizing Pagano no matter how well he might or might not be doing. The grass is always greener till you find out there is nothing but weeds on the other side.

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3 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Yes I agree. If you think about it for a fan of any team to wish and hope they do bad because they want the head coach fired IMO is a questionable fan at best. Maybe some don't look at it that way but not rooting for your team on to do the best they can do is not a sign of a true fan IMO.

As far a Ballard is concerned I don't think he would have a problem with Pagano as long as Chuck done a fine job of coaching. We just don't know till this all works out.

There will always be those who will be watching and criticizing Pagano no matter how well he might or might not be doing. The grass is always greener till you find out there is nothing but weeds on the other side.

Yeah I just hate when we lose, especially if we are in Playoff contention. Some people would rather us go 1-15 and get the #1 pick instead of going just 9-7 and winning the Division. Not me I would rather go 9-7 and have a successful season to build on. Unless Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck is there at #1, I would take 9-7 all day if it gets us in the tournament. Once you make the Playoffs anyone can win it all. The team we had in 2014 would've been in the SB had it not been for a dynasty team like the Pats in our way. That team we had, had no running game and a mediocre Defense by the way. We would've beat anyone else, we owned Baltimore. Luck had already beaten Baltimore once.

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I get the talent acquisition part of this theory but there is no way I would agree. I will never ever think the Colts losing is acceptable. Great GM's don't need high draft picks to assemble stellar teams. Example - Patriots vs Browns.


I'd much rather see us get back into the tradition of winning all of the time. 


No, but great GMs need great coaches, which the Colts don't have. Pagano isn't the worst, but there isn't a team in the league that's scared to play against him. I don't agree with the original poster either. I don't want to see a 5-11 Colts team. Pagano is gone either way though. You're not winning a Super Bowl with him. Doesn't even matter if we make the playoffs. We'll get blown out by the Steelers or Patriots anyways.


I see our record somewhere between 7-9 and 9-7.




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10 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:


No, but great GMs need great coaches, which the Colts don't have. Pagano isn't the worst, but there isn't a team in the league that's scared to play against him. I don't agree with the original poster either. I don't want to see a 5-11 Colts team. Pagano is gone either way though. You're not winning a Super Bowl with him. Doesn't even matter if we make the playoffs. We'll get blown out by the Steelers or Patriots anyways.


I see our record somewhere between 7-9 and 9-7.




That is your opinion, not fact.

Pagano didn't have any problems till Grigsons lack of finding draft picks and free agents went south. He coached just fine his first three seasons.

 Check out Belichicks first five years and then get back to me. Even with two 8-8 seasons his record is as good as any present head coaches career started their first five years.

You might think Pagano is gone but unless your name is Jim Irsay you don't have a clue.

I don't have a crystal ball but neither do you.

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It would be the worst thing for THIS year, but certainly not for down the road.  Of course, we have no idea what will happen this season, let alone in 2-3 years.  Who knows if Andy's shoulder ever fully heals?  If that happens, he won't even be in Indy and they will have moved onto someone else.  So I think if he can go, you put all your chips on the table to try to win this season.  If he can't, you hold him out, go 5-11 or whatever, draft well, make some more splashes in FA with all the money they are projected to have, and then hope 2018 lines up better.


This whole thing hinges on Andrew really.  And until we know more about his health all things Colts are sort of up in the air for this season.

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No, but great GMs need great coaches, which the Colts don't have. Pagano isn't the worst, but there isn't a team in the league that's scared to play against him. I don't agree with the original poster either. I don't want to see a 5-11 Colts team. Pagano is gone either way though. You're not winning a Super Bowl with him. Doesn't even matter if we make the playoffs. We'll get blown out by the Steelers or Patriots anyways.


I see our record somewhere between 7-9 and 9-7.




That is your opinion, not fact.

Pagano didn't have any problems till Grigsons lack of finding draft picks and free agents went south. He coached just fine his first three seasons.

 Check out Belichicks first five years and then get back to me. Even with two 8-8 seasons his record is as good as any present head coaches career started their first five years.

You might think Pagano is gone but unless your name is Jim Irsay you don't have a clue.

I don't have a crystal ball but neither do you.



Oh we're doing the whole justification by comparison thing again? We're going to use someone else's past to justify why our own clearly underperforming coach is good? Makes sense. You must be one of the people who always say "Look at Reggie Wayne's first 3 years in the NFL" when people talk about Dorsett. Were you also one of the guys who used Marshawn Lynch to defend Richardson?




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1 hour ago, Defjamz26 said:



Oh we're doing the whole justification by comparison thing again? We're going to use someone else's past to justify why our own clearly underperforming coach is good? Makes sense. You must be one of the people who always say "Look at Reggie Wayne's first 3 years in the NFL" when people talk about Dorsett. Were you also one of the guys who used Marshawn Lynch to defend Richardson?




How is having one of the best records as a five year head coach underperforming?

Chuck doesn't need a comparison with anyone. His record speaks for itself.

You made your comment based on your opinion, not facts.

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You're not the only one. A lot of people seem to have the feeling that this year is going to suck, which doesn't bode well. I'm already resigned to the fact that we're going to suck this year. At least we get a good pick. I feel bad for Gore though, who's looking to win a SB but came to the wrong team.

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18 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

... I think the people that don't care whether we do bad or not just want Chuck gone IMO. If we win the Division and go 11-5 and win a Playoff game, Chuck wont get fired and the Chuck haters will be furious. That is my take.

I think you are overstating the "hate." We "haters" will love him if the Colts have a great season. But that means he will need to have a great coaching season too, because there are no longer 5 or 6 easy South wins like there were in his first three or four years. If we win 10 or more games, Chuck will have done a great job and he should be retained. I know our schedule is considered weak again but I don't think it reflects much stronger South teams on the rise -- even Jax in spite of lack of growth in Bortles.

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4 hours ago, azcolt said:

I think you are overstating the "hate." We "haters" will love him if the Colts have a great season. But that means he will need to have a great coaching season too, because there are no longer 5 or 6 easy South wins like there were in his first three or four years. If we win 10 or more games, Chuck will have done a great job and he should be retained. I know our schedule is considered weak again but I don't think it reflects much stronger South teams on the rise -- even Jax in spite of lack of growth in Bortles.

I don't think the 'haters' are over stated at all. There are a few who actually hope the Colts do bad in hopes of Chuck being fired. That my friend is hate no matter what you might want to call it.

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Oh we're doing the whole justification by comparison thing again? We're going to use someone else's past to justify why our own clearly underperforming coach is good? Makes sense. You must be one of the people who always say "Look at Reggie Wayne's first 3 years in the NFL" when people talk about Dorsett. Were you also one of the guys who used Marshawn Lynch to defend Richardson?




How is having one of the best records as a five year head coach underperforming?

Chuck doesn't need a comparison with anyone. His record speaks for itself.

You made your comment based on your opinion, not facts.


Because almost any coach could have that record with Andrew Luck and a weak division. Put him on any team in the AFC south in 2012 and they still win at least 10 games. It's evidenced by the constant low rankings of the defense and getting thrashed by elite teams. Grigson deserves some blame but not being able to close out close games and getting blown out is on Pagano. What good coach loses to a Brock Osweiler led Texans with a 14 point lead going into the half?




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5 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:


Because almost any coach could have that record with Andrew Luck and a weak division. Put him on any team in the AFC south in 2012 and they still win at least 10 games. It's evidenced by the constant low rankings of the defense and getting thrashed by elite teams. Grigson deserves some blame but not being able to close out close games and getting blown out is on Pagano. What good coach loses to a Brock Osweiler led Texans with a 14 point lead going into the half?




But it's not another coach is it? I deal in facts, not your opinion.

It don't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Colts defense was as bad as any team in the NFL the last two seasons. We couldn't stop the run and average QBs could throw a five yard pass that would turn into a 20 yard gain at will. No linebacker play and no pass rush. That is a disaster for any head coach.

What does it say when the safeties and cornerbacks have to make the majority of the tackles?

You can point the finger at Pagano all you want to but without seeing why this team went two 8-8 seasons is on you. Our QB got pounded into the turf and also had a less than average running game.

This team had a lot more problems than Pagano.

Now that we seem to have a GM that actually brings players in the coaches want that fits into their system I will venture to guess we will see an improvement in this team.

No head coach in the league can coach players who don't have the talent. If you cant see the lack of talent where talent is needed I am sorry to inform you that maybe you are looking at the wrong thing.

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14 hours ago, azcolt said:

I think you are overstating the "hate." We "haters" will love him if the Colts have a great season. But that means he will need to have a great coaching season too, because there are no longer 5 or 6 easy South wins like there were in his first three or four years. If we win 10 or more games, Chuck will have done a great job and he should be retained. I know our schedule is considered weak again but I don't think it reflects much stronger South teams on the rise -- even Jax in spite of lack of growth in Bortles.

I may be "overstating the hate" but I know a lot of people in here want Chuck gone so if we do have a losing a season, there will be some that wont lose sleep over it.

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6 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:


Because almost any coach could have that record with Andrew Luck and a weak division. Put him on any team in the AFC south in 2012 and they still win at least 10 games. It's evidenced by the constant low rankings of the defense and getting thrashed by elite teams. Grigson deserves some blame but not being able to close out close games and getting blown out is on Pagano. What good coach loses to a Brock Osweiler led Texans with a 14 point lead going into the half?




One with a pourus weak defense full of injured players over the hill slow defenders. No pass rush and not stopping run will do it everytime , if you don't keep scoring.


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17 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

But it's not another coach is it? I deal in facts, not your opinion.

It don't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Colts defense was as bad as any team in the NFL the last two seasons. We couldn't stop the run and average QBs could throw a five yard pass that would turn into a 20 yard gain at will. No linebacker play and no pass rush. That is a disaster for any head coach.

What does it say when the safeties and cornerbacks have to make the majority of the tackles?

You can point the finger at Pagano all you want to but without seeing why this team went two 8-8 seasons is on you. Our QB got pounded into the turf and also had a less than average running game.

This team had a lot more problems than Pagano.

Now that we seem to have a GM that actually brings players in the coaches want that fits into their system I will venture to guess we will see an improvement in this team.

No head coach in the league can coach players who don't have the talent. If you cant see the lack of talent where talent is needed I am sorry to inform you that maybe you are looking at the wrong thing.

I seriously doubt any Coach in the league would've had much more success over the last 2 seasons than Chuck did with our Roster - he was .500. Luck was injured for most of 2015 and was playing injured last season for the most part. We have had very little Running Game (at times Gore has been Good but it's about once every 4 games), Bad O.Line, and a Defense that has been terrible. Hell, Bill Belichick would've had problems with the Rosters we have had over the last 2 seasons. Of course because of the Luck factor we will probably always find a way to go 8-8 at worse but he has to be healthy. I think things look more promising now with Ballard here, on paper the Defense looks much better anyway and that may be good for 2 or 3 wins if Luck is healthy.

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1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I seriously doubt any Coach in the league would've had much more success over the last 2 seasons than Chuck did with our Roster - he was .500. Luck was injured for most of 2015 and was playing injured last season for the most part. We have had very little Running Game (at times Gore has been Good but it's about once every 4 games), Bad O.Line, and a Defense that has been terrible. Hell, Bill Belichick would've had problems with the Rosters we have had over the last 2 seasons. Of course because of the Luck factor we will probably always find a way to go 8-8 at worse but he has to be healthy. I think things look more promising now with Ballard here, on paper the Defense looks much better anyway and that may be good for 2 or 3 wins if Luck is healthy.

I agree possibly 4 without any major injuries .

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With me I am in the middle on defending Chuck. I don't think he's done a Bad job but also have my doubts if he is the Coach that can take us to the SB. Losing to Houston last season at home really upset me and had me scratching my head. That basically ended our season. I blame Grigson more than I do Chuck though for our failures.

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1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

With me I am in the middle on defending Chuck. I don't think he's done a Bad job but also have my doubts if he is the Coach that can take us to the SB. Losing to Houston last season at home really upset me and me scratching my head. That basically ended our season.

I'm in the wait and see , hes a D coach , if this defense performs well and theres no way its not better just out of speed and shear athleticism . He needs to leave the Offense to the coordinator and let them make desiscions. Getting a lead then playing conservative will bite you everytime . Just ask the Falcons

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4 minutes ago, Jay Kirk said:

I'm in the wait and see , hes a D coach , if this defense performs well and theres no way its not better just out of speed and shear athleticism . He needs to leave the Offense to the coordinator and let them make desiscions. Getting a lead then playing conservative will bite you everytime . Just ask the Falcons

Yeah unfortunately for Chuck he is winless vs the Pats so in many eyes he can do no right. The same people think Bruce Arians is better and he lost at home to the Pats with Jimmy G at QB. We also had a better record than Arizona last season too but don't let facts get in the way of someone's thinking.

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You know, even the Pats have fans like this.  It's backward thinking.  It's like getting a high draft pick is more important than winning games if you can't get to the playoffs.  Even though where you draft doesn't directly influence whether or not you make the playoffs and win the SB.


News Flash:  It Doesn't Matter Where You Draft!


If you can find franchise QBs like Wilson, Carr and Prescott after the 1st round, while top-5 picks like Jared Goff, Dante Fowler and Trent Richardson stink, it should be obvious that it really doesn't matter where you draft.  It's all a crap-shoot.  There is usually maybe one "risk-free" player in each draft like Luck, Khalil Mack, Amari Cooper, or Ezekiel Eliot.

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25 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

You know, even the Pats have fans like this.  It's backward thinking.  It's like getting a high draft pick is more important than winning games if you can't get to the playoffs.  Even though where you draft doesn't directly influence whether or not you make the playoffs and win the SB.


News Flash:  It Doesn't Matter Where You Draft!


If you can find franchise QBs like Wilson, Carr and Prescott after the 1st round, while top-5 picks like Jared Goff, Dante Fowler and Trent Richardson stink, it should be obvious that it really doesn't matter where you draft.  It's all a crap-shoot.  There is usually maybe one "risk-free" player in each draft like Luck, Khalil Mack, Amari Cooper, or Ezekiel Eliot.

That's what I have been saying in here for 2 years that the Draft is a crapshoot. Unless you have someone like Peyton or Luck coming out and you pick #1 that is different, IMO it doesn't matter if you pick 5th or 17th. People that love the Draft rip me for saying that but like you said many guys that get drafted in the 2nd and 3rd Rounds turn out better than Top 5 overall picks. Tom Brady got drafted in Round 6, Emmitt Smith was picked 17th by Dallas. That same Draft, Blair Thomas was picked 2nd and he sucked.

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