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Does Anyone Think #18 Will Actually Be Here?


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Not sarcasm, just an honest question. After that last tweet, it's becoming obvious to me this doesn't end well. All the talk of balance, one guy shouldn't make a team 2-14, the firings of people who put his team in a position to be Manning dependent, all new coordinators who are pretty young and raw, first time head coach and gm. It seems that we are going to be revamping and I think we take Luck and cut the sheriff. It's going to be a sad day if true. It will be so odd to see so many greats gone. Because if Peyton goes, Saturday retires, Wayne's gone, Garcons probably back and maybe Mathis, but it will be a new offense completely.m I'm sure Addais cut eventually too since Brown and Carter are coming on.

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Not sarcasm, just an honest question. After that last tweet, it's becoming obvious to me this doesn't end well. All the talk of balance, one guy shouldn't make a team 2-14, the firings of people who put his team in a position to be Manning dependent, all new coordinators who are pretty young and raw, first time head coach and gm. It seems that we are going to be revamping and I think we take Luck and cut the sheriff. It's going to be a sad day if true. It will be so odd to see so many greats gone. Because if Peyton goes, Saturday retires, Wayne's gone, Garcons probably back and maybe Mathis, but it will be a new offense completely.m I'm sure Addais cut eventually too since Brown and Carter are coming on.

I would be surprised if he returns.

Well, look at the bright side. They will have early picks for the next few years.

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I think its a 50-50 chance he stays or goes... I think if he goes he retires.... Tho who knows. All will soon be revealed.

I used to think this, but now in spite I say he plays and I hope he does. If we push him out and he retires, god that's just the saddest story ever. He may want to play and kick the crap out of them.
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Not sarcasm, just an honest question. After that last tweet, it's becoming obvious to me this doesn't end well. All the talk of balance, one guy shouldn't make a team 2-14, the firings of people who put his team in a position to be Manning dependent, all new coordinators who are pretty young and raw, first time head coach and gm. It seems that we are going to be revamping and I think we take Luck and cut the sheriff. It's going to be a sad day if true. It will be so odd to see so many greats gone. Because if Peyton goes, Saturday retires, Wayne's gone, Garcons probably back and maybe Mathis, but it will be a new offense completely.m I'm sure Addais cut eventually too since Brown and Carter are coming on.

There has bene a lot of change at one time

..but t Irsay, as he says..wants continuity...Peyton Mannng menas continuity/.

I dont think Manning anounced he was healthy....

ESPN got that from the Colts surgeon...wh apparently is differnt from the Colts doctors..

It comes down to whether Irsay really menat it when he said that money wanst an issue bring back Manning..

Everything else can be worked out and as it now appears Manning is imprvoing.

A week ago..I thoughti he was gone..

Now I think he;'ll be back....

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It doesn't look good right now. IMO, all the signs seem to point to Irsay not excersing the option. Judging from his comments and off-season actions and the still looming uncertainty regarding Manning's nerve regeneration.

Peyton and Irsay still seem to be talking at each other and not really to each other. By the time they really finally get around to it, the damage might already have been done. Peyton campaigning through the media and Irsay is tweeting more than a bird lately.

At the end, I suspect that the only winners in all of this will be the media who will most likely get what they have been working so hard to achieve this offseason, Peyton Manning playing in any city other than Indianapolis.

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I want a perfect world, which to me is keep Manning, draft Luck, and contend now and into the future. That scenerio is becoming less and less likely every day in my mind. Maybe it was never an option.

Maybe its still the most likely option but the darkside(media) has clouded your mind.

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There are some of us still holding some hope that he does. Till the statement comes that he is leaving, i will continue to hold hope he will stay.

I think that, despite what is said nationally, Manning wants to remain a Colt..

..and I honestly believe that Mr. Irsay wants him back if he can get Andrew Luck, too...

There is a lot of media in Indy now...and every word is being dissected...

..if Manning's throwing will improve in the next month (and I'd like to hear from his throwin session Tuesday night) he will be retained...and we will also retain key vets like Reggie, Saturday and Mathis


I'm one of those holding out hope this is the case.

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Id love to see him back with the colts, but at the same time i dont wanna see the colts be hurt in the long run because they held on to his contract. sorry to say after watching this season, its better to address the holes on the defense and give luck a decent team to run with then waiting a year or two until manning decides he wants to retire or hurts his neck again and luck be stuck with a team uncapable of winning 8 games. face it the defense is a bust and was only built to protect a 14+ point lead. not built to hold a 3 point lead or play from behind. which is why i love the signing of the new HC. the way he ran that defense in baltimore i liked it. and he knows how to slow Brady down, and the colts have had their issues with him although their last 8 meetings the colts are 5-3 against the pats. to be honest and i hate to say it and i deff will get yelled at by alot of fans for this but i say let Wayne walk also if he wont take less money. there is plenty of WR out there you can get for example Stevie Johnson, Dwayne Bowe, Desean Jackson although jackson will ask for alot of money i think Bowe and johnson will take a 5 yr 25 million dollar contract. if they go after Bowe it gives them a big WR target for luck to go with Garcon and the rest of the WR's on the team.

and it leaves alittle money to sign someone like CB Tracy Porter or SS Laron Landry and maybe LB Mario Williams or a DT.

Just a thought.

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Id love to see him back with the colts, but at the same time i dont wanna see the colts be hurt in the long run because they held on to his contract. sorry to say after watching this season, its better to address the holes on the defense and give luck a decent team to run with then waiting a year or two until manning decides he wants to retire or hurts his neck again and luck be stuck with a team uncapable of winning 8 games. face it the defense is a bust and was only built to protect a 14+ point lead. not built to hold a 3 point lead or play from behind. which is why i love the signing of the new HC. the way he ran that defense in baltimore i liked it. and he knows how to slow Brady down, and the colts have had their issues with him although their last 8 meetings the colts are 5-3 against the pats. to be honest and i hate to say it and i deff will get yelled at by alot of fans for this but i say let Wayne walk also if he wont take less money. there is plenty of WR out there you can get for example Stevie Johnson, Dwayne Bowe, Desean Jackson although jackson will ask for alot of money i think Bowe and johnson will take a 5 yr 25 million dollar contract. if they go after Bowe it gives them a big WR target for luck to go with Garcon and the rest of the WR's on the team.

and it leaves alittle money to sign someone like CB Tracy Porter or SS Laron Landry and maybe LB Mario Williams or a DT.

Just a thought.

But if you go with a rookie..QB...we're hurt in the short run...with an unceratin long run.....

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I'd put it at about a 10% chance that he's back with the Colts, 20% chance that he retires (but not until closer to the season), and a 70% chance he signs with another team.

There's so many changes on the Colts, it would be like playing with a new team anyway. I think the Colts would prefer he retired.

I think those are reasonable probability allocations given what we know and don't know now.

However, I also think these allocations will change dramatically if and when we know more about Peyton's performance abilities both before March 8 and before the season starts in the fall.

Before I start allocating probabilities in my own mind, I think I will wait and see what unfolds in the next month or so.

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But if you go with a rookie..QB...we're hurt in the short run...with an unceratin long run.....

thats what everyone said about manning too. they thought he was being over rated when the colts took him with the first pick and look what he has done for the colts. playoffs almost every year of his career, he had 1 losing season his whole career (rookie season) 4 time MVP, Superbowl champ.2 superbowl appearances, pro bowler just about every year of his career, fastest to 50,000 yards passing. theres always a risk in drafting a QB and him not living up to the hype. and if he dont, then we draft another QB in 2 or 3 years. thank god for the new CBA Luck cant get the big payday like Bradford and Stafford got. since they set a limit to how much first rounders can make their first contract. make him prove his self for 3 or 4 years then sign him to a bigger contract if he produces like hes suppose to.

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I think he still has about a 50-50 chance of staying in Indy Irsay even said that two parties can agree and change a contract. I do not know who started the Peyton released to play I am sure he signed an agreement with his doctors that they could release information at a certain time probably lon before we knew who would be in the super bowl. If there is any thought to trading the pick at all it is in the colts best interest to keep the thought going that they are going to take a QB with the first pick. If there was a friendship here I do not see this breaking it up. If Peyton must be cut let it be on good terms and on his time also. I do not live in Indiana any more but am still a big fan of the Colts and Peyton. I really hate seeing fans going at each other over the #1 pick and the cap issues. Maybe it is all in just good debate but it seems like it does get emotional allot. back to the the topic still 50-50

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thats what everyone said about manning too. they thought he was being over rated when the colts took him with the first pick and look what he has done for the colts. playoffs almost every year of his career, he had 1 losing season his whole career (rookie season) 4 time MVP, Superbowl champ.2 superbowl appearances, pro bowler just about every year of his career, fastest to 50,000 yards passing. theres always a risk in drafting a QB and him not living up to the hype. and if he dont, then we draft another QB in 2 or 3 years. thank god for the new CBA Luck cant get the big payday like Bradford and Stafford got. since they set a limit to how much first rounders can make their first contract. make him prove his self for 3 or 4 years then sign him to a bigger contract if he produces like hes suppose to.

That is indeed what everyone said about Manning...but the question I cant answer is: Will Andrew Luck be as good as Peyton Manning.

...To release a healthy Manning..you have to be convinced not only that AL is an NFL quality QB..but that he's a future star.

We have to find out eventually but I dont want to find out next year..

I really want our next QB not to have to play as a rookie..

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That is indeed what everyone said about Manning...but the question I cant answer is: Will Andrew Luck be as good as Peyton Manning.

...To release a healthy Manning..you have to be convinced not only that AL is an NFL quality QB..but that he's a future star.

We have to find out eventually but I dont want to find out next year..

I really want our next QB not to have to play as a rookie..

Some scouts have said that Luck is the best QB prospect since Elway. If this is true, Luck is already considered above PM at the draft prospect level (since PM came into the draft after Elway).

From this point forward, it is not possible to know how Luck will turn out in comparison to PM. They will start/have started with different Colts teams (1998 vs. 2012) with different player personnel, different coaches, different FO,

Only time will tell, as Luck compiles his NFL record sufficiently to warrant a retrospective comparison.

The only comfort I take from this is that Luck has at least the same potential (if not more) to be as successful as PM (if we believe the scouts). What Luck and/or the Colts do with that potential has yet to be seen.

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If Irsay is smart... 100% peyton's back

If Irsay stupid... 0% peyton's back

the Money made by every NFL is directly affected by the happiness of fans. Simple... True...

Media attention aside. If deemed healthy there should be no question that he return. Manning built ur kingdom Irsay. Look back at what u have without since 98. Ur the "Cleveland Raiders"

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Not a popular decision but I still think he will be forced to retire. I have a feeling the nerve and arm strength will never totally be 100% again and Manning won't take the field at anything less. His progress has been slow to say the least and I think he will get to a point where it plateau's. I really hope I'm wrong on this one though.

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As a real fan i understand how you guys feel! Peyton even with his health not a 100% is an one of the best QBs "EVER" if he is let go there is alot of us cardinals fans that would love him here in AZ,! He is a big part of the NFL! and we only dream of Peyton throwing to fitz! would be something to watch! nothing on you Colt fans! but im with you Where ever he ends up! hes an ICON!.. good luck #18!

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Here's my .02 worth. Manning said he wants to be a Colt, Irsay says a healthy Manning will be a Colt. Now it's up to both men to live up to their words and make it happen. The ball is totally in Manning's court though. The doctors have signed off on the neck fusion, but the nerve needs to be rehabbed and regenerate. Come March 7th (day before the bonus is due) if Manning still isn't at the level he needs to be then the date has to be moved. Something that only him and his agent can make happen. Peyton also needs to be more realistic on the amounts of the $ they are dealing with. It's hard not to get to bring sentiment or emotion into the matter but logically and realistically it doesn't make sense for Irsay to keep spending large quantities of money on Manning, who not even the man himself can say he's going to be able to perform at the level he needs to. Irsay will do what he feels is going to be best for this team in the next 10-15+ years, not just the next 1-3. Not necessarily on here, but I've read countless "fans" reaction that if Manning leaves they will leave, or that Irsay needs to quit "disrespecting" Manning and give him the money already. Between the new GM, HC and other staff, and hosting the Super Bowl Irsay has been quite busy with more pressing matters. Why does a decision even need to be made before 3/8? And to those who have said they'll leave the Colts fan base if Manning leaves, then I say fine, goodbye, we don't want you here anyway bandwagoners! GO COLTS!!!!

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I think that Manning has been informed that he will be released. I was definately in the club that thought that Irsay had expressed that he would like to keep Manning regardless of the financial obligations to keep him on the team, and that it all depended on Manning's health.

Then Irsay completely changed the coaching staff and the GM. The Colts organization is all new and Manning expressed his displeasure, which led to a discussion between Manning and Irsay. My opinion is that during this discussion, they talked about Manning's future and Manning learned that he will be released.

Now we are seeing Manning on TV giving an interview, his agent on TV, his doctors releasing a statement on his health, and Cooper Manning and Archie Manning providing statements that Peyton is progressing and the he will try to play again next year.

This is a clear indication that the Manning Camp has regrouped, strategized, and are now in full force to get the message out to other teams that he is healthy and can play. This is putting pressure on Irsay. Manning knows that if he is to be released, it would be better for him to be released sooner rather than later so that he can sign with another team and start to gel with his new team mates. We all know that Manning is a perfectionist and that he continuously worked with his receivers to get timing down. I'm sure that he would like to continue his rehab with the new staff, trainers, and team mates at his new team.

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I think that Manning has been informed that he will be released. I was definately in the club that thought that Irsay had expressed that he would like to keep Manning regardless of the financial obligations to keep him on the team, and that it all depended on Manning's health.

Then Irsay completely changed the coaching staff and the GM. The Colts organization is all new and Manning expressed his displeasure, which led to a discussion between Manning and Irsay. My opinion is that during this discussion, they talked about Manning's future and Manning learned that he will be released.

Now we are seeing Manning on TV giving an interview, his agent on TV, his doctors releasing a statement on his health, and Cooper Manning and Archie Manning providing statements that Peyton is progressing and the he will try to play again next year.

This is a clear indication that the Manning Camp has regrouped, strategized, and are now in full force to get the message out to other teams that he is healthy and can play. This is putting pressure on Irsay. Manning knows that if he is to be released, it would be better for him to be released sooner rather than later so that he can sign with another team and start to gel with his new team mates. We all know that Manning is a perfectionist and that he continuously worked with his receivers to get timing down. I'm sure that he would like to continue his rehab with the new staff, trainers, and team mates at his new team.

exactly what I suspect as well.

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Here's my .02 worth. Manning said he wants to be a Colt, Irsay says a healthy Manning will be a Colt. Now it's up to both men to live up to their words and make it happen. The ball is totally in Manning's court though. The doctors have signed off on the neck fusion, but the nerve needs to be rehabbed and regenerate. Come March 7th (day before the bonus is due) if Manning still isn't at the level he needs to be then the date has to be moved. Something that only him and his agent can make happen. Peyton also needs to be more realistic on the amounts of the $ they are dealing with. It's hard not to get to bring sentiment or emotion into the matter but logically and realistically it doesn't make sense for Irsay to keep spending large quantities of money on Manning, who not even the man himself can say he's going to be able to perform at the level he needs to. Irsay will do what he feels is going to be best for this team in the next 10-15+ years, not just the next 1-3. Not necessarily on here, but I've read countless "fans" reaction that if Manning leaves they will leave, or that Irsay needs to quit "disrespecting" Manning and give him the money already. Between the new GM, HC and other staff, and hosting the Super Bowl Irsay has been quite busy with more pressing matters. Why does a decision even need to be made before 3/8? And to those who have said they'll leave the Colts fan base if Manning leaves, then I say fine, goodbye, we don't want you here anyway bandwagoners! GO COLTS!!!!

That's when Manning's bonus has to be paid. The Colts will not be the same franchise without Manning. Manning turned the Colts into one of the most DOMINANT franchises in the NFL. Manning built Lucas Oil Stadium(fans would still be watching games in the RCA Dome without Manning being here). Manning is the reason the Super Bowl is in Indy. The NFL decides the Super Bowl cities based on team performance and their stadium. We wouldn't have the stadium or the past winning seasons without Manning. The city probably wouldn't even have a professional football team. Many fans will leave the Colts camp if Manning is gone, I WILL NOT, however, I'm going to be prepared to see many miserable years ahead of us, unless Luck is the next Manning, which is highly doubtful, because Peyton Manning's don't come around too often.

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If Irsay is smart... 100% peyton's back

If Irsay stupid... 0% peyton's back

the Money made by every NFL is directly affected by the happiness of fans. Simple... True...

Media attention aside. If deemed healthy there should be no question that he return. Manning built ur kingdom Irsay. Look back at what u have without since 98. Ur the "Cleveland Raiders"

So are you saying the team will never make money without Peyton? So in your opinion when Manning is done they should just sell the team and implode the stadium. We all love PM,but some of you act like this is a 28 year old QB with turf toe!!!
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There are some of us still holding some hope that he does. Till the statement comes that he is leaving, i will continue to hold hope he will stay.


I'm not a die-hard Peyton fan boy. From an objective standpoint, I think he's the best thing for our team for the next few years and I don't think retaining him should affect our future negatively.

I think alot of people have convinced themselves that releasing him is the best option because of the frustration of last season.

All that being said, I do have a disgusting feeling in my gut that Manning is already one foot out the door.

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I think we were taking Luck regardless of what happened with Manning. Most of the fans on here thought that just a few weeks ago as well. They were in the "this is like Favre/Rodgers p.2!!!!" Now they say we can only take one or the other, and the salary won't work out, etc., even though they claimed that wasn't an issue just a few weeks ago.

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