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"sources" Manning Is Not Progressing/more Than Likely Retire (Merge)


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So Rob Lowe might not sound as stupid as many thought. Its sad if this is true, but I kind of had a feeling about it all along. Irsay has been dropping hints of this for a while(since the presser to fire the Polians) and many people just flat refused to read between the lines.

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I know it's uncomfortable for Colts and fans, but I hope he waits until the fall to retire to give it more time to see if the nerve regenerates. I don't want him to retire and unretire. That means that Colts have to release him if he's not ready to play yet, but he shouldn't rush it.

If it takes his nerve the whole year of 2012 to regenerate, not sure which direction Peyton will go. He may retire and unretire but it would sure not be the same case as Favre retiring and unretiring, that is for sure. But then, the Colts cannot play the eternal waiting game either. Tough, tough decision for both Irsay and Peyton.

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I'm confused. What is Gil Brandt's job? I didn't know he was a reporter of any type. Isn't he in his 80's?

Good Lord people, Try google for crying out loud.

"Brandt currently contributes to NFL.com as a senior analyst. He is their main personnel guru, offering insight and commentary on all aspects of players and teams. Gil is also a major contributor in selecting the Playboy All-American Football Team along with sports editor Gary Cole. Brandt has also been responsible for inviting collegiate players to the NFL Draft every year. He is a regular on Sirius NFL Radio Network as a commentator on "Late Hits", "The Red Zone", and the "SIRIUS NFL Tailgate Show."


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That is one of the most selfish things I've heard on this board. You'd rather him be forced into premature retirement when he clearly wants to keep playing than for him to have the opportunity to finish out his career on his own terms?

I fully think that if Peyton does indeed retire it will be because he knows that this is the best decision for him and his family . I don't think he will be forced into anything. Do you truely think Peyton Manning can be forced to do something he hasn't decided was best for him? :???: NOT

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No need to be nasty. If he's still an active reporter, I'm sure the Mannings know better than to give him any real information.

Not trying to be nasty but there is always a real easy way to find out information. Back on topic, Who knows whether its true right now or not, but where there is smoke there is usually fire and like I said in an earlier post, Irsay has been dropping hints of this for a while(not retirement, but Manning not healing). If Brandt really is a close family friend( and I believe Peter King that he is) he Probably does know and If you have this kind of info, I don't care who you are, you're going to share it with somebody.

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Not trying to be nasty but there is always a real easy way to find out information. Back on topic, Who knows whether its true right now or not, but where there is smoke there is usually fire and like I said in an earlier post, Irsay has been dropping hints of this for a while(not retirement, but Manning not healing). If Brandt really is a close family friend( and I believe Peter King that he is) he Probably does know and If you have this kind of info, I don't care who you are, you're going to share it with somebody.

Probably would be a good idea if he is a good friend of the family is keep things confidential and let Peyton make his own announcement. That's what should happen. JMO

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That is one of the most selfish things I've heard on this board. You'd rather him be forced into premature retirement when he clearly wants to keep playing than for him to have the opportunity to finish out his career on his own terms?

over dramatize things much? Seriously...one of the most selfish things you've read on this board? Guess you got to read it a lot in this thread then as it's pretty much a common theme.

If he retires, it's due to injury and his inability to play at a certain level and/or his lack of desire to risk further injury. He wouldn't be the 1st or last player to have their career ended before they would have liked.

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Probably would be a good idea if he is a good friend of the family is keep things confidential and let Peyton make his own announcement. That's what should happen. JMO

I don't think any human is above making a mistake. Maybe he should have kept it quiet, but having that kind of info would be hard to hang onto without letting it slip.

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This whole thing is amazing. I like to think that this message board is a microcosm for all things that Colts fans feel...and its interesting that a thread saying that Peyton is in a new commercial and that proves he's ready is right next to a thread saying hes retiring.

If you need further proof that no one knows whats going on...just look at this board, take a deep breath, and sit and wait like the rest of us.

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Not me but I want the decision to be his and his alone on what he thinks he should do.

I wasn't and won't be pointing any fingers, but those (insert insult of your choice here) know who they are.

At this point it can't be his decision. He might choose to retire, but it's not going out on his own terms is what i mean, and that kinda, sorta, just really sucks...

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There are a few that seem tickled pink.

I don't know of any Colts fan that would be tickled pink. I know that some(including myself) have chosen to accept it and move on. There is really no reason not too. Nobody on this board or any fan in general can do a thing about it. May as well embrace the changes and enjoy the next era of Colts football.

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Peter King of SI and NBC Sports reported Sunday that Peyton Manning (neck surgeries) is "struggling" to get healthy.

Manning needs to get to 100 percent before March 8, when his roster bonus comes due, in order to have any prayer of seeing the $28 million payment. (It's not happening.) The new expectation around the league is that Manning will be released before the start of the NFL Scouting Combine in late February.

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This so sucks if true. I wanted to see him win another one, with this team or another.

Im still holding out hope til March 8th or an announcement but were not talking just NFL network bloggers anymore. I respect Brandt and King.

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So Rob Lowe might not sound as stupid as many thought. Its sad if this is true, but I kind of had a feeling about it all along. Irsay has been dropping hints of this for a while(since the presser to fire the Polians) and many people just flat refused to read between the lines.

First of all, no one would drop hints about something like that. The announcement would just come. Second, no one close to Manning is reporting anything, so unless Peyton himself says it, it's not valid. Finally, people aren't reading between the lines because those who have were all debunked by Irsay in some form or another the last few weeks. Reading between the lines shouldn't be mistaken for reading too much into a cryptic comment, or speculating without facts.

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I posted a few days back that Jackie McMullin said on ESPN that she had sources that told her that the Colts team Doctors have informed Irsay that Manning should not play again and that he's not going to completely recover. I have no idea how reliable her sources are, but this seems to be somewhat consistant information.

If her sources are true, I would hop that Peyton's family and friends would convince him to call it a career. I'd LOVE watching him play for 4 or 5 more years. But it's not worth catastrophic injury.

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I fully think that if Peyton does indeed retire it will be because he knows that this is the best decision for him and his family . I don't think he will be forced into anything. Do you truely think Peyton Manning can be forced to do something he hasn't decided was best for him? :???: NOT

I am talking about being forced to retire due to injury, not by someone else.

over dramatize things much? Seriously...one of the most selfish things you've read on this board? Guess you got to read it a lot in this thread then as it's pretty much a common theme.

If he retires, it's due to injury and his inability to play at a certain level and/or his lack of desire to risk further injury. He wouldn't be the 1st or last player to have their career ended before they would have liked.

But you are saying you would rather his career end sooner because you don't want to see him play for another team. How is that not selfish? What other motivation could you have for wanting him to hang it up completely instead of having a chance to play somewhere else?

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First of all, no one would drop hints about something like that. The announcement would just come. Second, no one close to Manning is reporting anything, so unless Peyton himself says it, it's not valid. Finally, people aren't reading between the lines because those who have were all debunked by Irsay in some form or another the last few weeks. Reading between the lines shouldn't be mistaken for reading too much into a cryptic comment, or speculating without facts.

I think it was just last week that Peyton said he had NOT made the decision to retire

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The fact were calling speculation " reports" is a joke.


The journalistic laziness is astounding. "Reading between the lines" has slowly become investigative reporting.

One of the problems I've had with a lot of these recent reports is that they seem to be third hand conversations, without any delving or explanation into which the statements they're quoting arose.

I'm just left with more questions and wondering why the media personalities aren't at least skeptical sometimes. Tweeting, "Oh, I hope it isn't true" doesn't count

And they don't necessarily jive with the timeline of recent events. December 22nd, Stampede Blue reported Manning was throwing the ball to players, and SI's Will Carrol reported Manning's throwing was 85-90%. It was more about conditioning, not the nerve. But then a few days ago there was that story Irsay had been telling potential GM candidates in early January, just a few weeks after news Peyton's bone had healed and was throwing, that he'd decided to drop Manning and would officially announce it before the NFL Scouting Combine. It doesn't add up. And why reporters aren't scrutinizing a story like that more and treating gut reactions and heresay as fact is ridiculous.

No doubt they're anxious. And they're dealing with one of the most private qbs and cryptic owners in the NFL.

But there have been no emails attained. No secret footage of Peyton's work out sessions or him attempting to throw a deep ball. No word from Peyton's nuerosurgeon. No definite word from Manning himself. (And I think getting back into professional shape, let alone recovering from his type of surgery is frustrating enough).

ESPN, I know you so want #18 to play for the Jets, but can I ask for just a little bit more intelligence in your reporting?

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He is still a jock wit the brain of a jock (Joe Namath, John Unitas, Joe Montana,) which means no integrity as they would rather look the fool for all to see than to admit it is OVER! If he does quit then more power to him but I'll bet my farm he cannot take his pads off.

Plus, we would like to have him in Houston to take the Texans to the Super Bowl next year.

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