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Ravens player Tray Walker dies after tragic motorcycle accident


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4 hours ago, The Old Crow said:

A terrible loss and waste. Maybe the mayor of Baltimore, and other cities, will finally start cracking down on these unauthorized dirt bikes that are running around the cities. They are killing pedestrians, and the dirt bike riders themselves. 

Is it not already against the law to ride a dirt bike on city roads in Baltimore?   I know it is in Indiana

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21 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Is it not already against the law to ride a dirt bike on city roads in Baltimore?   I know it is in Indiana


Man its a tradition up there. They've been doing this for years. If you've ever been to Baltimore you'll see what I'm talking about. There will be literally 20-30- or more people riding dirt bikes down the roads.

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26 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Is it not already against the law to ride a dirt bike on city roads in Baltimore?   I know it is in Indiana


Go to YouTube and type in Baltimore 12 o' clock boys. Or watch the documentary they made with the same title.

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2 minutes ago, COLTS449 said:


Man its a tradition up there. They've been doing this for years. If you've ever been to Baltimore you'll see what I'm talking about. There will be literally 20-30- or more people riding dirt bikes down the roads.

Wow,  that definitely needs to be addressed.    Dirt bikes aren't safe on city streets,  especially at dusk or later

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50 minutes ago, COLTS449 said:


Go to YouTube and type in Baltimore 12 o' clock boys. Or watch the documentary they made with the same title.


5 hours ago, The Old Crow said:

A terrible loss and waste. Maybe the mayor of Baltimore, and other cities, will finally start cracking down on these unauthorized dirt bikes that are running around the cities. They are killing pedestrians, and the dirt bike riders themselves. 

I just watched the You Tube video in question. SMH. Who in their right mind would think this foolishness is sophisticated & cool? I'm referring to the black man in the video not C-449 or TOC BTW. 


Yes, this bone headed stupidity needs to be stopped no question. I doubt this guy would be smiling if he accidentally killed somebody or took out an innocent citizen just minding their own business not bothering anybody. 


That fool reminds me of bafoons who drag race on city streets, hit mailboxes with baseball bats, & just destroy property with explosives for fun. If I saw that in a courtroom as a judge, I'd charge that man with reckless endangerment at a minimum. 

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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:


I just watched the You Tube video in question. SMH. Who in their right mind would think this foolishness is sophisticated & cool? I'm referring to the black man in the video not C-449 or TOC BTW. 


Yes, this bone headed stupidity needs to be stopped no question. I doubt this guy would be smiling if he accidentally killed somebody or took out an innocent citizen just minding their own business not bothering anybody. 


That fool reminds me of bafoons who drag race on city streets, hit mailboxes with baseball bats, & just destroy property with explosives for fun. If I saw that in a courtroom as a judge, I'd charge that man with reckless endangerment at a minimum. 


I believe there was a child who got hit by a dirt bile a couple years ago. I don't remember for sure, but I think it was fatal. Anyway they said the rider ran and checked on the kid, SHOOK him and then jumped on his bike and ran off when he realized he had seriously injured the child. But there's hundreds of videos they've posted on YouTube. Watch the documentary they made. It tells all about it. Here's another regular video though.



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2 hours ago, COLTS449 said:


Man its a tradition up there. They've been doing this for years. If you've ever been to Baltimore you'll see what I'm talking about. There will be literally 20-30- or more people riding dirt bikes down the roads.

dirt bikes or enduro bikes almost the same thing but enduro has lights and turn signals street legal

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My heart aches for the kid and his loved ones. So young...  

Life is bigger than football and heroics.


Tray Walker was a teammate of Teddy Bridgewater in high school. Teddy wrote this on Instagram:


"Today we lost more than an athlete, we lost a son, a brother, a teammate, a classmate, a friend, and a GREAT person. You proved that something positive can come out of Miami Northwestern and off of 71st Street. You were loved by many in the community and looked upon as a role model. It's saddens me today knowing you were just scratching the surface and about to reach your full potential, but I know we serve a Mighty God who sits high and looks low and he has a plan for us all to prosper. Continue to watch over your family, teammates and loved ones. RIP Tray aka FreshKid. My condolences to the Walker family."


Rest in peace, Tray. My condolences to his family, the Ravens, and their fans..

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4 hours ago, COLTS449 said:


I believe there was a child who got hit by a dirt bile a couple years ago. I don't remember for sure, but I think it was fatal. Anyway they said the rider ran and checked on the kid, SHOOK him and then jumped on his bike and ran off when he realized he had seriously injured the child. But there's hundreds of videos they've posted on YouTube. Watch the documentary they made. It tells all about it. Here's another regular video though.



I've never been to Baltimore before so I had no idea this wheelie past time was so commonplace. A real eye opener that's for sure. If I did live in Maryland though, these crazy antics on a dirt bike or 4 wheeler would drive me nuts. 


In the link you posted, nobody is wearing helmets, elbow pads, or even knee pads. The do a wheelie & touch the pavement with their hand like they are invincible gods from Greek Mythology or something. Just absurd if you ask me. Could you imagine learning how to drive a car as a teenager around this nonsense. These fools cross over several lanes on their bikes never even looking. I have zero tolerance for behavior like this on public roads or freeways especially running thru lights & not even stopping or slowing down. I'm speechless. 


I get that young kids need to blow off steam & all, but not like this...How do responsible harding working citizens there cope with this? When I was a grad student at UW-Madison, students there failed to observe the rules of the road on mopeds sometimes flying thru bicycle lanes to beat traffic jams which I never cared for all that much, but at least they kept both wheels firmly on the ground all the time. 

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5 hours ago, southwest1 said:

I've never been to Baltimore before so I had no idea this wheelie past time was so commonplace. A real eye opener that's for sure. If I did live in Maryland though, these crazy antics on a dirt bike or 4 wheeler would drive me nuts. 


In the link you posted, nobody is wearing helmets, elbow pads, or even knee pads. The do a wheelie & touch the pavement with their hand like they are invincible gods from Greek Mythology or something. Just absurd if you ask me. Could you imagine learning how to drive a car as a teenager around this nonsense. These fools cross over several lanes on their bikes never even looking. I have zero tolerance for behavior like this on public roads or freeways especially running thru lights & not even stopping or slowing down. I'm speechless. 


I get that young kids need to blow off steam & all, but not like this...How do responsible harding working citizens there cope with this? When I was a grad student at UW-Madison, students there failed to observe the rules of the road on mopeds sometimes flying thru bicycle lanes to beat traffic jams which I never cared for all that much, but at least they kept both wheels firmly on the ground all the time. 




The tragic accident didn't happen in Baltimore.     It happened down in Florida where the kid is from.    It's the off-season.      Players -- especially young ones -- do stupid stuff during the off-season.    It's why all coaches and front office types dread the off-season.     Their players get into trouble with too much money and too much time on their hands.


But this is NOT a Baltimore thing.   



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12 hours ago, COLTS449 said:


Man its a tradition up there. They've been doing this for years. If you've ever been to Baltimore you'll see what I'm talking about. There will be literally 20-30- or more people riding dirt bikes down the roads.

This happened in Florida, not Maryland.

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19 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

Is it not already against the law to ride a dirt bike on city roads in Baltimore?   I know it is in Indiana


It's totally against the law in Baltimore, but the same weak willed mayor who called the police off during the rioting, lets these dirt bikes run around, and the police are told to ignore it. A young girl was killed walking down the street by a dirt biker, but the answer from the politicians is to possibly build a dirt bike track with tax payer money. Many of these dirt bikes are stolen , and the fun of it for these guys, is to run around on the streets flaunting it to the police. These guys are doing wheelies down sidewalks and major streets downtown, while the police are ordered to stand down and ignore it. This incident happened in Miami, but the buffoonery is obviously spreading from Baltimore. 

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23 hours ago, The Old Crow said:

A terrible loss and waste. Maybe the mayor of Baltimore, and other cities, will finally start cracking down on these unauthorized dirt bikes that are running around the citts, and no protection eqipment was unfortunate combination.  My prayers go to his family and teamies. They are killing pedestrians, and the dirt bike riders themselves. 


This happened in Miami (Liberty City).  Even riding a street legal motorcycle is very dangerous in Florida now, because of the tourist season and huge the volume of traffic on the roads.  Tray being on an Off Highway Vehicle (OHM) wearing dark clothing, no lights, and no protection was an unfortunate combination.


My prayers go to his family and team.

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12 hours ago, southwest1 said:

I've never been to Baltimore before so I had no idea this wheelie past time was so commonplace. A real eye opener that's for sure. If I did live in Maryland though, these crazy antics on a dirt bike or 4 wheeler would drive me nuts. 


In the link you posted, nobody is wearing helmets, elbow pads, or even knee pads. The do a wheelie & touch the pavement with their hand like they are invincible gods from Greek Mythology or something. Just absurd if you ask me. Could you imagine learning how to drive a car as a teenager around this nonsense. These fools cross over several lanes on their bikes never even looking. I have zero tolerance for behavior like this on public roads or freeways especially running thru lights & not even stopping or slowing down. I'm speechless. 


I get that young kids need to blow off steam & all, but not like this...How do responsible harding working citizens there cope with this? When I was a grad student at UW-Madison, students there failed to observe the rules of the road on mopeds sometimes flying thru bicycle lanes to beat traffic jams which I never cared for all that much, but at least they kept both wheels firmly on the ground all the time. 


The other sad thing is since that ridiculous movie about the 12 o clock boys in Baltimore, this stupidity is spreading , and apparently worked its way down to Miami. 


Walker was a nice kid that made a tragic mistake , as Harbaugh pointed out, but this reckless dirt biking has to stop. This stuff is very dangerous , and should not be glorified. We need to enforce the laws on the books or more people will get killed. 

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1 minute ago, The Old Crow said:


 We need to enforce the laws on the books or more people will get killed. 


If any of the Miami-Dade police or Dade County Sheriff's deputies saw him, they would have stopped and cited him. Education is proactive and needed, enforcement is reactive; but quite necessary as well.

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Just now, ColtsBlueFL said:


This happened in Miami (Liberty City).  Even riding a street legal motorcycle is very dangerous in Florida now, because of the tourist season and huge the volume of traffic on the roads.  Tray being on an Off Highway Vehicle (OHM) wearing dark clothing, no lights, and no protection was an unfortunate combination.


My prayers go to his family and team.



I'm sick about it also. From what I heard he was a nice kid , and had a great football future with the Ravens . We know young people make mistakes, and this one cost him his life, which is horribly tragic. My prayers also go out to his family, but I'm hoping this will help focus public opinion against this reckless dirt biking danger. When you make a movie and videos glorifying this dangerous behavior, more people may try it, and more people die. I think the pedestrian killed in Baltimore was a 15 year old girl who was walking down the street and hit by a dirt biker. How horrific must that had been for her parents ? Now Tray is gone having made a terrible mistake. The answer is easy, enforce the laws on the books , and impound these illegal dirt bikes running around the city. If you want to ride them, go off road and enjoy yourselves , but pulling wheelies down sidewalks and crowded city streets is just ridiculous. 

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8 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


If any of the Miami-Dade police or Dade County Sheriff's deputies saw him, they would have stopped and cited him. Education is proactive and needed, enforcement is reactive; but quite necessary as well.


The sad thing in Baltimore is the police are told to ignore it and look the other way. One citizen called police about these dirt bikers riding down the sidewalks , and was told by a dispatcher to stop calling about it because the police couldn't do anything about it. The politicians solution is to build a dirt bike track, but we know that won't work because the fun of it is the thrill of flaunting it down busy streets in front of a police force that has been ordered to stand down on this. 

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In Florida, there are signs everywhere to educate car drivers to watch extra careful for motorcyclists.  Even highway signs when no other alerts are apparent like-




and bilboard signs, etc...


I had sold my two MC's a few years back because of the danger in FL, and won't consider another until my son graduates high school.  Even then, I won't ride in the city, but county and state roads in the country.  And I know local, county, and state police will cite motorcyclists not obeying the laws here.


Seems Baltimore doesn't care about others not citing the bikers there.  It's one thing to increase danger to oneself, but to include endangering others is where the line has to be drawn.

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2 hours ago, The Old Crow said:


It's totally against the law in Baltimore, but the same weak willed mayor who called the police off during the rioting, lets these dirt bikes run around, and the police are told to ignore it. A young girl was killed walking down the street by a dirt biker, but the answer from the politicians is to possibly build a dirt bike track with tax payer money. Many of these dirt bikes are stolen , and the fun of it for these guys, is to run around on the streets flaunting it to the police. These guys are doing wheelies down sidewalks and major streets downtown, while the police are ordered to stand down and ignore it. This incident happened in Miami, but the buffoonery is obviously spreading from Baltimore. 


That's what I was thinking when I realized this didn't actually happen in Baltimore. And I guess you know why its spreading to other cities don't you? The documentary they made that airs on showtime.

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According to the Miami-Dade Police Department, Walker was driving his dirt bike west on Northwest 75th Street when he collided with a Ford Escape traveling south on Northwest 21st Avenue, just before 8 p.m. Thursday. The driver of the SUV, Donzetta Coaxum, 62, of Miami, was uninjured and remained at the scene.

Detective Dan Ferrin, a spokesman for the Miami-Dade Police Department, said Walker’s bike didn’t have headlights. He was also wearing dark clothing, “which may have been a factor,” according to detective Alvaro Zabaleta.



Very sad and very preventable. 


My sympathy to his family.  It's extremely difficult to cope with such a senseless loss.


People, be careful on the roads and wear helmets if you ride on a motorcycle.  you may not care but your family does

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