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Caldwell Fired [Merge with Poll]

Susie Q

Caldwell Firing  

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  1. 1. Did the Colts do the right thing firing Caldwell

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That was about Spags being named head coach not Caldwell being fired. Also I've been saying since the Saints game i wasn't going to be surprised what happened with Caldwell either way. So if you are just here to say I told you so good luck because I've changed my tune on Caldwell since the start of the season in terms of him keeping his job. I was wrong about him at the start of the season. There you go.

It's all good. ;)

I had to say it being that you were so dead set on your stance before.


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The logic Buck. is Maning will be one PO'd player now that he cannot control the O without JC being around to bow to his every command. And yes, if he goes to another team he'll pick up their system overnight. Manning will not take too knidly without good ole JC around.

So basically you are saying that Manning is not a team player? That he is selfish and only wants to be a Colt if he completely controls the offense and the head coach? Why would it be different if he went to another team? Why would he want to go to another team and pick up their playbook over night and not want to do the same in Indy? Your argument is contradictory...

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bkravitz Bob Kravitz

What the Caldwell firing tells me is, the Colts are ready to move on without #18. IF PM is coming back, you keep the old gang together.

29 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Maybe, maybe not. Time will tell. Maybe they just felt a new HC will give Manning the best chance to win another SB. The speculation over the next few months is going to be over the top. At least the I hate JC and Polian threads will be gone...

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I believe that Manning will seriously consider refusing to renegotiate his contract to force Grigson and Irsay to cut him. He will end up going to the Jets and we will have to live with him taking them to his next Super Bowl. There is no way that Irsay can sign him and trade him forcing the team to eat $28 million.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHAAAAAAAHAW, whew, hehehe, heeeeeheeeee......

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It's all good. ;)

I had to say it being that you were so dead set on your stance before.


No you didn't you wanted to play told you so. We've all been wrong here before. We will all be wrong again. It's not a big deal. Like I said I was wrong about my view on him at the start of the season. I wasn't the only person who held that view. With that said you felt the need to single me out so fine. I am glad you got to have your I told you so moment. Congradulations you were right and I was wrong despite the fact I've been saying I wasn't going to be surprised what was going to happen to Caldwell at the end of the year, or changing my view towards the end of the years saying Caldwell should be fired or when others were getting upset about the tweet saying he was going to be kept I was the one going it's still just a rumor or that I said when Polian was fired it was only a matter of time till Caldwell got fired. Yeah I had the wrong view point at the start of the season, I've come around since then. With that said credit to those who have been saying he would be fired all along. You all were right.

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Fine with the thought of Spagnolo being hired, but didn't he just come off of a 2-14 season as well? What about the arguments that anyone with that bad a season just has to go?

Because Spagnulo actually shows some emotion on the sidelines. There's a difference between trying to avoid losing and just plain losing. Caldwell is the latter. Caldwell could care less that we lost, because in all his fricking press conferences and interviews, Caldwell would always harp on the positives. The only negative thing out of Caldwell would be optimistic statements, saying we have a great group of guys who are looking to improve.

Just once, it would have been nice if Caldwell had said we need to get our act together and start playing football like men.

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No sane GM would keep Caldwell. I'm amazed he wasn't canned within 24 hours of Grigson entering the scene. (Probably just out of tact)

No NFL team will pick up Caldwell as a head coach. I suppose he could always go back to college where he enjoyed massive succe....... ... oh..nevermind.

Edit: Also Remedy you may want to change your sig to Caldwell's glasses displaying the Windows Blue Screen of Death. :D

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I believe that Manning will seriously consider refusing to renegotiate his contract to force Grigson and Irsay to cut him. He will end up going to the Jets and we will have to live with him taking them to his next Super Bowl. There is no way that Irsay can sign him and trade him forcing the team to eat $28 million.

Because they fired Caldwell?

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Because Spagnulo actually shows some emotion on the sidelines. There's a difference between trying to avoid losing and just plain losing. Caldwell is the latter. Caldwell could care less that we lost, because in all his fricking press conferences and interviews, Caldwell would always harp on the positives. The only negative thing out of Caldwell would be optimistic statements, saying we have a great group of guys who are looking to improve.

Just once, it would have been nice if Caldwell had said we need to get our act together and start playing football like men.

That's incredibly shallow reasoning. You honestly think that Caldwell "could care less that we lost" because he emphasized the positive? Please. Maybe he should carry a sign on his chest telling people what he is feeling since it's apparently so vital to the job description. :sarcasm:

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Because Spagnulo actually shows some emotion on the sidelines. There's a difference between trying to avoid losing and just plain losing. Caldwell is the latter. Caldwell could care less that we lost, because in all his fricking press conferences and interviews, Caldwell would always harp on the positives. The only negative thing out of Caldwell would be optimistic statements, saying we have a great group of guys who are looking to improve.

Just once, it would have been nice if Caldwell had said we need to get our act together and start playing football like men.

Aside from playing football like women..?? Whaaa?? I take offense to that. lmao

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He was upset when they fired Bill Polian and was very close to Caldwell. He knows there is no loyalty on the part of management, so why should he show loyalty?

Come on man. Manning is loyal to Indy fans and Jim Irsay is loyal to Manning.

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No you didn't you wanted to play told you so. We've all been wrong here before. We will all be wrong again. It's not a big deal. Like I said I was wrong about my view on him at the start of the season. I wasn't the only person who held that view. With that said you felt the need to single me out so fine. I am glad you got to have your I told you so moment. Congradulations you were right and I was wrong despite the fact I've been saying I wasn't going to be surprised what was going to happen to Caldwell at the end of the year, or changing my view towards the end of the years saying Caldwell should be fired or when others were getting upset about the tweet saying he was going to be kept I was the one going it's still just a rumor or that I said when Polian was fired it was only a matter of time till Caldwell got fired. Yeah I had the wrong view point at the start of the season, I've come around since then. With that said credit to those who have been saying he would be fired all along. You all were right.

You seem upset. Might want to breathe a little. Long deep breathes.

I don't care how much you backtrack. It is what it is.

I had history on my side of the debate. You had "feelings". Don't blame me for you being singled out here. You did that to yourself.

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The logic Buck. is Maning will be one PO'd player now that he cannot control the O without JC being around to bow to his every command. And yes, if he goes to another team he'll pick up their system overnight. Manning will not take too knidly without good ole JC around.

This logic fails on the premise that Caldwell isn't working elsewhere either. If he can't control the offense with some as of yet to be named offensive coordinator (which, as far as I can tell, is Clyde Christensen's job), then why would someone else just give it to Manning? And if they say "Heck, I've got Peyton Manning. I'll just let him run the offense." then why can't someone in Indy?

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