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Bills hire NFL's FIRST Female Assistant Coach....


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A little history in the NFL today....


Buffalo has hired the first full-time assistant coach in league history.


Katherine Smith will be the quality-control coach for special teams.     She's been with Rex Ryan for 7 years dating back to their time with the NY Jets.   She's worked in the personnel office and around the front office for both NY and Buffalo.     Ryan has elevated her.  


Good for her and good for Buffalo.  


Here's your story.....



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1 minute ago, WoolMagnet said:

That's an impressive "FEET."

actually, i'll bet she actuslly has IMPRESSIVE FEET.

she probably went to the interview in flipflops..

Way to devalue the accomplishments of a woman who probably knows more about football than you with crude sexualization.



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1 hour ago, ReMeDy said:

Wow, she's pretty hot!


Edit: Oops, was looking at Miss Colombia pics.

Well, if Rex Ryan likes his assistant's feet, who am I to judge?

You're 1st line made me smirk RMDY. Probably because just once I wanna hear a female fan say a male NFL coordinator is dreamy. 


I know; I know in the modern 21st Century, men are supposed to judge a fellow NFL employee on their merits & credentials not their gender or their physical appearance I get all that PC stuff. However, I just like to know that women are honest & they too can admit when they find somebody else attractive or easy on the eyes once in awhile. End rant. 

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2 hours ago, SkyBane said:

Way to devalue the accomplishments of a woman who probably knows more about football than you with crude sexualization.



Oh come on.

it was a foot joke.

i would think butt or boobs might be sexist but it was a rex ryan foot joke.

heck, i'll bet his male coaching staff has to pass the foot test.

no corns, bunions, or funky toe nails allowed.

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28 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

You're 1st line made me smirk RMDY. Probably because just once I wanna hear a female fan say a male NFL coordinator is dreamy. 


I know; I know in the modern 21st Century, men are supposed to judge a fellow NFL employee on their merits & credentials not their gender or their physical appearance I get all that PC stuff. However, I just like to know that women are honest & they too can admit when they find somebody else attractive or easy on the eyes once in awhile. End rant. 


Well I think some guys are hot, yeah. Not Rex Ryan though or his brother so I can keep this thread on topic with the Bills. 


I am not overly into jocks though to begin with, I don't love them bulked up to the max. So yes women can love football and not be into the guys in tight pants only thing. ;) 


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12 minutes ago, WoolMagnet said:


no corns, bunions, or funky toe nails allowed.


Thats so tough to do, to have perfect feet. Just wearing everyday shoes can be a killer. Dry feet too.


I can imagine being on the Bills must be tougher then we can imagine.......

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We can make fun of men for always trying to be macho, but we can't make fun of women for always trying to be pretty? 


Suck my big toe, social justice warriors. Learn to laugh at yourself and others and stop bullying people with your stick-in-the-mud self righteousness. 


This is why I mostly lurk here anymore. Too many of you act like brats lookin' for an internet fight over literally every god flippin' damned thing.

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2 hours ago, SkyBane said:

Way to devalue the accomplishments of a woman who probably knows more about football than you with crude sexualization.



If anything, the comment in question devalued Rex Ryan's acumen toward his staffing selection process. 



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2 minutes ago, ruksak said:

We can make fun of men for always trying to be macho, but we can't make fun of women for always trying to be pretty? 


Suck my big toe, social justice warriors. Learn to laugh at yourself and others and stop bullying people with your stick-in-the-mud self righteousness. 


This is why I mostly lurk here anymore. Too many of you act like brats lookin' for an internet fight over literally every god flippin' damned thing.


Rex Ryan posts here in the offseason?


Okay sorry mods.



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Jules, you plucked the subtext out like an expert. I thought that little remark might go unnoticed for a bit longer than a minute. 


Sorry for my rant above, but I miss many of my old friends here and every time I come here, find a subject I'm interested in, the thread has already devolved into mudslinging. Such a turn-off...really. 

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2 minutes ago, Jules said:

Okay on topic, congrats to the woman. And I still like Rex as a coach and hope it works out for him somehow with Buffalo since we need AFC east competition. ;)



Yes, congrats to her. Kickin some butt in a "man's world".

i know alot of female professionals in traditionally male fields.

they all tell me the other (few) women peers are more cutthroat then the men actually.

good for her.

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1 minute ago, ruksak said:

Jules, you plucked the subtext out like an expert. I thought that little remark might go unnoticed for a bit longer than a minute. 


Sorry for my rant above, but I miss many of my old friends here and every time I come here, find a subject I'm interested in, the thread has already devolved into mudslinging. Such a turn-off...really. 


Nice to see you back again. Hope all is well. 


No problem, I feel kinda silly tonight anyway. Poor Rex Ryan though.....he will never live down the foot thing. lmao


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2 hours ago, Jules said:


Well I think some guys are hot, yeah. Not Rex Ryan though or his brother so I can keep this thread on topic with the Bills. 


I am not overly into jocks though to begin with, I don't love them bulked up to the max. So yes women can love football and not be into the guys in tight pants only thing. ;) 


Thanks for playing along Jules. I appreciate it. You're last line was priceless. :hat:


It's nice to know that some women pass on jocks in favor of men because of the size of their...Wallets, brains, & sense of adventure. Why what did you think I was referring to? Just messin' with ya Jules. I always do that with people I'm fond of. 

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2 hours ago, ruksak said:

We can make fun of men for always trying to be macho, but we can't make fun of women for always trying to be pretty? 


Suck my big toe, social justice warriors. Learn to laugh at yourself and others and stop bullying people with your stick-in-the-mud self righteousness. 


This is why I mostly lurk here anymore. Too many of you act like brats lookin' for an internet fight over literally every god flippin' damned thing.

Toes really aren't my thing behind closed doors with a romantic female partner, but different strokes for different folks right? haha  We all have our personal preferences. SW1 is in no position to judge. 


All sarcasm aside, it's nice to see commentary from you ruksak. Yes, some fans need to chill, lower their defenses, & not be so rigid in their interactions online & daily demeanor on here from time to time. 


So, if women feel too much pressure to be gorgeous, does this mean society should allow ladies to wear more hats on bad hair days? And what about the cute, but not breathtaking female demographic? How do we even the score for them & make them feel worthwhile? Further study in this field is warranted. Any volunteers? Just kidding! Okay, I'll stop before I symbolically put my whole foot in my own darn mouth now. 


No Rex, I refuse to hold the camera while your wife plays footsie. Alright. Alright. I'm leaving now... 

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2 minutes ago, Nadine said:

What does a quality control special teams coach do?

Special Team analysis. They watch the film and go through the numbers to see problems in scheme or players who are slacking off on special teams, and feed that information to the special teams coordinator and head coach so they know which spots require the most work in practice.

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47 minutes ago, Nadine said:

What does a quality control special teams coach do?


In addition, there are also a Quality Control coaches (booth coaches) that are also in charge of (among other things) tracking the game action.  They evaluate what is working, explore for opportunities, and determine if the play calling reflects what the game plan was set out to do and communicate these to the coaches during the game, not after when it is too late. Plus their pregame statistical analysis as SkyBane notes above,


Our offense QC coach is Frank Giufre

Our defense QC coach is Shawn Terlecky.


These are NFL entry level type positions. The Colts do  not list a Special Teams QC coach.  It's possible Asst. Special teams coach Brant Boyer handles that duty, I'm not sure.

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7 hours ago, Nadine said:

What does a quality control special teams coach do?

Quality control coaches ("QCC") aren't "coaches" in the sense that they're on the field coaching guys day in and day out. They spend weeks in advance breaking film down of their opponent, marking tendencies, and coming up with data sheets.  The greatest extent of their coaching is running practice squad of their upcoming opponent to give the appropriate look that the team would face in the coming week.  A Special Teams QCC, would obviously do that job, but just for special teams.  


It's an entry position into coaching more than anything, especially for people that have no appreciable history in coaching or playing at the professional or collegiate level.  For people that can do that job well, they can eventually move up the chain.  It was only a matter of time before women broke through in that role or some similar role.  The only concern that I'd ever have about something like this as an employer is the same concern that, say, an employer would have with a man working in a capacity where he serves, instructs, etc. only females.  It's not a reason to close off women from coaching altogether, but eventually, sooner or later, it will happen; it always does.   

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14 hours ago, ruksak said:

Jules, you plucked the subtext out like an expert. I thought that little remark might go unnoticed for a bit longer than a minute. 


Sorry for my rant above, but I miss many of my old friends here and every time I come here, find a subject I'm interested in, the thread has already devolved into mudslinging. Such a turn-off...really. 

I agree on both counts.  


I miss alot of friends who choose not to post anymore, but I think things are getting better and hoping some of them will return.

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6 hours ago, OffensivelyPC said:

The only concern that I'd ever have about something like this as an employer is the same concern that, say, an employer

You don't have many girls playing football so I'm not surprised to not see many women in coaching mens sports.  But you do see men coaching women and girls.  Not sure that's always the best idea.  Coaching women is not the same as coaching men. Although my dad coached girls softball when my sister played and he loved it and so did the girls.  So, sometimes it works great.  Must be because he had 4 daughters and maybe we taught him a bit about females.


Anyway, good luck to this woman.  Hope she loves what she does and does a great job!

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1 hour ago, Nadine said:

You don't have many girls playing football so I'm not surprised to not see many women in coaching mens sports.  But you do see men coaching women and girls.  Not sure that's always the best idea.  Coaching women is not the same as coaching men. Although my dad coached girls softball when my sister played and he loved it and so did the girls.  So, sometimes it works great.  Must be because he had 4 daughters and maybe we taught him a bit about females.


Anyway, good luck to this woman.  Hope she loves what she does and does a great job!

Oh yeah, I think that it's good having women coaching men and vice versa. It's like anything else. Men and women are different, and there's plenty we can learn from one another, no matter if it's a predominantly masculine or feminine environment. It's just some lose their way and things happen. Despite that, it's still a great thing.

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On January 21, 2016 at 1:45 AM, ruksak said:

Jules, you plucked the subtext out like an expert. I thought that little remark might go unnoticed for a bit longer than a minute. 


Sorry for my rant above, but I miss many of my old friends here and every time I come here, find a subject I'm interested in, the thread has already devolved into mudslinging. Such a turn-off...really. 


Ruk, I'm not "seasoned" enough of a member to comment on old friends. However, I'm sure as heck enough seasoned to comment on the last 15 months. I enjoy your posting & funny comments.

Just to let you know, there are members out here, new or older, that appreciate your presence on this forum. I understand about the "mudslinging" and how much of a turn-off it is to you & others. 


However, don't let that stop you. Don't be a stranger, man! :) 

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