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Peyton Manning HGH accusation (edit)


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4 hours ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

You're right.  There could be "some"  truth in the guy's story somewhere.   


With regard to Peyton, and 2011 it wasn't against the rules at that point, and no failed tests, no proof.




For what it's worth, HGH was a banned substance but it wasn't tested for by the league. Just because there are no failed tests doesn't mean there's no proof. I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg and there will be more to come in the next few days. Remember, Barry Bonds never failed a drug test, and there is MORE than enough proof that the guy was juicing for years.

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1 hour ago, Pagano's Realtor said:


For what it's worth, HGH was a banned substance but it wasn't tested for by the league. Just because there are no failed tests doesn't mean there's no proof. I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg and there will be more to come in the next few days. Remember, Barry Bonds never failed a drug test, and there is MORE than enough proof that the guy was juicing for years.

Read the article. It says specifically and multiple times the person the report is based off of recanted. The only person who is linking Manning to this is saying he made it up. I cannot stress this enough. Of course certain fans from NE on this forum won't read the article and will just jump in head first.

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3 hours ago, 19colt said:

The story has already broken down.

The guy recanted on youtube and denied it all. Secondly, he was an INTERN there in Indy in 2013, not in 2011 as the original report claimed.

The ESPN article on it is probably the best out there. Manning has some quotes in there too. 




I wonder if someone almost threatened him to deny it now. Why break a story and start to backtrack a few hours later. Fishy stuff.

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9 hours ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:
1 hour ago, Jules said:


I wonder if someone almost threatened him to deny it now. Why break a story and start to backtrack a few hours later. Fishy stuff.



He only claimed Manning and the other athletes when talking to Collins. He recanted when Al Jazeera, the news source, asked him.

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Wow. This story has really mushroomed. Manning has hired White House press secretary Ari Fleischer to speak on his behalf so he believes this is serious. He has not denied receiving treatment at the Guyer Institute and his wife did as well. She has yet to issue a statement. Manning’s agent denied the details of the report to Al Jazeera, calling Sly’s assertions “outrageous and wrong.” But the statement does not deny that growth hormones were shipped to Manning's wife, only insisting that such matters were a matter of medical privacy.


I think more will be coming in the next few days.




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2 minutes ago, amfootball said:

Wow. This story has really mushroomed. Manning has hired White House press secretary Ari Fleischer to speak on his behalf so he believes this is serious. He has not denied receiving treatment at the Guyer Institute and his wife did as well. She has yet to issue a statement. I think more will be coming in the next few days.





Manning has not denied? He has emphatically denied.

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19 minutes ago, amfootball said:

Wow. This story has really mushroomed. Manning has hired White House press secretary Ari Fleischer to speak on his behalf so he believes this is serious. He has not denied receiving treatment at the Guyer Institute and his wife did as well. She has yet to issue a statement. Manning’s agent denied the details of the report to Al Jazeera, calling Sly’s assertions “outrageous and wrong.” But the statement does not deny that growth hormones were shipped to Manning's wife, only insisting that such matters were a matter of medical privacy.


I think more will be coming in the next few days.






OMG.....White House press secretary now involved to speak for him?






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2 hours ago, Jules said:


I wonder if someone almost threatened him to deny it now. Why break a story and start to backtrack a few hours later. Fishy stuff.



Possible. Think of the laws he broke, regardless if this becomes true or not.


Hippa: He was an employee of doctors office and released patient name and what medications they alleged were having mailed. This opens him AND that doctors office up immediately to lawsuits and heavy fines. 


Defamation of character of both Ashley and Peyton Manning.  If this story is proven 100 percent false, Mannings could sue for attempting character defamation and they would win 9 times out of 10.  


And regardless, whatever medical field he is licensed in, he will lose that license, whether true ornnot, simply for divulging patient information without their permission and doing so to a news source.


So yeah, this guy better hope this blows over or he just screwed himself majorly, especially if found false.

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9 hours ago, jskinnz said:

Personally I think this falls under the "where there is smoke, there is a fire somewhere" category.   I could be totally wrong but...


1) Anyone surprised by a pro athlete doing this type of thing simply has not been paying attention.  No matter who or how high profile the player may be.


2) It would not surprise me at all, given his injury, that he would do everything possible to get back on the field.


3) I don't immediately dismiss the report or the source as many have - there does seem to be at least some legitimacy to it.

Shhh... The Peyton worshippers will read this and reach for pitchforks.

I like how some are saying "Look, the guy is backtracking now!" somehow invalidates what he VOLUNTAIRLY said before.  LOL.

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1 minute ago, ViriLudant said:

Shhh... The Peyton worshippers will read this and reach for pitchforks.

I like how some are saying "Look, the guy is backtracking now!" somehow invalidates what he VOLUNTAIRLY said before.  LOL.

Actually,  it technically does. At least in a civil/legal matter. 


Recanting a story makes it that much harder to believe now. Had the guy stuck to the story, I'd be more inclined to believe it. 

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19 minutes ago, amfootball said:

The NFL started testing for HGH in 2014 when Manning had his big drop off that has continued at a rapid rate into this season.  I think it is fair to ask if 2013 could have been to Manning and his huge stats what 2001 was to Barry Bonds.



I think it's more injuries piling up.....


And if you believe this, they need to thorughly test Brady.....

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Just now, csmopar said:



I think it's more injuries piling up.....


And if you believe this, they need to thorughly test Brady.....

HGH helps one to recover and heal faster from injury. It is a human growth hormone.


I remember everyone questioning AP when he came back from his knee injury and had his historic season but we never did that with Manning despite the fact that he had the neck surgeries and had the most historic season ever for a QB.

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He told ESPN he was "testing" Al Jazeera's undercover reporter by dropping "names like Peyton Manning, Derek Jeter, Ryan Howard and James Harrison." He said none were clients, and while Manning, Howard and Harrison were all mentioned in Al Jazeera's HGH investigation, Jeter was not.

"When I realized Al Jazeera was using a secret taping and Collins as a so-called investigative reporter, I was baffled," he said. "I cannot believe that can happen. That's why I recanted the story. It wasn't true and I was trying to pull one over on Collins to see if he had any idea of what he was talking about."

"I was trying to determine whether this guy (Collins) was legitimate or just trying to steal some knowledge about the business," Sly said.

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5 minutes ago, ViriLudant said:

So it only became recently illegal, eh?


Now you see why I don't trust the op article....there's so many inaccurate statements, it's sad at best. 



It's now been confirmed that this Sly guy wasn't even working at the clinic during the time he claimed Mannings was getting the stuff. In 2011.....dude didn't work there until 2013......

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I'm not syaing whether or not this is true because there is no one anyone has enough information to say definitively but I will say Al Jezeera is one of the least credible "news" sources in the world. 


I guess I should have read the rest of the posts before I posted.  But this is why Al Jazeera has no credibility from anyone who can think for themselves.

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7 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:

I'm not syaing whether or not this is true because there is no one anyone has enough information to say definitively but I will say Al Jezeera is one of the least credible "news" sources in the world. 


I guess I should have read the rest of the posts before I posted.  But this is why Al Jazeera has no credibility from anyone who can think for themselves.

The report names many high profile athletes. If not true, they will have many law suits on their hands. I believe more info will be released in the coming days/weeks. It was a month long investigation so there are more details to come ... Manning has hired the White House press secretary so he is taking this very seriously.

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I like how some people are so quick to assume.  Manning didn't say anything about Ashley receiving HGH, he said, "IF she did, then that is between..."


I also would like to point out that hormone therapy is common after giving birth, it's a way to help alleviate postpartum depression without having to resort to psycho pharmaceutical drugs and the horrible side effects those drugs have.

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10 minutes ago, amfootball said:

 ... Manning has hired the White House press secretary so he is taking this very seriously.


Ari Fleischer has not been White House Press Secretary in 10 or so years. Why do you keep stressing "White House press secretary"? Why is that important? That is a serious question. 


As for these reports, let's see what happens. If this is true, it would not be the first or last time. There will be Pats players (and other teams' players) accused of the same. 

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9 hours ago, ColtsSouljah said:


You're two for two on absurd comments in this thread. Manning has never had any cheating scandal ever. The patriots have had it follow them throughout the Brady era. There's the different. Pretty big one. People with clean records get the benefit of the doubt (especially when accused by such a garbage source).

Thank you for this moment of clarity.

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Just now, NFLfan said:


Ari Fleischer has not been White House Press Secretary in 10 or so years. Why do you keep stressing "White House press secretary"? Why is that important? That is a serious question. 


As for these reports, let's see what happens. If this is true, it would not be the first or last time. There will be Pats players (and other teams' players) accused of the same. 

I meant to type "former."  My bad.  It is important because he wants the best PR help available to fight this report which names many prominent athletes. If this was some fly by night thing, he would not even bother but this story has some real legs on many fronts.


Yes, many players are accused or caught for PEDs but Manning is like the Jeter of the NFL. This is huge if true given all the records he owns.

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6 minutes ago, amfootball said:

I meant to type "former."  My bad.  It is important because he wants the best PR help available to fight this report which names many prominent athletes. If this was some fly by night thing, he would not even bother but this story has some real legs on many fronts.


Yes, many players are accused or caught for PEDs but Manning is like the Jeter of the NFL. This is huge if true given all the records he owns.

Well, we'll put an asterisk next to his records the day you and other Pats fans put asterisks next to Tom Brady and Hoodies records........


While it's not out of the realm of possibilities that Manning did this...there is so many holes at this point, proving it is gonna be tough.

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19 minutes ago, csmopar said:

Well, we'll put an asterisk next to his records the day you and other Pats fans put asterisks next to Tom Brady and Hoodies records........


While it's not out of the realm of possibilities that Manning did this...there is so many holes at this point, proving it is gonna be tough.

haha  no kidding...  The biggest hole is the *hole that is now recanting his story, saying he "made it up" to impress Collins.

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Now there's this in recanting the story-


"When I realized Al Jazeera was using a secret taping and Collins as a so-called investigative reporter, I was baffled," he said. "I cannot believe that can happen. That's why I recanted the story. It wasn't true and I was trying to pull one over on Collins to see if he had any idea of what he was talking about.


"I was trying to determine whether this guy [Collins] was legitimate or just trying to steal some knowledge about the business."


If there was / is an illegal PED ring, the authorities would / will be all over it like they did in 2007- the one that got Rodney Harrison suspended for taking HGH.




Because of all that has happened prior (MLB investigatins, Rodney Harrison, etc...), I doubt any pro athlete would have anything of that nature sent to a P.O. box or someone else to guard for them.  Not directly to your house, if they are brazen enough to do that.


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2 hours ago, Hi-Tek said:


And that's because it's difficult to get an accurate measurement because HGH levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day.

Or because his wife used it. Its not illegal. women use HGH for several purposes.

Its not 'blaming his wife' to say that women use HGH after pregnancies..and for weight loss.


Peyton thought he'd be playing in 2011. He didn't PLAN on taking the whole year off. He would NEVER use a banned drug because he thought he'd be playing.

He has wasted no time totally denying he used this....and he doesn't have to say anything about his wife in any way.


Very sloppy reporting by Al Jazeera...They never talked to Peyton which, as we're finiding out Sunday morrning, isn t impossible.

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The Broncos have released a statement on Peyton Manning.

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. — Please see below for a statement from the Denver Broncos onPeyton Manning:

“Knowing Peyton Manning and everything he stands for, the Denver Broncos support him 100 percent. These are false claims made to Al Jazeera, and we don’t believe the report.

“Peyton is rightfully outraged by the allegations, which he emphatically denied to our organization and which have been publicly renounced by the source who initially provided them.

“Throughout his NFL career, particularly during his four seasons with the Broncos, Peyton has shown nothing but respect for the game. Our organization is confident Peyton does things the right way, and we do not find this story to be credible.”

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1 hour ago, amfootball said:

I meant to type "former."  My bad.  It is important because he wants the best PR help available to fight this report which names many prominent athletes. If this was some fly by night thing, he would not even bother but this story has some real legs on many fronts.


Yes, many players are accused or caught for PEDs but Manning is like the Jeter of the NFL. This is huge if true given all the records he owns.

Please enlighten me how this story has any legs? The ONE single person who has indicated Manning in any way came out and said that he made it up.


so please do tell how this has any legs on any front? Other than you're a Pats fan and apparently lack reading comprehension.

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2 minutes ago, bluebombers87 said:

Please enlighten me how this story has any legs? The ONE single person who has indicated Manning in any way came out and said that he made it up.


so please do tell how this has any legs on any front? Other than you're a Pats fan and apparently lack reading comprehension.


From the outside looking in....He was recorded secretly saying he gave HGH to many high profile people. Now that it's become public and for the world to see he has to cover his butt....wouldn't be the first or last time someone denies a secret recording. 

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