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List of head coaches for next year


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On December 20, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Indyfan4life said:

Saban doesn't put up with crap, and when his players make a mistake he let's them know about it. We need that kind of fire on this team. Not coddling and shoulder pats, giving the "buck up, you'll do better next time" stuff. This isn't elementary school football. 

I'll miss Chuck Pagano clapping after every interception, fumble, etc...

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First off, NO SABAN!

Ok, now to the coaches. I want someone who is offensive minded, and will let Luck start to throw short to set up long, and keep the hits to a minimum.

I would love to have Sean Payton, but I don't think its going to happen.

The four I would want to pick from are Adam Gase, Josh McDaniels, Todd Haley, and Ben McAdoo. Look what McAdoo has done for Eli who was a pick machine, and gets the ball out quickly. All four of those would be great.

One more thing, we need a top OL coach to teach these young men coming from the spread to learn how to block. One of the reasons we were so good before Luck, was not only Peyton, but the quality of all the coaches we had!

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5 hours ago, njcolt said:

I'll be okay with Sean Payton or Hue Jackson as a coach.

I don't know why everyone is so against Payton though, he came into a terrible New Orleans team that had nothing to work with and except Drew Brees and in 3 years won super bowl. I feel like he is just what we need, and we already have some pieces to work with.


For GM, I really like the Director of Player Development at Green Bay, Eliot Wolf.


They don't understand that what has happened the last few years is NOT the fault of Sean Peyton.   Their GM Mickey Loomis gave out lots of badly structured deals.    They've been in Salary Cap Hell for about 3 years now which is why they've been giving away (cutting or trading) a lot of talent.    They're rebuilding their roster on the fly and it's come with great pain.


Sean Peyton didn't get stupid overnight.   


I just don't want to give up draft picks for him.    I heard today he may have an "out" in contract that lets him go free at the end of this year.     It wasn't reported as a "fact" but rather a possibility.    If it's true,  I'm interested.   If it's not,  then I'll move on to someone else.


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1 hour ago, ColtsFanMikeC said:


Dungy built that team, one of the more dominating defenses in recent NFL history (Warren Sapp, Derrick Brooks, Simeon Rice, John Lynch, Ronde Barber, etc... were all brought in and developed under Dungy and his 'Tampa 2').  


Gruden then went on to have 2 losing seasons in a row and eventually brought the Bucs to their demise.  So yes, many will agree with me (not just here, but throughout the NFL), that Gruden inherited a very good team that was built in line with Dungy's vision and Dungy's players, won a super bowl and then when he started tinkering around Gruden was fired and hasn't been in the NFL since.


I would be very disappointed if he was named our new HC.

Just FYI, He turned the Raiders around as well, went to an AFC championship with that franchise and immediately impacted the Bucs.  We could do much worse....

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3 hours ago, BOTT said:

I'm aware they recruit well, but let's not act like there is a difference between 12345.....


i dont know or care why he left Miami. Belichick quit on the Jets before he even met the team...he seems to have done alright.

That's not the same camparison, Belichick had the job for one day, Saban quit on his team.  HOWEVER, if we got Saban I would be fine, I'm not anti-Saban just know what you're getting.  I do understand his persona, as long as he wins and gets what he wants he'll be fine. Otherwise he becomes a curmegeon in a hurry.  He's also 64 and has hinted at retiring.  

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3 hours ago, ColtsFanMikeC said:


Cowher, Chuckie, and Billick have been out of the league a long time.  The league has changed very much since they've last been on the sidelines (not only the rules, the way of the game, but also player attitudes and player-coach relationships).  Chuckie, IMO, is one of the most all-time overrated coaches, he won Dungy's superbowl and drove that team into the ground -- he talks a good game and seems like a workhorse, but iMO he just doesn't have the track record to back it up.


Of the 4 you mention, Payton is the only one I like at all -- and there's no guarantee he'll be let go.


I, personally, would be happy keeping Pagano and letting Grigson go -- also, I'd be happy to see us with a new D-Coordinator and ST-Coordinator -- give Pagano and Chud another chance as HC and OC.  (Doubt this will happen, though).

I believe Irsay has already written the terminatoin notice for Pags.  I also don't think the winning formula for football has changed all that much.  An interesting exmple may be Dick Vermeil who came back and won a Superbowl and many thought he couldn't do it.  Football is about buy in, discipline, defense, turnovers, talent a QB etc,etc.  They're not running the spread option in the NFL to speak of, so these guys would be fine IMO. I honestly can't say who the best is or who the next coach should be, what I do know is I want a proven winner on the NFL level. No first timers, re-cycled losers, or college guys.  That makes for a small list for my part. :) 

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1 hour ago, Rally5 said:

I believe Irsay has already written the terminatoin notice for Pags.  I also don't think the winning formula for football has changed all that much.  An interesting exmple may be Dick Vermeil who came back and won a Superbowl and many thought he couldn't do it.  Football is about buy in, discipline, defense, turnovers, talent a QB etc,etc.  They're not running the spread option in the NFL to speak of, so these guys would be fine IMO. I honestly can't say who the best is or who the next coach should be, what I do know is I want a proven winner on the NFL level. No first timers, re-cycled losers, or college guys.  That makes for a small list for my part. :) 


Totally unnecessary. Chuck doesn't have a contract past this year, so, just don't offer him a new contract.

I don't know the status of the contract offered last summer, that Chuck pass on, but my feeling has been that Chuck just plain doesn't want to come back. Perhaps, to coaching at all for a while, and not just to the Colts.


I'm guessing his battle with cancer led him to want to just work through his present deal, and he's done. Perhaps, that's why Chud is here, and, to tell you the truth, I think Chud may be the best replacement.


So, Grigs may be the only one fired, but neither will be here next year.


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On 12/20/2015 at 4:54 PM, GoColts00 said:

Vic Fangio!  That 49ers defense was great with him coaching. Of course it helps having Patrick Willis and Navorro Bowman. :)

I wouldn't mind talking with a college coach like Mark Dantonio, Michigan State. He was taught by Saban.


Vic Fangio HC

Don Brown D.C.  he's from Boston college

Kerry Coombs special teams Ohio State

Pete Carmichael O.C./asst.hc  from n.o.saints



So much for Don Brown joining the Colts. Harbaugh just nabbed him for the D.C. at Michigan!!! 

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3 hours ago, Rally5 said:

Just FYI, He turned the Raiders around as well, went to an AFC championship with that franchise and immediately impacted the Bucs.  We could do much worse....


He had 2 winning seasons with the Raiders, both with teams that had ridiculous offensive lines and secondary, along with very good WR corps, DL, and special teams units, a good QB and good LBs and RBs.  He also missed the playoffs twice with the Raiders (8-8, 8-8, 12-4, 10-6 were his records there -- he had good players every year -- there was not a time during his tenure that every position group was not good, very good, or elite on any of those teams).


He took over Tampa and won a super bowl in his first year -- that was Dungy's defense (Dungy developed the Tampa 2 around those players who fit his scheme).  He wound up with a 50.8% overall winning record during his tenure in Tampa and hasn't been in the league since -- so yea, he inherited a very good team and he helped drive it into the ground.


Pagano, even if we don't win another game this year, will still have over a 61% winning record in regular season, better than Gruden's winning percentage in Oakland or Tampa, or throughout his overall career.  


Also, consider the fact that Gruden hasn't been coaching in the NFL since 2008 (I think, in large part, because the owners and GMs are smart enough to know he isn't head coach quality).... we could do much worse by hiring someone who things they are qualified on this board, but if you look at other potential candidates or what we have in place now, it would be hard to do worse than Gruden.



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13 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


They don't understand that what has happened the last few years is NOT the fault of Sean Peyton.   Their GM Mickey Loomis gave out lots of badly structured deals.    They've been in Salary Cap Hell for about 3 years now which is why they've been giving away (cutting or trading) a lot of talent.    They're rebuilding their roster on the fly and it's come with great pain.


Sean Peyton didn't get stupid overnight.   


I just don't want to give up draft picks for him.    I heard today he may have an "out" in contract that lets him go free at the end of this year.     It wasn't reported as a "fact" but rather a possibility.    If it's true,  I'm interested.   If it's not,  then I'll move on to someone else.



I don't get how people are giving Sean Payton a pass on bad players, but in the same breath blaming Pagano for all the bad players.  Seriously?

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On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2015 at 11:21 PM, ReMeDy said:

I personally want a coach who can fire up locker rooms, like a Bruce Arians, who's not afraid to throw profanities and preach football first and foremost.

The biggest change is we need to dismiss the "family-first" mentality instilled by Tony Dungy, and tell these guys football is serious business. Of course family's important, but nothing is more important than carrying that rock. One thing's for sure -- if we don't make the playoffs, our players will have plenty of time with their family while they're watching games on the couch!


You can lose the locker room like that.  Players not wanting to play for one another, blame each other, losing respect for one another, players not dedicated to the team and willing to walk out on the first contract they can get. 


I'd rather not see that.  There's ways of getting what you want and keeping it "family-first."

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On ‎12‎/‎20‎/‎2015 at 4:44 PM, Indyfan4life said:

Jesus, what's with the hate on Saban? The dude would make this team better instantly. 


Based on what?  His abundance of NFL experience?  His success in the NFL?  Being able to coach successful QB's in the NFL?  (Yey 1st Alabama QB to win an NFL game in 26 years!!) 


He knows college ball and can cherry pick any players he wants.  He relys on a run game and a massive Oline.  He wont get that here in Indy.

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9 hours ago, ColtsFanMikeC said:


He had 2 winning seasons with the Raiders, both with teams that had ridiculous offensive lines and secondary, along with very good WR corps, DL, and special teams units, a good QB and good LBs and RBs.  He also missed the playoffs twice with the Raiders (8-8, 8-8, 12-4, 10-6 were his records there -- he had good players every year -- there was not a time during his tenure that every position group was not good, very good, or elite on any of those teams).


He took over Tampa and won a super bowl in his first year -- that was Dungy's defense (Dungy developed the Tampa 2 around those players who fit his scheme).  He wound up with a 50.8% overall winning record during his tenure in Tampa and hasn't been in the league since -- so yea, he inherited a very good team and he helped drive it into the ground.


Pagano, even if we don't win another game this year, will still have over a 61% winning record in regular season, better than Gruden's winning percentage in Oakland or Tampa, or throughout his overall career.  


Also, consider the fact that Gruden hasn't been coaching in the NFL since 2008 (I think, in large part, because the owners and GMs are smart enough to know he isn't head coach quality).... we could do much worse by hiring someone who things they are qualified on this board, but if you look at other potential candidates or what we have in place now, it would be hard to do worse than Gruden.



I mearly mention Gruden as someone who is offensive minded, a proven winner and certainly qualified for the job.  You have a passion against Gruden, that's fine, I'm not over the moon for anyone out there right now including Gruden.  I like Chuck but if he were to stay he really would have to improve on game planning and in game adjustments.  I don't think he see's it.  You also have to admit some of Chucks winning % is a product of our division.  I like Chuck, he just hasn't shown a championship pedigree.


Here's a cut of Gruden's 11 year head coaching career that includes 3 losing seasons and a Super Bowl. The loss to NE was the tuck rule game that he should have won. Not much evidence of incompetence or driving a franchise into the ground as you suggest, that may be a little over exaggerated.  He won the NFC South in his second to last year.

Team Year Regular Season Post Season
Won Lost Ties Win % Finish Won Lost Win % Result
OAK 1998 8 8 0 .500 3rd in AFC West - - - -
OAK 1999 8 8 0 .500 4th in AFC West - - - -
OAK 2000 12 4 0 .750 1st in AFC West 1 1 .500 Lost to Baltimore Ravens in AFC Championship Game.
OAK 2001 10 6 0 .625 1st in AFC West 1 1 .500 Lost to New England Patriots in AFC Divisional Game.
OAK Total 38 26 0 .594   2 2 .500  
TB 2002 12 4 0 .750 1st in NFC South 3 0 1.000 Super Bowl XXXVII champions
TB 2003 7 9 0 .438 3rd in NFC South - - - -
TB 2004 5 11 0 .312 4th in NFC South - - - -
TB 2005 11 5 0 .688 1st in NFC South 0 1 .000 Lost to Washington Redskins in NFC Wild-Card Game.
TB 2006 4 12 0 .250 4th in NFC South - - - -
TB 2007 9 7 0 .563 1st in NFC South 0 1 .000 Lost to New York Giants in NFC Wild-Card Game.
TB 2008 9 7 0 .563 3rd in NFC South - - - -
TB Total 57 55 0 .509   3 2 .600  
Total[24] 95 81 0 .540   5 4 .556






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18 hours ago, Rally5 said:

That's not the same camparison, Belichick had the job for one day, Saban quit on his team.  HOWEVER, if we got Saban I would be fine, I'm not anti-Saban just know what you're getting.  I do understand his persona, as long as he wins and gets what he wants he'll be fine. Otherwise he becomes a curmegeon in a hurry.  He's also 64 and has hinted at retiring.  


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14 hours ago, ColtsFanMikeC said:


He had 2 winning seasons with the Raiders, both with teams that had ridiculous offensive lines and secondary, along with very good WR corps, DL, and special teams units, a good QB and good LBs and RBs.  He also missed the playoffs twice with the Raiders (8-8, 8-8, 12-4, 10-6 were his records there -- he had good players every year -- there was not a time during his tenure that every position group was not good, very good, or elite on any of those teams).


He took over Tampa and won a super bowl in his first year -- that was Dungy's defense (Dungy developed the Tampa 2 around those players who fit his scheme).  He wound up with a 50.8% overall winning record during his tenure in Tampa and hasn't been in the league since -- so yea, he inherited a very good team and he helped drive it into the ground.


Pagano, even if we don't win another game this year, will still have over a 61% winning record in regular season, better than Gruden's winning percentage in Oakland or Tampa, or throughout his overall career.  


Also, consider the fact that Gruden hasn't been coaching in the NFL since 2008 (I think, in large part, because the owners and GMs are smart enough to know he isn't head coach quality).... we could do much worse by hiring someone who things they are qualified on this board, but if you look at other potential candidates or what we have in place now, it would be hard to do worse than Gruden.



You left out the part where Gruden took over a team that was in last place in their division and immediately took them to respectability and then the playoffs......where if not for a bad call would have taken a west coast team and beaten the patriots at home In poor conditions.


that QB was a journeyman before landing with the raiders.



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2 hours ago, BOTT said:

You left out the part where Gruden took over a team that was in last place in their division and immediately took them to respectability and then the playoffs......where if not for a bad call would have taken a west coast team and beaten the patriots at home In poor conditions.


that QB was a journeyman before landing with the raiders.


That was fifteen years ago.


More recently than that, John Fox was taking the Panthers to the SB with Jake Delhomme.

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4 minutes ago, Superman said:


That was fifteen years ago.


More recently than that, John Fox was taking the Panthers to the SB with Jake Delhomme.

I'm not advocating hiring Gruden, but if one is going to tell the story don't leave gaping holes in it.

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On December 20, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Indyfan4life said:

Jesus, what's with the hate on Saban? The dude would make this team better instantly. 

You really wanna know? Saban is there any truth to the rumors that Alabama is trying to lure you away from Miami? No. I'm trying to help the Dolphins win." Nick lied to NFL reporters & ran away like a thief in the night to the Crimson Tide.  

On December 20, 2015 at 5:41 PM, Indyfan4life said:

Saban doesn't put up with crap, and when his players make a mistake he let's them know about it. We need that kind of fire on this team. Not coddling and shoulder pats, giving the "buck up, you'll do better next time" stuff. This isn't elementary school football. 

Scaring the crap out of 18 yr. old college students on scholarships isn't the same thing as motivating grown men with families, children, & mortgages. 

On December 21, 2015 at 11:40 PM, NewColtsFan said:


Anyone notice that, so far at least,  there isn't a single candidate that gets a lot of support here?    They appear to get roughly 50 percent of the posters here, but not more than that.


Saban, Cowher,  Gruden,  Sean Peyton,  Josh McDaniels,  Hue Jackson,  even Jim Harbaugh.


Nobody appears to excite the vast majority of posters here......    so let me ask a question.....


I wasn't here in January of 2012,  what was the reaction to Chuck Pagano.    I suspect most here didn't know much about him,  if anything......        I'm just curious...     how did people react to the announcement and then when did that change for him becoming a popular pick?


Just asking........

 Honestly, I thought Chuck was a decent hire since the Ravens were a winning franchise usually in the playoffs every year. I probably become too enamored over his 1st press conference as HC where he talked about running the ball down our opponents throat, solid tackling, rolling up our sleeves, winning in the trenches, & let's hunt for a Championship. He said all the right things, but we could never get past the Steelers or the Pats & I felt like Pags didn't do enough to beat teams outside our division. Yes, I know. We beat Denver, San Fran, & Seattle on his watch, but when the post season rolled around NE always demolished us  like clockwork & whenever Brady played our division rivals he always steamrolled them while we typically only beat our adversaries in the AFC South by 7 points or a FG.  

On December 21, 2015 at 7:24 AM, conklincolt said:

There is a high school in Maine Endwell,New York who won 63 straight games and 5 straight NYS titles against very very good opponents. He could come cheap!!

High school hires now? Seriously? Is this some twisted joke? I don't think so. I'll pass. Thank you. 

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Kyle shanahan HC
Just like his father he uses a zone running scheme. Which has been successful in many of his stops. His passing scheme is versatile. He has used the vertical passing game in Houston. While utilizing his TEs when he was with the Browns. He ran a pistol with RG3. Now that he is in Atlanta he has a WR and RB in top 5 statistically in their respective positions. He is a young creative offensive mind that will have a former head coach and a veteran coordinator to help in game situations.


Tom Cable OC
He runs a vertical offense which will utilize our speedy recievers. Also he is a great o-line coach. Seahawks have not missed a beat without Beast mode. He believes in execution more so than being cute. His blue collar work ethic should improve our line immensely.


Ray Horton DC
He is a product of Dick LeBeau coaching tree. A aggressive 3-4 blitzer who has helped build the cardinals defense. Currently sculpting Tennessee into a 3-4 I like that he already has a insight on the division. A hard nose coach who intensity should impact this defense.

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2 hours ago, MTC said:

David Shaw and Brian Kelly are the only coaches I would want from college.


Big NO for Jimbo Fisher (saw his name mentioned on Twitter) and Jim Mora Jr. 


You don't want either person.


Kelly isn't a good coach OR a good person.


Shaw is only a good college coach.    He is NOT an NFL level coach.     Shaw is good right where he is.


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11 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


You don't want either person.


Kelly isn't a good coach OR a good person.


Shaw is only a good college coach.    He is NOT an NFL level coach.     Shaw is good right where he is.


Why so decisive about Shaw?  I wouldn't be in favor but he's an impressive man.  He is absolutely NFL material as a coaching talent....by my thinking.  At least someday.

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1 hour ago, ztboiler said:

Why so decisive about Shaw?  I wouldn't be in favor but he's an impressive man.  He is absolutely NFL material as a coaching talent....by my thinking.  At least someday.


Shaw is great,  absolutely fantastic with kids.     I'm not sure he'd be as good with men who make their livelihood playing football.    


He's also terrible at clock management, knowing when to use a time out,  and knowing when to spike the ball.


He's hot and cold as a play caller.      He's beyond stubborn to a fault, and has a very thin skin to criticism.


He's years away from leaving Stanford.    Has said on a number of occasions that he doesn't want to leave until his kids are old enough to graduate from Stanford.     So,  maybe 8-10 years more?      I think he'd like to turn Stanford into a sustainable football program so it remains a top program even when he leaves.    He's not quite there yet.


I don't think the demands of NFL life suit his personality, or his wife.    He's been an NFL assistant and admits he didn't much like the 24/7/365 aspect of NFL life.      College coaching is bad enough as it is....   but NFL life is much, MUCH worse.


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On December 22, 2015 at 8:04 PM, ReMeDy said:

I'll miss Chuck Pagano clapping after every interception, fumble, etc...


I notice other coaches tend to do that sometimes also.  It really doesn't make much sense to me but I'm not a coach.  I've seen Caldwell do it before also, this year along with others.  

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2 hours ago, Mr. Too Proud said:

Kyle shanahan HC
Just like his father he uses a zone running scheme. Which has been successful in many of his stops. His passing scheme is versatile. He has used the vertical passing game in Houston. While utilizing his TEs when he was with the Browns. He ran a pistol with RG3. Now that he is in Atlanta he has a WR and RB in top 5 statistically in their respective positions. He is a young creative offensive mind that will have a former head coach and a veteran coordinator to help in game situations.


Tom Cable OC
He runs a vertical offense which will utilize our speedy recievers. Also he is a great o-line coach. Seahawks have not missed a beat without Beast mode. He believes in execution more so than being cute. His blue collar work ethic should improve our line immensely.


Ray Horton DC
He is a product of Dick LeBeau coaching tree. A aggressive 3-4 blitzer who has helped build the cardinals defense. Currently sculpting Tennessee into a 3-4 I like that he already has a insight on the division. A hard nose coach who intensity should impact this defense.

Tom Cable is an interesting choice not as OC though no way. O-line coach like you say would be intriguing though since he's really transformed that Pacific NW front in say the past 4-5 weeks when QB RW got paid $20 million per year & their front office was compelled to start trading their depth away. 


Cable has essentially re-molded that line with no name average joes & RW is getting into his groove now. I remember Cable in Oakland & didn't really notice him, but ever since he landed in grunge country, he's definitely made a name for himself. 

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1 minute ago, Malakai432 said:


I notice other coaches tend to do that sometimes also.  It really doesn't make much sense to me but I'm not a coach.  I've seen Caldwell do it before also, this year along with others.  

Many HC's do that so as to encourage the QB not to get to down on themselves and to encourage them to move on to the next play and put it out of there minds

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Okay, if this a dumb question so be it. Here's my question: If say Jim Ir-say wants to talk to Hue Jackson, does Marvin Lewis have to grant permission for us to talk to him & even if he's under contract with the Bengals, is that considered tampering or if a team gives you permission to talk to Jackson as a candidate for HC; is he treated like a free agent where whatever we offer Jackson salary wise ownership has the right to match? 


What about draft pick compensation for a specific coach/coordinator? Or is it as simple as if a guy is still under contract with another organization he's automatically off limits no matter what? I don't know how these scenarios really work. That's why SW1 is asking for clarification I guess. Thanks for any feedback in advance BTW. 

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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

Okay, if this a dumb question so be it. Here's my question: If say Jim Ir-say wants to talk to Hue Jackson, does Marvin Lewis have to grant permission for us to talk to him & even if he's under contract with the Bengals, is that considered tampering or if a team gives you permission to talk to Jackson as a candidate for HC; is he treated like a free agent where whatever we offer Jackson salary wise ownership has the right to match? 


What about draft pick compensation for a specific coach/coordinator? Or is it as simple as if a guy is still under contract with another organization he's automatically off limits no matter what? I don't know how these scenarios really work. That's why SW1 is asking for clarification I guess. Thanks for any feedback in advance BTW. 

Jackson wouldn't need permission since the colts job would be a promotion.


i don't know about trading for a coordinator.  Not sure that's ever been done.

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2 minutes ago, BOTT said:

Jackson wouldn't need permission since the colts job would be a promotion.


i don't know about trading for a coordinator.  Not sure that's ever been done.

Thanks for your insight BOTT. I never really know when ownership can say no to another team interested in a coordinator's services. I suppose most franchises don't wanna restrict another man's ability to gain more skills & earn more money further up the ladder. 


Anyway, I appreciate the knowledge. Much oblige. :hat:

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9 hours ago, Mr. Too Proud said:

Kyle shanahan HC
Just like his father he uses a zone running scheme. Which has been successful in many of his stops. His passing scheme is versatile. He has used the vertical passing game in Houston. While utilizing his TEs when he was with the Browns. He ran a pistol with RG3. Now that he is in Atlanta he has a WR and RB in top 5 statistically in their respective positions. He is a young creative offensive mind that will have a former head coach and a veteran coordinator to help in game situations.


Tom Cable OC
He runs a vertical offense which will utilize our speedy recievers. Also he is a great o-line coach. Seahawks have not missed a beat without Beast mode. He believes in execution more so than being cute. His blue collar work ethic should improve our line immensely.


Ray Horton DC
He is a product of Dick LeBeau coaching tree. A aggressive 3-4 blitzer who has helped build the cardinals defense. Currently sculpting Tennessee into a 3-4 I like that he already has a insight on the division. A hard nose coach who intensity should impact this defense.


Everyone in Atlanta wants Shanahan fired so he should be available.  I guess it's fine he's been fired from every job he's had.  Matt Ryan is having the worst year of his career.  Put me down as not of a fan.

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7 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Shaw is great,  absolutely fantastic with kids.     I'm not sure he'd be as good with men who make their livelihood playing football.    


He's also terrible at clock management, knowing when to use a time out,  and knowing when to spike the ball.


He's hot and cold as a play caller.      He's beyond stubborn to a fault, and has a very thin skin to criticism.


He's years away from leaving Stanford.    Has said on a number of occasions that he doesn't want to leave until his kids are old enough to graduate from Stanford.     So,  maybe 8-10 years more?      I think he'd like to turn Stanford into a sustainable football program so it remains a top program even when he leaves.    He's not quite there yet.


I don't think the demands of NFL life suit his personality, or his wife.    He's been an NFL assistant and admits he didn't much like the 24/7/365 aspect of NFL life.      College coaching is bad enough as it is....   but NFL life is much, MUCH worse.


I thought you might have some specific observations...much appreciate the clarification.  All of that makes sense.  

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45 minutes ago, Rally5 said:

Everyone in Atlanta wants Shanahan fired so he should be available.  I guess it's fine he's been fired from every job he's had.  Matt Ryan is having the worst year of his career.  Put me down as not of a fan.

I think Shanahan is pretty good, but I though taking the ATL job was a mistake.  Never thought he and Ryan were a good fit.

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