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Interesting comments from Grigson...


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No, I am not. I am simply wondering why a well paid GM chooses not to answer questions Mr. Irsay pays him handsomely for.

Okay, perhaps some of Ryan's responses don't meet with my approval sure, but anytime the interviewer repeats a question that is pretty straight forward, the GM is playing a shell game hoping you don't remain persistent & find the missing pearl & address the pink elephant in the room.

He's not even original with his canned lines of delay & distract like "there's a lot of football to be played yet before the dust settles". Stuff like that.

I asked earlier, I guess you missed it, so I'll ask again: What questions did Grigson fail to answer?

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I asked earlier, I guess you missed it, so I'll ask again: What questions did Grigson fail to answer?

As I stated earlier, his opinion on the future of Pagano & by implication if he would feel comfortable continuing this partnership after this season? That's a yes or no question or that's Irsay's call not mine response. 


He didn't answer that question. You've got 2 options: Dodge it with the PC owner answer or talk about your ability to pursue a Championship with Chuck. It's real easy. 


I don't care about draft day decisions, your scouting department, or free agency passionate debates among colleagues inside LOS regarding Trent Richardson. What lessons have you learned from that trade Ryan good or bad about your judgment as a GM learning the occupation on the fly? 

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I typically appreciate your perspective (even if I don't agree), but I think you are way out of bounds in this. DD asked pertinent questions and Grigs gave as unempty answers as a guy in his job can.

My take away: either Grigs is a liar or Holder, et al. are blowing the tension out of proportion. My read between the lines is that Grigs is abrasive and that results in antimosity but not toxicity.

Thanks for the complement Larry. I appreciate that & I understand that followers of a specific author [Yours truly] may not always see eye to eye. That's life & human nature. 


How exactly am I committing character assassination of Mr. Grigson here or being "way out of bounds?" Did I say anything unflattering about his appearance, his wife, or his children? No.


I simply would like to know why direct questions about your GM job description are seldom discussed: Why you believe you hold no responsibility for Luck's if not injuries continued hits then? I understand that talking about a coach's future with the team can be dicey before the season is over, but why can't you tell me what assets Pagano brings to the table that you like about him? Get specific here not vague. What if you have a draft overflowing with WRs? Are you always gonna take the BPA no matter what? Are their any exceptions to this rule of thumb in your mind? Just curious.


You also seem to be forgetting Larry that I gave Ryan credit for Anderson & Parry on defense so let's not pretend that I am ganging up on Ryan unfairly shall we. Thank you. I find it fascinating how some fans find my questions about what he does for a living out of bonds & over the top. I tell you want Larry. If we get to the AFC Championship Game this year, I will personally apologize to Mr. Grigson on this site for being too harsh & demanding. I'm open to being proven wrong.  

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First & foremost, I can accept the fact that other forum members on this site can interpret the radio interview differently than I did. That's perfectly fine. 
I fail to see how Chud is even relevant to why Pep Hamilton was let go. Okay, I get the fact that BA was brought up to illustrate that Ryan can be opened minded & work well with any coach & resolve any disagreements in any philosophies they might have. However, fans only care about 2015 not 2012 so, to me, that reference to BA was a delay & distract tactic. JMO.
My issue with Dorsett has nothing to do with talent or even success or failure but rather why was another WR really necessary on our roster? It wasn't. Surplus pass rushers I get. WRs however, not so much...
The Trent Richardson thing has nothing to do with him. It's more what did you learn from this experience as GM & would you do it again if the same opportunity presented itself? It's not a gotcha question; It's a how well do you adapt question to me...
Grigson's job is to put the best wall of defense in front of Luck as he can. True, coaches are responsible for instructing players about alignment & gap control & injuries can creep up anytime anywhere during the season, but Todd Herremans not working out well for INDY is on Ryan since he was associated with the Eagles franchise prior to landing in Indianapolis. I will give Grigs credit for Parry & Anderson. Nicely done. However, in my book, no GM gets a complete pass on their mistakes at this juncture to me. The NFL is a results oriented business for GMs, HCs, & players no exceptions. 


You are letting your dislike for Grigson cloud exactly what was said. You really put some meaning into some things that were said that wasn't there. Not like you SW. Grigson was making statements in an interview, not making a public apology as you seem to think he needs to.

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You are letting your dislike for Grigson cloud exactly what was said. You really put some meaning into some things that were said that wasn't there. Not like you SW. Grigson was making statements in an interview, not making a public apology as you seem to think he needs to.

well he should be apologizing for this putrid season and for getting our franchise hurt multiple times. Should do us all a favor and quit at the end of the season
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How am I throwing a GM "Under the bus" when I point out my biggest pet peeve with Grigson: His CIA double speak which tells you nothing? Dan asked Ryan more than once in that interview is there any validity to the rumor that there is tension between you & Chuck because you are interfering with coaching decisions on the field? Then, Ryan brings up Bruce Arians. Huh? What? Did you not hear the question? I get that everybody inside LOS zones out the media & it's accompanying distractions. What bearing does BA hiring Chud have any relevancy to your relationship with Pagano? Answer: Zero.

Let me give you an example: When Bill Polian was our GM, he eventually admitted that he made a mistake thinking that QB Curtis Painter could hold down the fort & win games in 2011 when Peyton Manning underwent his neck surgeries & rehab. Now, I had my issues with Bill when the media challenged his decision making sometimes, but I respected him because he came clean that he was wrong about the trust he placed in Painter to continue winning games. Here's my point: Admitting your mistakes is a sign of strength not weakness & why can't Ryan just saw that drafting Richardson was not my finest hour, but you live & you learn right?

Your point about Grigs is a better scout than a GM is a solid one csmopar is a very good one that I agree with 100% BTW.

The one thing I loved about Bill Polian was this: He was very direct in Polian's corner. He would often repeat the question or say your question is misguided, rephrase it, & tell you why he thinks the way he does. Ryan doesn't do that. He either inserts a cliche or answers a question no one asked. Part of that is difference in experience in the front office between the 2 men & part of it is Grigs goes for finesse too much. If you'd rather not broach a subject just tell me flat out Ryan. I respect that because at least I know you heard my question as a NFL reporter.

As to the question about the tension. If you review the tape, Ryan actually said right away, No. He continued in saying that there has been disagreements in the heat of the moment, but once cooler heads prevails, everyone is fine. I don't see that as double speak.

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If a GM says for instance, I screwed up on Trent Richardson & the experience taught me don't waste a 1st round draft pick on an older back that never shined in Cleveland. Instead, I know now that youth & athletic talent in the draft are more valuable than a veteran RB who has no vision & always runs away from any openings the offensive line creates. 

I can't figure out what in the world you are saying here?  Trent was a rookie in Cleveland, not an "older back" and the "youth and athletic talent in the draft" comment is equally bizarre and then you call Trent a "veteran RB"   


You do know that Trent was just starting his second season when they traded for him right?  The underlined statements above are just bizarrely incorrect in terms of Richardson's age and experience.  

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1. I felt he brought up BA simply to make the point he was here when Chud was hired as a head coach in Cleveland so the idea Pagano wanted Chud over Pep was false. Maybe I missed something in the interview but I thought that is why he was brought up.

2. His job isn't to keep Luck healthy. His job is to give the Colts the players they need to win games. I fully get why having Luck healthy is so important to that but at the same time a large part of Lucks hits this year came from Luck either holding the ball too long because guys aren't open or because Luck is running and not sliding. That falls in the shoulders of coaches first to make sure they are emphasizing that. If they are and he's still doing it then it's falls on Luck.

3. I think it's too early to just cast off the Dorrsett pick as this horrible thing. I've compared it all along to the year they took Reggie, that took a little while to pan out and when it did no one wanted a do over on it.

4. I think the Richardson thing has been best to death. He's explained why he made the trade in the past and acknowledged the mistake this year by releasing him. Nothing has changed on that front so why keep hammering him with a question he's already answered?Dorsett may turn out to be good but we really could have used an elite olinemen or pass rusher with that pick.

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this thread...

Don't know what you're implying. This is a very good thread and epitomizes the reason we're here.

No name calling, no childish spats. Just Colts fans expressing their opinions.

I appreciated reading SW1s point of view and those that agreed and disagreed.

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1. I felt he brought up BA simply to make the point he was here when Chud was hired as a head coach in Cleveland so the idea Pagano wanted Chud over Pep was false. Maybe I missed something in the interview but I thought that is why he was brought up.

2. His job isn't to keep Luck healthy. His job is to give the Colts the players they need to win games. I fully get why having Luck healthy is so important to that but at the same time a large part of Lucks hits this year came from Luck either holding the ball too long because guys aren't open or because Luck is running and not sliding. That falls in the shoulders of coaches first to make sure they are emphasizing that. If they are and he's still doing it then it's falls on Luck.

3. I think it's too early to just cast off the Dorrsett pick as this horrible thing. I've compared it all along to the year they took Reggie, that took a little while to pan out and when it did no one wanted a do over on it.

4. I think the Richardson thing has been best to death. He's explained why he made the trade in the past and acknowledged the mistake this year by releasing him. Nothing has changed on that front so why keep hammering him with a question he's already answered?Dorsett may turn out to be good but we really could have used an elite olinemen or pass rusher with that pick.

yes they could have but just because that's what they could have used doesn't mean it was there, the next olinemen wasn't drafted until the second round, same with pass rusher. If they hadn't drafted Dorrsett it would have likely been a safety or DT they took. While you could still argue safety should have been the pick Grigson found a very good DT later in the draft in Parry. So, while we had other needs I don't think Grigson passed on the second coming of Reggie White or Some great olineman to take Dorrsett. He woukd have had to reach to get one of those positions, he has admitted in past interviews that's what he did with Werner and wasn't going to do that again.
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This subject really needs to be dropped!!! Pep was brought in to do a job and he didn't do it....period. The only reason there was success was because of Luck....period. Because all 3 people (Pep, Pagano and Grigson) Luck is now hurt. They can't put a team around him just like happened to Manning. Pep was brought into make this offense good, he didn't do it...period


In the same way Pagano came in as a Defensive Coordinator and he hasn't done that. He needs to GO!! They haven't had a defense for years now and that is why he was brought in. The defense barely breaks the top 20 at any time during the season


Grigson came in as a rookie GM and he hasn't gotten done, almost 4 years later....he needs to GO!!! All Grigson is doing in this interview is try to make a case why he shouldn't be fired.



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This subject really needs to be dropped!!! Pep was brought in to do a job and he didn't do it....period. The only reason there was success was because of Luck....period. Because all 3 people (Pep, Pagano and Grigson) Luck is now hurt. They can't put a team around him just like happened to Manning. Pep was brought into make this offense good, he didn't do it...period


In the same way Pagano came in as a Defensive Coordinator and he hasn't done that. He needs to GO!! They haven't had a defense for years now and that is why he was brought in. The defense barely breaks the top 20 at any time during the season


Grigson came in as a rookie GM and he hasn't gotten done, almost 4 years later....he needs to GO!!! All Grigson is doing in this interview is try to make a case why he shouldn't be fired.

Luck is hurt because he holds the ball and then takes off running. He is just as much at fault for getting hurt. So I guess you think the first 3 years of Grigson and Pagano were bad? But like a lot, you want heads to roll because you want it without knowing what the end results would be. I guess GMs and head coaches are grown on trees and just go out and pick you a couple.

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My post impressions after listening to Dan's interview: 


--Why keep bringing up Bruce Arians? He's not running the show for us 2015 man.


--He feels no blame for Luck getting hurt? Seriously? You are paid to keep Andrew upright for 16-20 weeks? Don't highlight how exceptional Matthew is. If your back QB is in, you screwed up Grigs. 


--Ryan is cool with drafting Dorsett? Best Player available nonsense yet again. When does BPA collide with WR roster surplus Grigson? 


--Do you want to continue the partnership with Chuck Pagano after this year? If Irsay asked your opinion on Pagano once his contract expires, what would you tell him? Status quo or a new direction? 


--The offensive line is a separate entity from the QB. They are Luck's 1st & last line of defense. Yes, Andrew is a vital cog in the mix, but the o-line is the airbag in the car not the driver okay...


--Where in this 35 minute interview did Grigson address directly his failures with regard to Trent Richardson? He didn't. Forget general draft/free agency strategy. Answer the question you were actually asked please.


--I love that our owner, our GM, & our owner are driven to win, but just answer what you are asked & drop the mountain top cliches please...


--Honest, non canned answers Dan? He didn't give any answers. "Grown caboose man act like Grigson does" No, they don't. They are blunt, truthful, & don't side step difficult questions...Sigh...

So basically, you have been wanting Grigson to answer some questions and then when he does answer them you don't like it because he didn't answer the questions the way you wanted him to answer them.

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You are letting your dislike for Grigson cloud exactly what was said. You really put some meaning into some things that were said that wasn't there. Not like you SW. Grigson was making statements in an interview, not making a public apology as you seem to think he needs to.


I keep coming back to something I said earlier. "I find it fascinating how some fans find my questions about what he does for a living out of bonds & over the top." 
If Grigson's job was pouring cement for a home owner's driveway & they discovered after it was dry that the surface cracked easily & was not level, I think that individual has every right for that person to return, tear up the work with a jack hammer, & re-pour the cement at no cost to the home owner correct? 
Translation: All my questions about Ryan are relevant & right within the scope of his duties as the GM of the Colts. Ryan even said that reporters have a job to do & he can take the heat when people question his decision making.  My judgement isn't clouded at all. I just believe what I believe & my personal feelings regarding Grigson are not a personal attack at all. 
I find it strange how people think fans can just be totally objective with no emotional impact about a franchise they follow as a regular fan. This isn't a courtroom or a criminal indictment on Ryan's personality just his job description & what his responsibilities in that administrative capacity are. 
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So basically, you have been wanting Grigson to answer some questions and then when he does answer them you don't like it because he didn't answer the questions the way you wanted him to answer them.

See my previous reply above to CC1. If you disagree with my point of view fine, that's your prerogative naturally.  Our offensive line is our biggest stumbling block or impediment to a Championship right now & the #1 reason why Luck is hurt. That's on both Pagano & Grigson. Anybody who denies that fact is living in the land of make believe. Either get better o-line coaching or stop drafting surplus WRs. It's as simple as that. 


"Luck should be used to pressure by now" --Pagano & he wonders why he's on the hot seat really? 


BPA [best Player Available] doesn't always work Grigson & if you keep signing free agent veterans from Philadelphia like Todd Herremans applying a band aid to a much larger problem, the Colts will win nothing worthwhile here under your tenure. I wanna win Lombardi trophies not division titles & the inevitable playoffs exit. 

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First off...I am not Grigson fan. I think he still thinks he a scout and not a gm.


I listened to his interview both live and again just now. I think you're being overly harsh and off base. I felt he answered the questions fairly honestly and to the best he could without throwing anyone under the bus.

I do wish he'd elaborated more about the Pep/Chud decision as well as on Luck.

I also disagree with him not taking blame to a certain degree for the injury but then again, luck was on the run when hit. Did repeated hits contribute...I don't know

I also think he handled the TRICH question pretty well. Even said that his job is to grow and learn from the mistakes that he has made and did so without blaming TRich...which he should have imho.

Also, I do think he's right, as far as the draft goes.....yeah I didn't agree with the pick, but he had a point, if you go second guessing yourself and your scouts, that's when you get in trouble. The best teams, the teams consistently winning, aren't normally reaching in the first. That being said, I still think Brown would have been a huge pick. But then again, Langford, parry and Anderson are studs. And with AJ slacking.....Dorsett is gonna be handy going forward.

Just my 2 cents.

So if being 3rd in receiving yards in your team is slacking...... what's your definition of everyone after him in yards such as Fleener & Allen?

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I keep coming back to something I said earlier. "I find it fascinating how some fans find my questions about what he does for a living out of bonds & over the top." 
If Grigson's job was pouring cement for a home owner's driveway & they discovered after it was dry that the surface cracked easily & was not level, I think that individual has every right for that person to return, tear up the work with a jack hammer, & re-pour the cement at no cost to the home owner correct? 
Translation: All my questions about Ryan are relevant & right within the scope of his duties as the GM of the Colts. Ryan even said that reporters have a job to do & he can take the heat when people question his decision making.  My judgement isn't clouded at all. I just believe what I believe & my personal feelings regarding Grigson are not a personal attack at all. 
I find it strange how people think fans can just be totally objective with no emotional impact about a franchise they follow as a regular fan. This isn't a courtroom or a criminal indictment on Ryan's personality just his job description & what his responsibilities in that administrative capacity are. 


It's not a point of being out of bounds or nothing of the kind. You were in a frame of mind no matter what he said you wasn't gonna like it. He said exactly what 99.9% of what any other GM would say and why he has to be held to more I have no clue. He made a point that he made some bad choices and it was time to move on. What more can a person say? He touched a little on the rumored topic of him and Pagano at odds. He cleared that up IMO. The thing is a lot of stuff is said and done behind closed doors and kept in house so to say. Personally, I wouldn't want it any other way. The media already has enough to make some sort of big story about without help from the front office. It was a simple interview, nothing else.

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It's not a point of being out of bounds or nothing of the kind. You were in a frame of mind no matter what he said you wasn't gonna like it. He said exactly what 99.9% of what any other GM would say and why he has to be held to more I have no clue. He made a point that he made some bad choices and it was time to move on. What more can a person say? He touched a little on the rumored topic of him and Pagano at odds. He cleared that up IMO. The thing is a lot of stuff is said and done behind closed doors and kept in house so to say. Personally, I wouldn't want it any other way. The media already has enough to make some sort of big story about without help from the front office. It was a simple interview, nothing else.



Since I respect you, I will agree with you that I didn't find Ryan's responses satisfactory. Am I signing Grigson's checks like Irsay is no, but I do buy Colts merchandise & watch their games every week on Direct TV Sunday ticket so I have a right to chime in & voice some concerns over what Grigs is doing & if I feel that Ryan or Chuck put Luck in a longterm dangerous position for more than 2 seasons I have every right to express that sentiment. Just as you do, if you think that Ryan is doing a good job at GM & that Luck's lacerated kidney could not be foreseen. 


Here's the thing though: Bill Belichick keeps everything close to the vest just like Grigson likes to do, but there's 1 key difference...Bill has the SB hardware as defacto GM & HC to warrant total team silence about what moves he makes. Ryan doesn't have that ring cache or authority. He just doesn't. So, he doesn't get a pass. Yes, he deserves credit for getting 1 step closer to a championship every season that is entirely true, but I get the impression that Ryan feels like he won SB hardware & that bothers me. 


Yes, it was just a interview, but anytime a GM without clout refuses to answer questions asked of him more than once, that's a bad omen to me. You have achieved some nice milestones while you have been scouting players here, but don't convey the impression that you have arrived because you simply haven't. When I'm asked direct questions, I answer them or tell you straight out no, we not walking down that road right here & right now. 


I would also like to point out that even though Bill Polian never won a ring until 2006 he had the cache without the ring because of what Bill pulled off in Buffalo: 4 consecutive trips to the SB in the 1990's as well as his handy work in Carolina & INDY as well...

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when we hired Matt Millen 2.0

I liked your post for 1 reason & 1 reason only Dustin: Both Matt Millen & Ryan Grigson embody this persona that if you knew what I knew in terms of my football experience or paying my scouting dues, you'd claim that my stewardship of either the Lions or Colts franchise has been an awesome one. Matt carried himself like because of my HOF LB experiences & ability to breakdown plays in the TV booth, it will be a forgone conclusion that my guidance takes Motor City to the SB. Um...How'd that pan out Matthew as you now reside doing college games on ESPN? 


Ryan Grigson just seems to think that the BPA regardless of position or glaring holes will always be the way to go. Gee, I wonder Irsay yelled at you after Luck got hurt & Matthew was once again inserted to win games during the season? Hmmm...Passionate drive to win eh? And what's the best way to win games? Not get your franchise QB hurt by giving him running lanes & throwing lanes with superior protection up front. 

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I liked your post for 1 reason & 1 reason only Dustin: Both Matt Millen & Ryan Grigson embody this persona that if you knew what I knew in terms of my football experience or paying my scouting dues, you'd claim that my stewardship of either the Lions or Colts franchise has been an awesome one. Matt carried himself like because of my HOF LB experiences & ability to breakdown plays in the TV booth, it will be a forgone conclusion that my guidance takes Motor City to the SB. Um...How'd that pan out Matthew as you now reside doing college games on ESPN? 


Ryan Grigson just seems to think that the BPA regardless of position or glaring holes will always be the way to go. Gee, I wonder Irsay yelled at you after Luck got hurt & Matthew was once again inserted to win games during the season? Hmmm...Passionate drive to win eh? And what's the best way to win games? Not get your franchise QB hurt by giving him running lanes & throwing lanes with superior protection up front. 

I like ya southwest, your a pretty good dude so don't take this as a personal attack. It certainly is not BUT lets be honest, you should really learn how to breakdown what you see in games before you go calling out the O Line and Grigson for failing to give Luck superior protection. Also  BPA IS the right way to go on ANY board. You don't reach for some lesser talent when you have a guy with a much better grade right in front of you all because of need

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I can't figure out what in the world you are saying here?  Trent was a rookie in Cleveland, not an "older back" and the "youth and athletic talent in the draft" comment is equally bizarre and then you call Trent a "veteran RB"   


You do know that Trent was just starting his second season when they traded for him right?  The underlined statements above are just bizarrely incorrect in terms of Richardson's age and experience.  

I may be wrong about Trent Richardson's age JPK, but I am not wrong about Trent's lack of peripheral vision or failure to hit the crease which I readily admit I didn't say above, but I have said in other threads regarding Richardson. 

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I found his answer about the possibility that it's his fault that Luck is taking a beating to be unsatisfactory.

He never considered it, until a radio host asked him? On one hand, why lie and on the other why act so oblivious?

I had a problem with his answer there also. I get it, as Luck got hurt scrambling, and if he was injured earlier in the Titans game, that was a game with some significant execution issues. Many act like the line is the worst in the league, and it's not, especially since Louis and Herremans were benched.

Still, the personnel could be a lot better. A LOT better. And Grigson could take some personal responsibility for that. Although that's a fine line, since it might seem like the GM publicly denouncing his own players, which isn't a good idea in Week 11. We still need those guys.

He was also asked whether he felt he should have drafted a lineman instead of Dorsett. Don't remember which question came first, but that may have flavored his response there. And no matter what anyone says about Dorsett or the pick, there was only one OL worthy of that pick, and he was being investigated in connection with a murder.

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I like ya southwest, your a pretty good dude so don't take this as a personal attack. It certainly is not BUT lets be honest, you should really learn how to breakdown what you see in games before you go calling out the O Line and Grigson for failing to give Luck superior protection. Also  BPA IS the right way to go on ANY board. You don't reach for some lesser talent when you have a guy with a much better grade right in front of you all because of need

Thanks for the complement Gavin. I've said it before & I'll say it again, I am no draft guru nor do I wish to become one. I leave that expertise up to guys like you, Dustin, BrentMc11, Superman, Chad72, Jvan, Lollygagger etc. etc. It would be just like if I said to you that Gavin doesn't know squat about cataloging or preserving historical records since he never got an advanced history or library degree if you make a mistake asserting a landmark event in our nation's history. We all have our gifts & our weaknesses.  So, no I won't be spending hours dissecting game formations & their conclusions. That's never gonna happen on my end Gavin. 


There are exceptions to every rule even BPA. Is it a good fallback position? Sure. A permanent case of GM entrenchment is never a sound philosophy in my book. 

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Typical. Another thread turned in to a bash Grigson thread. I guess it would have been better had Grigson not even gave an interview. No matter what he said some will find fault regardless of what he said.

When you are currently under .500 and you are scratching and clawing to stay ahead of the Jags and Texans, fans are going to be unhappy.


They are going to start nit picking every decision that every person they feel is responsible for the product that has been put out on the field.


You want to get rid of the bash Grigson threads, then either fire Grigson and then we can have bash (insert new GM's name here) threads, or he can do better at putting a better product on the field, and people will start to ease up.


The Colts had pre-season SB expectations, and now we are just trying to hang on good enough to win the worst division in football.  People are upset, and IMO, have every right to be.  If that translates into bash Grigson, bash Pagano, bash Pep, etc then so be it.


Winning is the great elixir, the Colts need to find a way to win.  New OC, we'll see how that goes (looks promising), if they still don't win (or win enough) the HC will go, then the GM (or maybe both together).  It's going to be a looooong rest of the season if they don't win games.

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I like ya southwest, your a pretty good dude so don't take this as a personal attack. It certainly is not BUT lets be honest, you should really learn how to breakdown what you see in games before you go calling out the O Line and Grigson for failing to give Luck superior protection. Also  BPA IS the right way to go on ANY board. You don't reach for some lesser talent when you have a guy with a much better grade right in front of you all because of need

How are you not working in the NFL somewhere?  Your talent is being wasted on this board

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I like ya southwest, your a pretty good dude so don't take this as a personal attack. It certainly is not BUT lets be honest, you should really learn how to breakdown what you see in games before you go calling out the O Line and Grigson for failing to give Luck superior protection. Also  BPA IS the right way to go on ANY board. You don't reach for some lesser talent when you have a guy with a much better grade right in front of you all because of need

The Oline has improved but let's not act like it's been anything more than unsatisfactory during 90% of Grigson's tenure. And calling shorts routes isn't improved line play, it's scheming around the deficiencies.

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The Oline has improved but let's not act like it's been anything more than unsatisfactory during 90% of Grigson's tenure. And calling shorts routes isn't improved line play, it's scheming around the deficiencies.


Well, even if you don't want to give Grigson marks for trying (like getting Cherilus, Donald Thomas etc. extending Castanzo, and drafting Mewhort, Holmes, Thornton etc.), the truth is that there is an OL epidemic around the league with more college offenses playing spread. Rarely do they have to hold on to a block for more than 2 seconds before moving on to the next target. They can't do that in the NFL and the learning curve is steep. Even Brady realizes that with his team's OL injuries and shuffling, he has to get rid of it faster and our QB can be expected to do the same.


I have said this before and will say it again. When you bring in different personnel and you still get the same results, it is time to take a hard look at the OL coaching, IMO. In the NFL, you do not have too many offenses that are thriving with a QB holding on to the ball close to 4 seconds. If you try to do too much of it, you have injuries like those of Big Ben and Andrew Luck (or Kaep or RG3). So calling short routes is a necessity, not just scheming around deficiencies.

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Since I respect you, I will agree with you that I didn't find Ryan's responses satisfactory. Am I signing Grigson's checks like Irsay is no, but I do buy Colts merchandise & watch their games every week on Direct TV Sunday ticket so I have a right to chime in & voice some concerns over what Grigs is doing & if I feel that Ryan or Chuck put Luck in a longterm dangerous position for more than 2 seasons I have every right to express that sentiment. Just as you do, if you think that Ryan is doing a good job at GM & that Luck's lacerated kidney could not be foreseen. 


Here's the thing though: Bill Belichick keeps everything close to the vest just like Grigson likes to do, but there's 1 key difference...Bill has the SB hardware as defacto GM & HC to warrant total team silence about what moves he makes. Ryan doesn't have that ring cache or authority. He just doesn't. So, he doesn't get a pass. Yes, he deserves credit for getting 1 step closer to a championship every season that is entirely true, but I get the impression that Ryan feels like he won SB hardware & that bothers me. 


Yes, it was just a interview, but anytime a GM without clout refuses to answer questions asked of him more than once, that's a bad omen to me. You have achieved some nice milestones while you have been scouting players here, but don't convey the impression that you have arrived because you simply haven't. When I'm asked direct questions, I answer them or tell you straight out no, we not walking down that road right here & right now. 


I would also like to point out that even though Bill Polian never won a ring until 2006 he had the cache without the ring because of what Bill pulled off in Buffalo: 4 consecutive trips to the SB in the 1990's as well as his handy work in Carolina & INDY as well...

Grigson had a simple interview, not a confessional. Because he curbed some questions makes him no different than any other GM. Grigson is not Belichick or Polian. To make comparisons is just that. Because I don't choose the route to bash him does not mean I am happy about some of the moves he has made and for you to say that is wrong. Being a GM is a tough job and just like all jobs, there are rough spots along the way. Is it just me or are you just taking this over the top?

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As I stated earlier, his opinion on the future of Pagano & by implication if he would feel comfortable continuing this partnership after this season? That's a yes or no question or that's Irsay's call not mine response. 


He didn't answer that question. You've got 2 options: Dodge it with the PC owner answer or talk about your ability to pursue a Championship with Chuck. It's real easy. 


I don't care about draft day decisions, your scouting department, or free agency passionate debates among colleagues inside LOS regarding Trent Richardson. What lessons have you learned from that trade Ryan good or bad about your judgment as a GM learning the occupation on the fly? 


I don't even think he was asked that question. 


It's interesting that you are so eager to hear from the GM -- you've been critical of Grigson for not doing as much media as Polian -- but then say that you don't care about draft day decisions, the scouting department, free agency debates, etc. Those are the things the GM is ultimately responsible for.


And regarding this Richardson trade, Grigson has addressed it several times already since Richardson was released. His answer was basically that he's not going to be gun shy because of a trade that didn't work out. He didn't kick himself for making a mistake, which is obviously what you want to hear, but he clearly acknowledge that it was a mistake, not only by releasing Richardson, but also in his comments about it. It's over and done. I can't imagine what else you want to hear from the man.

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When you are currently under .500 and you are scratching and clawing to stay ahead of the Jags and Texans, fans are going to be unhappy.


They are going to start nit picking every decision that every person they feel is responsible for the product that has been put out on the field.


You want to get rid of the bash Grigson threads, then either fire Grigson and then we can have bash (insert new GM's name here) threads, or he can do better at putting a better product on the field, and people will start to ease up.


The Colts had pre-season SB expectations, and now we are just trying to hang on good enough to win the worst division in football.  People are upset, and IMO, have every right to be.  If that translates into bash Grigson, bash Pagano, bash Pep, etc then so be it.


Winning is the great elixir, the Colts need to find a way to win.  New OC, we'll see how that goes (looks promising), if they still don't win (or win enough) the HC will go, then the GM (or maybe both together).  It's going to be a looooong rest of the season if they don't win games.


No disagreement with any of the above.


However, I will say that there's a certain zealotry that seems to pop up in virtually every thread, almost shoehorned in at times. No surprise that this thread would go that route, as it's directly about the GM and his comments. 

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The Oline has improved but let's not act like it's been anything more than unsatisfactory during 90% of Grigson's tenure. And calling shorts routes isn't improved line play, it's scheming around the deficiencies.


AKA good coaching and execution. It's a simple adjustment that was made in preseason in the middle of the first quarter, and then once the lights went on, everything changed back again.


Two separate issues, but the reckless offensive approach only exacerbated the substandard protection. And that in particular goes on Luck, Pep and Pagano.

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