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The Fans Response To The Broncos/Colts-Cheer or Jeer?

King Colt

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This is a touchy subject and with that said, here goes the question; with all that is going wrong and no one has a clear answer as to why and who is to blame, blah, blah, blah, should Colts fans express their frustration as both teams enter on to the field or just keep cheering? 

It should show a lot depending on how the game progresses. Booing your team is a last result (unless you are in Philadelphia) but when it is justified then turn up the volume. The fans booed them recently and with Peyton there it could get brutal to the point they cheer Peyton.

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Honestly I'll be cheering for the Colts on one side, and Peyton on the other. If we win, it's a huge upset of epic proportions. If we lose, Peyton gets a few more records. It's one of those games where I won't mind the outcome regardless... 


Now if we're talking about hope...


I hope Andrew gets back on track and we stun that amazing defense.

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Honestly nothing would make me happier in the regular season than to beat the Broncos with Manning having the worst game of his career. Like 4 INTs, 2pick6, sacks the "awe shucks" face we were so familiar with in the playoffs. He wants nothing more than to get those final two regular season individual records. Zero chance for playoff success this year. Go Colts!

-Colts fan not a former Colts player fan, here.

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Honestly nothing would make me happier in the regular season than to beat the Broncos with Manning having the worst game of his career. Like 4 INTs, 2pick6, sacks the "awe shucks" face we were so familiar with in the playoffs. He wants nothing more than to get those final two regular season individual records. Zero chance for playoff success this year. Go Colts!

-Colts fan not a former Colts player fan, here.

Really, dude?

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Monday's loss was a huge punch to the gut. That would've been a titanic victory and got us to 4-4. Man I hope we recover from this.

I agree but I had no faith in the win because of Pep. Why he refused to use the same style of play that he did with MH for Luck is beyond me. His predictable play calling. At least if you are going to be predictable you better do what you do really really well. I think he had way to many toys and was trying to be cute instead of playing them to the best of their abilities. I'm just glad the Pep experiment is over.

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I'm cheering Peyton regardless. I expect the fan base to have more patience with the offense this week. Hard to boo them 5 days into a new installation

I highly doubt Chud will install a while new offense. Maybe some tweeks here and there along the way, but he will change the type of play style, the packages, but not a whole new playbook.

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I'll be happy to see Manning, then hope Robert Mathis annihilates him again. I'll root for Manning against every other team besides the Colts. I don't really like the Broncos but I don't dislike them either, and I do wish Manning success against everyone but the Colts.


I remember that, Mathis seemed like he really wanted to nail Peyton in 2013. Hmmm.........

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I highly doubt Chud will install a while new offense. Maybe some tweeks here and there along the way, but he will change the type of play style, the packages, but not a whole new playbook.


Yeah, I really didn't mean for it to be perceived as a "whole new playbook". Obviously I expect there will be new personnel groups and route trees or our passing game will continue to struggle with congestion, and just poor design.

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Your post seemed unduly insulting to #18 is all.

Not every fan has emotional ties to players, I certainly don't and feel the same way as the person you quoted. Peyote plays for the opposing team and I hope they hit him every chance they get. Some of you take fandom to a rather odd/weird level, especially when it comes players people have ZERO formal ties to.

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Not every fan has emotional ties to players, I certainly don't and feel the same way as the person you quoted. Peyote plays for the opposing team and I hope they hit him every chance they get. Some of you take fandom to a rather odd/weird level, especially when it comes players people have ZERO formal ties to.

No, I just enjoy the new stadium and the fact the team is still in indy. Without peyton, we would likely have neither

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Sure, because there have been all of these teams moving all over the place because they didn't have a specific star player..

The colts were a terrible team with a sub par stadium. They brought little to the NFL table. Until of coarse manning was drafted and turned the whole thing around. The city almost didn't fund the stadium even with the success the team was having. The lease from the city would have expired and the team would have moved with the consent of all of the other owners.

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Not every fan has emotional ties to players, I certainly don't and feel the same way as the person you quoted. Peyote plays for the opposing team and I hope they hit him every chance they get. Some of you take fandom to a rather odd/weird level, especially when it comes players people have ZERO formal ties to.

That's me.  Odd/weird.

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