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Can we stop blaming Whalen now?


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I hope the mods let this stay up as I think it needs its own thread. But the guy who originally was supposed to be the center was Clayton Geathers. That's right, we used Whalen who never even practiced this ONCE in practice. It makes me question even more why the hell did we run this play? Just totally inexcusable by this coaching staff.


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They still were nor lined up on the line of scrimmage.  I would imagine all 8 players on the right side had practiced this play befor, starting early this spring.  So it tells me that the coaching staff did not properly prepare the players.  Pagano should fall on the sword and move.  It's a pity his ego is getting in the way.

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Well you can tell if you watch the upclose slow motion replays that Colt Anderson looks surprised that he evens get the ball.  He receives the snap and takes a hesitant second as if he's wondering did Griff really just snap the ball.  


At least that's what it looks like to me

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I hope the mods let this stay up as I think it needs its own thread. But the guy who originally was supposed to be the center was Clayton Geathers. That's right, we used Whalen who never even practiced this ONCE in practice. It makes me question even more why the hell did we run this play? Just totally inexcusable by this coaching staff.


I mentioned this in the other thread. Not Griffs fault at all....

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Well you can tell if you watch the upclose slow motion replays that Colt Anderson looks surprised that he evens get the ball. He receives the snap and takes a hesitant second as if he's wondering did Griff really just snap the ball.

At least that's what it looks like to me

Yeah, I noticed that too. He might have also hesitated cause he knew he was gonna get drilled. There's no doubt Griff messed up, but running a play with a guy who never practiced it is just stupid. Whalen should have never been put in that situation.

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Stupid play all around.

I wasn't crazy about the onsides kick either.

We were playing well enuff to win on both sides of the ball at that point. Punt it or go for it...: but use your TALENT for heaven's sake. A couple safeties tho? Ridiculous!

This HAS to fall on the coaches. They tried to get too cute when it wasn't necessary.

Before that, the NE sideline looked stunned. Even Gronk wasn't smiling. We had them in as good of a position as we could have hoped, then the crazy fake play.

That play by itself gave them field position, raised their spirits and emotions, and took all the wind out of the Colts players AND fans.

Inexcusable, imo. Just crazy. The play had NO chance of working, not even in Madden or Tecmo. Maybe in "fantasy land."

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It shouldn't have happened. Pagano should have looked at the clock, realized his team was in it and playing desperate was unnecessary. If we had stayed the course, ball control, eat the clock ect, the outcome could very well have been different. 


He got in his own way and it probably sealed his fate. 

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According to the article Whalen wasn't involved in discussions about certain code words of when to snap the ball or not. He literally was just thrown to the fire for a play that he had no clue what was going on. Might as well have just picked his name out of a hat.

I agree that it was a poor decision to put Whalen in that position in the first place, but as far as code words go, it was reported that Patriots players heard Anderson tell Whalen not to snap the ball three times. I am not sure what other words he needed to hear.

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True. But was sent out to do a play he never practiced once. Maybe he had no idea what he was supposed to do? Obviously he shouldn't have snapped the ball but its *ic to run the play with a guy who never even practiced it at all.

Even I know not to snap the ball when you have 3 guys over top of you and 9 other team mates 30 yards away.


It's called football common sense or IQ and Whalen doesn't have it.

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I agree that it was a poor decision to put Whalen in that position in the first place, but as far as code words go, it was reported that Patriots players heard Anderson tell Whalen not to snap the ball three times. I am not sure what other words he needed to hear.

If this is true then Whalen needs to step up..

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I agree that it was a poor decision to put Whalen in that position in the first place, but as far as code words go, it was reported that Patriots players heard Anderson tell Whalen not to snap the ball three times. I am not sure what other words he needed to hear.


Perhaps Whalen thought that him saying in front of Pat's players "don't snap the ball" was designed to trick them or something and give us an advantage??


I mean if you are trying to draw them offsides, saying "don't snap the ball" in front of them would kind of give it away.


Griff followed the playbook and the playbook told him to snap the ball if the guy gets under you.  

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Perhaps Whalen thought that him saying in front of Pat's players "don't snap the ball" was designed to trick them or something and give us an advantage??

I mean if you are trying to draw them offsides, saying "don't snap the ball" in front of them would kind of give it away.

Griff followed the playbook and the playbook told him to snap the ball if the guy gets under you.

Huh? Pagano was screaming on the sidelines "why did you snap the ball". That ball was NEVER meant to be snapped in that circumstance...

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Even I know not to snap the ball when you have 3 guys over top of you and 9 other team mates 30 yards away.


It's called football common sense or IQ and Whalen doesn't have it.


Dude followed the playbook.  Wouldn't common sense tell you to do what you are told and follow the playbook?  Or you an advocate of doing your own thing because you think you're idea is better?


Overall the thing is you don't put a guy in a position like that when he's never practiced it before.  

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Huh? Pagano was screaming on the sidelines "why did you snap the ball". That ball was NEVER meant to be snapped in that circumstance...


Yeah he screamed that after the fact. 


But if I'm Whalen and all I know is we are trying to trick the Pats and I go up to center and my own guy says RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PAT'S PLAYERS "Don't snap the ball" I can't tell if that's something designed to trick them or if that's an actual command.


Why would you say that right in front of the guys you are trying to trick.  It would be like running a statue of liberty play and yelling across the line "Hey guys I'm going to pretend to pass the ball but I'm really not"

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Dude followed the playbook. Wouldn't common sense tell you to do what you are told and follow the playbook? Or you an advocate of doing your own thing because you think you're idea is better?

Overall the thing is you don't put a guy in a position like that when he's never practiced it before.

Are you serious? With 3 defenders over the top of you? There is no way anything good comes out of snapping the ball. Pagano's reaction afterward pretty much confirms that ball was to stay planted on the ground. The kid f'd up plain and simple..

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Overall the thing is you don't put a guy in a position like that when he's never practiced it before.

I agree with this. Honestly, it's further demonstrates the lack of discipline of the Colts, mostly demonstrated by the offense. Maybe it has now infected the special teams.

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Common-sense alone says to not snap the ball...


Players are not taught to question the playbook.  Otherwise you have everyone out there doing their own thing because they think their common sense is better.


Whalen knows the playbook he follows the playbook.  


Why did you snap the ball?  Because the dang playbook said that if the guy gets under center that's what I should do.  


It's not Whalen's call as to if the ball is snapped.  The playbook told him to snap it.  


And someone telling him not to snap the ball right in front of the opposing players he probably thought that was a trick because why in the heck would you tell the other team what you are doing?

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Are you serious? With 3 defenders over the top of you? There is no way anything good comes out of snapping the ball. Pagano's reaction afterward pretty much confirms that ball was to stay planted on the ground. The kid f'd up plain and simple..


The kid didn't know the plan.  The kid never practiced the plan.


The kid followed the plan in the playbook.  The plan was changed without the kid's knowledge.


Therefore the kid followed the plan that he was given.  It's not the kid's job to question the plan.


If you start asking him to use common sense then you invite players to question the logic of any play they disagree with.




The above article details how Whalen knew the playbook and followed the playbook.  It's not his job to question the playbook.  His job is to snap it if the guy gets under center.


Blame the guy who got under center.  Blame the coaches for sending in a kid who'd never practiced it and whom they never communicated the plan to.  


Don't blame the kid for doing what he was told.  Because the playbook told him to snap it and he had received no information to the contrary other then some guy saying that right in front of the opposing team.  (Why would you pass information that vital in front of the opposing team that they can all hear it??)


"Last week (in practice), Griff is at the other end catching my punts. We added something to try and draw them offsides if they don’t do their substitution,” McAfee added. “Griff never got the heads up this was happening, because it’s not in the playbook. Stanford guy, reads the playbook, knows everything he has to do, but if he’s not there for an audible that’s added, he can’t know.

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Some inconsistent logic flying around on this topic. For years our coaching staff have been torn to shreads for their terrible play calling. Now, when they call one of the most pathetic plays in the history of the game, people are blaming the poor sod who was sent out on a fools errand.

Get a grip.


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Dude followed the playbook.  Wouldn't common sense tell you to do what you are told and follow the playbook?  Or you an advocate of doing your own thing because you think you're idea is better?


Overall the thing is you don't put a guy in a position like that when he's never practiced it before.  

You can make an excuse for Whalen all you want but the truth is the truth, don't snap the ball!

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