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Calls for Peyton to be benched


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I have no clue as how much #18 has left. No matter how much we like #18 he can't beat father time. All I do know is the Broncos would not be undefeated without a killer defense, not because of the great play of the offense. It wouldn't surprise me one bit for #18 to pick his game up and play well but that remains to be seen. Only time will tell.

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If Eli didn't get benched during his terrible play last season, then I definitely don't see PM having to sit on the old hot metal. Mannings just don't get benched....unless they're playing the Jets with a perfect regular season at stake.

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Denver was in a tough place when the offense switched back to the Indy offense in the second quarter of KC. It is not like Elway did not know or see Manning's decline last year which is why he hired Kubiak and talked all off-season about taking the burden off of Manning and running more. Once they made the decision to scrap Kubes offense and go with this Indy/hybrid version they got themselves back into the same situation that they were in last year. On top of everything, the line is not good and by extension neither is the run game. So really it is a hot mess offensively.


In terms of Brock, there is no doubt he gives you better arm strength and mobility and can run Kubes offense but he lacks experience. As poorly as Manning has played, he has led several GW drives so there is the unknown with Brock. Denver did switch QBs years ago when they benched Plummer for Cutler. Denver at the time was 7-4 when they made the switch and they missed the playoffs. Of course Cutler was a rookie and Brock is not so there is that to consider.


I don't believe any change is made unless Denver starts losing games but if the offense continues to struggle and turn over the ball then I can see the change coming sooner. There is no doubt that they will need much better QB play to contend in the post-season.

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Peyton's not getting Benched.


Denver fans have been calling for it for a while now.  Kind of like the Colts fans on here calling for Pags and Grigs to be fired..


However, fans don't make the decisions.

Tebow got his chance to play in large part because of fan out cry. The fans do effect decisions because they are the ones buying the tickets/merchandise.

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I'll start by saying that Peyton should absolutely NOT be benched. I do remember saying before the season though that his best days were behind him and I got absolutely KILLED for that. Maybe I wasn't as wrong as everyone would have led you to believe.

I agreed with you. You weren't totally alone ;) I seriously think Peyton should have retired last year. Only reason they are undefeated is that defense. Which took a big hit injury wise over the weekend

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Tebow got his chance to play in large part because of fan out cry. The fans do effect decisions because they are the ones buying the tickets/merchandise.

Elway WILL NOT allow Peyton to be benched. Not gonna happen. However, I do believe 100 percent that this will be the swan song for Peyton Manning in the NFL.

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I think they will go back to the shotgun instead of the pistol and hope to put up respectable points in the 20-30 range consistently and hope their D holds up vs elite teams.


Peyton's physical limitations stunt the playbook extensibility, hands down. I bet changes will take place over the bye week after the Browns game.


If Peyton loses the Browns game, however with a pick six or two, I can definitely see him benched. Teams will continue to squat on the routes till Peyton can show them he can hit 20+ yards on a routine basis. Elway is not as tied to Peyton as we think he is. He has to think Broncos first, Peyton next.

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Tebow got his chance to play in large part because of fan out cry. The fans do effect decisions because they are the ones buying the tickets/merchandise.

He wasn't benching peyton, and they weren't undefeated at the time. The cries for oswieler aren't nearly as loud as people make it sound

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He wasn't benching peyton, and they weren't undefeated at the time. The cries for oswieler aren't nearly as loud as people make it sound

I was not commenting on the circumstances around each scenario but more to the point that fans do not effect FO decisions. They most certainly do and Tebow is a good example of that but I agree, the contingent that want Manning benched is not large but they are very vocal as dissenting minority voices tend to be.

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Then maybe Kubiak is the one that needs to change and let Peyton run the offense.   :scratch:    


It would be different if Manning could still make throws in any offense.  He looks outright poor and it will get worse when the weather turns.  

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Yeah but Kubiak wants to win..Denver is HIS team from way back..

...as long as the final score works out...he'll stay with Manning...because he wants to get back to the post-season

...They just keep missing big plays...overthrows...underthrows...drops..

...He did have that stretch in Indy where he threw something like 11 interceptions in 4 weeks..but picks don't bother me. Rodgers had 2 picks yesterday...Its the lack of TDs

///Decent yardage at Oakland ..just no TDs...I'm waiting for the 'breakout game'


They're missing big plays because on every throw over 15 yards he has to put his entire body into it and he has zero accuracy.

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I'll start by saying that Peyton should absolutely NOT be benched. I do remember saying before the season though that his best days were behind him and I got absolutely KILLED for that. Maybe I wasn't as wrong as everyone would have led you to believe.

Are you Peyton's realtor too???....5-0.....nuff said. :thmup:

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I'll start by saying that Peyton should absolutely NOT be benched. I do remember saying before the season though that his best days were behind him and I got absolutely KILLED for that. Maybe I wasn't as wrong as everyone would have led you to believe.

Were you even here before the season?  I have never heard of you and wondering who the heck you are....just sayin'  :)

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I was not commenting on the circumstances around each scenario but more to the point that fans do not effect FO decisions. They most certainly do and Tebow is a good example of that but I agree, the contingent that want Manning benched is not large but they are very vocal as dissenting minority voices tend to be.

Clearly you are one of the torch bearers in that minority for sure !.


Part of you is worried about the Denver game with Manning playing. You just wont admit it.

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If I go all the way to Indy next month to see Osweiler play the Colts instead of Peyton, then I am going to cry.

I think you'd have an iron clad case for a full ticket refund & a complementary burger, fries, & a drink for your inconvenience...Not to mention epic disappointment CB12. That's how I would roll anyway if that travesty transpired & I had the authority to rectify the situation anyway. 

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I think they will go back to the shotgun instead of the pistol and hope to put up respectable points in the 20-30 range consistently and hope their D holds up vs elite teams.


Peyton's physical limitations stunt the playbook extensibility, hands down. I bet changes will take place over the bye week after the Browns game.


If Peyton loses the Browns game, however with a pick six or two, I can definitely see him benched. Teams will continue to squat on the routes till Peyton can show them he can hit 20+ yards on a routine basis. Elway is not as tied to Peyton as we think he is. He has to think Broncos first, Peyton next.

Come on Chad. That's just crazy talk. Brock is no white knight in reserves here. Are you kidding me? LOL! Elway's not stupid. Brock will never lead the Broncos in a miraculous comeback victory over NE. Please...


I like you Chad, but the thing you need to remember is that the Broncos have dominated their division ever since Peyton arrived in Denver & because of this & his HOF credentials, Manning barring injury will never sit down especially in his last season ride man. Remember that KC game when Brady had an off night & reporters asked Bill Belichick whether a QB change was warranted? The Grey Hoodie smirked as if is to say "Seriously? Get the bleep outta here & stop this nonsense okay." 


Duplicating Bill's facial expression right now as SW1 types this reply...

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Tebow got his chance to play in large part because of fan out cry. The fans do effect decisions because they are the ones buying the tickets/merchandise.

I was just thinking that

Some denver fans started a bill board campaign to bench Kyle Orton and play tebow


Broncos fans know how to mobilize!

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That would be absolutely ridiculous! Peyton isn't what he used to be, but he still a good QB. It doesn't help that Denver was trying to incorporate a new system, or that the O line can't make holes for the run. I think, as has been commented on by Peyton and Kubiak, they're on a learning curve. They're trying to mesh what Peyton does with what Kubiak wants. If they can become just an average O (with an average run game too), and maintain the number one D spot, they will be VERY good.  

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Come on Chad. That's just crazy talk. Brock is no white knight in reserves here. Are you kidding me? LOL! Elway's not stupid. Brock will never lead the Broncos in a miraculous comeback victory over NE. Please...


I like you Chad, but the thing you need to remember is that the Broncos have dominated their division ever since Peyton arrived in Denver & because of this & his HOF credentials, Manning barring injury will never sit down especially in his last season ride man. Remember that KC game when Brady had an off night & reporters asked Bill Belichick whether a QB change was warranted? The Grey Hoodie smirked as if is to say "Seriously? Get the bleep outta here & stop this nonsense okay." 


Duplicating Bill's facial expression right now as SW1 types this reply...


True, I get that.


However, at some point in time, you got to go with what Peyton is comfortable with to maximize what you can out of Peyton. If Kubiak continues his insistence on implementing his current playbook as it is, that swan song, that last season ride may not be a happy one for Peyton. Broncos play the toughest remaining schedule in the league with 3 undefeated teams Packers, Patriots and Bengals coming up. They most likely will play at the Steelers with a possibly healthy Big Ben later and at the Colts with a healthy Luck. They can easily be 1-4 in those games, IMO, if this O continues with their ineptitude. You cannot hold down elite teams to below 20 points, and would normally have to put up points in the low to high 20s at least to stand a chance, which this offense is not capable of doing vs good Ds.


I am the last person that wants to see Peyton benched but Kubiak should not make things difficult for Peyton at this point. An old dog cannot be taught new tricks, IMO.

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Denver was in a tough place when the offense switched back to the Indy offense in the second quarter of KC. It is not like Elway did not know or see Manning's decline last year which is why he hired Kubiak and talked all off-season about taking the burden off of Manning and running more. Once they made the decision to scrap Kubes offense and go with this Indy/hybrid version they got themselves back into the same situation that they were in last year. On top of everything, the line is not good and by extension neither is the run game. So really it is a hot mess offensively.


In terms of Brock, there is no doubt he gives you better arm strength and mobility and can run Kubes offense but he lacks experience. As poorly as Manning has played, he has led several GW drives so there is the unknown with Brock. Denver did switch QBs years ago when they benched Plummer for Cutler. Denver at the time was 7-4 when they made the switch and they missed the playoffs. Of course Cutler was a rookie and Brock is not so there is that to consider.


I don't believe any change is made unless Denver starts losing games but if the offense continues to struggle and turn over the ball then I can see the change coming sooner. There is no doubt that they will need much better QB play to contend in the post-season.

I've seen a lot of QBs with big arms that never did anything significant & just because Brock can run a few naked bootlegs it doesn't necessarily mean he can read defenses correctly or survive delayed blitz packages. Peyton may under throw some balls once in awhile, but Brock tends to over throw his TEs & WRs a lot which is more dangerous to me. His primary problem is his line something INDY knows all too well & you're right if his backs can't get about 4 yards a carry, Denver's 3rd & longs are tough to overcome. I don't blame Peyton for that. 


I will admit though that it's bizarre not to see Denver put up about 24 points a game like seasons past. They won that game in Oakland by the skin of their teeth. I'll take it ugly or pretty though. Anyway I can get the victory. 

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But do you believe Tebow was started because of the billboard?.

Kyle Orton's performance didn't help his cause.

IDK, I'm just saying Denver fans have a history of doing this.

They also have a history of being wrong.

There's no consequence for fans being wrong though so there's that

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True, I get that.


However, at some point in time, you got to go with what Peyton is comfortable with to maximize what you can out of Peyton. If Kubiak continues his insistence on implementing his current playbook as it is, that swan song, that last season ride may not be a happy one for Peyton. Broncos play the toughest remaining schedule in the league with 3 undefeated teams Packers, Patriots and Bengals coming up. They most likely will play at the Steelers with a possibly healthy Big Ben later and at the Colts with a healthy Luck. They can easily be 1-4 in those games, IMO, if this O continues with their ineptitude. You cannot hold down elite teams to below 20 points, and would normally have to put up points in the low to high 20s at least to stand a chance, which this offense is not capable of doing vs good Ds.


I am the last person that wants to see Peyton benched but Kubiak should not make things difficult for Peyton at this point. An old dog cannot be taught new tricks, IMO.

We're cool Chad. No problem. I agree 100% just put Peyton in shotgun 95% of the time & let him do his thing. Even if Denver gets creamed by GB, NE, Cincinnati, they are still making the Playoffs since KC lost Jamal Charles for the year, San Diego has a lackluster defense, & Oakland isn't good enough to make the post season yet.  12-4 or 11-5 will still guarantee Denver a spot because I don't trust Andy Dalton when games really matter. I just don't. He'll mess it up. Just be patient. 


Yes, it's too much too ask Orange Crush to put up 30 points during that stretch. I never under estimate Peyton or Brady. 2 QBs who just find a way to do what needs to be done year after year. 

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Once Peyton retires, Denver fans will realize their loss. Luckily for us Colts fans we got Andrew so the hangover wasn't bad.

Precisely 06CTE, it took me Curtis Painter to realize how special Peyton really is...Absence of greatness makes you fear the void more with a greater sense of trepidation & regret. 

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Precisely 06CTE, it took me Curtis Painter to realize how special Peyton really is...Absence of greatness makes you fear the void more with a greater sense of trepidation & regret. 


Yeah, after 2011 I appreciate everything Andrew and the Colts have brought to us. 3 11 win seasons and a Final 4. A lot of fans were just so spoiled with Peyton, they just assumed we would win every game. Some of them Denver fans need to get their head checked haha.

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Tebow was clearly an outlier, a special case, reality need not apply. 


Been that way all the way back to him playing HS football. Seriously, look it up.

Same thing happened with Plummer and Cutler too. I think it is more of a Denver thing. Those fans seem to get a lot of mind share from the FO.

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Who said he was? Would they be undefeated wits brock?


probably. its not like peyton has done much to help them win. no impressive wins and barely beating teams like the ravens chiefs vikings and raiders and the record of the teams they have beaten are 4-15

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The Broncos need to bench Daniels.  Owen Daniels was always one of my favorite TEs to watch (unless he was playing the Colts) probably because his play reminded me so much of Dilger.  The guy could run great routes, catch everything thrown his way and then on top of that block like a tackle.  But he looks terrible this year, he can't get open, half the time if there is someone within 2 yards of him he drops the pass, the other half he is is falling to the ground before the ball gets there.


The only time I have seen him catch a pass is when the D totally forgot about him and he was wide open.  It's time they gave Virgil Green a shot as the stater.

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Why does everyone assume that Brock is going to magically run the offense better than Peyton? I get that Peyton is struggling at times but it's clearly not all on him. The running game continues to be virtually existent and the pass protection is by the worst it's been since Peyton has arrived in Denver. The offensive line will eventually gel and Peyton will find his groove. Denver is just fortunate enough to have a defense that finally can carry the load.

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