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Pat Kirwan is calling you out.


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Doesn't sound like it. Sounds more like you're jumping ship after 2 games because the offense isn't putting up the gaudy numbers right out of the gate that you'd envisioned. You don't know what's gonna happen, they could win the next 3 in a row, and legitimately have their act together by the time New England gets to town.

Actually it does sound just like I have higher expectations. As I stated, I literally expected us to go 2-0 and apparently you did not. Hate to use this word again but that is literally the definition of my having higher expectations of my team than you. I'm not jumping ship at all, if you come dowm to Urbana Champaign you'll Proudly see me wearing any of my colts Jerseys. Win or lose, same as the 2-14 year. You'll also see me continue to post on this forum everyday that I have time. Don't you dare claim anything about me "jumping ship" just because I have higher expectations of our colts than you do.

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Ok yes we sucked last night, yes we sucked last week, but have a funny feeling we will be just fine. I don't agree with all the moves that have been made, but i am seeing the big picture. Did anyone pay attention to the run d early last night? Anderson and Perry are both making big plays already and are the future. The offensive line needs work and time to gel but it will come. People on here have said its the worst of the luck era but by years end it will be the best. I'm glad to hear what chuck said last night. It shows his frustration and how much he cares, and i think that is what the players needed to hear. When i watch this team play i just don't see the lack of talent everyone else does. I see a young team coming together in a make or break year for our head coach. The team will rally and i would bet a lot on that. This team will come together, they will fight to the end and i promise you they will play good football.

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As others have said it's not the fact we lost, it's how we lost and the fact that many of the problems we have seen year after year are still a problem. I would have been disappointed, but less concerned and aggravated if we had at least been competitive in the losses. If the Jets had played aggressively all game and had not played conservative not to lose when they had the lead they would have blown us out. 


Personally I am glad that we are not as easily satisfied as the Browns and the Raiders fan bases, not being lumped in with them is compliment IMO. Just winning their division would be like winning the super bowl for their fan bases. I could care less about winning our division if we don't have a legitimate shot at the SB; if we aren't a SB contender I would as soon that we lose big and get a premium draft pick.

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Being shutout in the first half back to back games means nothing? We're supposed to be calm about that?

Cool, didn't know that

No, you have a right to be upset. But this entitled brat attitude is ridiculous. I'd rather have one bad start to a season bit keep some coaching consistency in play than be the next browns like team that fires their coaches after every season.

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Chuck Pagano did NOT throw Andrew Luck under the bus!  


I think if you ever read something from Pagano and your initial reaction is "Wow!   Pagano just threw Luck under the bus!"   Then you need to stop and re-think your position.


It has never happened and will never happen.    Period, end of story.


It's a complete misread. 


There is a less than zero chance Pagano throws Luck under the bus.


Now....   throwing Grigson under the bus is another story...................

I can read and watch...it sounded like Luck and Grigs...and a lot of others think so too...so Pags didʻnt back track either? It ainʻt period and probably wonʻt happen again but it did...period. 

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Dwayne Allen even admits that this 0-2 is different than last years 0-2, to me that is pretty telling, and as far as the panic button goes, only sure way to stop that is to just win baby!

He did say that if we did go 0-5, then he might reconsider.

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Dwayne Allen even admits that this 0-2 is different than last years 0-2, to me that is pretty telling, and as far as the panic button goes, only sure way to stop that is to just win baby!

And furthermore, gore fumbling the ball and AV missing a 29 yard FG is just bad luck bears right there. Should have known it want going to get better. Stuff life that is just not on the coaching, terrible O line play is just on the players, sometimes you can be the best coach and you just can't fix terrible plays cause players don't do their jobs.
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Jesus. Look at our start and tell me you're okay with it. You probably can't, just like the rest of us. No ones panicking, we're just sick and tired of the same old % taking place without any signs of being fixed. It takes a special kind of special to look at our first 2 offensive performances and think "wow I'm OK with this, and anyone who disagrees with me is hitting the panicked button" and the same goes for the pass rush. Also we played 2 mediocre teams as well. The great defense excuse does not fly since we're supposed to be the best offense and a "contender". Contenders win nonsense games such as these, they win against great teams too. You know what we are? A mediocre team as of now.

Defense wins championships. Remember Seattle/Denver superbowl?

We have skipped some, but I'm going to chalk these losses up to being the beginning of the season and facing top defenses it of the gate. I'm not going to be calling for heads. Most people here were like this after game one!

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If you believe the OP you are in denial about the state of our team. We are way over-rated and I really hope this team finishes 2nd or worse in the AFC south, so that we can get the wake up call we need. Hopefully we can get a group of coaches in here that know what the heck they're doing.

I'm confused, the OP, me, is saying that we are kind if over hyped. Or atleast I was conveying what Pat Kirwan was saying. So what's you're stance? People need to calm down, or we panic?

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No, you have a right to be upset. But this entitled brat attitude is ridiculous. I'd rather have one bad start to a season bit keep some coaching consistency in play than be the next browns like team that fires their coaches after every season.

Entitled brat attitude?  We're entitled brats because we expect a team with Super Bowl aspirations to win and not be sloppy?

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Couldn't have said it better myself. Watching that game last night, if I didn't know any better, I would've thought it was a preseason matchup. Seeing large sections of field level seats empty during the 1st half of a MNF game is unacceptable to me. No energy, no enthusiasm for the team to feed off of, just sitting down and watching the game like it's a picnic. You won't see that at any other NFL stadium, anywhere, especially a MNF game.


I'm not suggesting berating opposing team fans and knifing people outside the stadium after the game, but Lucas Oil is not a daunting atmosphere for opposing teams, at all. At a Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Oakland, Denver, or even a Cincinnati game, those crowds are so loud that the TV cameras shake.


The atmosphere at LOS is similar to a regular season NBA game in the sense that it feels more like a cocktail event than a football game, IMO. Which is fitting because a majority of "Colts fans" only jumped on the bandwagon when the Pacers jumped into the stands.

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its the fact that our coaching staff cant elevate the talent our team has to the level it can achieve, it has been going on for 3 years now, its starting to boil over slowly but surely, first the riff, the questionable moves, now the horrendous start, the raiders and browns fans can laugh all they want cause we have have a superbowl caliber team why they hope to win 8 games, we just need some better direction

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I can read and watch...it sounded like Luck and Grigs...and a lot of others think so too...so Pags didʻnt back track either? It ainʻt period and probably wonʻt happen again but it did...period. 


All he did was clarify.


If you've followed the team since Pagano took over,  when he has he ever thrown ANYONE under the bus?!?


And think of the players where he could have done that....  TRich,  and DHB and Landry and on and on....   but he's never done that.     All he did was say something and it got taken the wrong way and he clarified what he said and what he meant.


That's the world we live in these days.   Remarks are taken out of context and then someone has to explain things.


But Chuck Pagano is not a guy who throws anyone under the bus -- much less Andrew Luck.


p.s. -- the only person I can think of where Pags has tossed someone under the bus was Werner after the AFC Championship game in January.     That's it.    In three-plus years.

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Well Pat Kirwan can shove it

Because some of us expected more from our team and want the coaches to get their heads out of the * we are spoiled fans? We just don't wanna get smashed by 2 teams QBd by Tyrod Taylor and Ryan Fitzpatrick of course we expect to be able to score more then those 2 teams

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Anyone who's confident in our team right now is being delusional. I don't see how you possibly think we could even come close to making the playoffs at the rate we're currently at. The front office and coaching is a mess, the players are a mess, we're missing our top 4 corners! All the points we've scored have been in garbage time when the game has pretty much been over. The score doesn't truly show how badly we've lost the first two games, and if something doesn't happen soon, then there's no reason to regain trust in our current team.

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He's 100% correct.

100%??  I agree people are over reacting, but there is definitely things to worry about if you're a true fan, not just somebody who watches highlights or likes the team just cause they're from Indiana.  This is the highest anticiapated season of the new resigme!! 


Not only is Andrew Luck suppose to be the face of the NFL with MVP expectations, he has been one of the biggest reasons for losing against the Bills and the Jets.  I'm not taking ANYTHING away from the opponents because I think extremely high of those organizations, and believe there is a good chance the Pats won't win that division this year, due to the emergence of all MIA BUF and NYJ.  There is absolutely no excuse for the offense to look flat out TERRIBLE for the first 30 mins of each half and only making a ditch effort to put some points on the board to save grace late in the game.  3rd down conversions and turnovers are a huge problem.  Luck with 5 INT's in 2 games?  Plus what 4 other TO's with plenty more close encounters!


That's just the start of it.  What I'm mostly concerned about that we have an incompetent GM who has no clue whatsoever how to build an OL.  He thinks he does because he played OT in college.  He is insane if you have a QB like Andrew Luck and ask him to be superman for 4 straight seasons (dodging bullets) that come in the form of Pro Bowl caliber players, and still have the expectations that the Colts (still are) capable of.  I believe Albert Einstein said it best,  "Doing the same thing over again, and expecting different results"!  That's what Grigson has done, and that's insanity.  You can't put mediocre (at their very best) interior lineman to protect a franchise QB, and have a good run game!  I guess you can get it to work against mediocre teams, and make divisional opponents look bad, but this is the NFL, where the big boys come to play.  Amatures will be exposed!!  Luck has always over compensated for the lack of the OL play.  You can win many football games playing that way, not CHAMPIONSHIPS.  Hence why we don't beat elite teams, and hard nosed defenses!!  BTW don't get me started on the draft pick of Dorsett.  Great guy/player, who will prove to be worthy later, but terrible draft pick with our enormous depth, while letting the SAME problems exist.  I'm not going into ALL of his bad swing and a miss decisions, but because that would make this rant another 15 mins longer, but you get my point.


Furthermore, the tension between Pagano and Grigson is getting worse than it already was starting out 0-2.  If you want to go ahead and buy into their dismissals of the truth go ahead, but there is something wrong there.  Although the media may be blowing it out of proportion, that's not for me to decide however.  I don't think Pagano is blameless, because the team is obviously not prepared to start the season against top tiered defenses out of the gate.  I heard numerous headlines in pre season stating this is the best team put forward in the new era.  I certainly don't see it. 


Not sure who is screwing up the protection packages, but I've seen Luck get knocked down, sacked, and hurried way too much, including multiple times a defender comes in untouched to lay the smack down!  Perhaps when he gets injured, Grigson will get his head out of his behind and put some more talent up front, or make coaching changes to coordinators who gameplan better.  Personally I think alot of it is on Luck himself, not reading the blitzes, audible out correctly, and holding onto the football to long (while making other terrible decisions). 


The last thing I want to touch on is the injuries.  It is very bothersome to know 4th 5th and 6th string CB's are playing. As if Davis (arguably one of the best CB's in the NFL), getting a concussion wasn't enough, we also have Greg Toler out who has had quite the medical history start the season injured.  Not to mention D'joun Smith, turning out to be underwhelming to say the least, on the IR-Return list.  Plus Art Jones out for the year, TY getting banged up early along with DA.  I don't think the Colt's took their medicine (conditioning, or they have a bad training staff, that can reduce injuries), because they clearly have the sickness of the injury bug yet again.


Now that I've complained a little (or lot) let's look at the brightside.  We play in the weakest division in football (who we play the next 3 weeks), to help us bounce back.  Then we get another primetime game against the Patriots (which at the moment I am regret buying tix for) to hopefully get on track and show everybody it's not as bad as it seems.  There's no doubt in my mind that the Colts don't win the AFC South division, and at least get a wild card, but I have lost hope of the 13-3 or 12-4 with a 1st round bye, that I originally expected during pre season.  Andrew Luck has too much pride to not bounce back.  I believe he will see the offense we expected the next 3 games, but that means very little in the overall picture.  To get confidence back we need to go on AT LEAST a 4 game winning streak, but preferably keeping the train rolling through Denver would restore my original expectations!!


There are other good teams at 0-2, and other teams who suffered huge blows, so I'm not saying were toast yet, but clearly we are not favorites for SB contenders anymore.  Even if we don't win a SB this year I'm okay with that.  Taking a step back, ehh not so much.  What I'm definitely not OK with is repeating past mistakes!  I don't want Grigson to find the best skilled players around and diamonds in the rough/project players in hopes to fix a gaping hole on our OL.  Or having very inconsistent ILB's.  Not knowing who will show up and put on their uniform next Sunday, is also not cool by me.  I'm not saying scrap this or scrap that, fire Grigson and Pagano.  What I am saying is, somebody better take some leadership here and call out players when they don't do their damn job.  If they can't then they need replaced immediately and indefinitely.  Whether that be a coach or player.  This team needs to find a true identity, not just one that plays great against crappy to average teams, but coward away in the spotlight. 


I think I speak for most fans here saying we are tired of all the nonsense, it's time for some change!  Peyton's era should've produced at least 2-3 Super Bowls, but we were outcoached and out played by the Patriots, and very disappointed with a loss to New Orleans to boot.  It looks like we are headed in the same direction with the Luck era.  Patriots will soon fade out, and we will be the little brother to Seattle Green Bay and a revamped Cowboys team.  I want to see the put up or shut up mentality.  The tenacity of a Ray Lewis/JJ Watt on the defense, and not just rely on Andrew Luck with (no disrespect to anybody in particular, but the positions in itself) overratted skilled positions, to put on a show and entertain.  Lighting up the scoreboard!  That just sets us fans up for having high expectations and a heartbreak when they fail, because that's not how you win Championships.  Look at the last decade or two of SB winners.  They didn't just get in a shootout and win, but they had a balanced aerial assault with a run game.  Solid secondary, with a good front 7.  That is balance, and THAT IS HOW YOU WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS!!  I know very little about football (take a shot if you want, I don't care), but even I can see if we don't make changes, Andrew Luck will either be injured often, or not live up to his full potential, which is taking a team to be perennial contenters for the Super Bowl, and winning 3-4 like Brady.  That's not going to happen with poor coaching/scheming and unbalanced football...


There you have it folks RANT OVER (probably won't reply much because this could go on for half of the season if I let it get out of control, so please don't take debate 101 with me this season) LOL had to add some comic relief to end it :)

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Yal are 100% incorrect.


We've seen this trend the first few years of Andrew Luck & Chuck Pagano's tenure. We were shut out of the endzone during the first half of the last two games. We've look absolutely pathetic over 10 times in the last 3 years and 2 weeks... That is about 20% of the games we play in, we look embarrassing. Whether it's getting blown out, or being held out of the endzone so long while digging such a vast hole for our offense that we look like a JV squad out there.


If you believe the OP you are in denial about the state of our team. We are way over-rated and I really hope this team finishes 2nd or worse in the AFC south, so that we can get the wake up call we need. Hopefully we can get a group of coaches in here that know what the heck they're doing. 



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100%??  I agree people are over reacting, but there is definitely things to worry about if you're a true fan, not just somebody who watches highlights or likes the team just cause they're from Indiana.  This is the highest anticiapated season of the new resigme!! 


Not only is Andrew Luck suppose to be the face of the NFL with MVP expectations, he has been one of the biggest reasons for losing against the Bills and the Jets.  I'm not taking ANYTHING away from the opponents because I think extremely high of those organizations, and believe there is a good chance the Pats won't win that division this year, due to the emergence of all MIA BUF and NYJ.  There is absolutely no excuse for the offense to look flat out TERRIBLE for the first 30 mins of each half and only making a ditch effort to put some points on the board to save grace late in the game.  3rd down conversions and turnovers are a huge problem.  Luck with 5 INT's in 2 games?  Plus what 4 other TO's with plenty more close encounters!


That's just the start of it.  What I'm mostly concerned about that we have an incompetent GM who has no clue whatsoever how to build an OL.  He thinks he does because he played OT in college.  He is insane if you have a QB like Andrew Luck and ask him to be superman for 4 straight seasons (dodging bullets) that come in the form of Pro Bowl caliber players, and still have the expectations that the Colts (still are) capable of.  I believe Albert Einstein said it best,  "Doing the same thing over again, and expecting different results"!  That's what Grigson has done, and that's insanity.  You can't put mediocre (at their very best) interior lineman to protect a franchise QB, and have a good run game!  I guess you can get it to work against mediocre teams, and make divisional opponents look bad, but this is the NFL, where the big boys come to play.  Amatures will be exposed!!  Luck has always over compensated for the lack of the OL play.  You can win many football games playing that way, not CHAMPIONSHIPS.  Hence why we don't beat elite teams, and hard nosed defenses!!  BTW don't get me started on the draft pick of Dorsett.  Great guy/player, who will prove to be worthy later, but terrible draft pick with our enormous depth, while letting the SAME problems exist.  I'm not going into ALL of his bad swing and a miss decisions, but because that would make this rant another 15 mins longer, but you get my point.


Furthermore, the tension between Pagano and Grigson is getting worse than it already was starting out 0-2.  If you want to go ahead and buy into their dismissals of the truth go ahead, but there is something wrong there.  Although the media may be blowing it out of proportion, that's not for me to decide however.  I don't think Pagano is blameless, because the team is obviously not prepared to start the season against top tiered defenses out of the gate.  I heard numerous headlines in pre season stating this is the best team put forward in the new era.  I certainly don't see it. 


Not sure who is screwing up the protection packages, but I've seen Luck get knocked down, sacked, and hurried way too much, including multiple times a defender comes in untouched to lay the smack down!  Perhaps when he gets injured, Grigson will get his head out of his behind and put some more talent up front, or make coaching changes to coordinators who gameplan better.  Personally I think alot of it is on Luck himself, not reading the blitzes, audible out correctly, and holding onto the football to long (while making other terrible decisions). 


The last thing I want to touch on is the injuries.  It is very bothersome to know 4th 5th and 6th string CB's are playing. As if Davis (arguably one of the best CB's in the NFL), getting a concussion wasn't enough, we also have Greg Toler out who has had quite the medical history start the season injured.  Not to mention D'joun Smith, turning out to be underwhelming to say the least, on the IR-Return list.  Plus Art Jones out for the year, TY getting banged up early along with DA.  I don't think the Colt's took their medicine (conditioning, or they have a bad training staff, that can reduce injuries), because they clearly have the sickness of the injury bug yet again.


Now that I've complained a little (or lot) let's look at the brightside.  We play in the weakest division in football (who we play the next 3 weeks), to help us bounce back.  Then we get another primetime game against the Patriots (which at the moment I am regret buying tix for) to hopefully get on track and show everybody it's not as bad as it seems.  There's no doubt in my mind that the Colts don't win the AFC South division, and at least get a wild card, but I have lost hope of the 13-3 or 12-4 with a 1st round bye, that I originally expected during pre season.  Andrew Luck has too much pride to not bounce back.  I believe he will see the offense we expected the next 3 games, but that means very little in the overall picture.  To get confidence back we need to go on AT LEAST a 4 game winning streak, but preferably keeping the train rolling through Denver would restore my original expectations!!


There are other good teams at 0-2, and other teams who suffered huge blows, so I'm not saying were toast yet, but clearly we are not favorites for SB contenders anymore.  Even if we don't win a SB this year I'm okay with that.  Taking a step back, ehh not so much.  What I'm definitely not OK with is repeating past mistakes!  I don't want Grigson to find the best skilled players around and diamonds in the rough/project players in hopes to fix a gaping hole on our OL.  Or having very inconsistent ILB's.  Not knowing who will show up and put on their uniform next Sunday, is also not cool by me.  I'm not saying scrap this or scrap that, fire Grigson and Pagano.  What I am saying is, somebody better take some leadership here and call out players when they don't do their damn job.  If they can't then they need replaced immediately and indefinitely.  Whether that be a coach or player.  This team needs to find a true identity, not just one that plays great against crappy to average teams, but coward away in the spotlight. 


I think I speak for most fans here saying we are tired of all the nonsense, it's time for some change!  Peyton's era should've produced at least 2-3 Super Bowls, but we were outcoached and out played by the Patriots, and very disappointed with a loss to New Orleans to boot.  It looks like we are headed in the same direction with the Luck era.  Patriots will soon fade out, and we will be the little brother to Seattle Green Bay and a revamped Cowboys team.  I want to see the put up or shut up mentality.  The tenacity of a Ray Lewis/JJ Watt on the defense, and not just rely on Andrew Luck with (no disrespect to anybody in particular, but the positions in itself) overratted skilled positions, to put on a show and entertain.  Lighting up the scoreboard!  That just sets us fans up for having high expectations and a heartbreak when they fail, because that's not how you win Championships.  Look at the last decade or two of SB winners.  They didn't just get in a shootout and win, but they had a balanced aerial assault with a run game.  Solid secondary, with a good front 7.  That is balance, and THAT IS HOW YOU WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS!!  I know very little about football (take a shot if you want, I don't care), but even I can see if we don't make changes, Andrew Luck will either be injured often, or not live up to his full potential, which is taking a team to be perennial contenters for the Super Bowl, and winning 3-4 like Brady.  That's not going to happen with poor coaching/scheming and unbalanced football...


There you have it folks RANT OVER (probably won't reply much because this could go on for half of the season if I let it get out of control, so please don't take debate 101 with me this season) LOL had to add some comic relief to end it :)





Actually, I did read, and it was drivel.


P.S. Einstein didn't say that.

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Listening to NFL radio now and the first thing I hear is Pat Kirwan calling out Colts fans. He initially says Colts fans are hitting the panic button way to early and, quite frankly, being pretty immature.

Talking about how blessed we've been with manning and now luck. The rest of the country, especially browns and raiders fans are laughing at us if we are panicking this quickly. Colts fans use to not panic so easily, even last year, so why now?

Says that the media hype, especially in indy, have blown this team way or of proportion and fed the fans into this frenzy. Now that we aren't steamrolling every team, all of a sudden the world is ending.

Way to go everyone.


For Mr. Kirwan's interest:

-We got steamrolled by mediocre teams.

-The play we've shown up these first 2 games is Jacksonville-esque... That's why we're (at least I am) hitting the panic-button.


I myself thought 'SB or bust' for this team too early. But never expected this kind of total meltdown. Hoping for better outcome of this regular season! Go Colts!

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Well Pat Kirwan can shove it

Because some of us expected more from our team and want the coaches to get their heads out of the * we are spoiled fans? We just don't wanna get smashed by 2 teams QBd by Tyrod Taylor and Ryan Fitzpatrick of course we expect to be able to score more then those 2 teams

Way to prove his point. You should temper your expectations. We've never done well against good defenses.

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He is right in the big scheme of things....Which is ultimately that the season is 16 games and not 2. I do however believe some of us have legit concerns such as the lack of good intermediate to short passing game as well as not getting our TE's (prior to the Allen injury) more involved in the offensive game plan. We have Guard problems but that should not come as a surprise, Louis is just not a starting quality Guard. Herremans and Mewhort will take time to gel. We choose to not start 1 of our 5 best O Linemen in Joe Reitz(Quite honestly probably 2nd best O Lineman period)


So we do have legit concerns but I do agree in the big scheme of things he is ultimately right

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Who in the hell is Pat Kirwan?





He's fairly well known in football circles, coached a bit, wrote a fairly decent book for those looking to transition from watching games as "fan" to watching and having a deeper understanding of what's going on. I've read it and it's not bad. 




As for what he said, probably would have been wiser to not say it, but I do think he has a point somewhat. 

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And furthermore, gore fumbling the ball and AV missing a 29 yard FG is just bad luck bears right there. Should have known it want going to get better. Stuff life that is just not on the coaching, terrible O line play is just on the players, sometimes you can be the best coach and you just can't fix terrible plays cause players don't do their jobs.

I agree that fans panic too easily, but as far as the poor Oline play goes, sometimes that is on coaching. Actually, more often than not coaching can make decisions that mask an Olines problems. It is one of the best thing that Belicheck does at New England, he and his staff are very adaptable. They are excellent at working with what a players can do and not ask them to do things that they can't.

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