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Deflategate Central (one thread, merged, moderated)


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Thanks for your response.  Once again, we all are very well aware of how this is supposed to work.  However, Some are just very very good about skirting around the rules.....   hmmmm    :scratch:   I wonder where they get that.

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What is so interesting (primer) that would make me want to go through it when I really have so much more important items on my plate?  Reading here and moderating is my downtime compared to everything else at this time.  Will it change my mind about my results?  Just curious....


No, I don't think it's convincing at all. But the reasons they state for differing are what I found interesting, not that I agree with them.


Another guy -- can't remember his name, but he's a Pats fan -- refuted everything AEI claimed, and said that the Exponent model made way more sense. 

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Can we let the whole this is about parody thing go?


First of all it's been 10 years between the Pats last Super Bowl and this one.  During that time Both the Giants and Steelers have both won two Super Bowls yet neither of them have had significant investigation from the league once let alone twice.  So clearly the league isn't picking on just the Pats because they have won two Super Bowls in the past 10 years.


If you want to talk just being good the Colts, Ravens, Packers, and Steelers have all been pillars in the playoffs over the past 10 years and yet they don't have a significant investigation from the league going on.  So I don't think the league is targeting just the Pats because they win. 


It's a nice talking point but that's all it really is. 


This is about the Pats getting caught cheating for the second time and that's why the league is investigating them, the fact the Pats are being as difficult as humanly possible about it is why it's become such a big deal.  I think most people said form the start that deflating footballs is not that big of a deal.  Had the Pats come out from the start and said you know what we made a mistake in pre-game routine and Mr. Brady and the ball boys were involved was not aware that what they were doing was wrong.  As a result we have fined all three parties involved and we have put safe guards in place to make sure this does not happen again. The league would have issues a $25,000 fine and the whole thing would have been over. 


But no, the Pats have elected to fight it tooth and nail and grasp at any straw they can find to try to say they did nothing despite the bulk of evidence saying other wise.  That's the path the Pats have elected to take so they have brought this on themselves. 

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No, I don't think it's convincing at all. But the reasons they state for differing are what I found interesting, not that I agree with them.


Another guy -- can't remember his name, but he's a Pats fan -- refuted everything AEI claimed, and said that the Exponent model made way more sense. 


OK, Send me a link... I might take a peek late at night before shutting my eyes for the night.  Thanks.

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I mean, I know we are all experts here, but don't you think Brady and his legal team are also aware of what information may be required when this goes to court? They don't seem very concerned about that, do they...

Not quite sure about it, dynasty13. I would like to think they've covered all the bases from their side. However, just when you think you have (from many other cases in court) done that, the "Jaws" concept hits with full force.

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You're missing the point...he was suspended for failing to cooperate with the investigation and for destroying evidence.....


That may be true, but no other player has been suspended (or suspension upheld) for failing to cooperate making the Brady suspension one without advance notice (i.e. that such actions would result in a suspension).  There maybe advance notice that a fine could be incurred but not a suspension.  

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That may be true, but no other player has been suspended (or suspension upheld) for failing to cooperate making the Brady suspension one without advance notice (i.e. that such actions would result in a suspension). There maybe advance notice that a fine could be incurred but not a suspension.

What other player has not been 100% compliant during an investigation

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That may be true, but no other player has been suspended (or suspension upheld) for failing to cooperate making the Brady suspension one without advance notice (i.e. that such actions would result in a suspension).  There maybe advance notice that a fine could be incurred but not a suspension.  

Maybe others have always cooperated.  :dunno:   Always has to be a first time for everything.   Are you saying if he'd been warned that he'd be punished for not handing over the requested info ~ he would have?

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That may be true, but no other player has been suspended (or suspension upheld) for failing to cooperate making the Brady suspension one without advance notice (i.e. that such actions would result in a suspension).  There maybe advance notice that a fine could be incurred but not a suspension.  

Because, at least to my knowledge or any searchable sources, there hasnt been a player who flat out pretty much told the league to go pound said with their investigation.  You CANNOT argue for a precedent if you're the first to do something........because there's no, wait for it, precedent.

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You clearly haven't read the NFLPA document. It is in there.

You have yet to respond again. If the pats disagree so much they needed a website to disprove the wells report, why listen to the NFL and suspend the two bozos but challenge everything else?

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That may be true, but no other player has been suspended (or suspension upheld) for failing to cooperate making the Brady suspension one without advance notice (i.e. that such actions would result in a suspension).  There maybe advance notice that a fine could be incurred but not a suspension.  


Maybe no other player has had the audacity to take a phone that an NFL investigation wanted and completely destroy it on the very day they started asking about it.  And then to have the even greater audacity to claim it was your SOP despite the fact that you hadn't destroyed your last phone.


The sheer level of audacity that Brady has in his lack of cooperation is insane.  


Very few people out there have that level of disrespect for authority.

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Yes it may, but lets wait till all the facts are in, including but not limited too, the results of balls being tested this fall and see if there are any variations due to the wear and tear of a ball game.   Once everything is done about this time next year or later we will be able to get a good gauge on this question.


People are not going to wait a year to decide whether or not Brady cheated and lied about it. The damage is already done.

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OK, Send me a link... I might take a peek late at night before shutting my eyes for the night.  Thanks.



Mike DeSarno's findings: https://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2015/06/27/tom-brady-appeal-about-more-than-quarterback/ihhIAb6oJJdUrFS8V8w7uJ/story.html


Don't feel compelled on my account.

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Can we let the whole this is about parody thing go?


First of all it's been 10 years between the Pats last Super Bowl and this one.  During that time Both the Giants and Steelers have both won two Super Bowls yet neither of them have had significant investigation from the league once let alone twice.  So clearly the league isn't picking on just the Pats because they have won two Super Bowls in the past 10 years.


If you want to talk just being good the Colts, Ravens, Packers, and Steelers have all been pillars in the playoffs over the past 10 years and yet they don't have a significant investigation from the league going on.  So I don't think the league is targeting just the Pats because they win. 


It's a nice talking point but that's all it really is. 


This is about the Pats getting caught cheating for the second time and that's why the league is investigating them, the fact the Pats are being as difficult as humanly possible about it is why it's become such a big deal.  I think most people said form the start that deflating footballs is not that big of a deal.  Had the Pats come out from the start and said you know what we made a mistake in pre-game routine and Mr. Brady and the ball boys were involved was not aware that what they were doing was wrong.  As a result we have fined all three parties involved and we have put safe guards in place to make sure this does not happen again. The league would have issues a $25,000 fine and the whole thing would have been over. 


But no, the Pats have elected to fight it tooth and nail and grasp at any straw they can find to try to say they did nothing despite the bulk of evidence saying other wise.  That's the path the Pats have elected to take so they have brought this on themselves. 



A couple of things.  First, you say that it was not a big deal.  Why did not the NFL simply issue the pats an pre, in, or post game warning like they did with the Vikings/Carolina.  Or in the alternative why did not the NFL simply send the pats a letter the a few days after the game issuing them a fine for 25k like they do with fines for a gameday rough hit by a player?  This would of been all over 3 days after the AFCCG, but no the NFL choose not to take this action, and at that point it was in the control of the NFL, and instead of acting like the above, which appears consistent with your feelings, they sat back did nothing and let things go by. 


Factoring in the Kratviz leak and the FALSE Mortenson report and we had the media circus calling for suspension of players and coaches in the SB, and this was before the pats said a single word on the matter.  And the NFL was SILENT on the matter and sat back and did nothing.  At that point the dynamic of things are not what they were the night of the game.  And folks responses will not be the same. 


Second, as for your comments of parity.  I am not saying the claims that all of the hate is jealousy but there is an understanding that it is it something that is not out of the question.  As for the pats success in the Brady-BB era with have the following: 


4 SB tiles (which denied 31 other teams a ring, 4 out of 13 years)

6 SB appearances (denying all the teams in the AFC a chance at a SB 6 times in 13 years)

9 AFCCG appearance (denying all but one AFC team a chance at a SB, 9 times in 13 years)

12 division titles (denied the AFC teams a division title and a guarantee playoff spot in 12 of 13 years)

Among the most, if not the most, wins in the regular season 2001-2014, with wins imposing looses on teams, some of which likely effected playoff appearances/seeding.  (meaning you had the pats on your schedule and have a loss that effects your end of year record).


I know you mentioned the Giants and the Steelers.  As for the Giants, outside of the two SB runs have they won a playoff game, I think no, and how many division have they won.  Furthermore there are near a 0.500 in the last 14 years so over all they have not imposed the kind of hurt on others as the pats above.  As for the Steelers, they have been good and won 2 SBs and been to a 3rd and have won some games and some division titles, but they have also been 8-8 and have not made the playoffs.  GB has been good but outside of the SB victory I think have only won like two or three playoff games.   Lastly, the colts have won many divisions and games and one SB and another appearance.  At the same time though they have lost their first playoff game 8 times in the Manning-Luck era, so essentially most teams that face them will not have a loss in the playoffs.  


I am not saying that it is 100% proven that most of the anger is from jealous, but when one looks at what the pats have imposed on other teams and/or prevented some from a desired results, one can see that they may be some who are tired of seeing the patriots and/or resent their success.

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The other 30 owners aren't silent.  We are kidding ourselves if we don't think that Goodell got plenty of opinions off the record before upholding a suspension that would cost him his job if mishandled.

Precisely, and I'm sure that's one reason it took Goodell so long to uphold this 4-game suspension. He was getting a head count from the other owners, asking, "Are you with me or against me?" The answer clearly is he has the majority in his corner, and if this battle continues, I think we'll see more owners come to Goodell's defense, especially now that Jerry Jones has stepped forward.

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Precisely, and I'm sure that's one reason it took Goodell so long to uphold this 4-game suspension. He was getting a head count from the other owners, asking, "Are you with me or against me?" The answer clearly is he has the majority in his corner, and if this battle continues, I think we'll see more owners come to Goodell's defense, especially now that Jerry Jones has stepped forward.

Yep because as Kraft said this was never about doing what was right or fair ...

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People are not going to wait a year to decide whether or not Brady cheated and lied about it. The damage is already done.


no no, what I am saying is that by next year this law suit should be resolved and we will have a years worth of balls tested and we will get a better idea of things.  And also, all of the excitement and anger surrounding this point will have die down.  That is my point, which is kind of no different that some folks get excited after the recent success of a person and are living in the moment, like perhaps a few may have had the day after the this year SB.  

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 30, 2015 - gloating
Hidden by Nadine, July 30, 2015 - gloating

no no, what I am saying is that by next year this law suit should be resolved and we will have a years worth of balls tested and we will get a better idea of things.  And also, all of the excitement and anger surrounding this point will have die down.  That is my point, which is kind of no different that some folks get excited after the recent success of a person and are living in the moment, like perhaps a few may have had the day after the this year SB.  

Honestly Yehoodi, I am still stoked over that SB win and continue to watch that fourth quarter over and over. It is glorious!   And makes these shenanigans much easier to bare. God bless Malcolm Butler and Pete Carroll. :)

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Farve, the Saints (bountygate) and the Chargers (sticky towels) to name a few.

the saints coach and GM were suspended. As were many players. The chargers actually did comply with the investigation no matter how many times pats fans say they didn't. And I'm not familiar with the favre case of not cooperating

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Maybe others have always cooperated.   :dunno:   Always has to be a first time for everything.   Are you saying if he'd been warned that he'd be punished for not handing over the requested info ~ he would have?


I am sure many have, but Farve, the Saints and Chargers were found not to and were not suspended.  Furthermore, when former commission Tagliabue issued his opinion rescinding the Saints' players' suspension he indicated that never before in the NFL has one been suspended for obstructing a league investigation.


Indeed, his opinion on the matter reads in pertinent part:


"There is no evidence of a record of past suspensions based on purely on obstructing a League investigation.  In my forty years of association with the NFL, I am aware of many instances of denials in disciplinary proceedings that proved to be false, but I cannot recall any suspension for such fabrication.  There is no evidence of a record of past suspensions based purely on obstruction a League investigation."


Bottom line the CBA prevents an imposition of a suspension based on the tampering of equipment (fine only) and the above long league precedent demonstrates that suspension are not imposed for obstructing a league investigation.  Coupling the latter with the point that the CBA and federal case law mandate that at least notice of the penalty needs to be present and in the possession of the player prior to his action for said penalty to be imposed.  Basically no expo facto laws (laws which are enacted after an action has occurred increasing the penalties of said action and thereafter trying to retroactivity imposed the new penalty on the prior action).  


As for whether not Brady would turn over the phone, its not relevant as there is not stated penalty prior to January for not turning over phones.  But do not quote me on this but I thought I read somewhere in the last day or two that he would have turned it over had he known there would be a penalty, but I can not say for sure this is true, I think I saw somewhere he mentioned it.    

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One was the Tuck Rule.  One was Vinny.  One was SpyGate.  And one was DeflateGate

Thanks for posting this, 21isSM! To me, here's the culmination of the trophies, especially SpyGate & DeFlateGate.

How long did both violations extend to and from? There's no way someone is going to tell me that these were isolated events. And, therein lies the tainted-ness of their victories concerning both. If Brady has a history of illegal inflated footballs, not only does that help himself throwing, it also helps the running game as well. In addition, videotaping opposing teams during a game for who knows how long, parallels itself into illegal play also. Both beg the question, if not scream it, for how long?

We all know the history of these. However, the larger question and bigger picture is, [again], for how long were these violations carried out. It also lends credence to the fact that the Commissioner destroyed the evidence from SpyGate for the sole purpose of New England's benefit and the league itself. Now, we're at the cross-roads of DeFlateGate. How does this play out in the end?

So, when asterisks are being discussed about the Patriots Super Bowl trophies, how in the world can they not be?

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the saints coach and GM were suspended. As were many players. The chargers actually did comply with the investigation no matter how many times pats fans say they didn't. And I'm not familiar with the favre case of not cooperating


This articles states that the Chargers were fined 20K in part for their actions of trying to conceal the towels.  No its not a "formal investigation" after the game is over between investigators and lawyers, but it was a on field investigation by the refs to see what was up with the towels and the charger hindered that investigation by the refs.




As for the Saints suspensions they were vacated by former Commissioner Tagliabue and his findings are found in my prior post to Granz, post #1048, supra.  In short he stated as there never have been a suspension for obstructing a League investigation the instant suspensions need to be vacated.


And Farve was fined 50K for no cooperating with the investigation of him texting pictures of himself



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I am sure many have, but Farve, the Saints and Chargers were found not to and were not suspended.  Furthermore, when former commission Tagliabue issued his opinion rescinding the Saints' players' suspension he indicated that never before in the NFL has one been suspended for obstructing a league investigation.


Indeed, his opinion on the matter reads in pertinent part:


"There is no evidence of a record of past suspensions based on purely on obstructing a League investigation.  In my forty years of association with the NFL, I am aware of many instances of denials in disciplinary proceedings that proved to be false, but I cannot recall any suspension for such fabrication.  There is no evidence of a record of past suspensions based purely on obstruction a League investigation."


Bottom line the CBA prevents an imposition of a suspension based on the tampering of equipment (fine only) and the above long league precedent demonstrates that suspension are not imposed for obstructing a league investigation.  Coupling the latter with the point that the CBA and federal case law mandate that at least notice of the penalty needs to be present and in the possession of the player prior to his action for said penalty to be imposed.  Basically no expo facto laws (laws which are enacted after an action has occurred increasing the penalties of said action and thereafter trying to retroactivity imposed the new penalty on the prior action).  


As for whether not Brady would turn over the phone, its not relevant as there is not stated penalty prior to January for not turning over phones.  But do not quote me on this but I thought I read somewhere in the last day or two that he would have turned it over had he known there would be a penalty, but I can not say for sure this is true, I think I saw somewhere he mentioned it.    


He was not suspended for tampering (McNally did that!) nor obstructing the investigation! He was suspended for violating article 46 1a  Conduct Detrimental to the Integrity of the League and confidence in the game.   His awareness of Jastremski and McNally actions is a violation.  Wells report found him guilty by the preponderance of the evidence.  Appeal was upheld in Arbitration.  The NFLPA has to fight that, and the fact the US Supreme court has at least 3 rulings handed down that essentially tell district courts to stay out of the business of altering  the rulings of Arbitrated cases.

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I haven't read the whole Kessler document yet, but so far here are my impressions....


Brady's camp points: 


--Punishment is supposed to be handed down fairly & equally. However, Ray Rice for that incident in the elevator was actually given 2 penalties for the same offense of striking his then fiancee. The League can't change it's mind based on either preferential treatment or public outcry backlash. The punishment must be fair for all players. 


--The league had no policy in place regarding air pressure PSI measurement prior to the AFC Championship Game so how can the Commissioner retro actively impose penalties based on a protocol that never existed at the time that the infraction actually occurred? 


--The referees never recorded the PSI measurements when they conducted an examination of Game balls so even if a person wanted access to these measurements how could they refute numbers that were never written down? It's like trying to cross examine a witness that is dead with no recourse for the defense. 


--No person can say with any degree of authority that Brady cheated. You have no direct evidence implicating Brady either holding a needle designed to deflate balls or suggesting fellow employees in the Patriots locker room to carry out this alleged commandment. 


--No one inside the patriots organization was warned that zebras were about to inspect game balls for depleted air & to most referees this violation is minor on the totem scale like a cleat violation, a sock violation, or a uniform violation. Had NE been warned that their game balls were light, they would have fixed them immediately before they were given to Brady for game use. 


--Tom Brady is a 4 time SB Champion & a well known face of the NFL who has never be known to play fast & loose with established rules. SpyGate revolved around Bill Belichick. Therefore, this is a 1st time offense on Brady's part which makes a fine warranted but not a lengthy unheard of 4 game suspension. 


--Troy Vincent was incorrectly allowed to interpret the findings of the Wells Report acting as a surrogate for Roger Goodell allowing the Commission 2 bites at the punishment apple: The original verdict & upholding the appeal. Hardly neutral & impartial in Foxboro's eyes in terms of unbiased ears from an NFL front office standpoint.


--Brady thought he was in full compliance with the NFL regarding alleged text messages. He is under no obligation to hand over his phone & doing so would create a horrible privacy precent regarding an illegal 4th Amendment search & seizure violation.


--Competitive violations yielding an unfair competitive advantage in accordance with the CBA revolves around equipment violations not PSI air pressure in the latest CBA so therefore the fine remains but the 4 game suspension is groundless & essentially null & void legally.


--No one from the NFL can cite what rule he broke because the specific violation does not exist in written form in the CBA. How can a QB be penalized according to a rule that doesn't even exist & therefore, if you can't cite in CBA rules what violation Brady committed he's free to go & play all 16 regular season games ASAP.


--If all 32 teams were not notified of this personal integrity policy that Goodell believes violated the NFL shield how can Brady & the Patriots be unfairly punished & exclusively singled out?


I'm just articling Brady's defense here. I will do a bullet point Goodell point of view on deflate Gate too & why Brady should serve a 4 game suspension.


Jeffery Kessler does make some intriguing arguments. He's definitely earning his billable hours that's for sure.  

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This articles states that the Chargers were fined 20K in part for their actions of trying to conceal the towels.  No its not a "formal investigation" after the game is over between investigators and lawyers, but it was a on field investigation by the refs to see what was up with the towels and the charger hindered that investigation by the refs.




As for the Saints suspensions they were vacated by former Commissioner Tagliabue and his findings are found in my prior post to Granz, post #1048, supra.  In short he stated as there never have been a suspension for obstructing a League investigation the instant suspensions need to be vacated.


And Farve was fined 50K for no cooperating with the investigation of him texting pictures of himself




Tagliabue's opinion in Bounty is not binding. He was the appeal officer, same as Goodell was the appeal officer of the Deflategate situation. Goodell's opinion in Deflategate isn't beholden to Tagliabue's previous opinion, as Tagliabue wasn't operating as a higher official than Goodell. Lower court is beholden to higher court; but one district court isn't beholden to another district court.


Not only that, but Tagliabue's Bounty decision was based on much more than the supposed unprecedented punishment of Hargrove for lack of cooperation. That was a side point more than a compelling factor. Tagliabue and even the investigation preceding the punishment found that Hargrove wasn't involved in the bounty actions.

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Maybe no other player has had the audacity to take a phone that an NFL investigation wanted and completely destroy it on the very day they started asking about it.  And then to have the even greater audacity to claim it was your SOP despite the fact that you hadn't destroyed your last phone.


The sheer level of audacity that Brady has in his lack of cooperation is insane.  


Very few people out there have that level of disrespect for authority.


Hold on there little buddy, you are getting a tad excited. 


Obstruction is obstruction regardless of how you spin it.


Brady's position is that his phone broke and per his sop he destroyed the phone.  When he found he could not get the texts from his provider he provided the NFL this his phone records showing the time and dates of texts with the corresponding recipient phone number, of which there were about 28 recipients.


His records match up with the records of text of all the pats employee phones the NFL had in its possession and the other recipient phones can be subpoenaed.    


Lets not got to overboard here.


if he really wanted to go rogue, he would not have provided the above.

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This articles states that the Chargers were fined 20K in part for their actions of trying to conceal the towels.  No its not a "formal investigation" after the game is over between investigators and lawyers, but it was a on field investigation by the refs to see what was up with the towels and the charger hindered that investigation by the refs.




As for the Saints suspensions they were vacated by former Commissioner Tagliabue and his findings are found in my prior post to Granz, post #1048, supra.  In short he stated as there never have been a suspension for obstructing a League investigation the instant suspensions need to be vacated.


And Farve was fined 50K for no cooperating with the investigation of him texting pictures of himself




Taglibue onlu cleared Fujita, not the others.  Tagliabue decided that while Goodell's findings were factually accurate, the "entire case" was "contaminated" by the Saints organization.


"Unlike Saints' broad organizational misconduct, player appeals involve sharply focused issues of alleged individual player misconduct in several different aspects," Tagliabue said in a statement. "My affirmation of Commissioner Goodell's findings could certainly justify the issuance of fines. However, this entire case has been contaminated by the coaches and others in the Saints' organization."


So he vacated all player suspensions because suspending the players wasn't 'good for the game'., even if Goodells findings were factual.


Tagliabue has never been invited to hear another appeal since.

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Hold on there little buddy, you are getting a tad excited. 


Obstruction is obstruction regardless of how you spin it.


Brady's position is that his phone broke and per his sop he destroyed the phone.  When he found he could not get the texts from his provider he provided the NFL this his phone records showing the time and dates of texts with the corresponding recipient phone number, of which there were about 28 recipients.


von miller swore that it was an accident when he dropped a urine sample.  he was suspended anyway

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You're missing the point...he was suspended for failing to cooperate with the investigation and for destroying evidence.....

False. Brady did not destroy evidence. He was not obligated to turn in his phone.

Ted Wells himself that the phone wasn't needed.

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From your article :

"DeSarno pointed out that the data set is incomplete and flawed — what we’ve been saying for four months about referee Walt Anderson not recording the pregame data and all of the different gauge-switching scenarios — and that Wells cherry-picked results to fit the “Patriots are guilty” conclusion.


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    • I think even though the sample size was small last season it gave people a false sense of where he is. But we also can’t ignore thst maybe the regression is just because of the lack of off season work. If it’s just the lack of offseason work it should correct itself fairly quickly. We should def him settle in by game 6 or 7.
    • It just seems like people have sold themselves the idea he was going to come out great this season which I think is and was completely unreasonable.   I hope to see some improvement by the end of the season, but I really don't expect a whole lot until sometime next season. AR has got so much catching up to do.   I mean, there's no doubt AR's struggles are affecting MPJ, but MPJ has never been a great separater and seeing a defender right besides MPJ is probably stopping AR from throwing his way at this point.   Also, to be clear, I'm not saying AR will DEFINITELY be great, but I do think we DEFINITELY don't know yet and people need to be a lot more patient with him.
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