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Please Consider This (Edited)...


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For those of you who want us to lose the last game, all in the name of a player who hasn't played a snap in the NFL; all for a player who is not a member of this team you (claim to) love, nor a teammate to the guys we cheer for every week...please consider this.

Watch this video. See the elation of the players who ARE Indianapolis Colts. Guys who have proven themselves in the NFL, and who give back to the community we are all privileged to be a part of. These are the guys that matter. Many of these are the faces we need to re-sign. These guys want to win:


You want them to lose? You are going to cheer for them to lose to get a guy who's not as good as any of them right now? You want that joy to drain out of them so we can pick up a guy who won't play with them? A guy who won't bring them back from this losing season because many of them will be gone by the time he plays, or will be cut to make room for his contract?

I'll admit, I understand the complaints about Coach Caldwell more than the ones cheering for a loss next weekend. The players, on the other hand, seem to think of our coach differently. While on the same video page from the link above, check out the thumbnail video titled "Caldwell postgame locker room speech."

That's a coach with no emotion, remember. That's a guy no one has respect for. He has no understanding of the game, command of the locker room, or any of the intangibles to inspire others. He's just a puppet.

I guess the player response in that video is more proof we need to lose on purpose, not only to concern ourselves with a non-factor QB, but also to get that guy in the circle fired.

As an aside, I am aware that everyone who types on the internet can have an opinion. But that doesn't mean everyone should type that opinion, or receive a pass for that blanket reason. These are human beings. They aren't products or services of a business. The brand is, sure, as is the memorabilia; they, on the other hand, are men. They play to win. They care about the guys who are there now. We support these guys because they are the ones driving the franchise we cheer for. We are not players, and I get that. We shouldn't think like a player, right? If that's true, then that also means we shouldn't decide what's best for the team they play for.

I won't call anyone a pretend fan for hoping we lose. But they know, as well as anyone with a shred of perception, that they are no better than the man they blame for pulling the players in 2009.

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It was a awesome win, for a few minutes it felt like the good ol days.

People shouldn't really worry about who we draft because with picks that high, its going to be a good draft. Don't worry too much about not getting Luck.

But if the Colts get the number1 pick, atleast there's a silver lining.

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Is it lonely up there on your pedestal doogan?

Did I placate myself in any way? Did I self-substantiate my own thoughts, beliefs on the matter, etc? I'd like for you to show me the pedestal I built for myself, considering that's a term often given to people who build one for someone else...

It was a awesome win, for a few minutes it felt like the good ol days.

People shouldn't really worry about who we draft because with picks that high, its going to be a good draft. Don't worry too much about not getting Luck.

But if the Colts get the number1 pick, atleast there's a silver lining.

Yes. Either way, we are getting an impact player; it's just the 1st overall pick won't be playing for a while. There's a difference between spending money on an impact player who fills a need, and a guy everyone thinks is Aaron Rodgers (who won't play). That's not reason to cheer for a loss.

As I've said in other threads, I'm not going to be upset if we do take Luck. It's a safe pick, and that's acceptable. Some of us could wipe our brow, in theory, about the QB position going forward. But I want to win Super Bowls while Manning is still playing, while also having a well-rounded team for the future, and having Luck puts a road block in those plans. He will cost a lot for no contribution. That's the definition of a waste.

+1 for sure and one of the best post I have read on this forum for months now. Thanks for taking the time to post it.

Thank you for the kind compliments. I like your avatar. :luv:

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I do not want to lose and i dont hate caldwell, but I really dont want him next year, i think we can do much better on the coaches department overall.

my take, he obviously commands respects from players, its obvious people care for him, they havent given up, they keep playing 13 weeks later when most teams should have shut it down. Its obvious this team is together, and that starts with the head coach. however, thats the only plus ive seen of him.

i dont know what his "niche" is, i dont know what, football wise, brings to the table.

i much rather have a defensive minded coach to help guide our defense to greatness. Chuck pagano, zimmer fisher and spagnuolo come to mind. of course, spagnuolo might be available as a DC not hc.

i have nerver rooted for this team to lose and never will be, but at the same time even after this wins i feel caldwell should go.

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Did I placate myself in any way? Did I self-substantiate my own thoughts, beliefs on the matter, etc? I'd like for you to show me the pedestal I built for myself, considering that's a term often given to people who build one for someone else...

Please. One need only search your posting history and they'll quickly find that most of them are you some way shape of form taking shots at the forum at large and then running off.

And quite frankly, I'm sick of this "I'm a better fan than you" crap. It's nonsense. You think I'm hoping they lose because I hate the team or the players? Nonsense. If I did I wouldn't be here. Those of us who are of that opinion have done so only because we believe it will help the team going forward.

And no, this isn't about Andrew Luck, so don't even bother going there. As I've said a million times, Luck or no Luck, the difference between going 2-14 and 3-13 is so insignificant from drafting first overall compared to 2nd or 3rd. That's the point.

And you know what, you are more than free to disagree. I even understand your viewpoint. It's not like I make a habit of doing this. This is what I think is in the best interests of the team. If it wasn't I wouldn't hope for that. The difference here, is that when you or someone else expresses that viewpoint that differs from mine (and IMO one that hurts the team more than helps it) I don't question your fan hood or try to make you out to be a lesser fan because of it.

You want to argue the team is better off going 3-13, then fine, argue it. But if you call mine or anyone else s fan hood into question expect a nasty response in reply.

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Post of the freaking year, Doogan. +1

I could not agree with you more.

How right you are to point out the hypocrisy of those who hated on this team for resting their starters in the name of what's best for the team and yet now root against this team in the name of "what's best for the team."

GO COLTS. I hope we crush Jax!!!!!

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Please. One need only search your posting history and they'll quickly find that most of them are you some way shape of form taking shots at the forum at large and then running off.

And quite frankly, I'm sick of this "I'm a better fan than you" crap. It's nonsense. You think I'm hoping they lose because I hate the team or the players? Nonsense. If I did I wouldn't be here. Those of us who are of that opinion have done so only because it will help the team going forward.

And no, this isn't about Andrew Luck, so don't even bother going there. As I've said a million times, Luck or no Luck, the difference between going 2-14 and 3-13 is so insignificant from drafting first overall compared to 2nd or 3rd. That's the point.

And you know what, you are more than free to disagree. I even understand your viewpoint. It's not like a make a habit of doing this. This is what I think is in the best interests of the team. If it wasn't I wouldn't hope for that. The difference here, is that when you or someone else expresses that viewpoint that differs from mine (and IMO one that hurts the team more than helps it) I don't question your fan hood or try to make you out to be a lesser fan because of it.

You want to argue the team is better off going 3-13, then fine, argue it. But if you call mine or anyone else s fan hood into question expect a nasty response in reply.

I didn't question your fanhood. In fact, I said:

I won't call anyone a pretend fan for hoping we lose. But they know, as well as anyone with a shred of perception, that they are no better than the man they blame for pulling the players in 2009.

It's not a question of fanhood, or an insult, to call a hypocrite a hypocrite.

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I didn't question your fanhood. In fact, I said:

Bull. That's precisely what you're doing even if you won't actually come out and say it.

Again, you want to argue your point, argue your point. If it's a valid point you should be able to do so without insulting anyone.

So by all means, explain to me why winning 3 games instead of 2 is better than drafting 1st overall as opposed to 2nd or 3rd overall.

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Bull. That's precisely what you're doing even if you won't actually come out and say it.

Again, you want to argue your point, argue your point. If it's a valid point you should be able to do so without insulting anyone.

So by all means, explain to me why winning 3 games instead of 2 is better than drafting 1st overall as opposed to 2nd or 3rd overall.

I agree with you Jaric. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I was rooting against the Colts back in the '97 season so we could get the 1st pick to draft Manning and never felt bad about it once. It's fine to root for the team to win in a lousy season, but to pretend that you're rooting for them because 3 wins is somehow better than 2 is absolute nonsense. Also, to pretend that the 2nd or 3rd pick is just as good for the Colts future as the 1st pick(whether they want Luck or not) is so far beyond ridiculously ignorant that it's comical.

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This team has been succesful the last 10 years with relatively low draft picks. We always chose at the bottom of the draft and we in the PM era are very lucky to land a 1st or even 2nd or 3rd pick. Does it matter if we get the 1st or second? This draft is like every other draft. Just unproven college kids. I tell you, fans wouldnt be slit over the thought of losing or winning the last game if Peyton never missed this year. What im trying to say is, the draft doesnt matter. We have always been succesful and will continue to be. 1st pick or 2nd pick. I just want to see my team win and will never root against them.

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It was a needed win. Tennessee was a good one but this one was better. TD in the last 19 seconds to seal the win.

The spirit was one important thing missing this season. The team felt defeated.

Agreed on the Ludacris comments. I hope we resign him and Sims and even get a little more into FA. Not all of them are like Corey Simon.

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I know this is completely off topic, but I really gotta say this. Jamaal Anderson looks like Ludacris

lol.....had that same thought last night. Like if Luda stopped smoking dope and started pumping iron.

I wish we could please stop with this debate about the last game. Please?

It's irrelevant and divisive. Like seriously, we got nothing better to do as Colts fans then to sit here and argue amongst ourselves about whether or not we should be happy that the Colts are winning?

Both sides have a point. Can we not appreciate that and move on? This off-season is going to be very argumentative on this forum....I can tell that already.

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lol.....had that same thought last night. Like if Luda stopped smoking dope and started pumping iron.

I wish we could please stop with this debate about the last game. Please?

It's irrelevant and divisive. Like seriously, we got nothing better to do as Colts fans then to sit here and argue amongst ourselves about whether or not we should be happy that the Colts are winning?

Both sides have a point. Can we not appreciate that and move on? This off-season is going to be very argumentative on this forum....I can tell that already.

+++++++++ Thank you Ruksak. :worthy:

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It's irrelevant and divisive. Like seriously, we got nothing better to do as Colts fans then to sit here and argue amongst ourselves about whether or not we should be happy that the Colts are winning?

Well...We could start picking the scabs on that whole 14-0 resting starters thing.

That's always fun.

EDIT: Or how about a Brady/Manning thread?

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lol.....had that same thought last night. Like if Luda stopped smoking dope and started pumping iron.

I wish we could please stop with this debate about the last game. Please?

It's irrelevant and divisive. Like seriously, we got nothing better to do as Colts fans then to sit here and argue amongst ourselves about whether or not we should be happy that the Colts are winning?

Both sides have a point. Can we not appreciate that and move on? This off-season is going to be very argumentative on this forum....I can tell that already.

Oh man, just wait until the pick is made. No matter what is done, there will be so many angry fans on here

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Well...We could start picking the scabs on that whole 14-0 resting starters thing.

That's always fun.

EDIT: Or how about a Brady/Manning thread?

The Manning-Brady threads have all been determined. It is now accepted by all that Manning's forehead >>> Brady's forehead, but at the same time, you can crack more coconuts on Brady's chin than on Manning's. Manning's choice in footwear also has the upper hand, while Brady can rock the eye black way better than Manning ever could. Seriously, just picture Manning with some eye black...

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lol.....had that same thought last night. Like if Luda stopped smoking dope and started pumping iron.

I wish we could please stop with this debate about the last game. Please?

It's irrelevant and divisive. Like seriously, we got nothing better to do as Colts fans then to sit here and argue amongst ourselves about whether or not we should be happy that the Colts are winning?

Both sides have a point. Can we not appreciate that and move on? This off-season is going to be very argumentative on this forum....I can tell that already.

Tell me about it. Gonna be a wild offseason. Get a front row ticket and your popcorn ready! :popcorn:

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The whole time I read about the emotion of the player all I can think about is the emotional 180 Ernie has. Look at the post game losses and he talks quiet and depressed. After the two wins you think the man is the happiest man in the world. I love it. I just like him so much, I don't know why.

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Oh man, just wait until the pick is made. No matter what is done, there will be so many angry fans on here

I think I will be taking a break about that time :whatever: My chat time will be over so my services will not be needed until next year. :dancing:

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Balzer40 makes a good point and in a rare occasion rooting against the Colts may be best for the franchise. Whats better, winning the Jags game and potentially losing the 1st overall pick in exchange for a 3-13 season or losing it, going 2-14 but secure the pick for the best prospected QB since John Elway? Its an easy choice.

If the '97 Colts beat the Vikings in that last game, we are talking about potentially having Ryan Leaf instead of Peyton Manning (SD would have the 1st overall pick from what I know off the top of my head)

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I agree with you Jaric. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I was rooting against the Colts back in the '97 season so we could get the 1st pick to draft Manning and never felt bad about it once. It's fine to root for the team to win in a lousy season, but to pretend that you're rooting for them because 3 wins is somehow better than 2 is absolute nonsense. Also, to pretend that the 2nd or 3rd pick is just as good for the Colts future as the 1st pick(whether they want Luck or not) is so far beyond ridiculously ignorant that it's comical.

thank you excellent post

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And no, this isn't about Andrew Luck, so don't even bother going there. As I've said a million times, Luck or no Luck, the difference between going 2-14 and 3-13 is so insignificant from drafting first overall compared to 2nd or 3rd. That's the point.

If Luck or no Luck then whats so insignificant from drafting first overall compared to 2nd or 3rd?

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For those of you who want us to lose the last game, all in the name of a player who hasn't played a snap in the NFL; all for a player who is not a member of this team you (claim to) love, nor a teammate to the guys we cheer for every week... shame on you.

Watch this video. See the elation of the players who ARE Indianapolis Colts. Guys who have proven themselves in the NFL, and who give back to the community we are all privileged to be a part of. These are the guys that matter. Many of these are the faces we need to re-sign. These guys want to win:


You want them to lose? You are going to cheer for them to lose to get a guy who's not as good as any of them right now? You want that joy to drain out of them so we can pick up a guy who won't play with them? A guy who won't bring them back from this losing season because many of them will be gone by the time he plays, or will be cut to make room for his contract?

I'll admit, I understand the complaints about Coach Caldwell more than the ones cheering for a loss next weekend. The players, on the other hand, seem to think of our coach differently. While on the same video page from the link above, check out the thumbnail video titled "Caldwell postgame locker room speech."

That's a coach with no emotion, remember. That's a guy no one has respect for. He has no understanding of the game, command of the locker room, or any of the intangibles to inspire others. He's just a puppet.

I guess the player response in that video is more proof we need to lose on purpose, not only to concern ourselves with a non-factor QB, but also to get that guy in the circle fired.

As an aside, I am aware that everyone who types on the internet can have an opinion. But that doesn't mean everyone should type that opinion, or receive a pass for that blanket reason. These are human beings. They aren't products or services of a business. The brand is, sure, as is the memorabilia; they, on the other hand, are men. They play to win. They care about the guys who are there now. We support these guys because they are the ones driving the franchise we cheer for. We are not players, and I get that. We shouldn't think like a player, right? If that's true, then that also means we shouldn't decide what's best for the team they play for.

I won't call anyone a pretend fan for hoping we lose. But they know, as well as anyone with a shred of perception, that they are no better than the man they blame for pulling the players in 2009.

This may be the first time I have ever agreed with you Doogie... hehe..

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Sorry folks. I just find it hard to root against this team - especially when they've shown so much spirit these last two.

It's fun to hear/see it happening. It DOES remind me of years past.

As others have said, whatever happens is going to happen, but I can't root against my team. Love them too much!

If we don't get the #1 pick i still bask in the glow of having a 3 game winning streak to end the season. After losing

13 in a row (in the same season no less!) that will be an absolutely AWESOME feeling!!

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For those of you who want us to lose the last game, all in the name of a player who hasn't played a snap in the NFL; all for a player who is not a member of this team you (claim to) love, nor a teammate to the guys we cheer for every week... shame on you.

Watch this video. See the elation of the players who ARE Indianapolis Colts. Guys who have proven themselves in the NFL, and who give back to the community we are all privileged to be a part of. These are the guys that matter. Many of these are the faces we need to re-sign. These guys want to win:


You want them to lose? You are going to cheer for them to lose to get a guy who's not as good as any of them right now? You want that joy to drain out of them so we can pick up a guy who won't play with them? A guy who won't bring them back from this losing season because many of them will be gone by the time he plays, or will be cut to make room for his contract?

I'll admit, I understand the complaints about Coach Caldwell more than the ones cheering for a loss next weekend. The players, on the other hand, seem to think of our coach differently. While on the same video page from the link above, check out the thumbnail video titled "Caldwell postgame locker room speech."

That's a coach with no emotion, remember. That's a guy no one has respect for. He has no understanding of the game, command of the locker room, or any of the intangibles to inspire others. He's just a puppet.

I guess the player response in that video is more proof we need to lose on purpose, not only to concern ourselves with a non-factor QB, but also to get that guy in the circle fired.

As an aside, I am aware that everyone who types on the internet can have an opinion. But that doesn't mean everyone should type that opinion, or receive a pass for that blanket reason. These are human beings. They aren't products or services of a business. The brand is, sure, as is the memorabilia; they, on the other hand, are men. They play to win. They care about the guys who are there now. We support these guys because they are the ones driving the franchise we cheer for. We are not players, and I get that. We shouldn't think like a player, right? If that's true, then that also means we shouldn't decide what's best for the team they play for.

I won't call anyone a pretend fan for hoping we lose. But they know, as well as anyone with a shred of perception, that they are no better than the man they blame for pulling the players in 2009.

I want us to win every time we play...

But i would like for Polian to retire, and to have a different head coach. Caldwell seems like a very nice guy that people like, but that doesnt make him a good coach...and am i the only one that wonders if Caldwell in that video after the game (in the locker room) seemed like he was just playing it up because there was obviously an NFL Network camera right behind him in the locker room?

As for Polian, though...he's a rude, egotistical, arrogant * if you ask me...and i wish he would retire and be replaced, to spare us having to fire him.

All that aside, i ALWAYS want the Colts to win, every single game they play....and even though i would rather trade the #1 pick to put better pieces around Peyton, all of the people having a hissy fit about Luck need to chill out already. If we're going to take a QB this year, i would just as soon take the best one in the draft, if we have the possibility to do so, rather than take another 5th or 6th rounder and have a wasted pick on another Painter.

I would rather take a QB either next year or the following year...but if we're going to take one early this year, and have the chance to take Luck, then by all means, i would rather have him than RGIII or any of the other ones likely to be taken in the first couple rounds.

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For those of you who want us to lose the last game, all in the name of a player who hasn't played a snap in the NFL; all for a player who is not a member of this team you (claim to) love, nor a teammate to the guys we cheer for every week... shame on you.

Watch this video. See the elation of the players who ARE Indianapolis Colts. Guys who have proven themselves in the NFL, and who give back to the community we are all privileged to be a part of. These are the guys that matter. Many of these are the faces we need to re-sign. These guys want to win:


You want them to lose? You are going to cheer for them to lose to get a guy who's not as good as any of them right now? You want that joy to drain out of them so we can pick up a guy who won't play with them? A guy who won't bring them back from this losing season because many of them will be gone by the time he plays, or will be cut to make room for his contract?

I'll admit, I understand the complaints about Coach Caldwell more than the ones cheering for a loss next weekend. The players, on the other hand, seem to think of our coach differently. While on the same video page from the link above, check out the thumbnail video titled "Caldwell postgame locker room speech."

That's a coach with no emotion, remember. That's a guy no one has respect for. He has no understanding of the game, command of the locker room, or any of the intangibles to inspire others. He's just a puppet.

I guess the player response in that video is more proof we need to lose on purpose, not only to concern ourselves with a non-factor QB, but also to get that guy in the circle fired.

As an aside, I am aware that everyone who types on the internet can have an opinion. But that doesn't mean everyone should type that opinion, or receive a pass for that blanket reason. These are human beings. They aren't products or services of a business. The brand is, sure, as is the memorabilia; they, on the other hand, are men. They play to win. They care about the guys who are there now. We support these guys because they are the ones driving the franchise we cheer for. We are not players, and I get that. We shouldn't think like a player, right? If that's true, then that also means we shouldn't decide what's best for the team they play for.

I won't call anyone a pretend fan for hoping we lose. But they know, as well as anyone with a shred of perception, that they are no better than the man they blame for pulling the players in 2009.

I agree with you 100 percent. You don't play to lose.
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Is it lonely up there on your pedestal doogan?

Nope he's not lonely at all all true fans that wants what's best for our team now... Not 4 years from now are right up there with him shaking our head in complete disbelief that any player who hasn't even taken one single NFL snap is being thought of as a HOF'er... I've never taken an NFL snap does that make me a sure vote for a HOF'er? FO will NOT trade pick accept that... What's worse going 3-13 this year and getting to USE a first round pick next year, or going 2-14 and NOT getting to use a first round pick for 4 years??? After this season...

Our team needs help NOW, Luck provides NO help for 3 or 4 years... Then we get him for what 5 or 6 years? Sorry how does that help the team... If you can explain that I will listen

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And before you say it's not about Luck, I'm calling your bluff... FO will NOT trade it... Was all but said they will use it on a QB... If it wasn't about Luck you would be so worried about grabbing a different QB on the 2nd or 3rd pick... But point is IF a QB is taken ANY QB in first round... We wasted 2012 first round pick for next 3 to 4 years... No other way to look at it if Manning is back... Team needs help now NOT just 3 years from now

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