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Are you satisfied with an AFC South title or do you want more from this team-a 6th AFC title and a 5th Super Bowl ring


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It's great that the Colts have a second consecutive AFC South championship.  BUT, the AFC South is still a relatively bad conference. Glad we are the champs, but not satisfied.


We are actually trending in the wrong direction heading into the playoffs. We go from being an offensive juggernaut to squeaking out a win against a rookie back up QB.


A lot of this, in my opinion was poor play calling by Pep. On 2nd and 4, pass play. 3rd and 4, pass play. At one point, we had 38 passes and only 13 runs. Then late in the 4th quarter, Pep finally decided to run. 

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I hope for the best this year.  I actually look forward to Chud being the OC next year and adding more defensive help.  I know the Colts are racking up lots of yards and points, but I think that is more about Luck and the weapons.  I don't think Hamilton is brilliant or anything like that.  Their offense, for all the skill players, can be a bit predictable.  You can see screens would work well with Boom and TRich.  Seems like every play is slow development.   I think varying what we do would make it even more potent.

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Holy hell... Not even time for a "Congrats on another division title" thread before people start complaining about what hasn't been done yet. You can't win a Super Bowl in December. 


Been there done that.  We are the Atlanta Braves of the NFL, it's time to put up or shut up in the postseason.  Anything short of a Super Bowl championship will be a disappointment.

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Been there done that. We are the Atlanta Braves of the NFL, it's time to put up or shut up in the postseason. Anything short of a Super Bowl championship will be a disappointment.

I disagree, and I think that viewpoint is pretty ridiculous all the way around. But by all means, enjoy yourself.

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Holy hell... Not even time for a "Congrats on another division title" thread before people start complaining about what hasn't been done yet. You can't win a Super Bowl in December. 

C'mon, Man of Steel....you know the drill.


We won the game.


That means another dozen or so threads that will leave us wanting to strangle Al Gore for inventing the internet.

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Satisfied, lets be real.......if we didn't win this division with at least a few weeks left......ouch. This division sucks.


But, it still feels good. I am not expecting this team to head to the Super Bowl this year either, sorry. Maybe next year. I hope I am wrong but I see no way right now we likely could compete in New England. In fact, I don't even want to think about it.......


We may win the first playoff game if it's the WC round. At home, high emotions......first home game in a few weeks, can happen. Depends on the opponent but I think we can win that maybe. I am hoping for Cincy or Baltimore personally. SD or Pitts would be much more difficult with top QBs to go against, but part of me wants to pummel Pittsburgh since I hate those guys so bad and what they did to us early this year.


And I would give us a small fighting chance in Denver, maybe. 



Other then that I consider this year a success somewhat considering the issues we have. I don't think it is hopeless though. Last year showed potential when we beat some top teams. We are a tad off kilter this year IMO and need some heavy polishing in the offseason.


It's not impossible to make a strong run but I can't expect it at the moment either.


And we had to win this division early IMO since Dallas will be a tough matchup IMO with a strong run game/good mobile QB. I don't love our chances right now. But, a week later we will beat TN.

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That is just ridiculous.

Why? Year 3 of Pagano/ Grigson and still no closer than we were in 2012. The good teams with competent quarterbacks beat us. I hate to break it to you but we won't be facing Brian Hoyer, Charlie Whitehurst, Tom Savage, Chad Henne, Blake Bortles, Ryan Fitzpatrick, or Colt McCoy in the playoffs. The quarterbacks we have faced this year are a total joke. The best quarterbacks we played, we got destroyed.

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Why? Year 3 of Pagano/ Grigson and still no closer than we were in 2012. The good teams with competent quarterbacks beat us. I hate to break it to you but we won't be facing Brian Hoyer, Charlie Whitehurst, Tom Savage, Chad Henne, Blake Bortles, Ryan Fitzpatrick, or Colt McCoy in the playoffs. The quarterbacks we have faced this year are a total joke. The best quarterbacks we played, we got destroyed.


Well first of all you are wrong, the Colts have improved this year over last, maybe not enough to win the Superbowl but yes they have improved.  Besides that I was commenting on your Superbowl or bust mentality, which is ridiculous not to mention immature.

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Well first of all you are wrong, the Colts have improved this year over last, maybe not enough to win the Superbowl but yes they have improved. Besides that I was commenting on your Superbowl or bust mentality, which is ridiculous not to mention immature.

Yeah I'll just fall in line with the long list of Colts like Manning, Dungy,Polian and Irsay who's ultimate goal all those years was just to win a division.

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Why? Year 3 of Pagano/ Grigson and still no closer than we were in 2012. The good teams with competent quarterbacks beat us. I hate to break it to you but we won't be facing Brian Hoyer, Charlie Whitehurst, Tom Savage, Chad Henne, Blake Bortles, Ryan Fitzpatrick, or Colt McCoy in the playoffs. The quarterbacks we have faced this year are a total joke. The best quarterbacks we played, we got destroyed.


I agree with you, but it is not for lack of trying.  Our hybrid 3-4 defense needs two pass rushers.  We had the NFLs pass rush champ from last year, Robert Mathis, and he got hurt. We drafted Bjorn Werner.  It just hasn't worked out this year.  Where would Houston's pass rush be if JJ Watt was out for the year?  I think once we have two good pass rushers, our defense will show what they can do.  Right now, our pass rush is terrible against good QBs which leaves receivers open.

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Yeah I'll just fall in line with the long list of Colts like Manning, Dungy,Polian and Irsay who's ultimate goal all those years was just to win a division.


Nobody said it wasn't their goal to win the Superbowl, but guess what?  It was Tampa Bay's goal to win the Superbowl, it's every teams goal.  That does not mean that if the Colts do not win it all that they are somehow a disappointment or some kind of failure.  There are many years when the best team does not win the Superbowl, more often than not in recent memory.

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Nobody said it wasn't their goal to win the Superbowl, but guess what? It was Tampa Bay's goal to win the Superbowl, it's every teams goal. That does not mean that if the Colts do not win it all that they are somehow a disappointment or some kind of failure. There are many years when the best team does not win the Superbowl, more often than not in recent memory.

Manning, Polian, etc were always good soldiers and talked about how the goal was to win the division. They were satisfied with that.

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Manning, Polian, etc were always good soldiers and talked about how the goal was to win the division. They were satisfied with that.


Great, take their comments out of context.  They would say that their first goal was to win the division, key words to take note of are "first goal".  They also would talk about the goals of home field advantage, being healthy going into the playoffs and also a goal to win the Superbowl.  They would talk about all of those goals.

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Nah, just a fan who doesn't root against the team I claim to be a fan of, just so I can say "told you so." How'd that over/under work out for you???


Sports are a business.  I'm not a blind homer.  If the Colts do something I don't like, I'm not going to pretend like I do just because I am a "fan".  I'm not a fan, I'm a customer.  

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I hope for the best this year.  I actually look forward to Chud being the OC next year and adding more defensive help.  I know the Colts are racking up lots of yards and points, but I think that is more about Luck and the weapons.  I don't think Hamilton is brilliant or anything like that.  Their offense, for all the skill players, can be a bit predictable.  You can see screens would work well with Boom and TRich.  Seems like every play is slow development.   I think varying what we do would make it even more potent.

You have to have the players to run screens. Right now the O-line is not good enough.

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