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Reggie Wayne fined.


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That happened in 2012.  Reggie just mentioned it in a recent interview when they were talking about players' ability to be stylish -- Reggie basically was saying it is hard to have your own style in the league because dress-code is so strict.

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yoga pants/leggings

But even then they banned the girls at my school from wearing those or at least tried to ban them cause they're "distractions" to us guys


Yoga pants I understand because those things are not made to be worn out & there are some people who wear them that have no business doing so. No offense to yoga fans. By the way I was once told to go to the office for my love of makeup was deemed a distraction to students. I told the adviser that if people would do their work instead of focusing on me they would be fine. He didn't like it. 

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Yoga pants I understand because those things are not made to be worn out & there are some people who wear them that have no business doing so. No offense to yoga fans. By the way I was once told to go to the office for my love of makeup was deemed a distraction to students. I told the adviser that if people would do their work instead of focusing on me they would be fine. He didn't like it.



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That happened in 2012. Reggie just mentioned it in a recent interview when they were talking about players' ability to be stylish -- Reggie basically was saying it is hard to have your own style in the league because dress-code is so strict.

The only part of the article that mentions 2012 was the part about Reggie wearing the orange gloves and mouth piece in honor of chucks fight against leukemia.

Bottom line, it may be a stupid rule but it's a rule none the less. Pay the fine and move on.

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