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Is Next Week Our Best Chance To Win?


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Cam Newton is no joke. Yeah, he's a rookie, but he can make plays. Steve Smith is enjoying a resurgence in his career and with our secondary, he should have a good game against us. The Panthers put up 35 points on the Detroit defense, our defense is not going to be able to play as well as the Detroit defense. I still think our two best chances to win so far were the Bucs and Steelers. I don't expect a win next week.

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Best chance Week 17 at Jax. No way we are beating Carolina...I don't care that its a home game. Cam will put up too much offense for our pea shooter qb's to keep up with. Jax with their pedestian offense gives us our best shot at avoiding 0-16. Not saying we beat em in Jax but it is our best chance, imo.

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Cam Newton is a beast, but I like our chances against them. They are a very pass heavy team, and I like the way we've been playing against the pass lately. Did well against Gabbert last week, but it is Gabbert. Besides a couple of big plays, we did pretty well against Ryan. We also did well against the Titans. We didn't do well against the Saints :) . Their D is terrible, so maybe if our offense puts up 20 points, we have a chance. It's not our best chance to win, the Jags game at the end of the year is.

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Cam Newton is no joke. Yeah, he's a rookie, but he can make plays. Steve Smith is enjoying a resurgence in his career and with our secondary, he should have a good game against us. The Panthers put up 35 points on the Detroit defense, our defense is not going to be able to play as well as the Detroit defense. I still think our two best chances to win so far were the Bucs and Steelers. I don't expect a win next week.

Cam givesup a lot of turnovers....and we need the defense to score....

.........Its just a matter of how many of our players give up during t he bye week.

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This is a guaranteed loss against Carolina. There DEFENSE is what costs them games, there offense if STRONG and will DESTROY this pathetic defense the Colts are fielding... Carolina's putrid defense will still make the colts offense look bad. Colts bad offense vs Carolina bad defense = wash. Carolina's high power offense vs Indy's HORRIBLE Defense = Colts LOSS.

Our best chance to win is still Jax in Week 17.

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Jacksonville is still very bad..

..and Houston is stripped of some of its stars..Leinert sounds a lot like Painter..

I think the Houston game becomes very winnable with Schaub being out. If we can get back to playing competitive football after the bye I think Indy can achieve its first win against Carolina. I also think that they could potentially give Baltimore a run for their money because the Ravens have been pretty inconsistent this season. They could do well against the Jags and Titans as well, but like I said, they have to come off the bye week ready to go. I think the New England game will be a nightmare, but you never know in the NFL...

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Carolina is an absolute safe bet as a win for the COLTS. I guarantee we will win that game. you can come back to this VERY POST and make me eat crow if it doesn't happen. There are too many things stacked against the woeful panthers and too much pride with the COLTS. AGAIN, it's a STONE-COLD, LEAD-PIPE LOCK that the COLTS WIN next weekend. MARK MY WORDS!!!

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Carolina is an absolute safe bet as a win for the COLTS. I guarantee we will win that game. you can come back to this VERY POST and make me eat crow if it doesn't happen. There are too many things stacked against the woeful panthers and too much pride with the COLTS. AGAIN, it's a STONE-COLD, LEAD-PIPE LOCK that the COLTS WIN next weekend. MARK MY WORDS!!!

Now this will get interesting. Want to make a friendly wager on this? No money involved, just forum related stuff (for example, you switch your profile pic to something I decide). Interested?

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Rookie QB for Freeney and Mathis to Tee off on

Average defense

We are coming off of a bye

btw they have a very good O-line so the experience of the QB doesn't matter, it matters how good their line is, and it's good. They have Gross at LT, so don''t expect much from Freeney and Ziemba at RT, who has performed very well. Expect a sack from Mathis, but if Newton scrambles a lot, expect more.

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This is a guaranteed loss against Carolina. There DEFENSE is what costs them games, there offense if STRONG and will DESTROY this pathetic defense the Colts are fielding... Carolina's putrid defense will still make the colts offense look bad. Colts bad offense vs Carolina bad defense = wash. Carolina's high power offense vs Indy's HORRIBLE Defense = Colts LOSS.

Our best chance to win is still Jax in Week 17.

They are going to have to stop Maurice Jones Drew to win. Does anyone think this is possible with this defense?
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Carolina put up 35 on Detroit and that was with Cam throwing 4 INT's. I think it's going to be highly difficult to beat the Panthers. I thought the Colts were going to do it against the Jags but then the Colts got creamed in the 4th. DeAngelo Wiliams is averaging 5.1 YPC. I think they will put up about 30+ on the Colts and play solid football. Colts however could put up 30 on them, but with the way the offense has been playing, it seems to me 30+ points would be asking for a lot.

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btw they have a very good O-line so the experience of the QB doesn't matter, it matters how good their line is, and it's good. They have Gross at LT, so don''t expect much from Freeney and Ziemba at RT, who has performed very well. Expect a sack from Mathis, but if Newton scrambles a lot, expect more.

So Peyton Manning took so few sacks all those years because our offensive line was the best in the league?

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So Peyton Manning took so few sacks all those years because our offensive line was the best in the league?

I don't know how you get this question from what I wrote but okay. In the early to mid 2000's our O-line was arguably the best in the league. The time when we had Glenn, Scott, Saturday, Lilja, and Diem... all great players. I don't know if that answers your question....

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I don't know how you get this question from what I wrote but okay. In the early to mid 2000's our O-line was arguably the best in the league. The time when we had Glenn, Scott, Saturday, Lilja, and Diem... all great players. I don't know if that answers your question....

They were all average made to look great. Even when our line got really bad after about mid 2007 Peyton didn't take a lot of sacks as a result of his own ability. QBs have a lot to do with their own sacks. It's not just the offensive line.

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Carolina is an absolute safe bet as a win for the COLTS. I guarantee we will win that game. you can come back to this VERY POST and make me eat crow if it doesn't happen. There are too many things stacked against the woeful panthers and too much pride with the COLTS. AGAIN, it's a STONE-COLD, LEAD-PIPE LOCK that the COLTS WIN next weekend. MARK MY WORDS!!!

Let's put money on it... shoot me a PM.

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Rookie QB for Freeney and Mathis to Tee off on

Average defense

We are coming off of a bye

No. Our best chance to win was the last game against the Jags. Two poor defenses, so call that even or maybe even give a small edge to the Colts since it's at home. However, that is where the similarities end. Our offense is abysmal. It's terrible. Let's compare offenses:

Points Scored

- Panthers: 225 / 22.5 per game / #18 NFL

- Colts: 131 / 13.1 per game / #30 NFL


- Panthers: 401 per game / ranked #5 in NFL

- Colts: 298 per game / ranked #31 in NFL

I might add that the only teams worse than the Colts in the total points scored category are the Jags and Rams. The 28th and 29th ranked teams, just ahead of the Colts are the Chiefs and the Browns. Both of those clubs beat us at home.

Now, while we are at it, let's compare the defenses on the same statistical categories:

Points Allowed

- Panthers: 286 Points / 28.6 per game / ranked 31st in the league

- Colts: 300 Points / 30 per game / Ranked 32nd in the league

Yards Allowed

- Panthers: 375 per game / #27 in NFL

- Colts: 391 per game / #29 in NFL

One other key stat is time of possession. Here is how the two teams compare:

Panthers: Offense has the ball 30min5sec

Colts: Offense has the ball 24min37sec

At this tiime, the Colts are -3.5 on the spread. I believe the only game the Colts have covered this year is against Pittsburgh back in week 3. I don't see anything changing this coming week, except that the Colts may actually put up 20-24 points. Unfortunately, it won't be enough as the Panthers will hang 30 on us. Colts will fall to 0-11.

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do we really want to win???? I'd rather try to win the jacksonville game make sure we get the #1 pick

Sorry but I've lived through enough losing seasons as a colts fan. Yes it hasnt been since we drafted peyton but I want the colts to win every game or at-least play their hearts out and try to win the game.

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If we cannot get a win coming off a bye week going against a rookie QB and lackluster defense then that tells you everything you need to know about this coaching staff.

Now with how terrible our pass defense has been this year Steve Smith could rip this defense apart. They shredded the Lions defense pretty well and are defense is no where near the Lions defense.

This is probably our best chance to win, but I doubt it will happen.

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If we cannot get a win coming off a bye week going against a rookie QB and lackluster defense then that tells you everything you need to know about this coaching staff.

Now with how terrible our pass defense has been this year Steve Smith could rip this defense apart. They shredded the Lions defense pretty well and are defense is no where near the Lions defense.

This is probably our best chance to win, but I doubt it will happen.

I found out everything I needed years ago buddy lol. Even with Browns game, I knew this team was doomed.

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Hi all...Panthers guy here. Was just lurking your board and saw this thread. I have not seen you guys play much this year so bear with me.In all your posts are spot on-our D is terrible and ST are not far behind. We lost Beason and Thomas at LB and we were average before that so....rookies on interior have improved but still need a lot of work. We just made a guy that literally was at home on his couch (Stevens) with Detroit look like Barry Sanders this week.If Caldwell has a brain in his head he will run the ball 50 times, keep Cam off the field and play field position.

Cam is the real deal though and a lot of his INT'S have come off tipped balls and his fast balls going off receivers hands. He is a pass first guy believe it or not and his TD runs have all been designed plays-not busted plays.Teams no longer stack the box on us like last year with Clausen so our RB's are starting to run loose.We should be able to put up points on you guys. But do not fret, if your RB's have legs you can too. I think we win but we have a bad habit of finding ways to lose so I def would not bet much on it.

Just a PS on Caldwell. He coached at Wake Forest for a time and I for one was not impressed during his tenure. Good guy but at times just looked overmatched or clueless.

At any rate good luck (no pun intended) as we booth are headed no where this year. Future looks bright for us though with Cam-we have NEVER had a franchise QB like Peyton so we are loving this so far. Now if he could only play D....

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