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Are the Colts asking too much of Andrew Luck? His backup wonders


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I read this article and was not sure what to take from it. What more are they putting on Luck's shoulders that he has not already handled? More control of the offense? No-huddle? Would like your opinions of what they may be talking about.



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Not sure he's not being very clear.  It sounds like he's talking about both on the field and off the field stuff.  


Almost like he's afraid they are gonna make Luck make all the calls at the LOS including the protection calls and then wear him out by sending him to visit 20 sick kids in the hospital.

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I think Hasselback was speaking in general he believes there is a danger zone -- not so much that Luck is in danger of being overburdened. I don't think there was ever a question Luck's control over the offense was going to increase every year during his first few years as a pro. Eventually he will have complete control a la Manning or Brady. And I agree with SilentHill, I believe Luck will rise to the challenge.

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I think this is a concern. It's exactly what they did to Manning. Not so much the off-field stuff, as just asking him to be basically the OC on the field. I know, he asked for it, but sometimes it was too much.

In big games, Tom Moore was an after-thought. The chess match was always Manning vs Belichick, Manning vs LeBeau, etc. People talk about PM being a bad playoff QB, but if anything, he was just a bad playoff OC.

When you go against the best defenses, the OC has to take more responsibility for the play calls, & let the QB worry about execution. This was always a mistake I thought they made with PM, & I hope they at least think about it with Luck. Just my opinion.

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I think this is a concern. It's exactly what they did to Manning. Not so much the off-field stuff, as just asking him to be basically the OC on the field. I know, he asked for it, but sometimes it was too much.

In big games, Tom Moore was an after-thought. The chess match was always Manning vs Belichick, Manning vs LeBeau, etc. People talk about PM being a bad playoff QB, but if anything, he was just a bad playoff OC.

When you go against the best defenses, the OC has to take more responsibility for the play calls, & let the QB worry about execution. This was always a mistake I thought they made with PM, & I hope they at least think about it with Luck. Just my opinion.

I don't think that Luck has Peyton's stature yet to have this dynamic take place again.  Hopefully Pagano and Pep learned from last season's playoffs that Luck is still young and needs playoff seasoning.  I'm more concerned with Grigson not fixing the roster and getting more studs up front on both sides of the ball.  They risk putting Luck into too many positions where he has to score too many points to win.

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I think Hasselback was speaking in general he believes there is a danger zone -- not so much that Luck is in danger of being overburdened. I don't think there was ever a question Luck's control over the offense was going to increase every year during his first few years as a pro. Eventually he will have complete control a la Manning or Brady. And I agree with SilentHill, I believe Luck will rise to the challenge.

Would you say that he is "halfway" to the danger zone?

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I think Luck has been ready to run the offense like Peyton did, but until now he hasn't had a healthy team in order to execute his abilities.  When it comes to off the field stuff, I believe all "great players" get burdened with the stardom aspect.  I was at training camp and as he came over to sign autographs you could tell it was probably his least favorite part of the day!  He wasn't very interactive at all, which is not how I perceived him beforehand.  Maybe he was having a bad day though, he did throw 3 ints to Greg Toler alone that afternoon.  Other off the field activities I think may take up more of his time than he wants (because Im sure he does preparation for the week more than most), but I also can bet he does enjoy putting a smile on peoples faces in the community!  Overall, I think he can handle the expectations just fine.

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I think this is a concern. It's exactly what they did to Manning.


 P Manning's "they" has nothing to do with A Luck's "they".


P Manning became the greatest QB of all-time because he could eliminate the necessity of an offensive coordinator and refine his offensive gameplan at the line of scrimmage. Tom Moore's job was to let everyone else know what Peyton was doing and why. This is the future of the QB position and is 80% of what made A Luck a lock as a #1 pick. You want your QB to be able to manipulate the OFF at the LOS. I would rather have my OFF's success linked to the work ethic of my QB, than the relationship of my QB and OC. To me the latter doesn't work because one is always above the other. It may take a year or 2 longer, but with the weapons at A Luck's disposal, he will easily become the standard of NFL QB's.

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 I don`t think Hasselbeck would have mentioned this if he wasn`t noticing something.

 Sometimes you need to go to the press to get EVERYONE on alert to an issue. Provide a little cover sometimes.

 Andrew will gobble up the football stuff.
 And he has shown he doesn`t need or care for a bunch of attention.

  There are not enough hours in the day sometimes, but Andrew has Great intestinal fortitude, and he will deal with it. JMO

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That's what you do with #1 draft picks that are QB's. Though with that said it would be nice if we stuck with the run more often(Because it really was working for the most part) and used play action more, Which would take some of the load off Luck

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That's what you do with #1 draft picks that are QB's. Though with that said it would be nice if we stuck with the run more often(Because it really was working for the most part) and used play action more, Which would take some of the load off Luck


 Andrew had Zero Int`s in play action last season.  Not sure where i found that, maybe PF Outsiders.

 Come on run game. Bring up that safety and ... yee haaa!

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P Manning's "they" has nothing to do with A Luck's "they".

P Manning became the greatest QB of all-time because he could eliminate the necessity of an offensive coordinator and refine his offensive gameplan at the line of scrimmage. Tom Moore's job was to let everyone else know what Peyton was doing and why. This is the future of the QB position and is 80% of what made A Luck a lock as a #1 pick. You want your QB to be able to manipulate the OFF at the LOS. I would rather have my OFF's success linked to the work ethic of my QB, than the relationship of my QB and OC. To me the latter doesn't work because one is always above the other. It may take a year or 2 longer, but with the weapons at A Luck's disposal, he will easily become the standard of NFL QB's.

This is all true. But the "greatest QB of all time" usually lost in the post-season to teams that asked less of their QBs.

Having said that, I'm a little less worried about Luck, because while he's more than capable of running the show, he doesn't need to "be" the show.

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Why do so many keep comparing Luck and Manning? Yes Manning is one great QB but one thing is it takes a whole balanced team to win games and especially play off games. If Luck is to be the leader of the Colts he don't need to hear or be compared to Manning non stop. Manning is the QB for the Bronco's and is no longer a Colt but you wouldn't know that by some comments made. One super bowl win with two played is not good numbers in considering how great Manning is and was as a Colt. Way too many expect Luck to carry the team like Manning did. If history has showed us anything it doesn't work. Had the Colts been in a tougher division those regular season wins would not have been near as high as they were. I think Grigs is attempting to bring a more balanced team to the show but it is not an easy job that's for sure. As fans we need to show some understanding of how hard a job it is to manage a 53 man roster on limited funds without all the finger pointing at what or shouldn't be done. Monday morning QBs and armchair GMs are not the answer as to what the Colts need.

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I would love to see AL calling plays...      this O would take off...

He's just generalizing, complaining about the work load not being spread out and organizations asking too much from one person.


He is in no way saying Luck can't do it, or doesn't want to do it. FWIW, I hope they push luck to the limit.

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IF Vandy hits a bunny in Miami....   

IF the Colt D stops Eddie George from going 60 yards for a TD

IF Harper takes a fumble to the house, or SAME GAME Vandy hits a bunny AGAIN....???

IF Garcon catches a sure TD or SAME GAME Kendra's old man can hold onto an on side kick.... ???

IF Stary eyed Jim Caldwell DOES NOT CALL A TIME OUT?


IF is so big in Manning's history...    that said he stunk it up sometimes and others he rocked...   and still lost...   SD in 07 , or 08   or Both?


Indy has just had some straight up bad luck in playoff games going all the way back to 95...   and I won't even go into that ..  it hurts still too damn bad.


And actually ... thus far in his career he has been asked to "be the whole show" ..


Just saying....


This is all true. But the "greatest QB of all time" usually lost in the post-season to teams that asked less of their QBs.

Having said that, I'm a little less worried about Luck, because while he's more than capable of running the show, he doesn't need to "be" the show.

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IF Vandy hits a bunny in Miami....   

IF the Colt D stops Eddie George from going 60 yards for a TD

IF Harper takes a fumble to the house, or SAME GAME Vandy hits a bunny AGAIN....???

IF Garcon catches a sure TD or SAME GAME Kendra's old man can hold onto an on side kick.... ???

IF Stary eyed Jim Caldwell DOES NOT CALL A TIME OUT?


IF is so big in Manning's history...    that said he stunk it up sometimes and others he rocked...   and still lost...   SD in 07 , or 08   or Both?


Indy has just had some straight up bad luck in playoff games going all the way back to 95...   and I won't even go into that ..  it hurts still too damn bad.


And actually ... thus far in his career he has been asked to "be the whole show" ..


Just saying....


IF Vandy hits a bunny in Miami....   

IF the Colt D stops Eddie George from going 60 yards for a TD

IF Harper takes a fumble to the house, or SAME GAME Vandy hits a bunny AGAIN....???

IF Garcon catches a sure TD or SAME GAME Kendra's old man can hold onto an on side kick.... ???

IF Stary eyed Jim Caldwell DOES NOT CALL A TIME OUT?


IF is so big in Manning's history...    that said he stunk it up sometimes and others he rocked...   and still lost...   SD in 07 , or 08   or Both?


Indy has just had some straight up bad luck in playoff games going all the way back to 95...   and I won't even go into that ..  it hurts still too damn bad.


And actually ... thus far in his career he has been asked to "be the whole show" ..


Just saying....



IF Vandy hits a bunny in Miami....   

IF the Colt D stops Eddie George from going 60 yards for a TD

IF Harper takes a fumble to the house, or SAME GAME Vandy hits a bunny AGAIN....???

IF Garcon catches a sure TD or SAME GAME Kendra's old man can hold onto an on side kick.... ???

IF Stary eyed Jim Caldwell DOES NOT CALL A TIME OUT?


IF is so big in Manning's history...    that said he stunk it up sometimes and others he rocked...   and still lost...   SD in 07 , or 08   or Both?


Indy has just had some straight up bad luck in playoff games going all the way back to 95...   and I won't even go into that ..  it hurts still too damn bad.


And actually ... thus far in his career he has been asked to "be the whole show" ..


Just saying....

I agree with you 100% I remember all those games good job

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I think Hasselback was speaking in general he believes there is a danger zone -- not so much that Luck is in danger of being overburdened. I don't think there was ever a question Luck's control over the offense was going to increase every year during his first few years as a pro. Eventually he will have complete control a la Manning or Brady. And I agree with SilentHill, I believe Luck will rise to the challenge.



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"...Just keep piling it on his plate, and that's not good. If it's your 10th year or your third year, that's never a good thing...I just think you can overburden a guy...People know how to win here, and they expect to win here."


--Matthew Hasselback 


I get where Matthew is coming from given Andrew's short tenure in the NFL as a franchise QB, but some field generals just soak up info & thrive on the challenge of constantly improving their game like a sponge. Jim Kelly did it, Dan Marino did it, Joe Montana did it, & John Elway did it. Why not Andrew Luck? Besides, Chewbacca can speak up for himself & let Hamilton, Pagano, or Grigs know if there is a problem with his workload, protection schemes, or getting his TE's or WR's to move the ball downfield. 


I get Matthew's point though. It's a dangerous precedent to throw too much on a QB's shoulders too quickly because he hasn't faced a critical injury from a play breaking down yet resulting in a devastating injury that derails our season. It can happen anytime; anywhere & I do have faith in Matthew to carry the load of course. There is no substitute for experience. That's Matthew's overall point. No QB is a robot or the terminator i.e. indestructible. 


Isn't that Hasselback's job though as backup to help Andrew balance the load as QB, maintain his sanity, & still get Chewy to laugh & stay loose & focused in tense, Playoff situations? I respect Matthew a ton too. I'm not slamming him BTW. Heck, I want him to win a SB ring playing with us. 

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That's what you do with #1 draft picks that are QB's. Though with that said it would be nice if we stuck with the run more often(Because it really was working for the most part) and used play action more, Which would take some of the load off Luck

ColtsLegacy said the exact same thing a season ago. Originally, I was against it because I love punch you in the mouth battering ram running back football that sets up the pass. But given HC Chip Kelly's success in Philadelphia this past season, I will openly acknowledge that SW1 was wrong & there is a time for well placed flee flicker trickery that slows down pass rushers & keeps safeties & DBs on their toes.


Gavin is right & so is ColtsLegacy. Light up the sky with some well timed flea flicker TD bombs especially with Nicks, Wayne, & Hilton in our ariel arsenal. When SW1 is wrong, I own it because I love this team & I wanna kick some serious Playoff caboose this year. Bring it on baby! 

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The only thing that would be asking too much, is asking Luck to get a smartphone. 

Best reply ever!  :lol:  :funny:  lmao  His anti-technology stance makes Andrew the epitome of cool man. It even redefines the category of sophistication & coolness in my eyes.  :36dancing:


It just feels good to know that I am not the only flip phone dinosaur on the this planet. Rock on Chewy. LOL! 

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Why do so many keep comparing Luck and Manning? Yes Manning is one great QB but one thing is it takes a whole balanced team to win games and especially play off games. If Luck is to be the leader of the Colts he don't need to hear or be compared to Manning non stop. Manning is the QB for the Bronco's and is no longer a Colt but you wouldn't know that by some comments made. One super bowl win with two played is not good numbers in considering how great Manning is and was as a Colt. Way too many expect Luck to carry the team like Manning did. If history has showed us anything it doesn't work. Had the Colts been in a tougher division those regular season wins would not have been near as high as they were. I think Grigs is attempting to bring a more balanced team to the show but it is not an easy job that's for sure. As fans we need to show some understanding of how hard a job it is to manage a 53 man roster on limited funds without all the finger pointing at what or shouldn't be done. Monday morning QBs and armchair GMs are not the answer as to what the Colts need.

Nice post CC1. I revere both Manning & Luck & you quite correct when you state "I think Grigs is attempting to bring a more balanced team to the show." Winning a SB will allow Luck to move out of 18's shadow & yes Andrew will do that I have no doubt in my mind.


Can't NFL analysts just appreciate the greatness of both QBs separately on their own football playing merits? Sigh...It's sad really.  This fan base is patient, smart, reasonable, & they know their NFL fundamentals. It's frustrating no question, but I'm just grateful that INDY is still winning & putting a quality product on the field unlike say Jacksonville & even that franchise is slowly but surely improving over time.  

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He's smart enough to know when his workload is too much that it could hurt the team instead of helping.

Last thing to worry about is Luck.



True, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he would speak up and tell the coaches that he's getting overwhelmed.  In fact I think Luck is that type of person that probably wouldn't speak up.  sometimes it's people like that that won't say when they're actually getting overwhelmed because they know the expectations others have on them, plus the expectations they have on themselves (which is likely to be even higher than others' expectations) so they'll just keep quiet and do the best that they can.  sometimes that can lead to mistakes by trying too hard to make something happen.  


also, people like that will often take the burden themselves to avoid putting additional burden on others.  I think this happens quite a bit to people that are perfectionists in their fields, and Luck is definitely a perfectionist.  He wants to be the very best that he can be and no matter how good he gets, he'll always still want to get better.  So I can understand where Hasselbeck is coming from.  I certainly don't think he meant any type of disrespect at all towards Luck.


 Andrew had Zero Int`s in play action last season.  Not sure where i found that, maybe PF Outsiders.

 Come on run game. Bring up that safety and ... yee haaa!


His last season at stanford, he was had something like a 97% pass completion off play action.  A potent running game will definitely help him be the best that he can be.



I think this is a concern. It's exactly what they did to Manning. Not so much the off-field stuff, as just asking him to be basically the OC on the field. I know, he asked for it, but sometimes it was too much.

In big games, Tom Moore was an after-thought. The chess match was always Manning vs Belichick, Manning vs LeBeau, etc. People talk about PM being a bad playoff QB, but if anything, he was just a bad playoff OC.

When you go against the best defenses, the OC has to take more responsibility for the play calls, & let the QB worry about execution. This was always a mistake I thought they made with PM, & I hope they at least think about it with Luck. Just my opinion.


I agree with you.  I think that, especially several times in the playoffs, Manning got away from using the run game way too early.  I always thought that Tom Moore should have kept just a little bit more control than he did and personally I hope Pep maintains the control here.  Does Brady actually do the playcalling?  I didn't think so.  Brees doesn't do the play calling in NO.  McCarthy calls the plays in GB even with Rodgers.  Obviously, like these guys,  Luck will have the ability to audible andmake adjustments at the LOS when necessary, and he will do a lot of the decision making in no-huddle but overall I think the playcalling should be left to the OC (or HC for teams like GB, NO etc)

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    • Sure. I support that, too. What I don't get is people saying others need to stop discussing this subject or that people are ruining this message board by stating opinions they don't agree with.
    • I know this doesn't compare to your children, but I have genuinely put in an effort as well not to yell or get violent since I've got my Labrador Retriever 2 1/2 years ago. She is my life, and I always want her to be comfortable around me. I've finally got on some good medication that has lowered my outbursts, and I'm probably living a better life than I have since 2011 which was the last year I had a huge social life and was traveling and playing pokemon with all my best friends.    I just enjoy sports a ton and is still a mini-escape from life. I want to feel like I can enjoy a journey that my team can win a championship. If we lose, that's one thing and I'm fine with it as long as there is maximum effort given. When we lose and it's due to circumstances out of our control (injuries) seemingly every year, that's when I become apathetic towards the team over time.   The Atlanta Braves had a horrible season with injuries this year, but because we won a WS three years ago and make the playoffs every year, it's more forgivable. When we just lose every year, or the times we win it's a QB like Rivers who has 1 year with us and he retires, I just give up. I have no control to fix the team myself, and I resort to playing Madden instead.   Also, I'm sorry that you lost your friend in NC due to the flooding. That has to be horrible to go through. I have a bunch of friends in the South who lost power for 3 1/2 days and a cousin in Florida whose house got destroyed and she has to move in with her sister now. That hurricane sucked for so many people.
    • I’d say Levis is worse than AR as of this season. He’s single handedly lost the Titans multiple games. 
    • You’re right. You have every right to have your opinion.    Odds are stacked in favor of failure more than success in the NFL. Sustained winning is hard. Avoiding injuries is hard nowadays for QBs… More than likely due to the odds the Colts will be continuing to search for a QB in the future.    It is what it is. 
    • I’m sorry you feel this way. I’ve struggled with it in the past. I’ve made a post a few weeks back but it bears repeating:   I used to get irrationally angry watching Colts games. It was bad. It was violent. Looking back, it was embarrassing.   What finally changed for me was seeing the look of fear in my little children’s eyes staring up at me with tears. It… washed away my cares for the Colts. That probably sounds bad, but I no longer care as much about what happens with the team. It was one my entire persona. It was as if my own personal happiness stemmed from the team’s success.    All I can tell you is that at some point you’ll learn to separate the Colts from your personal identify.    There are other things truly more worthy of your worries and stress than a football team. I promise you.    Be well and cherish life. I recently lost a great friend in NC due to the horrible flooding. Life is too short to waste it away fretting over the Colts. 
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